⚠️ This project is not maintained anymore! Please go to https://github.com/visjs


vis.js (deprecated!)

This project is not maintained anymore! (See Issue #4259 for details)
We welcome you to use the libraries from the visjs community from now on.

Vis.js is a dynamic, browser based visualization library. The library is designed to be easy to use, handle large amounts of dynamic data, and enable manipulation of the data. The library consists of the following components:

  • DataSet and DataView. A flexible key/value based data set. Add, update, and remove items. Subscribe on changes in the data set. A DataSet can filter and order items, and convert fields of items.
  • DataView. A filtered and/or formatted view on a DataSet.
  • Graph2d. Plot data on a timeline with lines or barcharts.
  • Graph3d. Display data in a three dimensional graph.
  • Network. Display a network (force directed graph) with nodes and edges.
  • Timeline. Display different types of data on a timeline.

The vis.js library was initially developed by Almende B.V.


Install via npm:

npm install vis

Install via bower:

bower install vis

Link via cdnjs: https://cdnjs.com/libraries/vis

Or download the library from the github project: https://github.com/almende/vis.git.


To use a component, include the javascript and css files of vis in your web page:

  <script src="vis/dist/vis.min.js"></script>
  <link href="vis/dist/vis.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <script type="text/javascript">
    // ... load a visualization

or load vis.js using require.js. Note that vis.css must be loaded too.

  paths: {
    vis: 'path/to/vis/dist',
require(['vis'], function (math) {
  // ... load a visualization

A timeline can be instantiated as:

var timeline = new vis.Timeline(container, data, options);

Where container is an HTML element, data is an Array with data or a DataSet, and options is an optional object with configuration options for the component.


A basic example on loading a Timeline is shown below. More examples can be found in the examples directory of the project.

  <title>Timeline basic demo</title>
  <script src="vis/dist/vis.min.js"></script>
  <link href="vis/dist/vis.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

  <style type="text/css">
    body, html {
      font-family: sans-serif;
<div id="visualization"></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
  var container = document.getElementById('visualization');
  var data = [
    {id: 1, content: 'item 1', start: '2013-04-20'},
    {id: 2, content: 'item 2', start: '2013-04-14'},
    {id: 3, content: 'item 3', start: '2013-04-18'},
    {id: 4, content: 'item 4', start: '2013-04-16', end: '2013-04-19'},
    {id: 5, content: 'item 5', start: '2013-04-25'},
    {id: 6, content: 'item 6', start: '2013-04-27'}
  var options = {};
  var timeline = new vis.Timeline(container, data, options);


To build the library from source, clone the project from github

git clone git://github.com/almende/vis.git

The source code uses the module style of node (require and module.exports) to organize dependencies. To install all dependencies and build the library, run npm install in the root of the project.

cd vis
npm install

Then, the project can be build running:

npm run build

To automatically rebuild on changes in the source files, once can use

npm run watch

This will both build and minify the library on changes. Minifying is relatively slow, so when only the non-minified library is needed, one can use the watch-dev script instead:

npm run watch-dev

Custom builds

The folder dist contains bundled versions of vis.js for direct use in the browser. These bundles contain all the visualizations and include external dependencies such as hammer.js and moment.js.

The source code of vis.js consists of commonjs modules, which makes it possible to create custom bundles using tools like Browserify or Webpack. This can be bundling just one visualization like the Timeline, or bundling vis.js as part of your own browserified web application.

Note that hammer.js version 2 is required as of v4.


Before you can do a build:

  • Install node.js and npm on your system: https://nodejs.org/
  • Install the following modules using npm: browserify, babelify, and uglify-js:
[sudo] npm install -g browserify babelify uglify-js
  • Download or clone the vis.js project:
git clone https://github.com/almende/vis.git
  • Install the dependencies of vis.js by running npm install in the root of the project:
cd vis
npm install

Examples of custom builds

Example 1: Bundle only a single visualization type

For example, to create a bundle with just the Timeline and DataSet, create an index file named custom.js in the root of the project, containing:

exports.DataSet = require('./lib/DataSet');
exports.Timeline = require('./lib/timeline/Timeline');

Then create a custom bundle using browserify, like:

browserify custom.js -t [ babelify --presets [es2015] ] -o dist/vis-custom.js -s vis

This will generate a custom bundle vis-custom.js, which exposes the namespace vis containing only DataSet and Timeline. The generated bundle can be minified using uglifyjs:

uglifyjs dist/vis-custom.js -o dist/vis-custom.min.js

The custom bundle can now be loaded like:

  <script src="dist/vis-custom.min.js"></script>
  <link href="dist/vis.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Example 2: Exclude external libraries

The default bundle vis.js is standalone and includes external dependencies such as hammer.js and moment.js. When these libraries are already loaded by the application, vis.js does not need to include these dependencies itself too. To build a custom bundle of vis.js excluding moment.js and hammer.js, run browserify in the root of the project:

browserify index.js -t [ babelify --presets [es2015] ] -o dist/vis-custom.js -s vis -x moment -x hammerjs

This will generate a custom bundle vis-custom.js, which exposes the namespace vis, and has moment.js and hammer.js excluded. The generated bundle can be minified with uglifyjs:

uglifyjs dist/vis-custom.js -o dist/vis-custom.min.js

The custom bundle can now be loaded as:

  <!-- load external dependencies -->
  <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/moment.js/2.17.1/moment.min.js"></script>
  <script src="http://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/hammer.js/2.0.8/hammer.min.js"></script>

  <!-- load vis.js -->
  <script src="dist/vis-custom.min.js"></script>
  <link href="dist/vis.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Example 3: Bundle vis.js as part of your (commonjs) application

