frontend package manager and build tool for modular web applications


web component logo


Component is not maintained anymore. See here #639 for more information.

You can still use the component registry on to search for components. All the components are not affected, because most of them also provide a package.json file. The component.json files in these components are still kept to provide backwards compatibility for component and duo.

What now?

Consider to use another tool, which rely on the npm and the package.json standard:

Component is a vertically integrated frontend solution, handling everything from package management to the build process, handling everything including HTML, JS, CSS, images, and fonts. Think of it as an opinionated npm + browserify + rework-npm + grunt/gulp/broccoli all wrapped into component build.

Want to know more about Component? Visit the guide or view the comparison with other solutions.

If you're confused about component, components, componentjs, please read disambiguation

Component 1.0.0: Several major new features have been added, some have been removed, and the project has been greatly reorganized. You may need to upgrade your version of node and/or npm to avoid breakage. Please see the detailed changelog. Component 0.x will not be maintained anymore.


First, you need node v0.10+ installed. If you do not have it installed, visit node's download page.

With node installed, run the following command:

 $ npm install -g component

Getting Started

Read this Getting Started guide to get a basic static site running very quickly with Component.

Note: the Component repo (this repo) has only documentation for Component 0.19. All of the documentation related to 1.0.0 will be handled in the guide repo.


The team and organization have undergone massive changes. In summary, jonathanong stopped developing Component and started with and the guys from segmentio switched to using duo. Component will still be maintained and updated while it is in use. You can read more about Duo.js and Component here.

The long story of Component and the changes that occurred in component can be found in Jonathan Ong's blog post "the future of component".

Development for component (maintenance and features) will be continued at the latest when latest browsers will support the ES6 modules and Web Components natively.


  • the future of component?

    the future of component?

    It seems that contribution of some main contributors of component becomes low, due to some progress in the last months:

    • @visionmedia left node.js land
    • people from use their own tool: duo
    • @jonathanong started with

    // edit

    • browserify seems to become more popular and works also for assets

    we at our company use component heavily so it's very interesting for us how the future of component looks like and in which direction the development is going?

    opened by timaschew 77
  • very hard to make components consumable in node.js

    very hard to make components consumable in node.js

    This seems like a sticky issue, and maybe npm and component are incompatible, but any component with other dependencies is nearly impossible to consume as an npm module.

    This is because we have, say component/each within component/collection. Well if we wanted to make component/collection a node module, we'd need require('each') to be require('each-component')

    This makes it very hard to take advantage of creating modules that work on both client-side and server-side, unless they're trivial (no dep) components.

    opened by matthewmueller 58
  • Promote component project in Readme template.

    Promote component project in Readme template.

    Anyone who stumbles onto a component repo, unless they already know what component is, may have a hard time figuring out what this 'component install' thing is and where to get it from. It's made especially bad since the term 'component' is particularly ungoogleable.

    Even if the module author manually includes a link, where should they link to? component/component repo? Wiki? FAQ? Original blog post? Later, I assume will be the go to, but even then, people may still link back to the wiki, or worst case (which is also currently the most common case)… not link back at all.

    A good way to get some consistency here would be to add such a link to the auto-generated Readme template… which you could make cool by using an image. Which you could make even cooler if it was a dynamic image, e.g.:

    Find more components.

    This live example displays the current total number of components (updated regularly). Could look sexier or display different info, whatever, just an example. Hacked together code for the image generation here.

    At the moment it just links back to the wiki, but I think a smart move would be to not link to the target image/landing page directly, instead embed dynamic urls:

    Initially, every repo and link might go to the same target, but later you could centrally and retroactively control the imagery and link target on the readmes of the entire component swarm, without having to go update each repo. That's kinda cool.

    Anyway, the core idea is: embed something in the readme template so any components that use component(1) create will refer traffic back to some place where people can find out the what/why/how of component.

    opened by timoxley 57
  • Remote Dependency Installation Failure

    Remote Dependency Installation Failure

    I'm experimenting with the newest component (master) and keep getting this error: Error: timeout of 5000ms exceeded.

    Here's the relevant DEBUG=* output:

      component-resolver:semver resolving semver component/notification@* +0ms
      remotes:local resolving local remote +569ms
      remotes:local checking folder: /home/vagrant/go/src/ +1ms
      remotes:github GET "" +0ms
      cogent timeout exceeded for GET +0ms
      cogent retrying GET +2ms
      cogent timeout exceeded for GET +5s
      cogent retrying GET +2ms
      cogent timeout exceeded for GET +5s
      cogent retrying GET +1ms
      cogent timeout exceeded for GET +5s
      cogent received error "timeout of 5000ms exceeded." with "" +0ms
           error : Error: timeout of 5000ms exceeded.

