This is the code repository of the official mun testnet validator node source code.

Related tags

Validation mun

How to join Munchain network


**Recommended configuration:**
- Number of CPUs: 4
- Memory: 16GB
- OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Allow all incoming connections from TCP port 26656 and 26657
Static IP address
- The recommended configuration from AWS is the equivalent of a t2.large machine
with 300GB EBS attached storage.

Installing prerequisites

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install build-essential jq -y

Install Golang:

Install latest go version

wget -q -O - | bash -s -- --version 1.18
source ~/.profile

To verify that Golang installed

go version

// Should return go version go1.18 linux/amd64

Clone repository

git clone
cd mun

Install the executables

sudo rm -rf ~/.mun
go mod tidy
make install


mkdir -p ~/.mun/upgrade_manager/upgrades
mkdir -p ~/.mun/upgrade_manager/genesis/bin

Symlink genesis binary to upgrade

cp $(which mund) ~/.mun/upgrade_manager/genesis/bin
sudo cp $(which mund-manager) /usr/bin

Initialize the validator with a moniker name (Example moniker_name: solid-moon-rock)

mund init [moniker_name] --chain-id testmun

Add a new wallet address, store seeds and buy TMUN to it. (Example wallet_name: solid-moon-rock)

mund keys add [wallet_name] --keyring-backend test

Fetch genesis.json from genesis node

curl --tlsv1 | jq ".result.genesis" > ~/.mun/config/genesis.json

Update seed in config.toml to make p2p connection ( Please use seed2 or seed3, since it has a connection limit)

seed1 = "[email protected]:26656" seed2 = "[email protected]:26656" seed3 = "[email protected]:26656"

nano ~/.mun/config/config.toml
seeds = "[email protected]:26656"

Replace stake to TMUN

sed -i 's/stake/utmun/g' ~/.mun/config/genesis.json

Create the service file "/etc/systemd/system/mund.service" with the following content

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/mund.service

Paste following content(*Please make sure to use correct name of user, group and DAEMON_HOME path at the below.)


ExecStart=/usr/bin/mund-manager start --pruning="nothing" --rpc.laddr "tcp://"
ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID



  • How to get user and group name
  • How to get DAEMON_HOME path
cd ~/.mun

Create log files and starts running the node

make log-files

sudo systemctl enable mund
sudo systemctl start mund

Verify node is running properly

mund status

After buying TMUN, stake it to become a validator.


You should wait until the node gets fully synchronized with other nodes. You can cross check with the genesis node by visiting and check the latest block height. You can also check your node status through this link http://[Your_Node_IP]:26657/status.

Or visit

A transaction to become a validator by staking 50K TMUN

mund tx staking create-validator --from [wallet_name] --moniker [moniker_name] --pubkey $(mund tendermint show-validator) --chain-id testmun --keyring-backend test --amount 50000000000utmun --commission-max-change-rate 0.01 --commission-max-rate 0.2 --commission-rate 0.1 --min-self-delegation 1 --fees 200000utmun --gas auto --gas=auto --gas-adjustment=1.5 -y
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