BullMQ - Premium Message Queue for NodeJS based on Redis

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Job Queues bullmq

The fastest, most reliable, Redis-based distributed queue for Node.
Carefully written for rock solid stability and atomicity.

Read the documentation

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Official FrontEnd

Taskforce.sh, Inc

Super charge your queues with a profesional front end and optional Redis hosting:

  • Get a complete overview of all your queues.
  • Inspect jobs, search, retry, or promote delayed jobs.
  • Metrics and statistics.
  • and many more features.

Sign up at Taskforce.sh

The gist


$ yarn add bullmq

Add jobs to the queue:

import { Queue } from 'bullmq';

const queue = new Queue('Paint');

queue.add('cars', { color: 'blue' });

Process the jobs in your workers:

import { Worker } from 'bullmq';

const worker = new Worker('Paint', async job => {
  if (job.name === 'cars') {
    await paintCar(job.data.color);

Listen to jobs for completion:

import { QueueEvents } from 'bullmq';

const queueEvents = new QueueEvents('Paint');

queueEvents.on('completed', jobId => {
  console.log('done painting');

queueEvents.on('failed', (jobId, err) => {
  console.error('error painting', err);

This is just scratching the surface, check all the features and more in the official documentation


Thanks for all the contributors that made this library possible, also a special mention to Leon van Kammen that kindly donated his npm bullmq repo.

  • Queue stuck with jobs in

    Queue stuck with jobs in "active" state for hours, and rest of jobs not being processed

    Hello, we are finding that one of our queues is periodically getting stuck, with 2 jobs sitting in "active" and not being progressed for 18 hours, while the "waiting" queue is filling up with 1000's of jobs as a result.

    The jobs failed with an error, but are not being removed from the "active" state. What can be done to address this? The queue should not get stuck as a result requiring manual intervention, as this is making bullmq completely unusable for us.

    Please let me know what further information you need to help analyse this. Please don't ask for a "script to reproduce" because we don't have one. It's a complicated app with dozens of different jobs, and the jobs that are failing are not always failing, just occasionally when Chrome fails to load on the instance.


    cannot reproduce 
    opened by adamreisnz 82
  • How to use moveToFailed and moveToCompleted

    How to use moveToFailed and moveToCompleted

    Issuehunt badges

    These two functions are different from v3 and I just don't know what to set for the token.

    job.moveToFailed(new Error('failed message'), ???);

    IssueHunt Summary

    manast manast has been rewarded.

    Backers (Total: $40.00)

    Submitted pull Requests


    released PR Request :gift: Rewarded on Issuehunt 
    opened by rileyai-dev 60
  • Vercel add Job : TypeError: client.addJob is not a function

    Vercel add Job : TypeError: client.addJob is not a function

    Thanks for developing this open source. I really enjoy it. I have encountered this problem when running on vercel serverless. The source code works perfectly fine on local.

      "errorType": "Runtime.UnhandledPromiseRejection",
      "errorMessage": "TypeError: client.addJob is not a function",
      "reason": {
        "errorType": "TypeError",
        "errorMessage": "client.addJob is not a function",
        "stack": [
          "TypeError: client.addJob is not a function",
          " at Function.addJob (/var/task/node_modules/bullmq/dist/classes/scripts.js:52:23)",
          " at Job.addJob (/var/task/node_modules/bullmq/dist/classes/job.js:352:34)",
          " at Function.create (/var/task/node_modules/bullmq/dist/classes/job.js:34:28)",
          " at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)",
          " at Queue.add (/var/task/node_modules/bullmq/dist/classes/queue.js:38:25)"
      "promise": {},
      "stack": [
        "Runtime.UnhandledPromiseRejection: TypeError: client.addJob is not a function",
        " at process.<anonymous> (/var/runtime/index.js:35:15)",
        " at process.emit (events.js:327:22)",
        " at process.emit (/var/task/___vc_sourcemap_support.js:587:21)",
        " at processPromiseRejections (internal/process/promises.js:245:33)",
        " at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:94:32)"

    Example Code:

    const connection = new IORedis(process.env.REDIS_URI);
    const queue = new Queue('SENDEMAIL', { connection });
    const job = await queue.add('SEND',  { email });

    I found a workaround for this while customizing the vercel.json file. Hope to be able to help anyone who is having this problem.

