A simplified list crud that adds, removes and edits items


To-do list

This project is as simplified todo list crud.

Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Webpack

Live version

See live version

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • Install webpack dependencies
  • lodash librrary needs to be installed.


run the following commands

  • npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
  • npm install --save lodash
  • npm install --save-dev webpack-dev-server

Run tests

For testing you can do it with the command:

  • npm start


You can build the project using the command:

  • npm run build


👤 **Fernando Saldaña

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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  • Addeed add and remove functionality

    Addeed add and remove functionality

    Added a new JS file inside the modules directory

    • Added functionality for adding a new value to the list on enter press.
    • Added functionality to remove a value from the list
    • Added functionality to edit a value on the list
    opened by fasaldana 0
  • Setup project with webpack and setting up the prroject virew

    Setup project with webpack and setting up the prroject virew

    The following tasks have been made:

    • Setup basic requirements with webpack
    • Created the basic structure of the project with HTML and CSS
    • Added basic functionality with JS
    opened by fasaldana 0
  • JavaScript best practices

    JavaScript best practices

    Following JavaScript best practices, there are some good things and some to improve:


    • Not using any console log or windows alerts in the code.
    • node_modules added in .gitignore file.
    • No commented code.

    Things to improve

    • In the tasks.js file there is a declaration of the same variable done inside every function of the class, it can be fixed creating a global variable containing it or inside a function.
    opened by fasaldana 0
  • Peer review 3/29/22

    Peer review 3/29/22

    • HTML very readable
    • Modules set up nicely
    • Perhaps break tasks.js into several modules
    • Event listeners on point
    • Use an h1 instead of h4 and format it
    • Make a method in the TaskList class that stores the to-do list items
    • CSS: use variables
    • Clean
    • Good structure
    • Good naming convention
    • Use a minlength in the input section
    opened by emyrue 0
Fernando Saldaña
Full-Stack Software Developer. Java - JavaScript - React - Python - Flutter. Looking for new job opportunities.
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