a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to internationalize your web site.



Build Status

A jQuery plugin that makes it easy to i18n your static web site.


  • Lazily loads JSON translation files based on a simple naming convention.
  • By default, applies the translations to your document based on simple attribute convention.
  • Tested with jQuery versions 1.7.2, 1.8.3, 1.9.1, 1.10.2, 1.11.3, 2.0.3, 2.1.4

Getting Started

Download the production version or the development version.

Load the jquery-localize plugin on your page.

It's the file located at dist/jquery.localize.js

Mark up tags whose content you want to be translated

Somewhere in your html:

<h1 data-localize="greeting"> Hello! </h1>

Provide a JSON language file that has translations:


  "greeting": "Bonjour!"

Use the localize plugin.

// In a browser where the language is set to French

// You can also override the language detection, and pass in a language code
$("[data-localize]").localize("example", { language: "fr" })

Gory Details

Language file loading

The first argument of the localize method is the name of the language pack. You might have a different language pack for different parts of your website.

Here's an example of loading several language packs:


If the language of the browser were set to "fr", then the plugin would try to load:

  • header-fr.json
  • sidebar-fr.json
  • footer-fr.json

if the language of the browser also had a country code, like "fr-FR", then the plugin would ALSO try to load:

  • header-fr-FR.json
  • sidebar-fr-FR.json
  • footer-fr-FR.json

This let's you define partial language refinements for different regions. For instance, you can have the base language translation file for a language that translates 100 different phrases, and for countries were maybe a some of those phrases would be out of place, you can just provide a country-specific file with just those special phrases defined.

Skipping Languages (aka Optimizing for My Language)

This is useful if you've got a default language. For example, if all of your content is served in english, then you probably don't want the overhead of loading up unecessary (and probably non-existant) english langauge packs (foo-en.json)

You can tell the localize plugin to always skip certain languages using the skipLanguage option:

//using a string will skip ONLY if the language code matches exactly
//this would prevent loading only if the language was "en-US"
$("[data-localize]").localize("example", { skipLanguage: "en-US" })

//using a regex will skip if the regex matches
//this would prevent loading of any english language translations
$("[data-localize]").localize("example", { skipLanguage: /^en/ })

//using an array of strings will skip if any of the strings matches exactly
$("[data-localize]").localize("example", { skipLanguage: ["en", "en-US"] })

Applying the language file

If you rely on the default callback and use the "data-localize" attribute then the changes will be applied for you.



<p data-localize="title">Tracker Pro XT Deluxe</p>
<p data-localize="search.placeholder">Search...</p>
<p data-localize="search.button">Go!</p>
<p data-localize="footer.disclaimer">Use at your own risk.</p>
<p data-localize="menu.dashboard">Dashboard</p>
<p data-localize="menu.list">Bug List</p>
<p data-localize="menu.logout">Logout</p>

application-es.json (fake spanish)

  "title": "Tracker Pro XT Deluxo",
  "search": {
    "placeholder": "Searcho...",
    "button": "Vamos!"
  "footer": {
    "disclaimer": "Bewaro."
  "menu": {
    "dashboard": "Dashboardo",
    "list": "Bug Listo",
    "logout": "Exito"

Localize it!

$("[data-localize]").localize("application", { language: "es" });


You can provide a callback if you want to augment or replace the default callback provided by the plugin. Your callback should take at least 1 argument: the language data (contents of your json file). It can optionally accept a second argument, which is a reference to the default callback function. This is handy if you still want the default behavior, but also need to do something else with the language data.

$("[data-localize]").localize("application", {
    language: "es",
    callback: function(data, defaultCallback){
        data.title = data.title + currentBugName();

See the test/samples for working examples.


To contribute to this plugin, please read the contributing guidelines.

Credits & Licensing

Copyright (c) Jim Garvin (http://github.com/coderifous), 2008.

Dual licensed under the GPL (http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/jquery/GPL-LICENSE.txt) and MIT (http://dev.jquery.com/browser/trunk/jquery/MIT-LICENSE.txt) licenses.

Written by Jim Garvin (@coderifous) for use on LMGTFY.com. Please use it, and contribute changes.


Based off of Keith Wood's Localisation jQuery plugin. http://keith-wood.name/localisation.html

  • Synchronous XMLHttpRequest warning

    Synchronous XMLHttpRequest warning


    I get the following warning when implementing the plugin with $( '[data-localize]' ).localize( 'content' );:

    Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check https://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/.

