📊 Vue.js wrapper for Chart.js

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vue-chartjs is a wrapper for Chart.js in vue. You can easily create reuseable chart components.

Demo & Docs


  • v1 later @legacy
    • Vue.js 1.x
  • v2 later
    • Vue.js 2.x

After the final release of vue.js 2, you also get the v2 by default if you install vue-chartjs over npm. No need for the @next tag anymore. If you want the v1 you need to define the version or use the legacy tag. If you're looking for v1 check this branch


Or if you want to use it directly in the browser add

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.4/Chart.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-chartjs/dist/vue-chartjs.min.js"></script>

to your scripts. See Codepen


You can use vue-chartjs directly in the browser without any build setup. Like in this codepen. For this case, please use the vue-chartjs.min.js which is the minified version. You also need to add the Chart.js CDN script.

You can then simply register your component:

Vue.component('line-chart', {
  extends: VueChartJs.Line,
  mounted () {
      labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'],
      datasets: [
          label: 'Data One',
          backgroundColor: '#f87979',
          data: [40, 39, 10, 40, 39, 80, 40]
    }, {responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false})

How to use

You need to import the component and then either use extends or mixins and add it.

You can import the whole package or each module individual.

import VueCharts from 'vue-chartjs'
import { Bar, Line } from 'vue-chartjs'

Just create your own component.

// CommitChart.js
import { Bar } from 'vue-chartjs'

export default {
  extends: Bar,
  mounted () {
    // Overwriting base render method with actual data.
      labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
      datasets: [
          label: 'GitHub Commits',
          backgroundColor: '#f87979',
          data: [40, 20, 12, 39, 10, 40, 39, 80, 40, 20, 12, 11]

or in TypeScript

// CommitChart.ts
import { Component, Mixins } from 'vue-property-decorator'
import { Bar, mixins } from 'vue-chartjs';
import { Component } from 'vue-property-decorator';

    extends: Bar, // this is important to add the functionality to your component
    mixins: [mixins.reactiveProp]
export default class CommitChart extends Mixins(mixins.reactiveProp, Bar) {
  mounted () {
    // Overwriting base render method with actual data.
      labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
      datasets: [
          label: 'GitHub Commits',
          backgroundColor: '#f87979',
          data: [40, 20, 12, 39, 10, 40, 39, 80, 40, 20, 12, 11]

Then simply import and use your own extended component and use it like a normal vue component

import CommitChart from 'path/to/component/CommitChart'

Another Example with options

You can overwrite the default chart options. Just pass the options object as a second parameter to the render method

// MonthlyIncome.vue
import { Line } from 'vue-chartjs'

export default {
  extends: Line,
  props: ['data', 'options'],
  mounted () {
    this.renderChart(this.data, this.options)

Use it in your vue app

import MonthlyIncome from 'path/to/component/MonthlyIncome'

  <monthly-income :data={....} />

export default {
  components: { MonthlyIncome },


Chart.js does not update or re-render the chart if new data is passed. However, you can simply implement this on your own or use one of the two mixins which are included.

  • reactiveProp
  • reactiveData

Both are included in the mixins module.

The mixins automatically create chartData as a prop or data. And add a watcher. If data has changed, the chart will update. However, keep in mind the limitations of vue and javascript for mutations on arrays and objects. It is important that you pass your options in a local variable named options! The reason is that if the mixin re-renders the chart it calls this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options) so don't pass in the options object directly or it will be ignored.

More info here

// MonthlyIncome.js
import { Line, mixins } from 'vue-chartjs'

export default {
  extends: Line,
  mixins: [mixins.reactiveProp],
  props: ['chartData', 'options'],
  mounted () {
    this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options)

Mixins module

The mixins module is included in the VueCharts module and as a separate module. Some ways to import them:

// Load complete module with all charts
import VueCharts from 'vue-chartjs'

export default {
  extends: VueCharts.Line,
  mixins: [VueCharts.mixins.reactiveProp],
  props: ['chartData', 'options'],
  mounted () {
    this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options)
// Load separate modules
import { Line, mixins } from 'vue-chartjs'

export default {
  extends: Line,
  mixins: [mixins.reactiveProp],
  props: ['chartData', 'options'],
  mounted () {
    this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options)
// Load separate modules with destructure assign
import { Line, mixins } from 'vue-chartjs'
const { reactiveProp } = mixins

export default {
  extends: Line,
  mixins: [reactiveProp],
  props: ['chartData', 'options'],
  mounted () {
    this.renderChart(this.chartData, this.options)

Single File Components

You can create your components in Vues single file components. However it is important that you do not have the <template></template> included. Because Vue can't merge templates. And the template is included in the mixin. If you leave the template tag in your component, it will overwrite the one which comes from the base chart and you will have a blank screen.

