Nami Wallet is a browser based wallet extension to interact with the Cardano blockchain.


Nami Wallet

Nami Wallet is a browser based wallet extension to interact with the Cardano blockchain. It's an open-source project and built by Berry Pool.

Injected API

Since Nami is a browser extension, it can inject content inside the web context, which means you can connect the wallet to any website. The exposed API follows for most parts this proposed CIP. The returned types are in cbor/bytes format. A helpful library for serializing and de-serializing these low-level data structures is the serialization-lib. To verify a signature returned from cardano.dataSign(address, payload) the message-signing library helps.

Basic Usage

  • Detect the Cardano provider (window.cardano)
  • Detect which Cardano network the user is connected to (ID 1 = Mainnet, ID 0 = Testnet)
  • Get the user's Cardano account


All methods will return their values as Promise. For simplicity and easier understanding the API is explained without the Promises.


Will ask the user to give access to requested website. If access is given, this function will return true, otherwise throws an error. If the user calls this function again with already having permission to the requested website, it will simply return true.

cardano.isEnabled() : boolean

Returns true if wallet has access to requested website, false otherwise.

cardano.getBalance() : Value

Value is a hex encoded cbor string.

cardano.getUtxos(amount, paginate)
cardano.getUtxos(amount?: Value, paginate?: {page: number, limit: number}) : [TransactionUnspentOutput]

TransactionUnspentOutput is a hex encoded bytes string.

amount and paginate are optional parameters. They are meant to filter the overall utxo set of a user's wallet.

cardano.getUsedAddresses() : [BaseAddress]

BaseAddress is a hex encoded bytes string.

Note Nami Wallet doesn't utilize the concept of multipe addresses per wallet. This function will return an array of length 1 and will always return the same single address. Just to follow the standards of the proposed CIP, it will return the address in an array.

cardano.getUnusedAddresses() : [BaseAddress]

Note This endpoint will return an empty array []. Same reason as above, simply to follow the standards.

cardano.getChangeAddress() : BaseAddress

Will return the same address as the one in cardano.getUsedAddresses().

cardano.getRewardAddress() : RewardAddress

RewardAddress is a hex encoded bytes string.

cardano.getNetworkId() : number

Returns 0 if on testnet, otherwise 1 if on mainnet.

cardano.signData(address, payload)
cardano.signData(address: BaseAddress|RewardAddress, payload: string) : CoseSign1

payload is a hex encoded utf8 string. CoseSign1 is a hex encoded bytes string.

If address is the BaseAddress the signature is returned with the Payment Credential, otherwise if the address is the RewardAddress the signature is returned with the Stake Credential.

The returned CoseSign1 object contains the payload, signature and the following protected headers:

  • key_id => PublicKey,
  • address => BaseAddress | RewardAddress
  • algorithm_id => EdDSA(0) (the algorithm used for Cardano addresses).

Read more about message signing in CIP-0008.

cardano.signTx(tx, partialSign)
cardano.signTx(tx: Transaction, partialSign?: boolean) : TransactionWitnessSet

Transaction is a hex encoded cbor string. TransactionWitnessSet is a hex encoded cbor string.

partialSign is by default false and optional. The wallet needs to provide all required signatures. If it can't an error is thrown, otherwise the TransactionWitnessSet is returned.

If partialSign is true, the wallet doesn't need to provide all required signatures.

cardano.submitTx(tx : Transaction) : hash32

Returns the transaction hash, if transaction was submitted successfully, otherwise throws an error.


cardano.onAccountChange((addresses : [BaseAddress]) => void)

Note To follow the standards of multiple addresses the callback will return an array, although Nami Wallet will just return an array with a single address, which is the same as the one in cardano.getUsedAddresses().

cardano.onNetworkChange((network : number) => void)


The project_id for API requests can be created under

Recommended: Follow this approach in order to keep the keys seperate from the repository.

The quick solution is to go under ./src/config/provider.js and replace secrets.PROJECT_ID_MAINNET and secrets.PROJECT_ID_TESTNET with the project ids from blockfrost.

Start development server
npm start
Create production build
npm run build


Visit Berry Pool

  • Wallet shows as EMPTY since 3.2.5 Update

    Wallet shows as EMPTY since 3.2.5 Update

    Since the update on June 4 my Nami Wallet browser extension for Chrome shows the wallet with a zero balance. (Pool shows all is well) Unsure if I'm able to do tx's successfully so I'm not attempting any, effectively locking my funds. Hoping the issue is resolved soon.

    opened by TheVoiceJM 33
  • Vasil branch produces incorrect witnesses

    Vasil branch produces incorrect witnesses

    It looks like the vasil branch of nami properly understands babbage era transaction (at least, the ones that have all the babbage era features set to use the *None constructors from cardano-api) - however, I believe it creates the witnesses improperly, as subsequent transaction submission towards testnet yields:

    ShelleyTxValidationError ShelleyBasedEraBabbage (ApplyTxError [UtxowFailure (FromAlonzoUtxowFail (WrappedShelleyEraFailure (InvalidWitnessesUTXOW [VKey (VerKeyEd25519DSIGN ...)])))])