When writing a web application with commonjs modules, vis.js can be packaged automatically into the application. Create a file app.js containing:

var moment = require('moment');
var DataSet = require('vis/lib/DataSet');
var Timeline = require('vis/lib/timeline/Timeline');

var container = document.getElementById('visualization');
var data = new DataSet([
  {id: 1, content: 'item 1', start: moment('2013-04-20')},
  {id: 2, content: 'item 2', start: moment('2013-04-14')},
  {id: 3, content: 'item 3', start: moment('2013-04-18')},
  {id: 4, content: 'item 4', start: moment('2013-04-16'), end: moment('2013-04-19')},
  {id: 5, content: 'item 5', start: moment('2013-04-25')},
  {id: 6, content: 'item 6', start: moment('2013-04-27')}
var options = {};
var timeline = new Timeline(container, data, options);

The application can be bundled and minified:

browserify app.js -o dist/app-bundle.js -t babelify
uglifyjs dist/app-bundle.js -o dist/app-bundle.min.js

And loaded into a webpage:

  <link href="node_modules/vis/dist/vis.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  <div id="visualization"></div>
  <script src="dist/app-bundle.min.js"></script>

Example 4: Integrate vis.js components directly in your webpack build

You can integrate e.g. the timeline component directly in you webpack build. Therefor you can e.g. import the component-files from root direcory (starting with "index-").

import { DataSet, Timeline } from 'vis/index-timeline-graph2d';

var container = document.getElementById('visualization');
var data = new DataSet();
var timeline = new Timeline(container, data, {});

To get this to work you'll need to add some babel-loader-setting to your webpack-config:

module: {
  module: {
    rules: [{
      test: /node_modules[\\\/]vis[\\\/].*\.js$/,
      loader: 'babel-loader',
      query: {
        cacheDirectory: true,
        presets: [ "babel-preset-es2015" ].map(require.resolve),
        plugins: [
          "transform-es3-property-literals", // #2452
          "transform-es3-member-expression-literals", // #2566
          "transform-runtime" // #2566

There is also an demo-project showing the integration of vis.js using webpack.


To test the library, install the project dependencies once:

npm install

Then run the tests:

npm run test


Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Almende B.V. and Contributors

Vis.js is dual licensed under both


Vis.js may be distributed under either license.

  • We need your help

    We need your help

    Almende is looking for people who can help maintaining and improving vis.js. We've put a lot of effort in building these visualizations, fix bugs, and support users as much as we can. Since some time we're lacking the manpower to maintain the library as we've done latest years. We need your help!

    What can you do?

    • Help out other users having questions
    • Help fixing small bugs
    • Help with implementing new features
    • Become a collaborator and help with releases & maintenance
    • ...

    Are you interested in helping some way or another? Please let us know.

    opened by josdejong 84
  • Timeline Issue:  Sometimes the redraw cycle can become stuck in an infinite loop

    Timeline Issue: Sometimes the redraw cycle can become stuck in an infinite loop

    I've been using the timeline product (v3.6.4 - v3.7.0) for a few weeks now and so far it's been great for supporting my use case. My application provides a tree structure where the user can see all the data that's available to them, and then once they select a node of that tree, that sub-set of the user's data is displayed on the timeline.

    The data being displayed on the timeline is relatively simple right now -- only a few groups, background items, and range items -- that span across 2-10 days. Each time the user chooses a new tree node to display, I populate the timeline with that new sub-set of data by completely re-creating my item and group DataSets. This is probably not the most elegant way to re-populate the timeline with different data (as opposed to something like a filter), but for my use case it's been working perfectly fine the majority of the time.

    Unfortunately, the browser will sometimes completely freeze after giving a new sub-set of the data to the timeline for display. The freeze is caused by an infinite (or very long running) loop in the redraw cycle of the various timeline components.

    When I give my user's data sub-set to the timeline, I do so in a few distinct back-to-back steps:

    • First I create the necessary group(s) in a new DataSet
    • Next I create the necessary background and range item(s) in another new DataSet
    • I set these two DataSets into the timeline
    • Finally I set the timeline window to span the entire range of those background/range items
    • (I really don't believe there are any issues with these steps, because like I said above, most of the time this all works perfectly fine)

    After each of those steps occur, the timeline redraws itself via the Core redraw function

    • This Core function causes each of the timeline's top-level components to also redraw themselves as necessary
    • This Core function also ends up calling itself again if it's determined that one of the components was resized

    Obviously, the Core redraw function calling itself should behave in a safe recursive manner so that sequence of calls stops relatively quickly and efficiently. Indeed, it normally does stop after a few redraw cycles.

    However, I've found there are also times when that redraw cycle does not stop as it should. When this infinite looping issue occurs, so far I've been able to trace that the following is happening:

    • Each and every time the Core redraw function triggers a redraw of its components, the TimeAxis and ItemSet components continuously return true (identifying they've been resized and therefore the entire redraw cycle should repeat)
    • For the TimeAxis I've found the reason it always returns true is because it looks to see if its current width/height match the previous width/height
      • The props.width value is set from the frame.offsetWidth
      • I'm seeing each time through the redraw cycle, props.width is being set to alternating values for some strange reason (in my case, 1114, then 1116, then 1114 again, then 1116 again, and so on)
      • Because it alternates back and forth, the current width value is always different than the previous width value, thus the redraw cycle continues endlessly

    I may continue to investigate if the ItemSet is continuously returning true for the same reason, but hopefully the info above is enough to help others investigate and reproduce this issue.

