File kind for ddu.vim

  • Location list support

    Location list support

    Sometime back I submitted a pull-request which added location-list support for denite. I've started making the same update for ddu in a commit located at

    With Denite, I retrieved the window number using the following API:

      wininfo ='denite#helper#_get_wininfo')'setloclist', wininfo['winnr'], qfloclist)

    Do you have a similar API for ddu? For now I've just got a hard-coded constant buffer number.

      // TODO: Need correct buffer number
      const winnr = await fn.bufwinnr(args.denops, 1);
      await fn.setloclist(args.denops, winnr, qfloclist, " ");
    opened by jrudess 3
  • cannot delete/trash file

    cannot delete/trash file

    minimal setting

    set runtimepath^=path/to/ddu.vim
    set runtimepath^=path/to/ddu-ui-ff
    set runtimepath^=path/to/ddu-source-file_rec
    set runtimepath^=path/to/ddu-kind-file
    augroup Ddu
      autocmd FileType ddu-ff nnoremap <buffer> d <Cmd>call ddu#ui#ff#do_action('itemAction', {'name': 'delete'})<CR>
    augroup END
    call ddu#custom#patch_global({
          \ 'sources': [{'name': 'file_rec'}],
          \ 'ui': 'ff',
          \ })


    1. start vim
    2. :call ddu#start()
    3. move cursor file that I will delete
    4. press d
    5. show error message

    error message

    Error detected while processing function ddu#ui#ff#do_action[13]..ddu#ui_action[1]..ddu#_request[22]..denops#request[1]..denops#server#request[6]..<SNR>27_request:                                                                   
    line    1:
    Error invoking 'invoke' on channel 4:
    Error: Failed to call 'uiAction' with ["default","itemAction",{"name":"delete"}]: Error: Failed to call 'call' with ["ddu#item_action","default","delete",[{"word":"tmp","action":{"path":"/Users/solenoid/LocalProject/neovim_minimal/tmp","isD
    irectory":false},"kind":"file","matcherKey":"tmp","__sourceIndex":0,"__sourceName":"file_rec","__level":0,"__expanded":false}],{}]: Error: Failed to call 'nvim_call_function' with ["ddu#item_action",["default","delete",[{"word":"tmp","actio
    n":{"path":"/Users/solenoid/LocalProject/neovim_minimal/tmp","isDirectory":false},"kind":"file","matcherKey":"tmp","__sourceIndex":0,"__sourceName":"file_rec","__level":0,"__expanded":false}],{}]]: [0,"Vim(return):Error invoking 'invoke' on
     channel 4:\nError: Failed to call 'itemAction' with [\"default\",\"delete\",[{\"word\":\"tmp\",\"__sourceName\":\"file_rec\",\"action\":{\"path\":\"/Users/solenoid/LocalProject/neovim_minimal/tmp\",\"isDirectory\":false},\"__level\":0,\"ki
    nd\":\"file\",\"__expanded\":false,\"matcherKey\":\"tmp\",\"__sourceIndex\":0}],{}]: Error: Failed to call 'call' with [\"ddu#kind#file#confirm\",\"Are you sure you want to delete /Users/solenoid/LocalProject/neovim_minimal/tmp?\",\"&Yes\\n
    &No\\n&Cancel\",2]: Error: Failed to call 'nvim_call_function' with [\"ddu#kind#file#confirm\",[\"Are you sure you want to delete /Users/solenoid/LocalProject/neovim_minimal/tmp?\",\"&Yes\\n&No\\n&Cancel\",2]]: [0,\"Vim:E117: Unknown functi
    on: ddu#kind#file#confirm\"]\n    at ([email protected]/session.ts:207:13)\n    at async (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
    e.ts:170:14)\n    at async Session.dispatch ([email protected]/session.ts:99:12)\n    at async[email protected]/session.ts:108:18\n    at async Session.handleRequest (
    [email protected]/session.ts:104:29)\n    at ([email protected]/session.ts:207:13)\n    at async (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
    2)\n    at async delete (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/\n    at async Ddu.itemAction (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
    ddu.ts:735:19)\n    at async Session.itemAction (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/\n    at async Session.dispatch ([email protected]/session.ts:99:12)\n    at as
    ync[email protected]/session.ts:108:18\n    at async Session.handleRequest ([email protected]/session.ts:104:29)\n    at ([email protected]/session.ts:207:13)\n   
     at async Service.dispatch (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/\n    at async Session.invoke (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
    ops.vim/denops/@denops-private/host/nvim.ts:53:16)\n    at async Session.dispatch ([email protected]/session.ts:99:12)\n    at async[email protected]/session.ts:108:18\n    at async Session.handleR
    equest ([email protected]/session.ts:104:29)"]
        at ([email protected]/session.ts:207:13)
        at async (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
        at async Session.dispatch ([email protected]/session.ts:99:12)
        at async[email protected]/session.ts:108:18
        at async Session.handleRequest ([email protected]/session.ts:104:29)
        at ([email protected]/session.ts:207:13)
        at async (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
        at async itemAction (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
        at async Ddu.uiAction (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
        at async Session.uiAction (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
        at async Session.dispatch ([email protected]/session.ts:99:12)
        at async[email protected]/session.ts:108:18
        at async Session.handleRequest ([email protected]/session.ts:104:29)
        at ([email protected]/session.ts:207:13)
        at async Service.dispatch (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
        at async Session.invoke (file:///Users/solenoid/.cache/dein/repos/
        at async Session.dispatch ([email protected]/session.ts:99:12)
        at async[email protected]/session.ts:108:18
        at async Session.handleRequest ([email protected]/session.ts:104:29)
    opened by mikanIchinose 2
  • Odd behavior with filer

    Odd behavior with filer

    Problems summary

    newFile, rename, trash are breaks tree-view.