        "functions": {
            "api/serverless.ts": {
                "includeFiles": "node_modules/bullmq/dist/commands/**",
    opened by naicoi2407 32
  • Recommended Express integration

    Recommended Express integration

    We have a relatively straightforward integration of this library on Heroku (that generally follows this guide):

    1. worker process – small Node.js process that instantiates a Worker instance, leveraging throng / clustering
    2. web process – Express server instantiates a singleton ioredis connection and Queue instance; in practice, some of our Express routes add a job to the queue

    We're instantiating the ioredis connection like so:

    new IORedis(redisUrl, {
      maxRetriesPerRequest: null,
      enableReadyCheck: false,

    per the recommendation added in https://github.com/taskforcesh/bullmq/pull/836.

    Is this the recommended Express setup? We're specifically concerned that disabling maxRetriesPerRequest will pose issues in our web context where ideally the number of retries would be finite (per ioredis' default) and commands would "fail fast" to deliver a timely HTTP response.

    opened by namoscato 27
  • bullmq@1.56.0: SyntaxError: Named export 'Queue' not found

    [email protected]: SyntaxError: Named export 'Queue' not found

    Upgrading BullMQ from 1.55.1 to 1.16.0 results in this error:

    import { Queue } from 'bullmq'
    SyntaxError: Named export 'Queue' not found. The requested module 'bullmq' is a CommonJS module, which may not support all module.exports as named exports.
    CommonJS modules can always be imported via the default export, for example using:
    import pkg from 'bullmq';
    const { Queue } = pkg;

    Changing my code to this worked indeed, but it's not ideal:

    import bull from 'bullmq'
    const { Queue } = bull;

    I can't find which commit caused it, but it would be nice to have this fixed.

    opened by Niek 27
  • Stalled job not requeued

    Stalled job not requeued

    I had a job that reported as "Stalled". In redis there was a lock, an entry in the stalled key. Nothing seemed to be wrong, but the stalled job did not reprocess and the subsequent jobs did not process either.

    the worker is a sandboxed worker, the original work process did not break or have an error from what i can see.

    I have a queue class that automatically instantiates queue, the worker shares a connection with the queue. then i have a queue scheduler and queue events all with their own connection.

    any ideas?

    not sure if this makes a difference but i do make use of job.waitUntilFinished(this.queueEvents)

    opened by spearmootz 27
  • Too many workers? Waiting jobs building up.

    Too many workers? Waiting jobs building up.

    Bullmq 1.8.7 Redis: elasticache Nodejs 12.18.3

    If I have more workers than processes on an instance I'm wondering if this will this cause any issues? What happens in this situation?

    I just added about 5 additional queues (starting from 14) and workers and I believe it has caused caused an issue where we are building up waiting events and all the queues seem blocked. I manually retriggered one job from arena gui and it appeared to go active then bounce back to waiting immidiately.

    I removed the additional queues & related workers/schedulers and it immediately completed the jobs very quickly so it appears as if we've hit some limit but I'm unsure what is most likely to be blocking.

    Could this be a bug in our new workers? We don't have a lot of throughput so I wouldnt have thought it would have completely blocked every queue but there is probably something I'm not understanding.

    opened by Adam-Burke 24
  • Connection is closed

    Connection is closed

    I am getting the following error after upgrading to 1.40.1

    | Error: Connection is closed. | at Redis.endHandler (/var/www/api/rest-server/node_modules/bullmq/dist/classes/redis-connection.js:53:24) | at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:422:26) | at Redis.emit (events.js:315:20) | at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:75:11)

    this happens when shutting down the server where my code was trying to close bullmq connections with code below

    queueScheduler && await queueScheduler.close(); queue.getTaskQueue() && await queue.getTaskQueue().close(); worker && await worker.close();

    opened by zwjohn 23
  • timeout still working?

    timeout still working?

