:rainbow: Javascript color conversion and manipulation library

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Color color

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JavaScript library for immutable color conversion and manipulation with support for CSS color strings.

var color = Color('#7743CE').alpha(0.5).lighten(0.5);
console.log(color.hsl().string());  // 'hsla(262, 59%, 81%, 0.5)'

console.log(color.cmyk().round().array());  // [ 16, 25, 0, 8, 0.5 ]

console.log(color.ansi256().object());  // { ansi256: 183, alpha: 0.5 }


$ npm install color


var Color = require('color');


var color = Color('rgb(255, 255, 255)')
var color = Color({r: 255, g: 255, b: 255})
var color = Color.rgb(255, 255, 255)
var color = Color.rgb([255, 255, 255])

Set the values for individual channels with alpha, red, green, blue, hue, saturationl (hsl), saturationv (hsv), lightness, whiteness, blackness, cyan, magenta, yellow, black

String constructors are handled by color-string



Convert a color to a different space (hsl(), cmyk(), etc.).

color.object(); // {r: 255, g: 255, b: 255}

Get a hash of the color value. Reflects the color's current model (see above).

color.rgb().array()  // [255, 255, 255]

Get an array of the values with array(). Reflects the color's current model (see above).

color.rgbNumber() // 16777215 (0xffffff)

Get the rgb number value.

color.hex() // #ffffff

Get the hex value.

color.red()       // 255

Get the value for an individual channel.

CSS Strings

color.hsl().string()  // 'hsl(320, 50%, 100%)'

Calling .string() with a number rounds the numbers to that decimal place. It defaults to 1.


color.luminosity();  // 0.412

The WCAG luminosity of the color. 0 is black, 1 is white.

color.contrast(Color("blue"))  // 12

The WCAG contrast ratio to another color, from 1 (same color) to 21 (contrast b/w white and black).

color.isLight();  // true
color.isDark();   // false

Get whether the color is "light" or "dark", useful for deciding text color.


color.negate()         // rgb(0, 100, 255) -> rgb(255, 155, 0)

color.lighten(0.5)     // hsl(100, 50%, 50%) -> hsl(100, 50%, 75%)
color.lighten(0.5)     // hsl(100, 50%, 0)   -> hsl(100, 50%, 0)
color.darken(0.5)      // hsl(100, 50%, 50%) -> hsl(100, 50%, 25%)
color.darken(0.5)      // hsl(100, 50%, 0)   -> hsl(100, 50%, 0)

color.lightness(50)    // hsl(100, 50%, 10%) -> hsl(100, 50%, 50%)

color.saturate(0.5)    // hsl(100, 50%, 50%) -> hsl(100, 75%, 50%)
color.desaturate(0.5)  // hsl(100, 50%, 50%) -> hsl(100, 25%, 50%)
color.grayscale()      // #5CBF54 -> #969696

color.whiten(0.5)      // hwb(100, 50%, 50%) -> hwb(100, 75%, 50%)
color.blacken(0.5)     // hwb(100, 50%, 50%) -> hwb(100, 50%, 75%)

color.fade(0.5)     // rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.8) -> rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.4)
color.opaquer(0.5)     // rgba(10, 10, 10, 0.8) -> rgba(10, 10, 10, 1.0)

color.rotate(180)      // hsl(60, 20%, 20%) -> hsl(240, 20%, 20%)
color.rotate(-90)      // hsl(60, 20%, 20%) -> hsl(330, 20%, 20%)

color.mix(Color("yellow"))        // cyan -> rgb(128, 255, 128)
color.mix(Color("yellow"), 0.3)   // cyan -> rgb(77, 255, 179)

// chaining


The API was inspired by color-js. Manipulation functions by CSS tools like Sass, LESS, and Stylus.

  • Version 1.x Makeover (Rewrite + New Features + Bugfixes)

    Version 1.x Makeover (Rewrite + New Features + Bugfixes)


    Documentation will be updated after API is finalized. Please be mindful of this!

