It is a simple yet powerful to do list app in which you can add daily to-do can edit, remove, check it to change its status to complete or not complete. it would save all the data and changes in local storage and track your daily tasks whether you have completed them or not.Built with vanilla JavaScript


To Do list - minimalist

It is a simple yet powerful to do list app in which you can add daily to-do tasks. it would save all the data and changes in local storage and track your daily tasks whether you have completed them or no.

Built With

  • Major languages Html, Css and Javascript

  • Frameworks none

  • Technologies used linters ( Webhint, Stylelint, Eslint) , webpack , Git and Github.

Live Demo (if available)

Live Demo Link

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps. run git clone

then npm install to install node packages

then npm start to compile the file and show the result in runtime.


moderate knowledge of Html,Css and Javascript and webpack.


install Vscode or any other code editor.


This app can be utilised to make powerful todo list app.


👤 Author1

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hat tip to anyone whose code was used
  • Inspiration
  • etc

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

  • Testing add remove

    Testing add remove

    Jest Testing in add task and remove task method

    In this feature branch, I and my coding partner implemented jest testing in adding and deleting list items.

    opened by Zuhaib042 0
  • Interactive list

    Interactive list

    Complete to-do list functionality

    • In this feature branch I have implemented task status and clear list functionality.
    • For that purpose, I have used ES6 syntax and features like modules.
    opened by Zuhaib042 0
  • Add remove task

    Add remove task

    ToDo List (Add and Remove functionality)

    • In this feature branch I have implemented add, remove and edit functionality of daily tasks in the to-do list app.
    • I have used local storage to save all the changes.
    • I have used proper ES6 syntax in it.
    opened by Zuhaib042 0
  • Todo structure

    Todo structure

    Create an essential structure for the To-Do app

    • In this project, I am using webpack to bundle all files.
    • I am emphasizing the usage of ES6 syntax.
    • I am also using ES6 modules to organize my code.
    opened by Zuhaib042 0
  • Peer-to-peer code review

    Peer-to-peer code review

    This is very good work done :+1: Your tests are written properly and descriptively :+1: However, I suggest you don't repeat tests of the same kind just to make your code DRY :muscle: Aside that though, this is flawless work done :+1:

    opened by amon-cofie 0
  • Is the code following DRY principle?

    Is the code following DRY principle?

    Here in these lines, a lot of code gets repeated unnecessarily. it can be improved and the if/else statements won't be needed.

    opened by Zuhaib042 0
Zuhaib Amjad
A Front-end Developer with specialization in JavaScript, React, and Redux. Kind, humble, and hard-working. Looking for my next job!
Zuhaib Amjad
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Hammed Adisa 8 May 7, 2022
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A web app which help you to save your daily tasks, mark them as completed and edit and delete them. Built with JavaScript

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