    Since the browser becoming frozen is clearly a critical issue for my application, I'll try implementing a temporary workaround fix (like using a simple counter to set a maximum number of recursive redraws) for the near-term until a more official fix can be made.

    opened by brichbe 51
  • Grouping nested nodes together

    Grouping nested nodes together


    Is there any way to group nested nodes together under a super node in vis.

    I want to achieve the following behavior.


    I want to nest the nodes Node 11, Node 12, Node 13 within Node 1. So, when I click on Node 1 (diagram (A)), I would like to display the nested nodes and also extend the edges to the nested nodes (as shown in (diagram (B)).

    Could anyone suggest me an idea to implement the above feature using vis?

    Thanks in advance.

    opened by arunkumarpro1 50
  • Major gridlines and week display behaviour

    Major gridlines and week display behaviour

    I'm working on something which preferably displays data on week level rather than day/exact planning level. I have the following defined in my timeline:

    format: {
                minorLabels: {
                    millisecond: 'w',
                    second: 'w',
                    minute: 'w',
                    hour: 'w',
                    weekday: 'w',
                    day: 'w',
                    month: 'w',
                    year: 'w'
                majorLabels: {
                    millisecond: 'MMM-YY',
                    second: 'MMM-YY',
                    minute: 'MMM-YY',
                    hour: 'MMM-YY',
                    weekday: 'MMM-YY',
                    day: 'MMM-YY',
                    month: 'MMM-YY',
                    year: 'MMM-YY'
    timeAxis: {scale: 'weekday', step: 7},

    I also have a snap function which snaps new elements to the beginning of the week (which is Sunday in my case). This results in the following picture:


    As I see it, the vertical grid lines seem to be influenced by the beginning of the month, i.e. a new major grid line is calculated at every first of the month, and as it seems, influence the grid lines of that respective month. Take December as an example: I assume that because I defined step to be 7 and the major grid line at each month's beginning can't be ignored, a major grid line is drawn at the 1st + 7 = 8th of December which is a Tuesday. Is my assumption/understanding of the behavior correct?

    What I'd like to have is a major grid line starting with every start of the week, ignoring the new grid line at every first day of the month. Incidentally, this year's November is a good example how i'd like to have it: the major grid lines neatly align with the position of my Sunday-snapped items.

    Is there a possibility to change this behavior, for example to turn off the major grid line at the 1st of each month?

    Best regards Marco

    opened by marcortw 43
  • TypeScript definitions

    TypeScript definitions


    Is anyone using this awesome library with TypeScript? With the current tendency to use TS for big projects, it will be great to have the TS type definitions.

    opened by adripanico 39
  • Curved line redrawing when physics off

    Curved line redrawing when physics off

    Most of my network graphs are user editable, so I turn the physics off after stabilization. If I use curved edges, some edges don't draw correctly with physics off. Probably something to do with the bezier points? Is there a way to get the edge to redraw correctly without turning the physics on?

    If I could stabilize the edges just between two nodes, then that would work nicely for my use case. Turning smooth curves off isn't a good option because I have multiple edges between some of the nodes. I could coalesce the labels into a multiline edge label, but the smooth curves look nice.

    opened by mindade 38
  • Networks flash permanently in certain cases...?

    Networks flash permanently in certain cases...?

    Hi, Don't know if you see what I see :

    • In some case, like when I look to http://visjs.org/network_examples.html, network flash permanently (mozilla, IE10)
    • I observe that creating network using some html structure...

    Do you heard about that / have an idea ?


    opened by bthieurmel 37
  • Very slow network rendering

    Very slow network rendering


    For test purposes, I made a demo network, constructed from 4000 nodes, each connected to one node, e.g. 1-2, 3-4, 4-5, etc...

    The rendering of the network is super slow. How can I make it load faster?

    Here are my options:

    ctrl.options = {
                autoResize: true,
                nodes: {
                    scaling: {
                        min: 10,
                        max: 30
                interaction: {
                    tooltipDelay: 200
                physics: {
                    solver: 'barnesHut',
                    barnesHut: {
                        gravitationalConstant: -8000,
                        springConstant: 0.04,
                        springLength: 95
                    adaptiveTimestep: true,
                    stabilization: {
                        iterations: 987,
                        updateInterval: 100
                layout: {
                    improvedLayout: false,
                    randomSeed: 191006
                width: '100%',
                height: '100%'


    opened by gubr123 36
  • EVERYONE: Call for showcase projects!

    EVERYONE: Call for showcase projects!

    Hi Everyone,

    As I've mentioned in #227, we're working on updating the vis website and I'd like to invite you all to submit projects you'd like to have showcased on our website. Any cool project you have made with vis is welcome! If your project is cool but the information in it is classified, you're free to make up new information for it :+1:!

    Please include the URL to the project page, or if you'd like us to host the example, let us know how you'd like to be credited. Even an image would be great!



    opened by AlexDM0 36
  • Mobile responsiveness tips?

    Mobile responsiveness tips?

    Hi, would you have any tips on mobile responsiveness?

    I have integrated vis into a mobile app (uses ionic) for iOS 8. While the timeline draws fine, I've noticed the following issue:

    Panning/zooming the timeline is very slow -- some times it responds in 1-2 seconds, sometimes it takes several seconds.

