A to-do list Web application that lets the user add, remove and reorder to do lists and checks a task when completed with a button to delete all completed task



A Web application that lets the user add, remove and reorder to do lists

Built With

  • Html,JS,CSS
  • Webpack and other dependencies
  • Git, Github, linters


To get a local copy up and running you'll need to have NodeJS installed on your local machine.


After installing NodeJS please follow the next steps...


npm i

-- for installing dev dependecies.

npm run build

-- to run the project.


npm i jest

npm i jest-environment-jsdom

-- to install jest
npm test

-- to run the test

## Live Demo

[Live Demo Link](https://promzzykoncepts.github.io/To-Do-List/)

## Author


- GitHub: [@promzzykoncepts](https://github.com/PromzzyKoncepts)
- Twitter: [@promzzy](https://twitter.com/promzzy)
- LinkedIn: [promiseokechukwu](https://linkedin.com/in/promiseokechukwu)

## 🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the [issues page](../../issues/).

## Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

## Acknowledgments

- minimalist website
- etc

## 📝 License

This project is [MIT](./MIT.md) licensed.
  • testing for clear completed functions

    testing for clear completed functions

    Hey There, 😄

    In this PR, we have:

    • [x] created a clearCompleted.test.js file to test for updateChecked and clearCompleted functions in the project.
    • [x] Mocked the local storage to test for the respective functions.
    • [x] Mocked the Dom with JSDOM
    • [x] Added comments and corrected linter errors.
    • [x] Added, committed, and pushed all changes

    Thanks for reviewing! 👍

    opened by PromzzyKoncepts 0
  • Testing To Do list: part 1

    Testing To Do list: part 1

    Hey There, 😄

    In this PR, we have:

    • [x] created a function.test.js file for testing adding and removing functionalities of the project.
    • [x] wrote a function to test for editing and saving edited tasks.
    • [x] Mocked the local storage to test for the respective functions.
    • [x] Mocked the Dom with JSDOM

    Thanks for reviewing! 👍

    opened by username-forGithub 0
  • Interactive lists

    Interactive lists

    Hello there 🤗

    🔽 In this project, it was built with Javascript ES6 I:


    • [x] Created a new modules folder called functions.js and clearCompleted.js where I built all functions for the project 💯
    • [x] Created a function that: - lines through a task when the user marks it completed - sets each task to the local storage - deletes a task from local storage and displays output when marked as completed and cleared - on loading windows, displays all tasks from the local storage
    • [x] Imported and exported all necessary functions.
    • [x] checked for linter errors and made corrections
    • [x] Added, committed and pushed all changes

    if any changes are required, pls drop comments below

    Happy Reviewing! 👍🏻

    opened by PromzzyKoncepts 0
  • Create functions based on project requirements

    Create functions based on project requirements

    Hello there 🤗

    🔽 In this project, it was built with Javascript ES6 I:


    • [x] Created a new modules folder called functions.js where I built all functions for the project 💯

    • [x] Created a function that: - adds a task to the list by pressing enter key - sets each task to the local storage - deletes a task from local storage and displays output - on loading windows, displays all tasks from the local storage - allows a user to edit an already added task and save it to local storage.

    • [x] Imported and exported all necessary functions.

    • [x] checked for linter errors and made corrections

    • [x] Added, committed and pushed all changes

    if any changes are required, pls drop comments below

    Happy Reviewing! 👍🏻

    opened by PromzzyKoncepts 0
  • List structure and Project setup

    List structure and Project setup

    Hey There, 👍🏻

    In this project, I:

    • Setup the project with Webpack and other dependencies
    • Installed and enabled the webpack dev Server
    • created the HTML document and stylings for the project
    • Dynamically generated the HTML for the input values
    • Committed, pushed changes

    Happy Reviewing

    opened by PromzzyKoncepts 0
  • Morning Peer Code Review

    Morning Peer Code Review


    • Consider removing unused lines of code that are commented.
    • [Optional] Consider adding clickable options to add a new task and also to edit existing tasks.
    • [Optional] Consider beaking functions from the function.js module inter smaller modules to ease readability.


    • No Linter errors
    • Good use of HTML semantics
    • Great implementation of best JavaScript practice (DRY, YAGNI & KISS)
    • Impressive user experience and interface.

    Happy Happy!!!!!!!!!!

    opened by PraisesPJMT 0
  • Personal review on this project

    Personal review on this project

    Great Job implementing all functions and functionalities required in the project However I found some issues with your final code

    • in your deployed page, it gives off an error of 404 Not found Page, please kindly fix the error
    • The page has some repeated codes and some functions not necessary like the highlight function which contains some code that weren't implemented in the final work, Kindly address this issue and make use of only the codes and functions that are meant to be added or displayed Thank you!
    opened by PromzzyKoncepts 0
Promise Okechukwu
- Full-Stack Software Engineer and Mentor at @microverseinc - Journey to Full-stack Developer: HTML-CSS-JS-RUBY-RAILS--Node.JS - Open to new opportunities
Promise Okechukwu
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