A tool for generating solana web3 clients from anchor IDLs.



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Generate typescript solana web3 clients from anchor IDLs.


# npm
$ npm install --global anchor-client-gen

# yarn
$ yarn global add anchor-client-gen

To get the beta build which has unreleased features, install with anchor-client-gen@beta.


Usage: main [options] <idl> <out>

Generate solana web3 client code from the specified anchor IDL.

  idl                        anchor IDL file path
  out                        output directory

  --program-id <PROGRAM_ID>  optional program ID to be included in the code
  -V, --version              output the version number
  -h, --help                 display help for command


$ anchor-client-gen path/to/idl.json output/directory

This will generate code to output/directory:

├── accounts
│   ├── FooAccount.ts
│   └── index.ts
├── instructions
│   ├── someInstruction.ts
│   ├── otherInstruction.ts
│   └── index.ts
├── types
│   ├── BarStruct.ts
│   ├── BazEnum.ts
│   └── index.ts
├── programId.ts
└── errors.ts

For more examples of the generated code, check out the examples directory.

Using the generated client

The following packages are required for the generated client to work:

  • @solana/web3.js
  • bn.js
  • @project-serum/borsh

Install them in your project with:

// npm
$ npm install @solana/web3.js bn.js @project-serum/borsh

// yarn
$ yarn add @solana/web3.js bn.js @project-serum/borsh


import { someInstruction } from "./output/directory/instructions"

// call an instruction
const tx = new Transaction()
const fooAccount = new Keypar()

const ix = someInstruction({
  fooParam: "...",
  barParam: "...",
}, {
  fooAccount: fooAccount.publicKey, // signer
  barAccount: new PublicKey("..."),

sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [payer, fooAccount])


import { FooAccount } from "./output/directory/accounts"

// fetch an account
const addr = new PublicKey("...")

const acc = FooAccount.fetch(connection, addr)
if (acc === null) {
  // the fetch method returns null when the account is uninitialized
  console.log("account not found")

// convert to a JSON object
const obj = acc.toJSON()

// load from JSON
const accFromJSON = FooAccount.fromJSON(obj)


// structs

import { BarStruct } from "./output/directory/types"

const barStruct = new BarStruct({
  someField: "...",
  otherField: "...",

// enums

import { BazEnum } from "./output/directory/types"

const tupleEnum = new BazEnum.SomeTupleKind([true, false, "some value"])
const structEnum = new BazEnum.SomeStructKind({
  field1: "...",
  field2: "...",
const discEnum = new BazEnum.SomeDiscriminantKind()

console.log(tupleEnum.toJSON(), structEnum.toJSON(), discEnum.toJSON())
// types are used as arguments in instruction calls (where needed):
const ix = someInstruction({
  someStructField: barStruct,
  someEnumField: tupleEnum,
}, {
  // accounts

// in case of struct fields, it's also possible to pass them as objects:
const ix = someInstrution({
  someStructField: {
    someField: "...",
    otherField: "...",
}, {
  // accounts


import { SomeCustomError, fromTxError } from "./output/directory/errors"

try {
  await sendAndConfirmTransaction(c, tx, [payer])
} catch (e) {
  const parsed = fromTxError(e)
  if (parsed !== null && parsed instanceof SomeCustomError) {
      "SomeCustomError was thrown",

Program ID

The client generator pulls the program ID from:

  • the input IDL
  • the --program-id flag

These are then written into the programId.ts file.

The PROGRAM_ID constant inside programId.ts can be (and should be) modified to define the correct program ID as the client relies on it to do checks when fetching accounts etc. The PROGRAM_ID constant is safe to modify as it will be preserved across multiple code generations. The imports in this file are also preserved.


The package minor versions match anchor minor versions. So, for example, package version v0.22.x will match anchor v0.22.y. The earliest supported anchor version is v0.22, but the generator probably also works with older versions of anchor since the IDL format is mostly backwards compatible.

  • Add programIdOverride

    Add programIdOverride


    // Use this only if you need to change the program ID dynamically during app runtime.
    export const programIdOverride: (() => PublicKey) | undefined = undefined

    to programId.ts.

    When programIdOverride function is defined, it will be called and used to override the program ID defined statically with the PROGRAM_ID constant.

    opened by kklas 11
  • map bytes to Uint8array

    map bytes to Uint8array

    Uint8Array is a js native representation for an array of unsigned bytes, the current Array mapping has bad performance characteristics, especially when working with large buffers. I'd rather leave the Array conversion to the user than making it part of the generator.

    opened by mschneider 4
  • using Box<MyType> for instruction arguments should be handled transparently

    using Box for instruction arguments should be handled transparently


    fn do_something(arg: Box<MyType>) -> Result<()>  {

    Currently the above fails with the following error:

    generating programId.ts...
    generating errors.ts...
    generating instructions...
    Defined type not found: {"defined":"Box<MyType>"}


    Disregard the Box and just look for MyType

    opened by JoeHowarth 4
  • Empty

    Empty "/types/index.ts"

    I noticed if I run this tool against an IDL with no "types" defined, the resultant /types/index.ts file will empty, which causes import errors in the other files.

