This is the Microverse Leaderboard project that uses gitflow and features html, CSS, Javascript, ES 6 modules and Webpack


Leaderboard project

This is the Microverse Leaderboard project using Gitflow, html + css + modular javascript, ES6 syntax, and Webpack.

Built With

  • Html
  • css
  • javascript
  • Linter

Link to project online

Getting Started

  • You can clone this repo by typing git clone on your terminal.

  • Type cd leaderboard-project to access the project on the terminal.


Suleiman Olaide

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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  • Leaderboard API interaction

    Leaderboard API interaction

    In This milestone I :

    • Created a new game using the API.
    • Implemented the "Refresh" button (receiving data from the API and parsing the JSON).
    • Implemented the form "Submit" button (sending data to the API).
    • Used async and await JavaScript features to consume the API.
    opened by Ceemos96 1
  • Final touches

    Final touches

    In this milestone I :

    • Ensured that there are no linter errors.
    • improved the look and feel of the application, adding the styles of your choice.
    • kept the general layout of the wireframe, this is the only mandatory requirement.
    opened by Ceemos96 0
  • Leaderboard setup project

    Leaderboard setup project

    In this milestone I :

    • Setup the basic framework of the page according to the medium wireframe requirements.
    • Ensured that there are no linter errors
    • Used webpack to bundle project doc into one file.
    • Used basic ES6 syntax like import and export with modules
    opened by Ceemos96 0
  • Morning session code review 24-06-2022

    Morning session code review 24-06-2022

    You have written your code very clearly and managed it perfectly, but still, you can improve by:

    • You can use form.reset() method to clear the input fields after submitting
    • I would suggest passing the (e) to the function here and use it inside the function instead of querying elements
    • Please give a name to input (name, score)
    • Use,score).value inside the function and you can remove these queries
    opened by sajid-munawar 0
Suleiman Olaide
Creative and Detail-oriented Front End Software Developer with a passion for React & Redux. I am a chess lover. I am open to new opportunities
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