    When I enabled debug, I saw this: Touch: Failed to receive system gesture state notification before next touch Gesture: Failed to receive system gesture state notification before next touch

    This is for a small dataset - around 100 items. Any ideas on what I can do to spiff up the speed? Note that data is local (not from network)

    opened by pliablepixels 35
  • Show vertical scrollbar when contents do not fit vertically

    Show vertical scrollbar when contents do not fit vertically


    I was wondering if it would be possible to add an option to show a horizonal scrollbar on the groups when the list gets long. I know currently you allow horizontal drag, but a scrollbar option would be nice too. It sometimes hard to tell that there are more groups otherwise.


    opened by dapriett 35
  • Mark Original Start in Timeline Bar

    Mark Original Start in Timeline Bar

    Hello Team,

    Our requirement is to show any mark or icon at Timeline Project Bar start so we can check what is the start point after moving the project bar in the timeline chart.

    This will help us to check how much we moved the bar from the original start date.

    Please give your suggestion asap.

    opened by sunilepms 0
  • Showcase suggestion: libcolgraph

    Showcase suggestion: libcolgraph

    Hello, I came across vis through pyVis, but actually chose to use the original library itself because of being more hackable and extensible. I'd like to add that I'm amazed at how awesome vis is and how easily it can handle even very large graphs. We're using vis in a project called libcolgraph, to visualize 'base' graphs and their corresponding coloring graphs (graphs representing all possible colorings of a base graph). The project, along with screenshots, is located at https://github.com/aalok-sathe/coloring-graphs if you could take a look! We currently don't have a live URL but we're in the process of setting one up.

    opened by aalok-sathe 0
  • Connector title disappears when (re-)opening a cluster

    Connector title disappears when (re-)opening a cluster

    affected: vis-network.min.js (4.21.0), not affected: vis-network.min.js (4.20.1)

    Please see the series of screenshots. So far, we haven't created an isolated code snippet provoking the error - because you might have a suspiction knowing what has been changed from 4.20.1 to 4.21.0. But we could invest some time, if you have no idea and cannot reproduce it with your testcases.

    vis-network-0 vis-network-1 vis-network-2

    opened by odungern 2
  • Add CodeTriage badge to almende/vis

    Add CodeTriage badge to almende/vis

    Adds a badge showing the number of people helping this repo on CodeTriage.

    Open Source Helpers

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    CodeTriage is an Open Source app that is designed to make contributing to Open Source projects easier. It works by sending subscribers a few open issues in their inbox. If subscribers get busy, there is an algorithm that backs off issue load so they do not get overwhelmed

    Read more about the CodeTriage project.

    Why am I getting this PR?

    Your project was picked by the human, @schneems. They selected it from the projects submitted to https://www.codetriage.com and hand edited the PR. How did your project get added to CodeTriage? Roughly almost 3 years ago, theneoindian added this project to CodeTriage in order to start contributing. Since then, 17 people have subscribed to help this repo.

    What does adding a badge accomplish?

    Adding a badge invites people to help contribute to your project. It also lets developers know that others are invested in the longterm success and maintainability of the project.

    You can see an example of a CodeTriage badge on these popular OSS READMEs:

    • Email clients like GMAIL do not render SVG images https://github.com/rails/rails
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    Have a question or comment?

    While I am a bot, this PR was manually reviewed and monitored by a human - @schneems. My job is writing commit messages and handling PR logistics.

    If you have any questions, you can reply back to this PR and they will be answered by @schneems. If you do not want a badge right now, no worries, close the PR, you will not hear from me again.

    Thanks for making your project Open Source! Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

    opened by codetriage-readme-bot 0
  • v4.21.0(Oct 12, 2017)


    • Added #3394: Adds unit tests for add, setOptions and on/off DataSet
    • FIX #3406: Eliminate possibility of 'window is undefined' during travis test
    • Added #3402: added @macleodbroad-wf to the support team
    • REFA #3442: Strapping down of Extend-routines in util.js
    • FIX #3392: Addresses TODOs in Queue unit test by adding unit tests for setOptions and destroy
    • Added #3354: Adds missing jsdoc and adds lint rule require-jsdoc to build process
    • Added #3331 - Enable linting for Travis
    • Added #3312, #3311, #3310, #3309, #3308, #3304 - Add lint
    • Added #3230 - Enable 'eslint'
    • Added #3262 - Upgrade packages and tools for Travis unit testing
    • Added #3287: Update module versions to latest stable
    • Added #3295: Update the webpack example


    • FIX #3554: Relax clustering condition for adding already clustered nodes to cluster
    • FIX #3517: Retain constraint values in label font handling
    • REFA #3507: Cleanup and refactoring PhysicsEngine
    • FIX #3500: re-adds edges if they are now connected and add does not add invalid edges
    • FIX #3486: Add extra check on null value during label handling
    • FEAT #824: Network detect clicks on labels
    • FIX #3474: Adjust documentation for arrows.middle.scaleFactor
    • FIX #3483: Prevent image loading for hidden cluster nodes
    • FIX #3408, #2677: Fix handling of multi-fonts
    • FIX #3425: IE performance improvements
    • FIX #3356 and #3297: IE11 svg image fixes
    • FIX #3474: Make negative scaleFactor reverse middle arrow correctly
    • FIX #3464: Fix handling of space before huge word in label text
    • FIX #3467: Adjust for-in loops so they can deal with added properties in Array and Object prototype
    • FEAT #3412: Add endpoint 'bar' to Network
    • FIX #3403: Fixes sorting on Layout, refactoring
    • FIX #3421: Added default sizes for nodes without labels
    • FEAT #3418: Added new Hexagon shape in the Network
    • FEAT #3368: Cluster node handling due to dynamic data change
    • FIX #3395: Allow for multiline titles
    • FIX #3367: Network Clustering fixes on usage joinCondition for clusterOutliers()
    • FIX #3350: Fix setting of edge color options via Network.setOptions()
    • FEAT #3348: Add edge styles support for DOT lib
    • FIX #2839: Re-words documentation to reflect symmetrical input/output of get() when passed multiple ids
    • FIX #3316: Updates network documentation to account for edge
    • FIX #1218, #1291, #1315: Dynamically adjust clustering when data changes
    • FIX #2311: Block recalculation of level in LayoutEngine._determineLevelsDirected()
    • FIX #3280: Cleanup mergeOptions() and fix missing ref on globalOptions in mergeOptions()
    • FEAT #3131: Added dragStart event for adding edges
    • FIX #3171 and #3185: Fix infinite loop on drawing of large labels
    • FIX #3220: Update hierarchy when node level changes
    • FIX #3245: Multiple base edges in clustered edge
    • FEAT #1222: Add pointer data to hover events
    • REFA #3106: Refactoring and unit testing of Validator module
    • REFA #3227: Refactor LayoutEngine for further work
    • FIX #3164: make 'hidden' and 'clustered' play nice together
    • FIX #2579: Allow DOM elements for node titles
    • FIX #2856: Fix manipulation examples for Network


