jQuery Timer: Start/Stop/Resume/Remove pretty timer inside any HTML element.


jQuery Timer plugin

  • Lightweight, well tested Build Status jQuery pretty timer plugin
  • Start, Pause, Resume and Remove a timer inside any HTML element.
  • Get notified after specific time or at regular intervals.
  • Click and edit time while timer is running!
  • Enable multiple timers on the same page.

Demo & Instructions | Download

Getting started

Load the plugin in a script tag (right after loading jQuery) directly from CDNjs using this URL,


If you are using bower,

bower install timer.jquery

Alternatively you can download the jQuery timer plugin and host it relative to your HTML file. Once you have your preferred way to get jquery and the timer plugin, in your web page:

<script src="path/to/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/timer.jquery.js"></script>
(function($) {

  //start a timer



To start a timer with options:


Options for timer:

	seconds:	{Int},		// The number of seconds to start the timer from
	duration: 	{String},	// The time to countdown from. `seconds` and `duration` are mutually exclusive
	callback: 	{Function},	// If duration is set, this function is called after `duration` has elapsed
	repeat: 	{Bool},		// If duration is set, `callback` will be called repeatedly
	format:		{String},	// Format to show time in
	editable:	{Bool}		// If click and edit time is enabled
	hidden;		{Bool}		// If true, the timer is not displayed in the selected item.

Methods available on an initialized timer:

//pause an existing timer

//resume a paused timer

//remove an existing timer
$("#div-id").timer('remove');  //leaves the display intact

//get elapsed time in seconds

Timed Events

Start a timer and execute a function after a certain duration. You can use this to simulate a timed event.

//start a timer & execute a function in 5 minutes & 30 seconds
	duration: '5m30s',
	callback: function() {
		alert('Time up!');

Start a timer and execute a function repeatedly at a certain duration.

//start a timer & execute a function every 2 minutes
	duration: '2m',
	callback: function() {
		console.log('Why, Hello there');	//you could have a ajax call here instead
	repeat: true //repeatedly calls the callback you specify

Start a timer and execute a function repeatedly at a certain duration and then reset the timer.

//start a timer & execute a function every 2 minutes
	duration: '2m',
	callback: function() {
	repeat: true //repeatedly calls the callback you specify

Timer state

You can get the current state of timer by querying the state property on it's data object

$('#div-id').data('state'); 	// running | paused | stopped | removed
Duration Syntax

When you initialize a timer with the duration and callback parameters, the timer plugin executes the callback function at the set duration. The syntax for specifying the duration is verbose. h for hours. m for minutes and s for seconds. Here are some examples:

'3h15m'		// 3 hours, 15 minutes
'15m'		// 15 minutes
'30s'		// 30 seconds
'2m30s'		// 2 minutes 30 seconds
'2h15m30s'	// 2 hours 15 minutes and 30 seconds
Format Syntax

By default the timer displays the biggest whole unit. Examples:

  • seconds: 50 will show as 50 sec
  • seconds: 63 will show as 1:03 min
  • seconds: 3663 will show as 1:01:03

If you want to customize the format in which the timer displays time, use the format option. Available formats the timer understands are:

Format Description Example
%h Non-zero padded Hours %h hours gives 3 hours
%m Non-zero padded Minutes unless number of minutes is greater than 60 %h:%m minutes gives 0:6 minutes or 1:06 minutes
%g Non-zero padded Total Minutes Irrelative to hours %G minutes gives 75 minutes or 6 minutes
%s Non-zero padded Seconds unless number of seconds is greater than 60 %h:%m:%s gives 0:0:6 or 0:1:06 or 1:01:06
%t Non-zero padded Total Seconds Irrelative to minutes and hours %t gives 3660 or '9'
%H Zero padded Hours %H hours gives 03 hours
%M Zero padded Minutes %H:%M minutes gives 00:06 minutes
%G Zero padded Total Minutes Irrelative to hours %G minutes gives 75 minutes
%S Zero padded Seconds %H:%M:%S gives 00:00:06
%T Zero padded Total Seconds Irrelative to minutes and hours %T gives 3660


You can use the jQuery timer plugin for countdown as well.

    countdown: true,
    duration: '3m40s',    	// This will start the countdown from 3 mins 40 seconds
    callback: function() {	// This will execute after the duration has elapsed
    	console.log('Time up!');
  • Multiple Timers

    Multiple Timers

    Nice plugin! I'm trying to wrap my head around it - I'm using it in a project but whenever I add multiple timers to a page, they WORK, however, only one works at a time - and its like the plugin can't keep track of more than one timer at a time

    any way to make it work with multiple instances? It looks like its setup to in the plugin code its just not working and can't figure out why!

