A tiny javascript library for obfuscating and revealing text in DOM elements



A tiny javascript library for obfuscating and revealing text in DOM elements.


  • ~1.8kb gzipped
  • Dependency-free 🎉
  • IE9+ ✔️
// Select elements and start.
const b = baffle('.someSelector').start();

// Do something else.
someAsyncFunction(result => {
    // Change the text and reveal over 1500ms.
    b.text(text => result.text).reveal(1500);

Getting Started

Step 0: Install

Download the latest release or install with npm.

npm install --save baffle

Step 1: Reference

If you linked baffle directly in your HTML, you can use window.baffle. If you're using a module bundler, you'll need to import baffle.

// CommonJS
const baffle = require('baffle');

// ES6
import baffle from 'baffle';

Step 2: Initialize

To initialize baffle, all you need to do is call it with some elements. You can pass a NodeList, Node, or CSS selector.

// With a selector.
const b = baffle('.baffle');

// With a NodeList
const b = baffle(document.querySelectorAll('.baffle'));

// With a Node
const b = baffle(document.querySelector('.baffle'));

Step 3: Use It

Once you have a baffle instance, you have access to all of the baffle methods. Usually, you'll want to b.start() and, eventually, b.reveal().

// Start obfuscating...

// Or stop obfuscating...

// Obfuscate once...

// You can set options after initializing...

// Or change the text at any time...
b.text(text => 'Hi Mom!');

// Eventually, you'll want to reveal your text...

// And they're all chainable...
    .set({ speed: 100 })
    .text(text => 'Hi dad!')


You can set options on baffle during initialization or anytime afterward with baffle.set().

// During initialize
baffle('.baffle', {
    characters: '+#-•=~*',
    speed: 75

// Any time with set()
    characters: '¯\_(ツ)_/¯',
    speed: 25


The characters baffle uses to obfuscate your text. It can be a string or an array of characters.

Default: 'AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz~!@#$%^&*()-+=[]{}|;:,./<>?'


These are the characters that baffle ignores in your text when obfuscating it. You can pass in an array of characters.

Default: [' ']


This is the frequency (in milliseconds) at which baffle updates your text when running.

Default: 50


An instance of baffle has six methods, all of which are chainable.


Obfuscates each element once, using options.characters.


Starts obfuscating your elements, updating every options.speed milliseconds.


Stops obfuscating your elements. This won't reveal your text. It will only stop updating it. To reveal it, use reveal().

baffle.reveal([duration], [delay])

Reveals your text over duration milliseconds (default: 0), with the option to delay by delay milliseconds.


Updates instance options using the passed options object. You can set any number of keys, even while running.


Updates the text in each element of your instance using function fn, which receives the current text as it's only parameter. The value returned from fn will be used as the new text.

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