    • FIX #1852: Correct documentation for graph2d’s moveTo function


    • FIX #3467: Adjust for-in loops so they can deal with added properties in Array and Object prototypes
    • FEAT #3099: Add option definitions and validation to Graph3d
    • REFA #3159: move Filter into DataGroup
    • FEAT #3255: Add unit tests for Graph3D issue
    • FIX #3251: Graph3d put guards before unsubscription in DataGroup
    • FIX #3255: Fix missing reference to Graph3D instance in DataGroup


    • FEAT #3529: On timeline loaded
    • FEAT #3505: Drag object in to item
    • FEAT #3050: Allow disabling of RangeItem limitSize
    • FIX #3475: Item Redraw Performance - Bug Fix
    • FIX #3504: Fixing a bug with the timing of the final setting of the vertical scroll position
    • FIX #3509: Added describe sections to PointItem unit tests
    • FIX #2851: Vertical focus
    • FEAT #620: Subgroup stacking
    • FIX #3475: Improve Item redraw and initial draw performance
    • FIX #3409: Group redraw performance
    • FEAT #3428: Adds locale for Chinese (cn)
    • FIX #3405: fix orientation option
    • FIX #3360: Add performance tips to timeline docs
    • FIX #3378: Add item with ctrlKey/metaKey when dagging on a selected item
    • FIX #3126: Nested groups order logic
    • FIX #3246: Fix issue when showMajorLabels == false is used with a weekly scale and weekly scale minor label fix
    • FIX #3342: Bug fix for null parent
    • FIX #2123: Disable the default handling of the pinch event when handling it
    • FIX #3169: add parenthesis around ternary
    • FIX #3249: Only draw non-visible items once when they are loaded, instead of continuously every frame
    • FEAT #3162: Bidirectional scrolling in timeline - make horizontalScroll and verticalScroll work together
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.20.1(Jul 2, 2017)


    • Added Release checklist
    • Added collapsible items for objects in graph3d doc


    • FIX #3203: Set dimensions properly of images on initialization
    • FIX #3198: Small fix on ref usage in DataGroup
    • FIX #3170: Refactoring of Node Drawing
    • FIX #3108: Reverse nodes returned with 'from' and 'to' directions
    • FIX #3122: Refactored line drawing for Bezier edges
    • FIX #3121: Refactoring of BezierEdgeStatic._getViaCoordinates()
    • FIX #3088: Consolidate code for determining the pixel ratio
    • FIX #3036: Smooth type 'dynamic' adjusted for node-specific option in hierarchical
    • FIX #1105: Fix usage of clustering with hierarchical networks
    • FIX #3133: Protect Network from zero and negative mass values
    • FIX #3163: Prevent crashes from invalid id's in Clustering.findNode()
    • FIX #3106: Ensure start and end of stabilization progress events is sent
    • FIX #3015: Properly handle newline escape sequences in strings for DOT
    • FIX Refactoring of LayoutEngine
    • FIX #2990: Edge labels turn bold on select and hover
    • FIX #2959: Changed order of (de)select events for network
    • FIX #3091: Added param 'direction' to Network.getConnectedNodes()
    • FIX #3085: Add prefix to cancelAnimationFrame()


    • FIX #2804: Add data group class to Graph3d


    • FIX #3172: Fix stacking when setting option
    • FIX #3183: Fixes a race condition that set an item's group to be set to undefined
    • FEAT #3154: Caching to Range getMillisecondsPerPixel function
    • FIX #3105: Adjusting timeline TimeStep.roundToMinor
    • FEAT #3107: Allow overriding align per item
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.20.0(May 21, 2017)


    • FIX #2934: Replacing all ES6 imports with CJS require calls (#3063)
    • Add command line options to mocha for running tests (#3064)
    • Added documentation on how labels are used (#2873)
    • FIX: Fix typo in PR template (#2908)
    • FIX #2912: updated moment.js (#2925)
    • Added @wimrijnders to the support team (#2886)