    When I try to manually sign with a private key using cardano-serialization-lib 11.0.0-rc.1, with effectively the same logic nami uses under the hood - everything works fine and the transaction goes through.

    Since the issue probably lies in the cardano-multiplatform-lib wasm files used by nami, I'm unsure where exactly to look to try and quickly fix it via a PR.

    opened by TotallyNotChase 19
  • [Serious Issue] Funds been incorrectly transferred to someones else wallet!!! Nami Hacked??

    [Serious Issue] Funds been incorrectly transferred to someones else wallet!!! Nami Hacked??

    I tried to transfer 10 ADA from NAMI Wallet to another cardano wallet. Here is the transaction ID:

    The from address is correct. However it deducted 4.1 ADA and transferred it to someone else wallet: and it refunded 6.72 ADA back to original wallet. My new wallet where I was expecting the funds is still 0 ADA.

    The wallet address above (where it incorrectly transferred 4.1 ADA) keeps getting bigger and already has around 500000 ADA already and growing very fast.

    I checked the address of the wallet where I want to send ADA to, multiple times. But it still incorrectly sent it to this huge every growing wallet.

    Why is NAMI wallet transferring funds to someone else wallet. Can you please resolve this issue and refund the funds.

    opened by john2014 18
  • signTx's TransactionWitnessSet produce TextEnvelope decode error in cardano-cli

    signTx's TransactionWitnessSet produce TextEnvelope decode error in cardano-cli

    @alessandrokonrad . For cardano.signTx(), the output TransactionWitnessSet, does not tally the input required in cardano-cli, producing this error:

    Command failed: transaction sign-witness  Error: buyer_witness_set_from_nami_signTx.witness: TextEnvelope decode error: DecoderErrorDeserialiseFailure "Shelley Witness" (DeserialiseFailure 0 "expected list len")

    Seems like, the cborHex Nami produced after signTx() has extra 2 characters.

    opened by jinglescode 18
  • Unauthorised Transfer

    Unauthorised Transfer

    Hi Can someone look into this transfer and let me know what it might be? I have not authorised it and it happen the moment I was trying to use to sort out my blocked ADA on Nami. I was advised the steps by Nami @namiwallet_s

    Transaction Hash


    FROM ADDRESSES (INPUTS) addr1qymnq3750z5lwddq3f3teeq6ydwym03x2h3duhp2rm82x87kqku46rsyert0j4qh5v3ex86c6ttcfzkw3rmzyqgly43syayc8w 4222ec4322c6e14bf39a343220a4a67c74ea8833f7ae7a66cab20d9fc09fe6c3

    addr1qymnq3750z5lwddq3f3teeq6ydwym03x2h3duhp2rm82x87kqku46rsyert0j4qh5v3ex86c6ttcfzkw3rmzyqgly43syayc8w addr1q8eppqmsj4j4q403nxmjeaj7t65s7ve35ut6lgnqrddq7z7kqku46rsyert0j4qh5v3ex86c6ttcfzkw3rmzyqgly43sjxx0e8

    TO ADDRESSES (OUTPUTS) DdzFFzCqrhtBPcyk8QajZ7JRjNWE9MiisQ7SuZA1apdeEcsD8ewiyb6WgqGdfHt5pNcp8w54Z79kBRst3YwEwfnEW2DxTMpyFJi8Cr3t addr1q8eppqmsj4j4q403nxmjeaj7t65s7ve35ut6lgnqrddq7z7kqku46rsyert0j4qh5v3ex86c6ttcfzkw3rmzyqgly43sjxx0e8

    opened by Biko200 16
  • Inputs do not conform to this spec or are otherwise invalid

    Inputs do not conform to this spec or are otherwise invalid

    I'm getting this error when trying to sign the simplest transaction:

    cardano-cli transaction build-raw \
        --tx-in 88d9225ff5d46b0efcd56dda20f2ea93b0a5fa232e7f70ab7d626746075a20d1#0 \
        --tx-out addr_test1qzymym7qc47kx65sjhntdl2prq85rj5v8mzv5pvyffnntz4el5zqnamef3yt2kprt866p5f38w6um6642lvzrj80d0xstnnmxq+10 \
        --tx-out addr_test1qzjlc05tyyw264wy7m4u7np5yqdwglks0xhu6765cl4qex9r9kvav4hmznru9px9n7cpa2hmmv4593eegve3t834xppqwskp4t+999823269 \
        --invalid-hereafter 369400 \
        --fee 176721 \
        --out-file tx.raw