    Can anybody help out how to avoid that?

    opened by magglomag 7
  • Manually load 'string'

    Manually load 'string'

    I guess this is more a feature request, but I'll post it here anyway :). I need to localize a web page, but it does not only contain html elements that need translation, there are also some dynamic div's, alerts and prompts. From what I have read it is not possible to do something like loading the localization normally (which localizes all elements on the page) and then after they are loaded use e.g. alert($.localize.load("msg_are_you_sure")) , which will use the last loaded localization. I figured I could use hidden inputs to store all these messages, but the approach I suggested might be more comfortable.

    I'm sorry if I overlooked an existing feature here...

    opened by Toverbal 7
  • Revert back to original translation

    Revert back to original translation


    I've translated my site in English, however, I made a dropdown where people can select a language. The original language is Dutch in this case. How can I revert back to Dutch without reloading the page? Is the only option to create another translation in Dutch in a JSON file?

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by edwardmp 7
  • Jquery mobile a href and buttons issues

    Jquery mobile a href and buttons issues

    Hello, thanks for great plugin.

    Plugin have some issues if is using with JQM.

    For example:

    This: Reset

    should to display button, but with using with rel attr is button deformed.

    I tried use other attr's than rel, fxp: i18n but still same result.

    I think, that problem should be via Ajax loading of pages in JQM.

    I will glad if any fix.



    opened by i-vision 6
  • Localizing element attributes

    Localizing element attributes

    Hi, Instead of deciding which attribute to localize depending on the type of element (i.e. alt and src attributes for image), why don't you add the possibility to assign localized text to any attribute value? For example:

    Problem: localize div title attribute

    Possible solution:

    The code change for the plugin is easy (in the callback): var elem, key, value, attr; elem = $(this); key = elem.attr("rel").match(/localize[(._?)]/)[1]; attr = elem.attr("rel").match(/attr[(._?)]/); value = valueForKey(key, data); if (attr != null) { return elem.attr(attr[1], value); } else if ...

    What do you think?


    opened by yohanb 6
  • Load files asynchronously and cache them

    Load files asynchronously and cache them

    Synchronous request are now deprecated. Would it be possible to change the ajax request loading the translation files and do it asynchronously?

    Then it would be nice to have a cache mechanism to store the translations in memory and thus avoid the asynchronous call if the data was already loaded once.

    See warning from Google Chrome: "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/."

    opened by zoulou2356 5
  • Doas jquery-localize works with jquery-1.9.1 ?

    Doas jquery-localize works with jquery-1.9.1 ?


    i'm trying to localize my jquery mobile application with jquery-localize, I followed the steps in https://github.com/coderifous/jquery-localize , I have an exception in jquery-1.9.1 "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input". I tried to resolve it, but the problem still persist. Now I'm wondering if the plugin works with the jquery version that i'm using.

    opened by redamimouni 5
  • Synchronous XMLHttpRequest

    Synchronous XMLHttpRequest

    Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread are being deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. Recent browser versions are deprecating jQuery's async flag. It would be good thing to remove them.

    screen shot 2015-07-28 at 12 56 23

    opened by ivoputzer 4
  • Load 3 data-localize json files

    Load 3 data-localize json files

    $("[data-localize]") .localize("header") .localize("sidebar") .localize("footer")

    The three json files are all loading correct to the browser. I have three json files which look's like this:

    1. header-en.json { "nav": { "assignmentchart": "Belegungsplan" } }
    2. sidebar-en.json { "sidebar": { "test": "test" } }
    3. footer-en.json { "footer": { "abc": "testtest" } }

    All three json files should replaced with "data-localize". But only the FIRST!! (header-en.json) file will be replaced. The other HTML Tags with "data-localize" are empty. What do I am wrong ?

    The jquery-localize description says, it should be worked in that order as I think.

    best regards. Chris

    opened by ChrisFeldmeier 4
  • fix android quirks (navigator.languages is empty on Android >= 5.0)

    fix android quirks (navigator.languages is empty on Android >= 5.0)


    I encountered an issue on Cordova + jQuery + jquery-localize on Android 5.0 and up (confirmed on 5.0 / 5.1 / 6.0 AVD emulators). I guess it is the same issue as issue #72.

    This issue happens when navigator.languages returns an empty array [] although navigator.language itself contains a value. Seems like it's happening on Android 5.0 and up (see also: “navigator.languages is empty in webview”)

    In line 20 of src/jquery.localize.coffee, the argument for normalizeLang() is (unexpectedly) set to undefined:

    $.defaultLanguage = normaliseLang(if navigator.languages then navigator.languages[0] else navigator.language or navigator.userLanguage)

    then in the line 14, it fails with the message "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined".