Available Charts

Bar Chart


Line Chart








Polar Area






Build Setup

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run build

# run unit tests
npm run unit

# run all tests
npm test

For a detailed explanation of how things work, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/apertureless/vue-chartjs/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


This software is distributed under MIT license.

Buy Me A Coffee

  • Rerender when data has changed

    Rerender when data has changed

    Hi! I am using the next branch.

    I was wondering how I can make my charts reactive to the data that I enter through the :data property.

    So, what should I do to re-render/update a graph?

    Edit: And I do know that the data has changed. I can see that through Vue Devtools. So the new data is reactiv to the inside of my chart component. But there graph does not update when the new data arrives.

    ☂ feature-request ☕ discuss Hacktoberfest 
    opened by blomdahldaniel 39
  • Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders

    Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders

    Expected Behavior

    The values in the chart should be changed without any errors.

    I mean this code: http://vue-chartjs.org/#/home?id=reactive-data

    Actual Behavior

    The chart is initialized. The values are displayed. After pressing the button, the values change.

    But in the logs of the browser, this errors always appears:

    [Vue warn]: $attrs is readonly.

    And second:

    [Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "chartData"

    My code is exactly the same as your code in the documentation. I did not specifically change it.


    • vue.js version: 2.4.1
    • vue-chart.js version: 2.7.1
    • npm version: 5.3.0 (but I use yarn)
    • yarn version: 0.27.5
    ✍ help wanted Need Repo 
    opened by afuno 36
  • [Typescript + vue-class style components] Argument of type 'typeof UsageChart' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass<Vue>'

    [Typescript + vue-class style components] Argument of type 'typeof UsageChart' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass'

    Hello. I'm having an issue using the typescript sample that's in the docs. The compiler complains about types. Any ideas how can I fix this?

    The code:


    Full error:

    Argument of type 'typeof UsageChart' is not assignable to parameter of type 'VueClass<Vue>'. Type 'typeof UsageChart' is not assignable to type 'VueConstructor<Vue>'. Types of parameters 'options' and 'options' are incompatible. Type 'ComponentOptions<Vue, DefaultData<Vue>, DefaultMethods<Vue>, DefaultComputed, PropsDefinition<Record<string, any>>, Record<string, any>> | undefined' is not assignable to type 'ThisTypedComponentOptionsWithArrayProps<Vue, Line, object, object, never> | undefined'. Type 'ComponentOptions<Vue, DefaultData<Vue>, DefaultMethods<Vue>, DefaultComputed, PropsDefinition<Record<string, any>>, Record<string, any>>' is not assignable to type 'ThisTypedComponentOptionsWithArrayProps<Vue, Line, object, object, never>'. Type 'ComponentOptions<Vue, DefaultData<Vue>, DefaultMethods<Vue>, DefaultComputed, PropsDefinition<Record<string, any>>, Record<string, any>>' is not assignable to type 'ComponentOptions<Vue, DataDef<Line, Record<never, any>, Vue>, object, object, never[], Record<never, any>>'. Type 'DefaultData<Vue>' is not assignable to type 'DataDef<Line, Record<never, any>, Vue>'. Type 'object' is not assignable to type 'DataDef<Line, Record<never, any>, Vue>'. Type 'object' is not assignable to type '(this: Readonly<Record<never, any>> & Vue) => Line'. Type '{}' provides no match for the signature '(this: Readonly<Record<never, any>> & Vue): Line'.ts(2345)


    • vue.js version: 2.6.8
    • vue-chart.js version: 3.4.2
    • npm version: 6.8.0
    ✍ help wanted ❓ question 
    opened by santiagogdo 26
  • Request to have a Typescript Sample?

    Request to have a Typescript Sample?