    Here it is, the final piece of the color makeover trilogy. If you recall, I did a makeover of both color-string and color-convert that have been generally well-received. This was the final piece.

    After an increasing number of people expressing some stress over the 'quirkiness' of the API recently, I decided to finally get to it. It's been about an 8 or 9 hour ordeal, which is why I was really good at procrastinating :dancing_men:.

    I do already have some things in mind for a 2.x makeover, but that's far into the future and is contingent on the evolution of color-convert specifically.

    Without further adieu, here are all of the changes. Keep in mind this is a complete re-write with a pretty good portion of the API being compatible with the 0.x releases.

    The Fun Parts (new stuff, fixes, etc.)

    • (Closes #56) Completely immutable API.
    • (Fixes #42) All color models from color-convert are supported (using .<model-name>()). Try it yourself!

    Yes, this does mean that portion of the API has changed. Please see the migrations section below.

    • Main Color class now has swizzle-able model constructors (e.g. Color.cmyk(10, 20, 30, 40), Color.rgb([15, 67, 200]), etc.).
    • No longer performs conversion for every model on every single operation - smaller footprint and faster computation times. Not entirely sure why we were doing this to begin with, but whatever.
    • (Fixes #79) Constructor now supports non-string hexadecimal RGB instantiation
    • (Fixes #87) .toString() now returns a color string.
    • Added HCG-specific getters/setters.
    • (Fixes #42) Added XYZ/Lab getters/setters.
    • (Fixes #83, #57, #93) Added a .round() function that takes a number of places (default is 0) to round the internal values to. The modified .string() and .percentString() methods also take this parameter, and those methods default to 1. See notes below.
    • (Fixes #82) Several API clarifications. See Migrations section below.

    As well, bumping the dependencies fixes #74.

    The Not-So-Fun Parts (migration)

    • Everything is immutable. There isn't a single fix for this if you (ab)used this library earlier on - you'll most likely be tweaking several touch points. It's for the greater good, I promise. If you already treated the library as immutable then you're probably good to go. Good tests are key here.
    • All .model() functions (to convert to an object) must now be .model().object(). See notes below for justification.
    • All .modelArray() functions must now be .model().array(). See notes below for justification.
    • When using the .object() method, alpha values are now .alpha instead of .a so as to not conflict with Lab.
    • If you used the internal properties of the object instead of getters, you'll need to.. not do that anymore :) Use the respective model calls (.rgb(), .hsl(), etc.) paired with .array() - this is because we don't store every single model in the object at once, but simply the last worked-with model.
    • .whiteness() / .blackness() -> .white() / .wblack() (note the w prefix).

    I want to explain this one because it doesn't feel 'great' but I felt like it needed to happen. We have had a couple of issues (#73 being the most definitive) that address problems with the assumed functionality of the methods.

    I chose to remove the -ness from the names because I didn't want them being interpreted as a characteristic of the color, but instead a more concrete, 'absolute' (if you will) property of a specific color model (akin to .cyan(), .red(), .hue(), etc.).

    The w prefix was chosen for both objective and subjective reasons: it objectively conflicts with CMYK's .black(), and HWB subjectively isn't used as much as CMYK is (please let me know if this is an abhorrently wrong assumption). Further, we have another example of the API doing this that nobody has complained about since I took over - .saturationl() and .saturationv() for the HSV and HSL models.

    Also, since this seems like a good place to mention it - in lieu of something like .lightnessab() for the Lab model, I just stuck with .l(). In the future, I hope to have something a little more consistent, but for now this works.