    • FIX: Fixes for loading images into image nodes (#2964)
    • FIX #3025: Added check on mission var 'options', refactoring. (#3055)
    • FIX #3057: Use get() to get data from DataSet/View instead of directly accessing member _data. (#3069)
    • FIX #3065: Avoid overriding standard context method ellipse() (#3072)
    • FIX #2922: bold label for selected ShapeBase classes (#2924)
    • FIX #2952: Pre-render node images for interpolation (#3010)
    • FIX #1735: Fix for exploding directed network, first working version; refactored hierarchical state in LayoutEngine.(#3017)
    • Refactoring of Label.propagateFonts() (#3052)
    • FIX #2894: Set CircleImageBase.imageObjAlt always when options change (#3053)
    • FIX #3047: Label.getFormattingValues() fix option fallback to main font for mod-fonts (#3054)
    • FIX #2938: Fix handling of node id's in saveAndLoad example (#2943)
    • FIX: Refactoring in Canvas.js (#3030)
    • FIX #2968: Fix placement label for dot shape (#3018)
    • FIX #2994: select edge with id zero (#2996)
    • FIX #1847, #2436: Network: use separate refresh indicator in NodeBase, instead of width… (#2885)
    • Fix #2914: Use option edges.chosen if present in global options (#2917)
    • FIX #2940: Gephi consolidate double assignment of node title (#2962)
    • FIX 2936: Fix check for nodes not present in EdgesHandler (#2963)
    • FEAT: Reduce the time-complexity of the network initial positioning (#2759)

    Timeline / Graph2D

    • FEAT: Add support for multiple class names in utils add/remove class methods (#3079)
    • FEAT: Adds 'showTooltips' option to override popups displayed for items with titles (#3046)
    • FIX #2818: LineGraph: Add an existingItemsMap to check if items are new or not before skipping (#3075)
    • FEAT #2835: Improve timeline stack performance (#2848, #3078)
    • FIX #3032: mouseup and mousedown events (#3059)
    • FIX #2421: Fix click and doubleclick events on items (#2988)
    • FEAT #1405, #1715, #3002: Implementation of a week scale feature (#3009)
    • FIX #397: Eliminate repeatedly fired rangechanged events on mousewheel (#2989)
    • FIX #2939: Add check for parent existence when changing group in Item.setData (#2985)
    • FIX #2877: Add check for empty groupIds array and get full list from data set (#2986)
    • FIX #2614: Timeline docs border overlaps (#2992)
    • FIX: Doubleclick add (#2987)
    • FIX #2679: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null (#2973)
    • FEAT #2863: Drag and drop custom fields (#2872)
    • FEAT #2834: Control over the drop event (#2974)
    • FIX #2918: Remove usages of elementsCensor (#2947)
    • FEAT #2948: Rolling mode offset (#2950)
    • FEAT #2805: Add callback functions to moveTo, zoomIn, zoomOut and setWindow (#2870)
    • FIX: Do not corrupt class names at high zoom levels (#2909)
    • FIX #2888: Fix error in class names (#2911)
    • FIX #2835: Visible items bug (#2878)


    • FEAT: Configurable minimum and maximum sizes for dot-size graphs (#2849)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.19.1(Mar 19, 2017)


    • FIX: #2685 Fixed babel dependencies (#2875)

    Timeline / Graph2D

    • FIX #2809: Fix docs typo in "showNested" (#2879)
    • FIX #2594: Fixes for removing and adding items to subgroups (#2821)
    • FIX: Allow nested groups to be removed (#2852)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.19.0(Mar 19, 2017)


    • FIX: Fix eslint problem on Travis. (#2744)
    • added support for eslint (#2695)
    • Trivial typo fix in how_to_help doc. (#2714)
    • add link to a mentioned example (#2709)
    • FEAT: use babel preset2015 for custom builds (#2678)
    • FIX: use babel version compatible with [email protected] (#2693)
    • FEAT: run mocha tests in travis ci (#2687)
    • Add note that PRs should be submitted against the develop branch (#2623)
    • FIX: Fixes instanceof Object statements for objects from other windows and iFrames. (#2631)
    • removed google-analytics from all examples (#2670)
    • do not ignore test folder (#2648)
    • updated dependencies and devDependencies (#2649)
    • general improvements (#2652)


    • FEAT: Improve the performance of the network layout engine (#2729)
    • FEAT: Allow for image nodes to have a selected or broken image (#2601)

    Timeline / Graph2D

    • FIX #2842: Prevent redirect to blank after drag and drop in FF (#2871)
    • FIX #2810: Nested groups do not use "groupOrder" (#2817)
    • FIX #2795: fix date for custom format function (#2826)
    • FIX #2689: Add animation options for zoomIn/zoomOut funtions (#2830)
    • FIX #2800: Removed all "Object.assign" from examples (#2829)
    • FIX #2725: Background items positioning when orientation: top (#2831)
    • FEAT: Added data as argument to the template function (#2802)
    • FIX #2827: Update "progress bar" example to reflect values (#2828)
    • FIX #2672: Item events original event (#2704)
    • FIX #2696: Update serialization example to use ISOString dates (#2789)
    • FIX #2790: Update examples to use ISOString format (#2791)
    • FEAT: Added support to supply an end-time to bar charts to have them scale (#2760)
    • FIX #1982, #1417: Modify redraw logic to treat scroll as needing restack (#2774)
    • FEAT: Initial tests for timeline ItemSet (#2750)
    • FIX #2720: Problems with option editable (#2743, #2796, #2806)
    • FIX: Range.js "event" is undeclared (#2749)
    • FEAT: added new locales for french and espanol (#2723)
    • FIX: fixes timestep next issue (#2732)
    • FEAT: #2647 Dynamic rolling mode option (#2705)
    • FIX #2679: TypeError: Cannot read property 'hasOwnProperty' of null (#2735)
    • Add initial tests for Timeline PointItem (#2716)
    • FIX #778: Tooltip does not work with background items in timeline (#2703)
    • FIX #2598: Flickering onUpdateTimeTooltip (#2702)
    • FEAT: refactor tooltip to only use one dom-element (#2662)
    • FEAT: Change setCustomTimeTitle title parameter to be a string or a function (#2611)


