API routes are great for APIs, but for small projects where you have to access server data or hide application logic, you can just call a server function from the client.



Pass functions to the client instead of API routes

API routes are great for APIs, but for small projects where you have to access server data or hide application logic, you can just call a server function from the client.


// Hide server logic

// Server
const functions = require('function-apis');
    hello: (name) => {
        return `Hello, ${name}!`;
}, true));

// Client
hello('World').then(alert); // => 'Hello, World!'
// Log something to the console

// Server
const functions = require('function-apis');
    consoleLog: (...data) => {
        return 'OK';
}, true));

// Client
consoleLog('Hello!') // => 'OK'


functions(functions, defineGlobally)

Use as express middleware. Default export.

* `functions`: Object of functions to expose to the client.
* `defineGlobally?`: Whether or not to define the functions globally. Defaults to `false`.

? Optional


An object of client-side functions. Available after including the following in your HTML. If defineGlobally is set to true, the functions will be available to window[function] in addition to window.functions[function].

<script src="/functions_/functions.js">script>


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