    • Constructors with specialized keys (such as .red, .green and .blue for RGB instead of .r, .g. and .b) were removed. If this is a huge problem, please let me know. For clarity, this means you can no longer instantiate with Color({red: 10, green: 100, blue: 150}) but instead must use Color({r: 10, g: 100, b: 150}).
    • The model getter methods (e.g. .rgb(), .hsl(), .keyword()) no longer act as setters. Since everything is immutable now, such functionality is useless and only creates more overhead. Please use the Color() constructor directly, or use the new 'static' methods (functions) such as Color.rgb() directly.
    • (Closes #67, #46) .clone() was removed since all objects are immutable. Just pass objects directly. If you really need a new copy of an object, use Color(otherColorObject).
    • rgbaString() was removed. If you really need a string that forces the alpha value, please let me know and I can add something into the API. Otherwise, use .rgbString() and if the alpha is anything but 100% then it will include it.
    • The specialized .xxxString() methods should move to .xxx().string() calls. In the case you need the RGB percent string, you may still use .percentString() - it will automatically convert to the RGB model. For instance, if you used .hslString(), you would now call .hsl().string().
    • .clearer() -> .fade(), because "clearer" is not at all what I thought it was personally and the API is already kind of confusing (I thought clearer meant more saturated).
    • .toJSON() now returns the current model's representation. If you absolutely need RGB, tack on .rgb(). This shouldn't affect many people, if any.
    • Values no longer normalize (round) when getting objects or arrays. Call .round() first. If you are seeing crazy long decimals, this is why. I wanted to be sensitive to the scientific community that is using this library to perform more mathematically sensitive operations instead of approximate stuff for web users. Most people won't have a problem with this since most people use the CSS strings.
    • (Fixes #24) Initializing a Color object with a hue-based model (hsl, hwb, etc.) performs a rotation on the value instead of clamping it to 0-360. This is in-line with the .hue() getter/setter and I believe it to be the correct functionality to begin with.
    • .greyscale() -> .grayscale() - if you think we should have both, please let me know :)
    • (Closes #86) .saturation() -> .saturationl() (to match .saturationv())

    Some Notes

    So why the extra three characters for things like .hslString() -> .hsl().string()? Two reasons - one, you can now snap colors to another model if necessary. For example, if I wanted to snap a color to the nearest ANSI 256 color, I can do Color(123, 44, 220).ansi256().rgb().object(); two, the dependencies (e.g. color-string) have pretty good parity with the model names used in color-convert, and color-convert has evolved a bit since the 0.x releases of color to a point where we can intelligently include most models, and can future-proof new models just by updating color-convert in color's package.json.

    Further, a lot of these changes are due to the internal object no longer holding every single conversion possible. color-convert now supports quite a lot of conversion routes and maintaining all of them here was impractical, messy and tedious.

    As mentioned earlier, another win is that you're going to save quite a bit of processing time, so applications that are doing things like color manipulation on images and whatnot should benefit greatly by switching to 1.x.

    Next Steps

    After this PR is approved by the community and merged, it will be published as 1.0.0.

    After that, there will be a few efforts moving forward:

    • Tests (of course) - I noticed comprehensive tests are lacking, and a test makeover would be beneficial in its own right.
    • More transformations, and more clarity as to what those transformations are.
    • Color scheme support (#44)
    • Color space support (maybe)

    I think the first thing that should be tackled now that we will have a slightly cleaner code base is to figure out some of the hairy naming that is going on here. I would love to hear some ideas about this (feel free to drop as many tickets as you'd like) - I have some of my own, but I don't always have the best ideas!


    I need feedback on this as I am not a primary user of this library (admittedly I use color-convert more than color proper) so I want to make sure the users of this library are satisfied before I merge it in. There are a lot of opinionated changes in here that I have included based on all of the tickets and pull requests I've received.

    Another thing I'd like to point out - this library is edge-case hell. Making decisions that benefitted all users, use cases, and color models, elegantly and without a ton of overhead, was incredibly difficult. I've attempted this rewrite probably 4 or 5 times now, ultimately scrapping it and trying again a month or two later.

    If you have any strong feelings, or even not-so-strong feelings, please let me know. I'd love to know what could be done better.