    It would be really nice to have a typescript sample. Having hard time rendering the chart using typescript and vue-chartjs


    • vue.js version: <2.5>
    • vue-chart.js version: <3.2.1>
    • npm version: <5.5.1>
    ✍ help wanted ❓ question 
    opened by jayalakshmis 26
  • Computed object won't populate chart

    Computed object won't populate chart

    Expected Behavior

    Passing a prop array and computing a data value from it to populate a chart should work.

    Actual Behavior

    Empty chart.

    Looking in vue console tools, I see that my computed object is present and (seemingly) valid:

        2:"attend meeting"
        3:"attend march

    And my template code looks like this: <bar-chart :data="actionbarlabels" :options="{responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false}"></bar-chart>


    • vue.js version: 2.3.4
    • vue-chart.js version: 2.8.2
    • npm version: 4.2.0
    • quasar version: 0.14.0
    ❓ question Need Repo 
    opened by ssuess 19
  • Mixins don't seem to trigger a refresh of the chart

    Mixins don't seem to trigger a refresh of the chart

    Expected Behavior

    Adding a label and value to the dataset should add the item to the chart

    Actual Behavior

    Adding a label and value to the data doesn't change the chart. The chart only gets redrawn when I resize the browser

    Line chart:

    import { Line, mixins } from 'vue-chartjs'
    export default Line.extend({
      props: ["options", "chartData"],
      mixins: [mixins.reactiveProp],
      mounted () {


        <div class="charts">
          <div class="col-md-12">
            <line-chart :chart-data="chartData" :options="chartOptions"></line-chart>
            <md-button @click.native="addData">add data</md-button>
    <style scoped>
    import lineChart from './chartOverviewTimeline.js';
    export default {
        name: 'chartDashboard',
        components : {
        data: function () {
            return {
              chartData : {},
              chartOptions : {mainAspectRatio : false}
        methods: {
          addData: function(){
          for(let i = 0 ; i < 1; i ++){
              this.chartData.labels.push(100 + i);
              this.chartData.datasets[0].data.push(Math.random() * 100);
            this.chartOptions = {
              scaleShowHorizontalLines : true,
              scales: {
                xAxes: [{
                  stacked: false
                yAxes: [{
                  stacked: false,
                    display: true
            this.chartData = {
                  label: 'Sensor 1',
                  backgroundColor: '#734375',
                  data: [],
                  fill: false,
                  lineTension: 0
            for(let i = 0 ; i < 5; i++){
              this.chartData.datasets[0].data.push(Math.random() * 100);

    I would expect that the addData function triggers a change in the prop and therefor a redraw in the chart.

    Vue chartjs version 2.3.7

    ⚠️️ bug ✍ help wanted 
    opened by berendberendsen 19
  • Conditional Rendering Issue

    Conditional Rendering Issue

    <template v-if="!loaded">
            :chart-data="[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
            :chart-labels="['00-00-0000', '00-00-0000', '00-00-0000', '00-00-0000', '00-00-0000',]"
    <template v-if="loaded">

    Expected Behavior

    Render the first set of placeholder data while loading data then show the other chart with the actualy data after loading.

    Actual Behavior

    Doesn't follow the v-else condition, it just keeps the dummy data.

    My only work around was by doing

            :chart-data="[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]"
            :chart-labels="['00-00-0000', '00-00-0000', '00-00-0000', '00-00-0000', '00-00-0000',]"


    • vue.js version: 2
    • vue-chart.js version: ^3.5.1
    • chart.js version: ^2.9.4
    • npm version: 7.19.1
    opened by sell 18
  • Standalone chartjs build (don't include moment.js)

    Standalone chartjs build (don't include moment.js)

    Expected Behavior

    Moment.js shouldn't be included

    Actual Behavior

    Moment.js appears on my package.lock file and gets bundled in my build


    • vue.js version: 2.3.3
    • vue-chart.js version: 2.6.0
    • npm version: 5.0.3
    • webpack: 2.5.1

    Can you help me figure out how I configure this correctly so that I only get the standalone chart.js build: https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/blob/3e94b9431a5b3d6e4bfbfd6a2339a350999b3292/docs/getting-started/installation.md . Moment.js is a very heavy package and if I can avoid including it in my site I'll gladly do that. The documentation makes it sound like treeshaking can do this but I'm just using the vue webpack cli and it's still coming through.


    opened by CalebKester 16
  • Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'transition' of null

    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'transition' of null

    Hi @apertureless I am using this package for my data viz platform. The pie chart on load does not show but gives the error message Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'transition' of null in my console. But when I try to click another chart, the chart comes up. What it this transition property? and how can I solve the problem?