    So here's the fix for this, ensuring navigator.languages is not empty:

    $.defaultLanguage = normaliseLang(if navigator.languages and navigator.languages.length > 0 then navigator.languages[0] else navigator.language or navigator.userLanguage)

    I believe this trivial patch has no side effect (for older Android versions / iOS / other browsers).

    opened by shaolin405mi16 3
  • Localize not working in Cordova app on Android 6.0

    Localize not working in Cordova app on Android 6.0

    I have an app that I am building using cordova, and it uses jquery localize to switch between various JSON files in order to show my pages in different languages. The functionality works fine on the web, in iOS, and in previous versions of android. But after upgrading one of my test devices to Android 6.0, the buttons to switch languages no longer work. I hooked up the phone to adb and got this output while debugging:

    Here is the error that it throws when the app is first loaded:

    03-14 11:51:02.702 27974-27974/? I/chromium﹕ [INFO:CONSOLE(4)] "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined", source: file:///android_asset/www/app/vendor/jquery-localize-i18n/dist/jquery.localize.js (4)

    And here is the error that it throws every time you click on one of the language buttons:

    03-14 11:51:48.323 27974-27974/? I/chromium﹕ [INFO:CONSOLE(469)] "Uncaught TypeError: $(...).localize is not a function", source: file:///android_asset/www/app/js/arkeo-functions.js (469)

    The relevant section of code that it's referencing is the LocalizeThis function from arkeo-functions.js Here it is: function localizeThis(lang) { $('#checkLang em').removeClass("fa-check"); $('#checkLang em').addClass("fa-fw"); $('.' + lang + ' em').addClass("fa-check");
    $("[data-localize]").localize("i18n/site", { language: lang });
    localStorage.setItem('jq-appLang', lang); } I checked and it seems that there may be one other person having this issue with the jquery.localize plugin, but it's very recent and hasn't been resolved.

    Beyond this info, I'm not sure what to do. The functionality still works on the web, in iOS, and on older versions of Android. I can't for the life of me figure out what changed. After exhaustively looking into the whitelist plugin as well as content security policies, I don't think that's it at all.

    Any insights you have would be super helpful.

    opened by ArkeoSupport 3
  • Using localize with icons

    Using localize with icons

    How can i use jquery-localize with my icons? They are stored inside the 2 html tags. Means

    <a href="/gallery" data-localize="navbar.gallery">Gallery <i class="material-icons right>image</i></a>

    so it gets replaced with just "Gallery" and not "<i class ...", so the icon is missing.. Just putting the "" within the locale json file also doesnt work. (The translation stops working completely when i do this)

    opened by lollilol 0
  • Callback not working with Phonegap + Onsen UI

    Callback not working with Phonegap + Onsen UI

    I am developing a hybrid app with Phonegap and Onsen UI. My console shows me that the language file has been correctly loaded, but the localization does not appear. After several tries, i used the example with the callback from this Github repo together with a simple alert AND a console.log - but nothing happens.

    This is my code so far:

    var opts = { language: "de", pathPrefix: "/js", skipLanguage: "en-US" }; opts.callback = function(data, defaultCallback) { data.message = "Optional call back works."; $("[data-localize]").css({color: "#FF8833"}); defaultCallback(data); alert("this is an alert for the callback"); console.log("the callback console logger."); } $("[data-localize]").localize("lang", opts)

    I have a CSP Meta-Tag that should allow everything (also load local JSON files, afaik). It looks like this: ` meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content=" default-src 'unsafe-eval' 'unsafe-inline' *; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *; worker-src blob:; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' *; img-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *"

    I am sure that i am missing some privileges somewhere, but i am not able to find the error.`

    opened by qroft 2
  • default fallback

    default fallback

    Is there a simple way to set the default/fallback language file to use. For example if the user sets their browser to German but there isn't a German language file I would like it to use the English language file. A lot of my page content is loaded dynamically using the $.localize.data object.

    Basically what I need is someway to say, if there is no German file use the English one.

    opened by davidhealey 0
  • How to customize the jquery.localize.js file to pass different languages

    How to customize the jquery.localize.js file to pass different languages

    Thanks for your link.This helped me a lot!

    Instead of the internet browser detecting the language and user changing it,is there any way to customize the jquery.localize.js file and pass our customized language onto the file. Please help me with any sample project or link.This will helps us to continue with our r&d development .

    with love, sreedhar

    opened by getsreedharpv 1
  • get string from javascript

    get string from javascript

    hi, i put this code in my page: var opts = { language: "en-GB", pathPrefix: "../localize", skipLanguage: "default" }; $("[data-localize]").localize("lang", opts);

    it's possible to get the string from json file?

    I tried with:


    but not working!

    any help?

    br Max

    opened by maxdiable 0
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