    Obligatory CC list: // @MoOx @sindresorhus @kevinsuttle @mattbasta @xml @huan086 @ooflorent @mindjuice @wmira @lapanoid @ZuBB @iamstarkov @stevemao @ericclemmons @igl @dliv

    Thanks everybody!

    opened by Qix- 30
  • Make Color objects immutable

    Make Color objects immutable

    Making Color objects immutable would result in a leaner API:

    // Mutable
    const red = Color('#ee1100')
    const darkerRed = red.clone().darken(.2)
    const lighterRed = red.clone().lighten(.2)
    // Immutable
    const red = Color('#ee1100')
    const darkerRed = red.darken(.2)
    const lighterRed = red.lighten(.2)
    opened by ooflorent 22
  • '.mix()' method fails to work with cloned color

    '.mix()' method fails to work with cloned color

    Hi there!

    First of all I would like to excuse for test case that is not as simple as it should be.

    I have next code

            //var baseColor = Color('#73FF73');
            var gtColor = Color('#FF7400');
            var ltColor = Color('#004DFF');
            var colors = { '0.00': 'rgb(255,255,255)' };
            this.getDepDataSet().forEach(function(item) {
                if (typeof colors[item.index] !== 'undefined') {
                var value = item.number;
                var otherColor = value > 1 ? gtColor : ltColor;
                var weight = (value > 1 ? (value - 1) : (1 - value)) * 3;
                //var resultColor = baseColor.clone().mix(otherColor, weight);
                var resultColor = Color('#73FF73').mix(otherColor, weight);
                colors[item.index] = resultColor.rgbString();

    Code above produces a set of colors that are used in table coloring. With this code I get a right colors that I am expect (lets call them 'correct'). See 1st pic. When I use code that is commented I get wrong colors (see 2nd pic). In both cases same set of data is used



    bug pr welcome 
    opened by ZuBB 18
  • Add .hexa() method

    Add .hexa() method

    opened by n0ruSh 13
  • .whiteness turns white to red

    .whiteness turns white to red

    In my node REPL ([email protected], [email protected]):

    [temp (master)]$ node
    > var Color = require('color');
    > new Color('#ffffff').whiteness(5).hexString()

    That doesn't seem right to me.

    opened by mwinche 12
  • Alter the mix function to make the weight behave the way the code looks

    Alter the mix function to make the weight behave the way the code looks

    Hi. This came up when I tried to do this:

    const color = Color(baseColor)
      .mix(Color(hoverColor), values.hover)
      .mix(Color(activeColor), values.active)
      .mix(Color(errorColor), values.error);

    values is an object that contains 0 to 1 values for the hover, active, and error state which are animated. My thought was that if you start with the baseColor and "mix" the others in with 0 weight I would be left with the base color. Then as the weights animated to 1 I would end up with the full state color.

    Turns out that's not what happens, a weight of 0 overwrites the original color while 1 will keep it and use none of the passed in color. I've looked at the code and documentation you cited as the source of the function and it makes sense now.

    In the original code it's a function, not a method on an object. So when you write mix(black, white, 0.1);. You read that as "mix black into white by 10%". Contrast that with this module where the mix function is a method on a color object. When you write white.mix(black, 0.1) it is more natural to read it as "starting with white, mix in black by 10%".

    You could argue that it's just me being biased towards reading the .mix method as "mix in" when I should have read it as "mix into". My counter to that would be that all of the other alteration methods (.whiten, .blacken, .fade, etc) return the original value when you pass 0 as the amount you want to alter them by. .mix on the other hand will return same things only when 1 is passed in. Also of note is that one of the examples in the README file is this: color.mix(Color("yellow"), 0.3) // cyan -> rgb(77, 255, 179) which is the result you get from my alterations but is not the value you'll get with the current mix function.

    In conclusion, I know that could simply write my code as

    const color = Color(errorColor)
      .mix(Color(activeColor), values.error)
      .mix(Color(hoverColor), values.active)
      .mix(Color(baseColor), values.hover);

    but that is WAY more difficult to parse than the example I gave at the start.