    Thanks for your time and help! :+1:

    opened by andysowards 14
  • Pause functionality not working for all timers

    Pause functionality not working for all timers

    Hi guys,

    Firstly - great script, I'm using it within PhoneGap to create my first basic test app and it's proving very useful.

    I am creating a simple timer on one screen where we have 3 simultaneous timers:

    1. Elapsed - counts up to a set interval duration (e.g. 20s first, then 10s, then 30s)
    2. TotalTime - counts up, will cover multiple intervals (e.g. 1 min in this simple case)
    3. Remaining - is a countdown timer from the total of all intervals (e.g. 1 min in this simple case)

    Lets ignore the complexities around refreshing the Elapsed timer for each interval and getting the total time for the countdown for the moment.

    I start all timers simultaneously using $('#Go').click - assuming this is all I do the counters work well.

    I have a pause button triggered by $('#Pause').click which then pauses all the timers at whatever reading they were on using the following code:

    $('#Pause').click(function() { // Now need to pause the timers $('#Elapsed').timer('pause'); $('#TotalTime').timer('pause'); $('#Remaining').timer('pause');

    • some other unrelated code }); // End Pause click

    When I resume the timers however Elapsed seems to work as intended, but the other two timers jump out of sync - e.g. I have a demo running in the background just now which is meant to last 30s but TotalTime is 6:55 and Remaining is -7:25.

    I tried flashing an alert when paused to confirm the state of the timers and they all do return "paused" as I would expect so I think I'm implementing it properly.

    I noted that there was a closed case for a similar issue which you corrected with the latest version - I tried replacing the script with that one but the problem persisted (and actually created a new one whereby there is a slight delay starting the timers which knocks some other stuff out.)

    Would you be able to advise whether this is a script issue or a user issue? Would be great to get this resolved as I can finally close off that piece of my app :)

    Many thanks Wayne

    opened by wgpalexander 9
  • Publish as WebJar

    Publish as WebJar

    Please publish the latest library version as WebJar. So it will be easily accessible from Gradle or Maven in Java projects (and in Scala, Kotlin, Groovy as well).

    I think it's a good way to deploy the timer.jquery library.

    Example: The Final Countdown (Github) is available at Maven Central.

    opened by naXa777 4
  • Get %H %M %S

    Get %H %M %S

    Hi, great plugin :)

    Is there anyway to display the time in h m s rather than just displaying total seconds elapsed when using $('#sampleid').data('seconds'); ?

    opened by keshiabrown16 4
  • Options being duplicated between different instances of timer

    Options being duplicated between different instances of timer

    There appears to be an issue when creating multiple timers, where the "options" from the last instantiated timer, override the values for the previous timers. The most obvious example of this can be seen in the callback or format. In the example below, I have two divs, with the id's of timerTest1 & timerTest2.

                    duration: '3s',
                    format: '%H:%M:%S',
                    callback: function () {
                        $("#timerTest1").css("color", "red");
                        alert("This is the timerTest1 callback");
                    duration: '5s',
                    format: '%M:%S',
                    callback: function () {
                        $("#timerTest2").css("color", "green");
                        alert("This is the timerTest2 callback");

    From digging through the source, it appears that in the "TIMER PROTOTYPE" section, the options object always has the values of the last iteration.

    Sample file: test.txt

    opened by IanCaz 4
  • Unexpected behavior on timer focus/blur

    Unexpected behavior on timer focus/blur

    Plugin does not recognize intentional and unintentional focus and blur events.

    For example.

    1. I pressed "Start" button.
    2. I pressed "Stop" button.
    3. Focus on timer input field and change value.
    4. Switch focus away from timer input field.
    5. Timer will unexpectedly start. It shouldn't since we stopped it in step 2.
    opened by elaman 4
  • Customise display so you can show the clock in format hh:mm:ss (or just mm:ss)

    Customise display so you can show the clock in format hh:mm:ss (or just mm:ss)

    Can someone help please - I would like to customise the display so the hh:mm:ss (or just mm:ss) are always displayed ie 00:00. I would also like to hide the sec or min text that is appended to the clock display Any help would be really appreciated

    opened by TryHardDev 4
  • Causing an Undefined error

    Causing an Undefined error

    The error has been fixed by adding the jQuery selector '$' as you can see below.