    ❓ question Need Repo 
    opened by nwaughachukwuma 15
  • Loading data from server and displaying

    Loading data from server and displaying

    Expected Behavior

    In the example for Reactive Data in the docs, when implemented, you have to click the "Randomize" button to trigger the fillData function and get content displayed in the graph.

    Actual Behavior

    I'm looking for a way (as I serve the content to display from an API) to display the data as soon as the component gets a response from my API.

    I tried to do the usual Vue 2.0 nextTick to call the fillData function when the component is mounted

    mounted () {
          this.$nextTick(function () {

    Below is the code of my component (slightly adapted to match my API call), of course it works perfectly when I click the "Randomize" button but I don't want to have to click this button for each and every graph in my "Dashboard" component (several graphs in this component).

          <line-chart :chart-data="datacollection"></line-chart>
          <button @click="fillData()">Randomize</button>
      import LineChart from './LineChart.js'
      export default {
        components: {
        data () {
          return {
            datacollection: null
        mounted () {
          this.$nextTick(function () {
        methods: {
          fillData () {
                .then(response => {
                this.datacollection = response.data;

    Thank you in advance for your help !


    • vue.js version:
    • vue-chart.js version:
    • npm version:
    ❓ question 
    opened by cdubant 15
  • 📝 Translate documentation

    📝 Translate documentation

    Would need some help with the translation of the docs. I will soon translate it into german. However I think chinese would be also great, as there is a big vue community there.

    Simply check out docute and submit a PR ;) And please pick the right README in the /docs folder


    • [ ] German
    • [x] Chinese
    • [x] Japanese
    • [x] Indonesian
    • [x] Brazilian Portuguese
    • [x] Russian
    • [x] French
    • [ ] ???
    ⚡ feature ✍ help wanted Hacktoberfest documentation 
    opened by apertureless 15
  • [Bug]: Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'vue-chartjs'

    [Bug]: Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'vue-chartjs'

    Would you like to work on a fix?

    • [ ] Check this if you would like to implement a PR, we are more than happy to help you go through the process.

    Current and expected behavior

    I am trying to use this library migrating from vue-chartjs-3. Followed the migrating doc but nothing happens except for the error


      <Line v-if="chartData" ref="chartRef" :data="chartData" :options="options" />
    import { defineComponent, ref } from "vue";
    import { Line } from 'vue-chartjs';
    import { Chart, registerables } from "chart.js";
    import { useStore } from "vuex";
    import ChartDataLabels from "chartjs-plugin-datalabels";


    I don't think I can provide such a repo

    chart.js version


    vue-chartjs version


    Possible solution

    No idea to be honest. I already tried the migration thing to use it but I haven't made it yet!

    opened by jquirogaa 2
  • chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.31.0

    chore(deps): update dependency eslint to v8.31.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | eslint (source) | 8.30.0 -> 8.31.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

    • 52c7c73 feat: check assignment patterns in no-underscore-dangle (#​16693) (Milos Djermanovic)
    • b401cde feat: add options to check destructuring in no-underscore-dangle (#​16006) (Morten Kaltoft)
    • 30d0daf feat: group properties with values in parentheses in key-spacing (#​16677) (Francesco Trotta)
    Bug Fixes
    • 35439f1 fix: correct syntax error in prefer-arrow-callback autofix (#​16722) (Francesco Trotta)
    • 87b2470 fix: new instance of FlatESLint should load latest config file version (#​16608) (Milos Djermanovic)


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about this update again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • [Bug]: Cannot import `vue-chartjs`

    [Bug]: Cannot import `vue-chartjs`

    Would you like to work on a fix?

    • [ ] Check this if you would like to implement a PR, we are more than happy to help you go through the process.

    Current and expected behavior

    I'm trying to import vue-chartjs on a Vue 2 project (2.7.14) via PNPM, yet it gives me an error:

    Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'vue-chartjs' in <component name>

    Note that when I tried to remove it and keep the import of chart.js, the error disappeared, which suggests that it has to do with the import statement of vue-chartjs My repo is CommonJS, in case that matters


    I don't know the exact steps. The repo is my website which I'd like to keep private

    chart.js version


    vue-chartjs version


    Possible solution

    No response

    opened by avi12 4
  • [Bug]:  'chartData' is declared here

    [Bug]: 'chartData' is declared here

    Would you like to work on a fix?