    I was able to fix the errors by putting export default {}; in /types/index.ts.

    opened by ronanyeah 3
  • Possible to support multiple programs with inter-dependencies?

    Possible to support multiple programs with inter-dependencies?

    Apologies if this is a dumb question, let's say I have a project with a few programs:


    where the accounts, structs, enums, etc are defined in the main program, and referenced as a dependency in the other two. Anchor creates three IDL's. Is it possible to generate a client (or three different clients?) from this structure? Right now I don't think it's possible to expose the structs cross-program.

    opened by 0xBraunGuy 2
  • `kind` of typescript union members should be static

    `kind` of typescript union members should be static

    I'd like to branch on variant kind like below, but kind is an instance variable, not static, so the following doesn't work

    switch (myEnumValue.kind) {
      case MyEnum.Swap.kind:
      case MyEnum.LP.kind:


    export class Swap {
      static readonly discriminator = 0        // <--- make these 2 fields static 
      static readonly kind = "Swap"
      readonly value: SwapValue
      constructor(value: SwapFields) {
        this.value = [new types.SwapInfo({ ...value[0] })]
      toJSON(): SwapJSON {
        return {
          kind: "Swap",
          value: [this.value[0].toJSON()],
      toEncodable() {
        return {
          Swap: {
            _0: types.SwapInfo.toEncodable(this.value[0]),

    If there's another more idiomatic way of doing this please let me know instead

    opened by JoeHowarth 2
  • Simplifying client facing API by removing `connection` parameter

    Simplifying client facing API by removing `connection` parameter

    Interested in getting thoughts on dropping the connection parameter, or making it optional. I'm not clear on the use case on being able to target multiple or different connections.

    Anchor already provides a global straight-forward way to get the currently configure connection that could be used within the generated clients.


    This would make the interface of e.g., fetch, cleaner IMO, passing just the address of the account to fetch, and save client authors having to pass around the connection.

      static async fetch(address: PublicKey): Promise<State | null> {
        const c = getProvider().connection
        const info = await c.getAccountInfo(address)
        if (info === null) {
          return null
        if (!info.owner.equals(PROGRAM_ID)) {
          throw new Error("account doesn't belong to this program")
        return this.decode(info.data)
    const res = await State.fetch(state.publicKey)
    opened by eoin-betdex 2
  • noImplicitAny violations in generated code

    noImplicitAny violations in generated code

    import { PublicKey, Connection } from "@solana/web3.js"
    import BN from "bn.js" // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    import * as borsh from "@project-serum/borsh" // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    import * as types from "../types" // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
    import { PROGRAM_ID } from "../programId"
    export interface OrderbookInfoFields {
      admin: PublicKey
      length: number
      applesMint: PublicKey
      orangesMint: PublicKey
      bump: number
      closed: boolean
      id: PublicKey
      tradeLog: Array<types.TradeRecordFields>
    export interface OrderbookInfoJSON {
      admin: string
      length: number
      applesMint: string
      orangesMint: string
      bump: number
      closed: boolean
      id: string
      tradeLog: Array<types.TradeRecordJSON>
    export class OrderbookInfo {
      readonly admin: PublicKey
      readonly length: number
      readonly applesMint: PublicKey
      readonly orangesMint: PublicKey
      readonly bump: number
      readonly closed: boolean
      readonly id: PublicKey
      readonly tradeLog: Array<types.TradeRecord>
      static readonly discriminator = Buffer.from([
        126, 118, 193, 78, 125, 233, 132, 90,
      static readonly layout = borsh.struct([
        borsh.vec(types.TradeRecord.layout(), "tradeLog"),
      constructor(fields: OrderbookInfoFields) {
        this.admin = fields.admin
        this.length = fields.length
        this.applesMint = fields.applesMint
        this.orangesMint = fields.orangesMint
        this.bump = fields.bump
        this.closed = fields.closed
        this.id = fields.id
        this.tradeLog = fields.tradeLog.map(
          (item) => new types.TradeRecord({ ...item })
      static async fetch(
        c: Connection,
        address: PublicKey
      ): Promise<OrderbookInfo | null> {
        const info = await c.getAccountInfo(address)
        if (info === null) {
          return null
        if (!info.owner.equals(PROGRAM_ID)) {
          throw new Error("account doesn't belong to this program")
        return this.decode(info.data)
      static async fetchMultiple(
        c: Connection,
        addresses: PublicKey[]
      ): Promise<Array<OrderbookInfo | null>> {
        const infos = await c.getMultipleAccountsInfo(addresses)
        return infos.map((info) => {
          if (info === null) {
            return null
          if (!info.owner.equals(PROGRAM_ID)) {
            throw new Error("account doesn't belong to this program")
          return this.decode(info.data)
      static decode(data: Buffer): OrderbookInfo {
        if (!data.slice(0, 8).equals(OrderbookInfo.discriminator)) {
          throw new Error("invalid account discriminator")
        const dec = OrderbookInfo.layout.decode(data.slice(8))
        return new OrderbookInfo({
          admin: dec.admin,
          length: dec.length,
          applesMint: dec.applesMint,
          orangesMint: dec.orangesMint,
          bump: dec.bump,
          closed: dec.closed,
          id: dec.id,
          tradeLog: dec.tradeLog.map((item) => types.TradeRecord.fromDecoded(item)),
      toJSON(): OrderbookInfoJSON {
        return {
          admin: this.admin.toString(),
          length: this.length,
          applesMint: this.applesMint.toString(),
          orangesMint: this.orangesMint.toString(),
          bump: this.bump,
          closed: this.closed,
          id: this.id.toString(),
          tradeLog: this.tradeLog.map((item) => item.toJSON()),
      static fromJSON(obj: OrderbookInfoJSON): OrderbookInfo {
        return new OrderbookInfo({
          admin: new PublicKey(obj.admin),
          length: obj.length,
          applesMint: new PublicKey(obj.applesMint),
          orangesMint: new PublicKey(obj.orangesMint),
          bump: obj.bump,
          closed: obj.closed,
          id: new PublicKey(obj.id),
          tradeLog: obj.tradeLog.map((item) => types.TradeRecord.fromJSON(item)),