    • FEAT #2769: Graph3d tooltip styling (#2780)
    • FEAT #2540: Adjusted graph3d doc for autoscaling (#2812)
    • FIX #2536: 3d bar graph data array unsorted (#2803)
    • FEAT: Added showX(YZ)Axis options to Graph3d (#2686)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.18.1(Jan 29, 2017)


    • updated dependencies
    • FIX: moved babel plugins from devDependencies to dependencies (#2629)


    • FIX #2604: Handle label composition for long words (#2650)
    • FIX #2640: Network manipulation styles together with Bootstrap styles (#2654)
    • FIX #2494: Fix tree collision in hierarchical layout (#2625)
    • FIX #2589: Vertically center label in network circle node (#2593)
    • FIX #2591: Self reference edge should now appear in all cases (#2595)
    • FIX #2613: Fixed return value for zoom in/out callback (#2615)
    • FIX #2609: Values should be passed to check values.borderDashes (#2599)

    Timeline / Graph2D

    • FIX: Fixed htmlContents example (#2651)
    • FIX #2590: Min zoom bug (#2646)
    • FIX #2597: Zoom while dragging (#2645)
    • FIX: Minor cleanups in Timeline Range. (#2633)
    • FIX #2458: Allow graph2D options to be undefined (#2634)
    • FIX: Fix typo (#2622)
    • FIX #2585: Fixed React example (#2587)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.18.0(Jan 15, 2017)


    • Readme improvements (#2520)
    • Babel updates and fixes (#2466, #2513, #2566)
    • Removed dist folder from the develop-branch (#2497)
    • updated and cleaned-up npm dependencies (#2518, #2406)
    • FEAT: Added CodeClimate tests (#2411)
    • FEAT: Added initial Travis-CI support: https://travis-ci.org/almende/vis (#2550)
    • FIX #2500: Replace { bool } with { boolean: bool } (#2501, #2506, #2581)
    • FIX #2445: Fix YUI Compressor incompatibilities (#2452)
    • FIX #2402: make sure a given element isn’t undefined before accessing properties (#2403)
    • FIX #2560: IE11 issue 'Symbol' is undefined with babel-polyfill (#2566)
    • FIX #2490: Don't pass non-string values to Date.parse (#2534)


    • FIX: Removed event oldData items (#2535)
    • FIX #2528: Fixed deleting item with id 0 (#2530)


    • FIX #1911: Fix missing blur edge event (#2554)
    • FIX #2478: Fix tooltip issue causing exception when node becomes cluster (#2555)
    • FEAT: Change styles if element is selected (#2446)
    • FEAT #2306: Add example for network onLoad animation. (#2476)
    • FEAT #1845: Adding example of cursor change (#2463)
    • FEAT #1603 #1628 #1936 #2298 #2384: Font styles, width and height of network nodes (#2385)
    • FEAT: Add pointer position to zoom event (#2377)
    • FEAT #1653 #2342: label margins for box, circle, database, icon and text nodes. (#2343)
    • FEAT #2233 #2068 #1756: Edit edge without endpoint dragging, and pass label in data (#2329)

    Timeline / Graph2D

    • FIX: #2522 Right button while dragging item makes items uneditable (#2582)
    • FIX #2538: Major axis labels displaying wrong value (#2551)
    • FEAT #2516: Added followMouse & overflowMethod to tooltip options (#2544)
    • FIX: Fixed tool-tip surviving after item deleted (#2545)
    • FIX #2515: Fixed hover events for HTML elements (#2539)
    • FIX: Timeline.setGroups for Array (#2529)
    • FIX: Error in React example when adding a ranged item (#2521)
    • FEAT #226 #2421 #2429: Added mouse events for the timeline (#2473)
    • FEAT #497: new stackSubgroups option (#2519, #2527)
    • FEAT #338: Added HTML tool-tip support (#2498)
    • FIX #2511: readded throttleRedraw option; added DEPRECATED warning (#2514)
    • FEAT #2300: Added nested groups (#2416)
    • FEAT #2464: Add template support for minor/major labels (#2493)
    • FIX #2379: Fix initial drag (#2474)
    • FIX #2102: Fix error on click for graph2D when no data is provided (#2472)
    • FIX #2469: Fix graph2D render issue (#2470)
    • FIX #1126: Add visibleFrameTemplate option for higher item dom content (#2437)
    • FIX #2467: Fix Range ctor with optional options parameter (#2468)
    • FEAT #1746: Rolling mode (#2439, #2486)
    • FIX #2422: Timeline onMove callback (#2427)
    • FIX #2370: IE10 drag-and-drop support (#2426)
    • FIX #1906: Pass through original hammer.js events (#2420)
    • FIX #2327: Add support to fixed times drag and drop (#2372)
    • FIX: _origRedraw sometimes undefined (#2399)
    • FIX #2367 #2328: Group editable bug (#2368)
    • FIX #2336: Mouse wheel problem on custom time element (#2366)
    • FIX #2307: Timeline async initial redraw bug (#2386)
    • FIX #2312: Vertical scroll bug with groups and fixed height (#2363)
    • FIX #2333: Scrollbar width on browser zoom (#2344)
    • Fixed #2319: Bug in TimeStep.prototype.getClassName (#2335)
    • FEAT #257: Added option to change the visibility of a group (#2315)
    • FEAT: More editable control of timeline items (#2305)
    • FIX #2273: Cannot scroll page when zoomKey is enabled (#2301)
    • FIX #2295, 2263: Issues with vertical scroll and maxHeight (#2302)
    • FIX #2285: onUpdate event (#2304)
    • FIX: Timeline-docs: updated group.content description to show that it can be an element (#2296)
    • FIX #2251: No axis after daylight saving (#2290)
    • FEAT #2256: Timeline editable can override items (#2284)
    • FEAT: Graph2d performance enhancement (#2281)