    Please see the below movie.

    1. Start ddu.
    2. Create new file hoge/fuga/bar.txt with newFile
    3. Delete hoge/fuga/bar.txt with trash
    4. Rename hoge/fuga/foo.txt to hoge/fuga/foo1.txt with rename


    Does not breaks the tree-view.

    Environment Information

    NVIM v0.8.1
    Build type: Release
    LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3
    Compiled by [email protected]
    Features: +acl +iconv +tui
    See ":help feature-compile"
          システム vimrc: "$VIM/sysinit.vim"
           省略時の $VIM: "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/neovim/0.8.1/share/nvim"
    Run :checkhealth for more info
    • macOS 13.0.1
    • All plugins are up-to-date.

    Provide a minimal init.vim/vimrc with less than 50 lines (Required!)

    let s:plugins = [
          \ 'vim-denops/denops.vim',
          \ 'Shougo/ddu.vim',
          \ 'Shougo/ddu-ui-filer',
          \ 'ryota2357/ddu-column-icon_filename',
          \ 'Shougo/ddu-column-filename',
          \ 'Shougo/ddu-source-file',
          \ 'Shougo/ddu-kind-file',
          \ ]
    for item in s:plugins
      execute 'set runtimepath+=~/.cache/dein/repos/' . item
    call ddu#custom#patch_global({
        \   'ui': 'filer',
        \   'sources': [{'name': 'file', 'params': {}}],
        \   'resume': v:true,
        \   'sourceOptions': {
        \     '_': {
        \       'columns': ['icon_filename'],
        \     },
        \   },
        \   'kindOptions': {
        \     'file': {
        \       'defaultAction': 'open',
        \     },
        \   }
        \ })
    autocmd FileType ddu-filer call s:ddu_my_settings()
    function! s:ddu_my_settings() abort
      nnoremap <buffer><expr><silent><CR> ddu#ui#filer#is_tree()
        \ ? "<Cmd>call ddu#ui#filer#do_action('expandItem', {'mode': 'toggle'})<CR>"
        \ : "<Cmd>call ddu#ui#filer#do_action('itemAction')<CR>"
      nnoremap <buffer><silent> q <Cmd>call ddu#ui#filer#do_action('quit')<CR>
      nnoremap <buffer> n <Cmd>call ddu#ui#filer#do_action('itemAction', { 'name': 'newFile' })<CR>
      nnoremap <buffer> r <Cmd>call ddu#ui#filer#do_action('itemAction', { 'name': 'rename' })<CR>
      nnoremap <buffer> d <Cmd>call ddu#ui#filer#do_action('itemAction', { 'name': 'trash' })<CR>

    In the movie, I use icon_filename for ddu-column, but the same problem occurs with filename

    opened by ryota2357 2
  • newFile action end with /, create directory

    newFile action end with /, create directory

    If newFile action input ends with "/", create new directory instead of new file. This behavior is the same as new_file of defx.nvim

    try to create new file which ends with "/", error is occurred.

    opened by ryota2357 1
  • fix error when passing empty array to previewCmds

    fix error when passing empty array to previewCmds

    An error occurs when an empty array is passed to previewCmds as shown below. I feel that passing an empty array is a problem, but it is better to try to ignore it.

    call ddu#ui#ff#do_action('preview', {'previewCmds' : [], })
    error message
    Error detected while processing function ddu#ui#ff#do_action[13]..ddu#ui_action[1]..ddu#_request[22]..denops#request[1]..denops#server#request[6]..<SNR>30_request:
    line    1:
    Error invoking 'invoke' on channel 4:
    Error: Failed to call 'uiAction' with ["default","preview",{"previewCmds":[]}]: Error: Failed to call 'call' with ["termopen",[]]: Error: Failed to call 'nvim_call_function' with ["termopen",[[]]]: [0,"Vim:E474: Invalid argument"]
        at ([email protected]/session.ts:207:13)
        at async (file:///home/erw7/.config/nvim/dein/repos/
        at async (file:///home/erw7/.config/nvim/dein/repos/
        at async Session.dispatch ([email protected]/session.ts:99:12)
        at async[email protected]/session.ts:108:18
        at async Session.handleRequest ([email protected]/session.ts:104:29)
        at ([email protected]/session.ts:207:13)
        at async (file:///home/erw7/.config/nvim/dein/repos/
        at async PreviewUi.previewTerminal (file:///home/erw7/src/
        at async PreviewUi.preview (file:///home/erw7/src/
        at async Ddu.uiAction (file:///home/erw7/.config/nvim/dein/repos/
        at async Session.uiAction (file:///home/erw7/.config/nvim/dein/repos/
        at async Session.dispatch ([email protected]/session.ts:99:12)
        at async[email protected]/session.ts:108:18
        at async Session.handleRequest ([email protected]/session.ts:104:29)
        at ([email protected]/session.ts:207:13)
        at async Service.dispatch (file:///home/erw7/.config/nvim/dein/repos/
        at async Session.invoke (file:///home/erw7/.config/nvim/dein/repos/
        at async Session.dispatch ([email protected]/session.ts:99:12)
        at async[email protected]/session.ts:108:18
        at async Session.handleRequest ([email protected]/session.ts:104:29)
    opened by erw7 0
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