    It's an alonzo-era transaction

    opened by MartinSchere 13
  • Image URLs that are split into arrays in metadata do not render in Nami wallet

    Image URLs that are split into arrays in metadata do not render in Nami wallet

    I'm having issues with assets not rendering their images correctly which I believe is related to them being an array. The CIP for 721 metadata, it says image can be a URI or an array:

    "image": <uri | array>,

    My IPFS URLs are > 64 chars, so I split them into an array like this:

             image: [

    However, they fail to render in nami wallet. If I inspect the page, I see that the URL being requested is like:,g4

    The comma near the end looks suspicious. It looks like this might have been fixed by b19439815d217247a001bb17884bfe0a90ade288 but that shipped in 1.1.3 and I'm using 1.1.5. I wonder if perhaps there's another place that needs this - perhaps line 47 here? (I'm not sure of the difference between `result.metadata and result.on_chain_metadata):

    opened by DanTup 13
  • Collateral : Invalid collateral used

    Collateral : Invalid collateral used

    I want to sign a transaction that I am not providing collateral for - someone else is. They can sign, but I can't

    Any thoughts?

    opened by waalge 10
  • Is it safe to store wallet credentials in chrome storage?

    Is it safe to store wallet credentials in chrome storage?

    As per the code,

    for every new wallet created, the accessors are stored in the chrome storage. As high-lighted by the Google Chrome dev portal :, its unsafe to store any confidential information in chrome storage. Additionally, the information stored isn't encrypted by default. Besides, browser wallets are the easiest ways to be hacked into, plus storing the wallet information in browser may lead to security flaws.

    opened by Manik-Jain 10
  • NFTs and other tokens sent to an address on mistake

    NFTs and other tokens sent to an address on mistake

    So, I have bought some land on pavia, and have transferred the land NFTs to a nami hard wallet that is connected to my ledger device. Today I was trying to send some ADA from my ledger to the nami hard wallet. I executed this transaction on the ledger live desktop application. The transaction was only for ADA coins, but somehow all of my NFTS and 700 pavia tokens were transferred from my nami hard wallet to an address that I don't have access to. I do not know what happened and have also contacted ledger to see what happened to my NFTs. I spend a lot of money on the NFTs. This very upsets me, and I am starting to doubt this whole new technology. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

    opened by Saadi1988 9
  • Nami Wallet empty after import 24 word seed

    Nami Wallet empty after import 24 word seed

    Hello anyone having a issue with nami wallet. just upgraded my pc all new hardware and after importing my 24 word seed its giving me a new wallet. with zero balance. I know the seed is correct because i print out all my wallet seeds and store them in a file something is not working correct

    opened by Thomasmcdaniel9 8
  • Need to connect Nami with Zenledger or get list of Nami transactions

    Need to connect Nami with Zenledger or get list of Nami transactions

    I'm looking for guidance on how to either connect my Nami wallet to Zenledger or obtain a CSV file of NAMI transactions for use in calculating 2022 taxes. ZenLedger does not list Nami as a supported wallet at this time. Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks

    opened by Nuker54 3
  • How to find signing/private key?

    How to find signing/private key?

    I am a new Plutus dev and I would like to use my Nami wallet for some local testing. I need the signing/private key for my Nami wallet to sign a cli transaction. I searched my MacBook for the extension ID found in developer mode in my browser, but the folders with the exact same name as the ID only contain empty text files. Help?

    opened by Ftrain27 2
  • Issue Burning Tokens with Ledger/Trezor

    Issue Burning Tokens with Ledger/Trezor


    We were testing out Ledger/Trezor devices on Indigo and found that whenever you burn tokens the Ledger/Trezor device gives back a invalid witness. I believe that might be incorrectly processing negative values.

    For example, when I Burn a CDP on when using Nami, the Ledger device shows a positive amount for the Token Amount during signing, when its meant to be a negative value. This is shown as I go through the steps of signing the transaction on the Ledger device.

    This error results in an invalid witness passed back from the CIP30 request.

    opened by codybutz 0
  • Disconnecting the wallet is not very intuitive

    Disconnecting the wallet is not very intuitive


    and thanks for the wallet you've made. Really Great job! I really like the UI, and the user experience so far is great. One thing that was kind of difficult to find was how to disconnect the wallet. I had to dig into the app to find these whitelisted sites inside the settings, but it wasn't very intuitive. I'm not sure how it would be better, but I guess a small "connected sites" indicator in the header would do the job. By clicking on the indicator, users will be able to see a list of all connected sites, and each site could have the option to disconnect.

    opened by boyskila 0
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