This is a boilerplate for Nodejs (Nestjs/typescript) that can be used to make http server application.


Hexagonal architecture

Table of Contents


The hexagonal architecture, or ports and adapters architecture, is an architectural pattern used in software design. It aims at creating loosely coupled application components that can be easily connected to their software environment by means of ports and adapters. This makes components exchangeable at any level and facilitates test automation.

Code architecture

Group 4 1svg

source code

git clone
cd monetary-transaction

Service build information

There are different stages of building the application for this service. Based on the environment you want to deploy we have different ways to build the application. following information may help with building the service.

Regular user

npm install

npm run build

npm run test:ci

npm start:{dev || debug || prod}

Advanced user

cd scripts

bash -h


Usage: $(basename "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}") [-h] [-buildDocker] [-runDocker] [-runApp] [-runDoc] [-packageHelm]

This script helps you to run the application in different forms. below you can get the full list of available options.

Available options:

-h, --help Print this help and exit

-buildDocker Build the docker image called "imageName:latest"

-runDocker Build the docker image and run on local machine

-runApp Run application with npm in usual way for development

-runDoc Generate the code documentation

-packageHelm makes a helm package from the helm chart.



with the following instruction you can install the helm chart on an up and running kubernetes cluster.

cd k8s

helm install {sample-app} {app-0.1.0.tgz} --set service.type=NodePort

Kubernetes manifests

Alternativelly you can deploy the application on an up an running kubernetes cluster using provided config files.

cd k8s/configFiles
kubectl apply -f app-namespace.yaml, app-configmap.yaml, app-deployment.yaml, app-service.yaml

it should give you following output

namespace/app created
configmap/app-config created
deployment.apps/app created
service/app created

Monitoring and alerting

Health check

by calling the following endpoint you can make sure that the application is running and listening to your desired port


most probably you will get a result back as follow




to get the default metrics of the application you can use the following endpoint



by calling the following endpoint you can see the Swagger OpenApi documentation and explore all the available apis and schemas.



By running following comman you can generate the full code documentation (Compodoc) and get access to it through port 7000

npm run doc


ToDo list

  • add terraform infrastructure
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