A web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services. The application allows users to book rockets and join selected space missions.


Space Travelers' Hub

A web application for a company that provides commercial and scientific space travel services. The application allows users to book rockets and join selected space missions.

Built With

  • React
  • Redux
  • Jest and react-testing-library
  • Axios
  • SpaceX API
  • Netlify

Live Demo (if available)

Live Demo Link

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • A web browser (like Google Chrome, Opera...).
  • A code editor (like Atom, VScode...).


To setup the project locally: clone the repository using:

git clone [email protected]:ha-manel/Space-Travelers-Hub.git

Install dependencies

run : npm install

Build the app

run: npm run build

Run the app

run: npm start


👤 Manel Hammouche

👤 Daniel Malo

👤 Ronald Skinner

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Hat tip to code reviewers and to everyone who reviewed the project and made suggestions.
  • Developed the Space Travelers Hub group project - Module 3 Week 4

    Developed the Space Travelers Hub group project - Module 3 Week 4

    In this PR we have implemented the Space Travelers Hub group project as per the task requirements.

    In this PR we have:

    • [x] Set up React
    • [x] Set up Redux
    • [x] Set up React-redux, react-thunk, and redux-logger
    • [x] Set up Jest, React Testing Library
    • [x] Installed and configured Axios
    • [x] Installed and configured linters
    • [x] Implemented the required routes: rockets, dragons, missions and myprofile
    • [x] Added the redux stores for each of the API endpoints
    • [x] Implemented the actions creators that fetch data from the API using Axios
    • [x] Implemented the reducers to handle the different actions including setting the fetched data, booking a reservation, and canceling a reservation (rockets, dragons, and missions).
    • [x] Added testing for every component and the user interactivity
    • [x] Added redux-logger middleware in order to debug redux history
    • [x] Styled the components as per the wireframe and made it responsive
    opened by rskinnerc 1
  • Create App Store - Setup (group task)

    Create App Store - Setup (group task)

    Create store for the app:

    • [ ] Add configureStore.js. Use combine reducers, thunk, logger, and apply middleware.
    • [ ] Use ducks pattern for redux files.
    opened by Danie12345 1
  • [1pt] Create empty My profile - Setup (group task)

    [1pt] Create empty My profile - Setup (group task)

    • Create a route and a view component. Use <NavLink /> for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • This view should be empty - you will add content in separate tasks.
    opened by ha-manel 1
  • [1pt] Create basic structure for Missions - Setup

    [1pt] Create basic structure for Missions - Setup

    • Create a route and a view component. Use <NavLink /> for the page navigation links and style active class to indicate which section/page the user is currently on (underline active navigation link).
    • Create a directory for all Redux state slice files.
    opened by ha-manel 1
  • [4pt]  Fetch missions - Fetch data

    [4pt] Fetch missions - Fetch data

    Fetch data from the Missions endpoint (https://api.spacexdata.com/v3/missions) when a user navigates to the Missions section.

    Once the data are fetched, dispatch an action to store the selected data in Redux store:

    • mission_id
    • mission_name
    • description

    NOTE: Make sure you only dispatch those actions once and do not add data to store on every re-render (i.e. when changing views / using navigation).

    opened by ha-manel 1
  • Styles rockets - Matched rocket styles with dragon styles

    Styles rockets - Matched rocket styles with dragon styles

    In this PR I:

    • [x] Matched the rocket styles to be like the dragons'.
    • [x] Fixed a ul style that affected the whole app to be restricted to the desired components.
    opened by Danie12345 0
  • Rockets tests - Testing all functionality for rockets

    Rockets tests - Testing all functionality for rockets

    In this PR I:

    • [x] Added the tests for the Rockets component.
    • [x] Tested: - Rendering - Maintained snapshot - Reserve rocket - Cancel reserved rocket - Show empty profile on first load - Show reserved rocket on profile - Show reserved rocket on profile, then cancel and show empty profile
    opened by Danie12345 0
  • Missions mobile version

    Missions mobile version

    In this branch, I:

    • [x] Created the mobile version styling for the missions section.
    • [x] Created a modal window of the mission's description (for the mobile view).
    opened by ha-manel 0
  • Added styles to the Dragons section

    Added styles to the Dragons section

    In this PR I have added some desktop and mobile styles to the Dragons section

    In this PR I have:

    • [x] Added desktop styles to the Dragon component
    • [x] Added mobile styles to the Dragon component
    • [x] Moved the font family import to the global namespace (App.css)
    • [x] Fixed linter errors
    opened by rskinnerc 0
  • Added tests to the Dragons features

    Added tests to the Dragons features

    In this PR I have added tests to the Dragons page component as well as tested that the reserved dragons appear on MyProfile page component.

    In this PR I have:

    • [x] Added tests for the Dragons page component that tests the entire redux store associated with this feature, including the every individual Dragon component
    • [x] Added tests to verify user interactivity when clicking the Reserve Dragon button
    • [x] Added tests to verify that a reservation is canceled when a user clicks the Cancel Reservation button
    • [x] Tested that a Reserved badge appears when the user clicks the Reserve Dragon button
    • [x] Added tests to verify there are no reserved dragons on MyProfile page component at the first render (meaning when the user navigates directly to /profile)
    • [x] Added test to verify that the reserved dragons appear on MyProfile after making reservations.
    • [x] Fixed linter errors
    opened by rskinnerc 0
  • Display rocket reservations on profile

    Display rocket reservations on profile

    In this PR I:

    • [x] Created the reserved rockets list component.
    • [x] Integrated the reserved rockets list into the profile.
    • [x] Refactored the joined missions component into its own directory.

    Closes #3

    opened by Danie12345 0
Manel Hammouche
Full-Stack Developer at Microverse. JavaScript enthusiast. Open to new opportunities.
Manel Hammouche
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