    In this change I...

    • Switched the colors in mix method
    • Updated the mix tests
    • Added tests for 25% and 75% mixes
    • Bumped the version to 2.0.0 (breaking change)
    opened by tsdorsey 10
  • Lightness manipulation methods fail on color('black'), except negate()

    Lightness manipulation methods fail on color('black'), except negate()

    Hi, color team. This lib is great, and seems to work normally... except on any version of the color black.

    On black, if I try to lighten it, nothing changes. lighten(0.5) and whiten(0.5) fail completely on black, where they work fine on other colors, or on grey. And darken() works fine on white. It's just black that fails. (And I'm baffled by the results of lightness(0.5), but that might be more a question of my understanding. :-)

    negate() works, and converts it to white. alpha(0.5) works.

    mix() also seems to work on black.

    I've tried hard to test this thoroughly. You can see a series of experiments on this Tonic, and you can manipulate the 'source' color to see the varying results: https://tonicdev.com/xmlilley/testing-color-lib

    Please let me know if I'm somehow just misunderstanding either color-theory or the API. It's certainly possible. If nothing else, this behavior is at least violating the principle-of-least-surprise for me. :-)

    Is this project active, and are you taking PR's for the current branch, or only for your 1.0 milestone?

    opened by xml 8
  • Added standalone build

    Added standalone build

    Hi! I want this lib to be accessible via just a script tag so I've added a webpack-build. I haven't changed where the 'main' is pointing out, so require('color') will still be delivering index.js from the root of the package, but at the same time one would be able to access the lib via https://npmcdn.com/color/standalone_dist/color.min.js (and also via cdnjs, cdnjs/cdnjs#6800).

    opened by aush 8
  • Conflict when using color@4.0.0 with react-native

    Conflict when using [email protected] with react-native

    error node_modules/color/index.js: Unexpected token: name (_FF_FF) in file node_modules/color/index.js at 64:20. Error: Unexpected token: name (_FF_FF) in file node_modules/color/index.js at 64:20 at /Users/user/app/node_modules/metro-transform-worker/src/index.js:279:15 at Generator.next () at asyncGeneratorStep (/Users/user/app/node_modules/metro-transform-worker/src/index.js:146:24) at _next (/Users/user/app/node_modules/metro-transform-worker/src/index.js:168:9) at /Users/user/app/node_modules/metro-transform-worker/src/index.js:175:7 at new Promise () at /Users/user/app/node_modules/metro-transform-worker/src/index.js:164:12 at minifyCode (/Users/user/app/node_modules/metro-transform-worker/src/index.js:289:17) at Object. (/Users/user/app/node_modules/metro-transform-worker/src/index.js:569:40) info Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details. Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code

    opened by aleppos 7
  • Why mix function doesn't work here?

    Why mix function doesn't work here?

    This library is really weird, mutability is causing me so many problems :(

    But anyway, why this piece of code:

    var color = require("color")
    const b = color('#fff')

    returns "#000000" ? it doesn't make any sense. If i remove clone() it works.

    In fact:

    values: Object
    alpha: 1
    cmyk: [0, 0, 0, 0]
    hsl: [0, 0, 0]
    hsv: [0, 0, 0]
    hwb: [0, 0, 0]
    rgb: [0, 0, 0]
    opened by felixsanz 7
  • Calling color breaks in io.js v2.4.0 (npm v2.13.0)

    Calling color breaks in io.js v2.4.0 (npm v2.13.0)


    Calling the color node module seems to break things in io.js and possibly npm 2.13.0. This is before I even try to use any of its functionality, just calling the module like so triggers the following error:

    import Color from 'color'

    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling it. Here is the error message:

    ERROR in ./~/color/~/color-string/~/color-name/index.json
    Module parse failed: /Users/~/git/xyz-repo/node_modules/color/node_modules/color-string/node_modules/color-name/index.json Line 2: Unexpected token :
    You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type.
    | {
    |   "aliceblue": [240, 248, 255],
    |   "antiquewhite": [250, 235, 215],
    |   "aqua": [0, 255, 255],
     @ ./~/color/~/color-string/color-string.js 2:17-38

    Any help on this would be really appreciated it.

    opened by franceindia 7
  • Invalid value input is not handled properly

    Invalid value input is not handled properly

    How to reproduce:

    1. Open Sandbox
    2. Check the console output

    Current behavior

    • For invalid rgb input (E.g. "rgb(277,0,0)"), r is rounded to the nearest valid value 255 and a value is returned.
    • For invalid hex input (E.g. "#p10000"), an exception is thrown.

    Expected behavior

    Exceptions are expected to be thrown for all invalid inputs (i.e. for input that can't be turned into an equivalent color).

    Extra info

    Probablly related to this code: https://github.com/Qix-/color-string/blob/4daceef89391f28eba415d043bbd1163c8f19a8c/index.js#L128

    pr welcome BREAKING 
    opened by n0ruSh 2
  • Add an option to keep the alpha/a in a RGBA object return

    Add an option to keep the alpha/a in a RGBA object return

    When for example the alpha is set to 1 in an RGBA object return, the alpha/a variable disappears. I know this is a part of the design of the library though this means that there has to be extra code checking to make sure the variable isn't missing before using it. Can there be an option where the RGBA object keeps it's alpha/a variable? Thanks!

    bug pr welcome BREAKING 
    opened by Nukiloco 2
  • HCG color model manipulators

    HCG color model manipulators

    These manipulators for those, who will making dark and light themes, without color changes itself (doesn't change hue and chroma value). It useful for invert light into dark themes, and revert. Added 3 operators: lightenHcg, darkenHcg and negateHcg (now tinten, shaden, negateTones).

    .light-theme {
      $mod: 0; /* dark font */
      color: hcg(240, 50, $mod);
    .dark-theme {
      $mod: 100; /* light font */
      color: hcg(240, 50, $mod);
      filter: invert(100%) hue-rotate(180deg); /* same effect */ 
    opened by unit-a-user 1
  • Docs don't give examples of all supported constructor arguments

    Docs don't give examples of all supported constructor arguments

    The docs give examples of various forms of Color.rgb() with 3 arguments, but never give an example of specifying an alpha value in the constructor. They do give the example Color('#7743CE').alpha(0.5) but nothing like Color.rgb([0x77, 0x43, 0xCE, 0.5]).

    Also, there are no examples of construction from non-RGB color spaces. Color.hsl(200,80,70) works but is never mentioned.

    pr welcome documentation help wanted 
    opened by thw0rted 1
  • Rounding errors with Color.hsl().string()

    Rounding errors with Color.hsl().string()

    Certain colors (I've only seen this in HSL so far) don't round correctly when calling string().

    For example:

    var Color = require('color');
    var pink = Color('#FF08C2');
    console.log(pink.hsl().string()); // 'hsl(314.79999999999995, 100%, 51.6%)'
    opened by s2tephen 15
  • 4.2.3(Apr 5, 2022)

    Patch Release 4.2.3

    • 957531fee48e2bceb0eae567cab6820c6cd9da27 mention .hex() is lossy (#244)
    • d00bd1aa371c8313dd4fa29140b0249984ec70fc Correct the limits on XYZ model
    • 4ac13152eaf814f611b77c86d14dd98c7d33d90a mark the package as side-effects free (#189)
    • f34a0baee81b4d9bea9c2ffc13abb334cb52f803 use correct WCAG luminance constant (fixes #248)
    • 9dcc3b7190083a999eb932f8ca696988ace96da7 update YIQ formula constants (fixes #107, ref chartjs/chartjs-color#2)
    • 5696221711e97781c459ac3022f22db68c614a17 remove numeric separators
      • Not sure why I had such a strong stance on this. I see now how annoying and terrible they are. Apologies to everyone who was affected, this was a bad decision on my part.
    • b26040e44c5b91aaddd766334ed767c8c32f4f19 remove bitchy issue template