    /! timer.jquery 0.7.0 2017-04-15/ (function($) { ... rest of the code ... } (jQuery));

    opened by omelsoft 3
  • Automatically change to hour format display via callback

    Automatically change to hour format display via callback

    Hello! :smile:

    Thanks for your great work. I need to change the timer to "%H:%M:%S" format when it reached 59:59. So far I was able to do it but not sure if this is how you'd prefer to be doing it... if yes, then it would be helpful to others if something like this is also added in the documentation examples. If no :smile: I'd be cool if you share your way of doing it. :smile:

    var callDuration = $('#call-duration');
        duration: '61s', //since 3599 is divisible by 59 or 61
        seconds: 3590, //simulation purposes
        format: '%M:%S',
        callback: function() {
            var total = callDuration.data('seconds');
            if(total === 3599) { //change to hour format (3600 - 1 to prevent display bug)
                this.format = '%H:%M:%S';
        repeat: true //repeatedly call the callback
    opened by arvi 3
  • 你的timer.jquery插件有个问题...Your  timer.jquery  js have a bug...

    你的timer.jquery插件有个问题...Your timer.jquery js have a bug...

    您好,首先我很抱歉不太会讲英语,我在项目中使用你的timer.jquery,发现有个问题,在手机下不支持"Object.assign",我把它换成"$.extend"就好了。 HI,First I'm sorry I don't speak English,I use your timer.jquery for my project, In the mobile browser not support "Object.assign", Me replace "$.extend" it's ok.

    opened by huangxinliu 3
  • Unexpected token import

    Unexpected token import

    I am trying to use this plugin..But it throws me this error in the console:

    "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token import" @ line 2 in Timer.js

    I don't know whats wrong...

    I don't have a very specific or different working tree...

    Project/ ├── action │   ├── CommonAction.php │   ├── DAO │   │   ├── Connection.php │   │   ├── dbInfo.php │   │   └── UserDAO.php │   └── IndexAction.php ├── index.php ├── js │   ├── constants.js │   ├── index.js │   ├── Timer.js │   ├── util.js │   └── utils.js └── stylesheets └── style.css

    Some help would be cool :D

    opened by lemonbuzz 3
  • countdown timer shows negative time.

    countdown timer shows negative time.


    I have an issue where the timer shows negative time and callback is not called when the mobile screen is locked. When screen is unlocked how to make sure that the timer stops at 0 and doesn't display negative values. Below is my config.

        var totalSeconds = 20;
            action: 'start',
            duration: totalSeconds,
            countdown: true,
            callback: function () {

    Regards, Bhavana C

    opened by bhavanac24 0
  • how to write the script two functions

    how to write the script two functions

    Dear Sir/Madam,

    how to write the script two functions, such as start a timer & execute a function in 5 minutes & 30 seconds and also execute a function every 2 minutes ? is it true like below :

    $('#div-id').timer({ duration: '5m30s', callback: function() { alert('Time up!'); } });

    $('#div-id').timer({ duration: '2m', callback: function() { console.log('Why, Hello there'); }, repeat: true });

    Thanks in advance Regards,


    opened by ariefwiryanto 0
  • The callback function is never executed

    The callback function is never executed

        duration: "10s",
        format: "%ss",
        countdown: true,
        callback: function() {
            console.log('Time up!');
    opened by wwh447 0
  • Timer Greater than 24 Hours

    Timer Greater than 24 Hours

    I have created a tasks with timer, so if a person keep working for a task is greater than 24 hours then i have to show the 25th, 26th, ... and so on, I'm only keeping the hours for a task, I don't keep the days and hours, Can someone guide me how to achieve this, because right now if the time is 23:59;59 after 1 seconds i can see 00:00:01, it get reset again.

    opened by tahirafridi 1
  • hidden property not working

    hidden property not working

    The documentation clearly state that there should be a hidden property:

    	seconds:	{Int},		// The number of seconds to start the timer from
    	duration: 	{String},	// The time to countdown from. `seconds` and `duration` are mutually exclusive
    	callback: 	{Function},	// If duration is set, this function is called after `duration` has elapsed
    	repeat: 	{Bool},		// If duration is set, `callback` will be called repeatedly
    	format:		{String},	// Format to show time in
    	editable:	{Bool}		// If click and edit time is enabled
    	hidden;		{Bool}		// If true, the timer is not displayed in the selected item.

    But in the code, there's nothing about it:

    function getDefaultConfig() {
    	return {
    		seconds: 0,					// Default seconds value to start timer from
    		editable: false,			// Allow making changes to the time by clicking on it
    		duration: null,				// Duration to run callback after
    		callback: function() {		// Default callback to run after elapsed duration
    			console.log('Time up!');
    		repeat: false,				// This will repeat callback every n times duration is elapsed
    		countdown: false,			// If true, this will render the timer as a countdown (must have duration)
    		format: null,				// This sets the format in which the time will be printed
    		updateFrequency: 500		// How often should timer display update

    Also there's a few typos in the documentation, missing a comma and replacing ; by :, so it should be:

    	editable:	{Bool},		// If click and edit time is enabled
    	hidden:		{Bool}		// If true, the timer is not displayed in the selected item.
    opened by Zurd 3
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