    • [ ] Check this if you would like to implement a PR, we are more than happy to help you go through the process.

    Current and expected behavior

    So, I don't know why, but when I tried using any kind of chart, my Vue 3 + Vite show me this errors.

    Screenshot 2022-12-22 at 14 57 08


    Create a simples version of Vue 3 + Vite, and try use vue-chartjs

    chart.js version


    vue-chartjs version


    Possible solution

    No response

    Need Repo 
    opened by bkawakami 2
  • chore(deps): update vitest monorepo to ^0.26.0

    chore(deps): update vitest monorepo to ^0.26.0

    Mend Renovate

    This PR contains the following updates:

    | Package | Change | Age | Adoption | Passing | Confidence | |---|---|---|---|---|---| | @vitest/coverage-c8 | ^0.25.8 -> ^0.26.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence | | vitest | ^0.25.8 -> ^0.26.0 | age | adoption | passing | confidence |

    Release Notes



    Compare Source

       🚀 Features
       🐞 Bug Fixes
        View changes on GitHub


    Compare Source

       🚀 Features
       🐞 Bug Fixes
        View changes on GitHub


    Compare Source

       🚨 Breaking Changes
       🚀 Features
       🐞 Bug Fixes
        View changes on GitHub


    📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

    🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

    Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

    🔕 Ignore: Close this PR and you won't be reminded about these updates again.

    • [ ] If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

    This PR has been generated by Mend Renovate. View repository job log here.

    opened by renovate[bot] 1
  • [Bug]: TypeScript mismatch with time carthesian axis

    [Bug]: TypeScript mismatch with time carthesian axis

    Would you like to work on a fix?

    • [ ] Check this if you would like to implement a PR, we are more than happy to help you go through the process.

    Current and expected behavior

    First of all: the library itself works, the issue only concerns the format that vue-chartjs expects.

    I'm building a small projects that displays data in 3 different graphs, and the project uses Vue 3 with typescript.

    I use the Pie, (stacked vertical) Bars and Line. For both Line and Bars, I use time carthesian axis to show my data according to their creation date. However, it fails on build because chart-data expects the data attribute to be an array of numbers, but I give it the following format:

        label: string,
        backgroundColor: string,
        data: {
            x: string,
            y: string,

    The graphs display without trouble, but I get errors when building it because of this problem.



    Check the file /src/components/barChart.ts line 94 for the issue.

    chart.js version


    vue-chartjs version


    Possible solution

    Allow both number[] and something such as {x: string, y: string}[] as possible parameters. Apologies, I'm not very fluent in TypeScript yet so I'm not really precise.

    ⚠️️ bug improvement 
    opened by Drillan767 4
  • v5.1.0(Dec 19, 2022)

  • v5.0.1(Dec 6, 2022)

  • v5.0.0(Dec 5, 2022)


    • package now is ESM-only, no CommonJS support
    • default export was removed, please use named exports
    • chart events were removed
    • div wrapper was removed, chartData prop was renamed to data, chartOptions prop was renamed to options, generateChart was renamed to createTypedChart
    • Vue.js < 2.7 is no longer supported.


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.1.2(Sep 27, 2022)

  • v4.1.1(May 27, 2022)

  • v4.1.0(May 10, 2022)

  • v4.0.7(Apr 25, 2022)

  • v4.0.6(Apr 21, 2022)

  • v4.0.5(Apr 8, 2022)

  • v4.0.4(Apr 1, 2022)

  • v4.0.3(Mar 29, 2022)

  • v4.0.2(Mar 28, 2022)

  • v4.0.1(Mar 25, 2022)

  • v4.0.0(Mar 25, 2022)

  • v3.5.1(Aug 22, 2020)

  • v3.5.0(Nov 1, 2019)

  • v3.4.2(Mar 18, 2019)

  • v3.4.1(Mar 18, 2019)

  • v3.4.0(Aug 4, 2018)

  • v3.3.2(Jun 18, 2018)

  • v3.3.1(Mar 26, 2018)

  • v3.3.0(Mar 23, 2018)


    Bug Fixes

    • readme: Update paypal donate button (bfda218)


    • charts: Export generateChart to create custom charts (50e5644)
    • docs: Update docs with custom chart example (3247a61)

    👨‍🏫 Custom Charts

    You can now extend Chart.js chart types and modify them or create new chart types.