    Thanks to @csandman, @zdenekkostal, @technobuddha, and @maranomynet for their contributions!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.2.2(Apr 5, 2022)

    Patch Release 4.2.2

    • 406d384e39cdc7d7fceabf10f34209f27d57376c contast ratio level AAA is above 7:1
    • c7b8e759f384748e906943c09255ec8779ebbb6d fix linting issues
    • 5df6f50f139f2e01e54c5240cc4a19216cd476f0 don't compute valpha based on faulty argument counts (fixes #250)

    Thanks to @shfshanyue for their contribution!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.2.1(Feb 11, 2022)

    Patch Release 4.2.1

    NOTE: This is a metadata patch that changes no functionality of the library itself.

    • Restrict node version to ">=12.5.0" #236

    Thank you @wtho for their contribution!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.2.0(Jan 11, 2022)

  • 4.1.0(Dec 3, 2021)

  • 4.0.2(Nov 26, 2021)

  • 4.0.1(Aug 4, 2021)

  • 3.2.1(Jul 18, 2021)

    Patch Release 3.2.1

    • Revert color-convert back down to <2 since v2 introduced ES6 syntax.

    If you need color-convert@>=2 then you'll need to have ES6 support. It's 2021, embrace it. 🙂

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.0(Jul 17, 2021)

    Major Release 4.0.0

    NOTE: "Major" here used loosely. This release is an interim major release that introduces ES6 syntax into the package without changing the import method (require()). There will be a follow-up major release that switches entirely to ESM and will set the appropriate engine key in package.json. This was just a necessary first step to allow those who don't (yet) use ESModules a sane place to upgrade and pin to.

    • Move ES6 syntax (i.e. const/let, still using require)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.2.0(Jul 17, 2021)

    Minor Release 3.2.0

    NOTE: This is the final release of color that uses ES5 syntax. For those following along, 4.0.0 was just released that switches to ES6 (const/let) syntax, which will (at some point) be followed by another major release that further switches to ES Modules entirely. This will be a sweeping change across the color package suite (color, color-string, color-convert). Keep a look out if these issues have been bothering you.

    • Bumps color convert to latest (fixes some issues with HCG)
    • Bumps mocha to latest
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.4(Jul 17, 2021)

    Patch Release 3.1.4

    • Bumped color-string to latest version, resolving problems for users using package-lock.json files and adding support for space-separated hsl() syntax.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.3(Oct 9, 2020)

  • 0.10.1(Jul 2, 2015)

  • 0.10.0(Jul 2, 2015)

  • 0.9.0(Jun 21, 2015)

  • 0.8.0(Mar 3, 2015)

@wavetilt, @terralang, @chalk, formerly @uber, @zeit/@vercel. Thank you sponsors <3
Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript

TinyColor JavaScript color tooling TinyColor is a small, fast library for color manipulation and conversion in JavaScript. It allows many forms of inp

Brian Grinstead 4.5k Jan 1, 2023
Color2k - a color parsing and manipulation lib served in roughly 2kB

color2k a color parsing and manipulation lib served in roughly 2kB or less (2.8kB to be more precise) color2k is a color parsing and manipulation libr

Rico Kahler 506 Dec 31, 2022
JavaScript Library for creating random pleasing colors and color schemes

#PleaseJS www.checkman.io/please Please.js is a polite companion that wants to help you make your projects beautiful. It uses HSV color space to creat

Jordan Checkman 2.3k Dec 22, 2022
JavaScript library for all kinds of color manipulations

Chroma.js Chroma.js is a tiny small-ish zero-dependency JavaScript library (13.5kB) for all kinds of color conversions and color scales. Usage Initiat

Gregor Aisch 9.2k Jan 4, 2023
A dependency-free image color extraction library

Color mage A dependency-free image color extraction library. The extraction consists of using K-Means algorithm. It has a few utility functions as wel

Gilmar Quinelato 4 Mar 11, 2022
Coloris - A lightweight and elegant JavaScript color picker. Written in vanilla ES6, no dependencies. Accessible.