    • FEAT #2451: Allow pass the color of points in 'dot-color' mode of Graph3D (#2489)
    • FEAT: Improvement for camera 3d moving (#2340)
    • FEAT: Add ability to move graph3d by left mouse button while pressing ctrl key and rotate like before (#2357)
    • FIX: Fixed label disappearing bug for large axis values in graph3d (#2348)
    • FIX: Fixed Grpah3D-docs: Changed "an" to "and" in graph3D docs (#2313)
    • FIX #2274: Graph3d disappears when setSize is called (#2293)
    • FIX: Fixed typo in index.html of Graph3D (#2286)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.17.0(Nov 5, 2016)


    • Generate source-maps in develop-branch (#2246)
    • Implemented #2181: Ignore the "dist" folder in the develop-branch (#2245)
    • Updates DataSet and DataView remove event payload (#2189, #2264)
    • Added a Gitter chat badge to README.md (#2179)
    • Adds oldData to the update event payload in DataView (#2174)
    • Prevent moment.js deprecation warning (#2089)
    • Fixed #2170: Improved the contribution docs (#1991, #2158, #2178, #2183, #2213, #2218, #2219)
    • Implemented #1969: generate individual css files for network and timeline (#1970)
    • Cleanup bower.json (#1968)
    • Fixed #2114: Removed feature-request page from website
    • Distinguish better between devDependencies and dependencies (#1967)
    • Typos and minor docs improvements (#1958, #2028, #2050, #2093, #2222, #2223, #2224)
    • Replaced gulp-minify-css with gulp-clean-css (#1953)


    • Fixed HTML in nodes example to work in Safari (#2248, #2260)
    • Fixed #2100: "zoom" improvements; clusterByConnection bugfix (#2229)
    • Implemented #2073: New example to export/import current network as JSON (#2152)
    • Fixed #1718, #2122: Fix blur edge for dense networks (#2124)
    • Russian, Italian, Brazilian Portuguese locale (#2111, #2184, #2188, #2052)
    • Implemented #1993: edge-endpoint 'circle' (#2066)
    • Implemented #972, #1920: advanced Clustering (#2055)
    • Removed restriction to allow clusters of a single node. (#2013)
    • Improved label positioning in ellipses (#2011)
    • Fixed #1857: Fixed node positioning with improved Layout:true (#1987)
    • Fixed issue with selecting edges drawn close to another (#1922)
    • Fixed getPoint for same node edges (#1907)

    Timeline / Graph2D

    • Fixed #2261: Bugs with mousewheel events (#2262)
    • Implemented #1506: Date-Time-Tooltip while item dragging (#2247)
    • Fixed background items with no groups (#2241)
    • Fixed #2015: Fixes and improvements for data-serialization (#2244)
    • Implemented #1881: Drag and Drop into a timeline (#2238)
    • Implemented #1955: Added zoomIn and zoomOut functions (#2239)
    • Implemented #2027: Auto-detect Right-To-Left orientation from DOM attributes (#2235, #2237)
    • German locale (#2234)
    • Option zoomKey added for mouse wheel support (#2197, #2216, #2217)
    • Implements #2193: Horizontal scrollbar (#2201)
    • Implements #272, #466, #1060: Vertical scrollbar (#2196, #2197, #2228, #2231)
    • Fixed #2173: Italian locale (#2185)
    • Example for react.js support (#2153, #2206, #2211)
    • Allow custom label formatting via functions (#1098, #2145)
    • Fix Vertical visibility for all item types (#2143)
    • Fixed #2057: Right-To-Left orientation docs (#2141)
    • Small bugfix to prevent null pointer exception (#2116)
    • Add missing require for util module (#2109)
    • Fixed #2092: Gaps between timeline items (#2107)
    • Fixed #2064: Fixed position of box item (#2106)
    • Implemented #773, #1367: itemover and itemout events (#2099)
    • Fixed #27023: Use requestAnimationFrame to throttle redraws ()#2091)
    • Hide vertically hidden ranged items in groups that are not visible (#2062)
    • Fixed #2032: fixes BoxItem's initial width if content width is dynamic (#2035)
    • Use css styles instead of delete image (#2034)
    • Implemented #2014: weekday marks in other zoomlevel (#2016)
    • Fixed #1625: only use shape.radius if available (#2005)
    • Fixed incorrect documentation URL (#1998)
    • Added example for zoom functions (#1986)
    • Fixed #1156: Vertical scrolling when dragging (#1976)
    • Minor fix in docs (#1972)
    • Fixed handlebars example (#1946)
    • Fixed #1723: Problems in the time axis bar if using hiddenDates (#1944)
    • Timestep setMoment fix (#1932)
    • Fixed #1853: Content overflow (#1862)
    • Bugfix (#1822)
    • Fix right orientation axis for Graph2D (f516cb0)


    • Minor improvements and major source restructuring (#2157, #2159, #2160, #2162, #2165, #2166, #2167, #2168, #2171, #2175, #2176, #2182, #2195, #2199, #2200, #2202, #2204, #2208, #2209, #2210, #2212, #2214, #2215, #2227, #2230)
    • Improvements for graph3d legend support (#1940)
    • Advanced Tooltips (#1884)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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