    Line 116 contains error (pictured) image Not sure if the "real" error is that dec should be typed, or what.

    opened by asktree 1
  • Generated client and type-check

    Generated client and type-check

    When i try to use generated client as npm package/yarn link in my main project where we have pre-commit/pre-build hooks i get type errors from ts type-check on dec. Is there any solution to for that ? (--skipLibCheck will not work on type error). Zrzut ekranu 2022-08-24 o 13 35 10

    opened by abrzezinski94 0
  • Yarn install fails on the specified anchor-cli version in package.json

    Yarn install fails on the specified anchor-cli version in package.json

    error An unexpected error occurred: "https://github.com/kklas/anchor-nightly/releases/download/anchor-cli-latest/anchor-cli-0.25.0-7eb8ca8.tgz: Request failed "404 Not Found"".

    opened by andreihrs 1
  • Enums don't use the correct discriminator when not in order

    Enums don't use the correct discriminator when not in order

    #[derive(Debug, TryFromPrimitive, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Copy)]
    pub enum GlobalConfigOption {
        EmergencyMode = 0,
        // 100
        ScopeProgramId = 100,
        ScopePriceId = 101,


    export interface ScopePriceIdJSON {
      kind: "ScopePriceId"
    export class ScopePriceId {
      static readonly discriminator = 17
      static readonly kind = "ScopePriceId"
      readonly discriminator = 17
      readonly kind = "ScopePriceId"

    This should be 101, not 17..

    opened by y2kappa 1
  • Support Uint8Array when applicable

    Support Uint8Array when applicable

    Hey @kklas , thank you for your help with the bytes type. I am currently working on a project, where I would like to use this for more data types, specifically:

    1. Vec<u8>
    2. fixed size arrays [u8; 32]

    I had a look at the code already and was able to get it to work on a local branch: https://github.com/mschneider/anchor-client-gen/tree/max/uint8array2 but curious to hear your thoughts as this somewhat breaks with the current abstraction of the library on a few levels.

    My ideal outcome would be:

    1. always use the right native array type
    2. always verify size when initializing from user input
    3. possibly pad when initializing from too short user input

    Let me know what you think about these changes.

    opened by mschneider 8
  • How to pass additional `remaining accounts`?

    How to pass additional `remaining accounts`?

    Anchor allows accessing accounts not defined on the Accounts struct through ctx.remaining_accounts. I currently don't see a way to pass these additional accounts in the generated client code cleanly.

    Proposal: Add optional arg to pass additional accounts

    export function redeem(args: RedeemArgs, accounts: RedeemAccounts, additionalAccounts?: AccountMeta[]) {...}

    Haven't tried it yet, but I believe there's a workaround where the returned TransactionInstruction can be mutated, but this is non-ideal

    opened by JoeHowarth 2
  • Event parsing support

    Event parsing support

    Event parsing in anchor-ts relies on IDL magic: https://github.com/project-serum/anchor/blob/master/ts/src/program/event.ts

    So it would be nice if the generated client came with an event parser.

    opened by kevinheavey 0
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