    // 1. Import Chart.js so you can use the global Chart object
    import Chart from 'chart.js'
    // 2. Import the `generateChart()` method to create the vue component.
    import { generateChart } from 'vue-chartjs'
    // 3. Extend on of the default charts
    // http://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/developers/charts.html
    Chart.defaults.LineWithLine = Chart.defaults.line;
    Chart.controllers.LineWithLine = Chart.controllers.line.extend({ /* custom magic here */})
    // 4. Generate the vue-chartjs component
    // First argument is the chart-id, second the chart type.
    const CustomLine = generateChart('custom-line', 'LineWithLine')
    // 5. Extend the CustomLine Component just like you do with the default vue-chartjs charts.
    export default {
      extends: CustomLine,
      mounted () {
        // ....


    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.2.1(Feb 12, 2018)

  • v3.2.0(Feb 9, 2018)


    • Refactor identical code #305 Thanks to @nickknissen
    • Add js sourcemaps for vue-chartjs.js and vue-chartjs.min.js

    With the refactor vue-chartjs is even smaller now.

    | File | Before | After | | ------------- | ------------- |------------- | | vue-chartjs.js | 15.9 KB | 11.9 KB | | vue-chartjs.min.js | 7.49 KB | 3.49 KB |

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.1.1(Feb 2, 2018)


    Big thanks to @nickknissen for #303 which DRY out the code of vue-chartjs and reduced the filesize! The gzipped version is now 2.25 KB


    | File | Before | Now | gzip | ------------- | ------------- |------------- |------------- | | vue-chartjs.js | 26.7 KB | 15.9 KB | 4.03 KB | | vue-chartjs.min.js | 13 KB | 7.49 KB | 2.25 KB |

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.1.0(Jan 12, 2018)

  • v3.0.2(Nov 7, 2017)

  • v3.0.1(Nov 6, 2017)

    Dependency Cleanup

    • Updated to current babel packages which are scoped with @babel
    • Added @babel/preset-env to automatically polyfill
    • Removed old babel presets

    Build Script

    Now there are only two dist files

    • vue-chartjs.js
    • vue-chartjs.min.js

    With the webpack external fix, there is no need for two different builds. Chart.js is defined as an external and peerDependency.

    If you're using vue-chartjs with Webpack no actions are required. If you're using vue-chart in the browser you will need to add the Chart.js CDN script.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0(Oct 14, 2017)

    💎 vue-chart.js v3

    Finally version 3 of vue-chartjs is ready to 🚣 . We have some breaking changes, but they are easy to change!

    ✅ Removed Vue.extend() in the base components #201 ✅ Changed the private data from private instance to private data instance #182 ✅ Updated peerDependencies vue & chart.js

    🔥 Breaking Changes!

    🐣 Component creation

    In v2 you were creating your own chart components by extending the base component like this:

    import { Line } from 'vue-chartjs'
    export default Line.extend({

    This was possible because the base components had a export default Vue.extend({}) in it. Which creates a subclass of the vue ctor. vue docs Because of this Vue needed to be included as a dependency and bundled into the package for the browser build.

    This was causing a lot of confusing 😕 and also some weird errors #216, #151 and some more problems like increased bundle size and duplicated dependencies for browser build.

    🔐 Chart instance

    Like mentioned in #182 vue could possibly overwrite the private _chart variable as it is saved as an unprotected instance variable. Now it makes usage of vue's private data notation.

    ⬆ 📖 Upgrade Guide

    🐣 Component creation

    Create your components now with either extends or mixins :

    import { Line } from 'vue-chartjs'
    export default {
       extends: Line,
       data () {...},
       mounted () {


    import { Line } from 'vue-chartjs'
    export default {
       mixins: [Line],
       data () {...},
       mounted () {

    🔐 Chart instance

    Replace this._chart with this.$data._chart


    Please also keep in mind the Chart.js 2.7.0 changes if you update your peerDependencies

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.8.7(Sep 16, 2017)

☕ Freelance Webdeveloper and part-time fullstack 🦄 at @nextindex
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