    In bull3, there's a job option (timeout)

    In bullmq4, it is commented out in worker.ts:

     if (timeoutMs) {
            jobPromise = jobPromise.timeout(timeoutMs);

    is the feature still working?

    enhancement PRO 
    opened by wenq1 22
  • Connection to Redis

    Connection to Redis

    bullmq: v1.0.1

    I'm not sure how to pass the redis connection. I tried different opts like from the doc (https://docs.bullmq.io/guide/connections) but it either crash with error or connects to am I doing something wrong ?

    const IORedis = require('ioredis');
    const queue = new Queue('myqueue', new IORedis(process.env.REDIS_URL));
    const queueEvents = new QueueEvents('myqueueevents', new IORedis(process.env.REDIS_URL));
    const worker = new Worker('myworker', async job => { ... }, new IORedis(process.env.REDIS_URL));
    opened by root-io 21
  • Add methods to track related job dependencies

    Add methods to track related job dependencies

    This PR tries to add a method to link job dependencies. Currently I have some jobs that call other jobs, so it would be helpful to have a way to track those dependencies. Also I add a new option when creating a Job, to pass dependencies information. Here are the new methods:

    • addDependency: this method adds a job as a dependency of another job, also it generates a dependent record for the parent.
    • removeDependency: this method could be useful for who wants to delete a dependency relationship, maybe because a dependency is completed or if you just want to delete it.
    • dependenciesReady: this method helps you to track if your dependencies are in completed state or not (if all dependencies are completed, this function returns false, on the other hand true).


    • create: now you can pass dependencies and depends option, it will generate the relationships in the creation flow of those jobs.
    opened by roggervalf 20
  • BullMQ EventEmitter Memory Leak

    BullMQ EventEmitter Memory Leak


    Minimal, Working Test code to reproduce the issue.

    (An easy to reproduce test case will dramatically decrease the resolution time.)

    Upon adding and removing about 6 jobs (with a 3 minute gap between addition and removal), I get 2 warnings - with the same message (node:18665) MaxListenersExceededWarning: Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. 11 error listeners added to [Commander]. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit.


    Bull version

    bullmq - ^1.86.4

    Additional information

    opened by Dragonizedpizza 0
  • chore(deps): bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2

    chore(deps): bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2

    Bumps json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from json5's releases.


    • Fix: Properties with the name __proto__ are added to objects and arrays. (#199) This also fixes a prototype pollution vulnerability reported by Jonathan Gregson! (#295). This has been backported to v1. (#298)

    Sourced from json5's changelog.

    Unreleased [code, diff]

    v2.2.3 [code, diff]

    v2.2.2 [code, diff]

    • Fix: Properties with the name __proto__ are added to objects and arrays. (#199) This also fixes a prototype pollution vulnerability reported by Jonathan Gregson! (#295).

    v2.2.1 [code, diff]

    • Fix: Removed dependence on minimist to patch CVE-2021-44906. (#266)

    v2.2.0 [code, diff]

    • New: Accurate and documented TypeScript declarations are now included. There is no need to install @types/json5. (#236, #244)

    v2.1.3 [code, diff]

    • Fix: An out of memory bug when parsing numbers has been fixed. (#228, #229)

    v2.1.2 [code, diff]

    ... (truncated)


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    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Question: use of QueueEvents callbacks across multiple workers

    Question: use of QueueEvents callbacks across multiple workers

    We'd like to capture and process the stalled event from QueueEvents, but it is unclear whether it would make more sense to have 1 or 2 dedicated instances to register/execute the callbacks, or if there are no concerns about that on a performance/overhead standpoint for the workers.

    For example, for the QueueScheduler documentation, there's indication about it:

    It is ok to have as many QueueScheduler instances as you want, just keep in mind that every instance will perform some bookkeeping so it may create some noticeable CPU and IO usage in your Redis instances.

    But again, I'd like to hear from the team if there are recommendations around this use case.

    Thanks in advance to whoever wants to chime in here!

    opened by liquid1982 0
  • repeat with immediately:true at second time not work

    repeat with immediately:true at second time not work

    Code with below, first time will run immediately. but restart the server, add the same job to queue, no more effect with second time run:

    const jobs = await queue.getRepeatableJobs();
    // remove repeat jobs
    await Promise.all(
      jobs.map(i => {
        return queue.removeRepeatableByKey(i.key);
    await queue.add('task-name', {}, {
     repeat: {
          every: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 1.6,
          immediately: true,
    opened by suhaotian 0
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