Coloris A lightweight and elegant JavaScript color picker written in vanilla ES6. Convert any text input field into a color field. View demo Features

Momo Bassit 126 Dec 27, 2022
A simple color picker application written in pure JavaScript, for modern browsers.

Color Picker A simple color picker application written in pure JavaScript, for modern browsers. Has support for touch events. Touchy… touchy… Demo and

Taufik Nurrohman 207 Dec 14, 2022
A tool for creating and maintaining cohesive, consistent, and accessible color palettes

Primer Prism Primer Prism is a tool for creating and maintaining cohesive, consistent, and accessible color palettes. ?? primer.style/prism ?? Read th

Primer 517 Jan 3, 2023
A simple Discord bot that will listen for HEX, RGB(a), and HSL(a) colors in a message, and provide a small image of that color.

Pigment For the teams of designers and developers out there - Pigment will listen for messages containing a HEX, RGB(a), or HSL(a) color, and provide

Conrad Crawford 17 Dec 8, 2022
Create your own complete Web color system fast and easy!

Simpler Color Create your own complete Web color system fast and easy, from as little as one base color! Color is at the heart of every UI design syst

Arnel Enero 278 Dec 20, 2022
A TypeScript package to calculate WCAG 2.0/3.0 and APCA color contrasts

a11y-color-contrast A simple utility package for working with WCAG 2.2/3.0 color contrasts a11y: Built for checking how readable colors are together S

Sondre Aasemoen 10 Oct 10, 2022
A CLI utility to calculate/verify accessible magic numbers for a color palette.

A11y Contrast A CLI utility to calculate/verify accessible magic numbers for a color palette. Read my blog post for some more information. Installatio

Darek Kay 23 Nov 13, 2022
A array with color name -> decimal rgbs.

colors-named-decimal A array with color name -> decimal rgbs. Based on https://www.w3.org/TR/css-color-4/#colors-named Installation This package is ES

小弟调调™ 4 Jul 20, 2022
This repo contains resources & practice of project and files , while learning to master JS

Resources to learn JavaScript and conquer the world? Tutorials and Books JavaScript For Cats (http://jsforcats.com/) is a dead simply introduction for

abdulkareem alabi 1 Jan 6, 2022
Tints and shades generator in React.

Reactry's shades goals add option to enter hexColor by hand add option to get hexColor from clipboard add option to set one of the shades or tints as

null 9 May 26, 2022
Colormath.js - a color conversion and color manipulation library written in typescript for Node.js, Deno and Browser

Colormath.js - a color conversion and color manipulation library written in typescript for Node.js, Deno and Browser

TheSudarsanDev 8 Feb 8, 2022
Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript

TinyColor JavaScript color tooling TinyColor is a small, fast library for color manipulation and conversion in JavaScript. It allows many forms of inp

Brian Grinstead 4.5k Jan 1, 2023
A NodeJS package to convert any RGB color to HEX color or viceversa. Also supports HSL conversion.

Unhex ?? A NodeJS package to convert any RGB color to HEX, HSL color or viceversa. Example div { color: #fff; background-color: #0070f3; } After r

Arnau Espin 2 Oct 1, 2022
:rainbow: Beautiful color gradients in terminal output

gradient-string Beautiful color gradients in terminal output Install $ npm i gradient-string Usage const gradient = require('gradient-string'); cons

Boris K 864 Jan 3, 2023
Color2k - a color parsing and manipulation lib served in roughly 2kB

color2k a color parsing and manipulation lib served in roughly 2kB or less (2.8kB to be more precise) color2k is a color parsing and manipulation libr

Rico Kahler 506 Dec 31, 2022