    It's basically the first remote it comes across, all my locals seem to resolve just fine.

    (fwiw, that URL opens up fine in a browser)

    opened by dominicbarnes 53
  • Dual publish components to npm.

    Dual publish components to npm.

    I find your components useful. I use browserify & npm for writing client-side code.

    I'm left with either rewriting their functionality or publishing them to npm.

    If you don't dual publish to npm I will.

    opened by Raynos 50
  • native .html support?

    native .html support?

    I know this has been brought up in the past a little bit, but I'd like to bring it up again since it's been a while and things have gotten more fleshed out.

    One thing that feels frustrating when working with component is that while .js and .css are handled natively, .html isn't even though it's the third of the three major pieces. Having to use component-convert or having to include an external plugin just for .html support are both burdens that ideally the build tool would remove in my opinion.

    I think it would be nice to see .html become a natively supported filetype, because it's natively supported on the web, and would make developing components with templates a painless for the dev without being too magic-y.

    Note: I'm only talking about .html. Other templates like .hbs or .jade should definitely not be natively supported since they aren't native on the web.

    An argument against that I saw was the a .html might not be just straight HTML, but instead another templating language. My opinion there is that if you aren't writing HTML you shouldn't be using the HTML extension...

    The other question is often how to do the transformation: does template.html become template.js? Because that could clobber other files. I think the simple solution here (and clearer too) is for it to become template.html.js so that when you're requiring it from your Javascript it's very clear what's going on, and you won't clobber your other files:

    var template = require('./index.html');

    I think this should be made the standard too, eg. I never should have made component-jade remove the .jade extension.

    Which would require the template you defined in your component.json, so we can finally really cleanly, and easily handle all three native types:

    "scripts": [
    "styles": [
    "templates": [

    And shit just works:

    var domify = require('domify')
      , reactive = require('reactive')
      , template = require('./index.html');
    module.exports = View;
    function View (model) {
      this.model = model;
      this.el = domify(template)[0];
      this.reactive = reactive(this.el, model, this);

    I'm running into this more as I develop UI components and not just pure Javascript things. What do you guys think?

    opened by ianstormtaylor 46
  • an idea for core

    an idea for core

    hey @jonathanong @visionmedia and everyone in @component/owners and other people watching, would love some feedback on this...

    i'm super excited to see some so much activity from jon on component (and and docs!) and seems like we're getting close to 1.0.0 which is sick

    i wanted to get this kind of discussion going while 1.0.0 is still not finalized before its too late to make changes like this

    i've just pushed up a branch called idea which you can check out. i had some ideas for how we might potentially be able to structure the core library while refactoring around a component-oriented, and functional approach. this is still in the early stages of the idea, but please check out that branch and let me know your thoughts.

    specifically check out:

    a couple caveats:

    • i deleted a bunch of the code, not because i think those things shouldnt be in core, but just so i could get a sense for what i had successfully reproduced and what i hadn't yet. aka just so i could concentrate, so don't worry if you're thinking "where's component search?" or similar
    • i built the installer with a simpler way to resolve semver. to reduce complexity and since CSS doesn't have a good way to version itself, i went with the ruby/python/whatever approach where if there are conflicts, the whole thing fails. i think with CSS not having a way for us to version things this is a logical way to approach the first attempt, since it also means we get to drastically cut the complexity of having to manage multiple builds for a given component
    • this is still a work in progress, lots of features from spec and such aren't implemented. that isn't a decision not to implement most of them. there are a few however (like globbing) that i've eliminated from the current prototype on purpose to reduce complexity, and they could potentially be added in later, but for now i saw good simplicity gains from keeping them out on purpose
    • some of the async-ness of install can still be simplified, doing that as i go along. of course some of the install code is just complex because the process is complex by nature
    • build is still very much a work in progress, seeing as it doesn't do anything :) starting into that right now
    • i haven't added in locals support yet at all, but will soon. that will surely break some of the abstractions and require rethinking some
    • some of the logic like remote would be in a separate repo. i signified this by anything that is in a folder inside of ./lib, so that means we'd have component/logger component/spec etc.

    what i was looking to do was try to reduce complexity wherever possible, sometimes that means cutting features, or just nice-to-haves, so that we can arrive at a solid core to build on top of. there still needs to be more refactoring

    i would love input on what you all think, if this is a valid-looking direction. and if anyone wants to hack away with me i'm going to pursue the idea some more over the next two days

    types / question 
    opened by ianstormtaylor 41
  • release of 1.0.0

    release of 1.0.0

    @clintwood @jasonkuhrt @netpoetica @trevorgerhardt @jonathanong

    what do you think to release 1.0.0?

    So we can do a list what we should fix for this version, for instance I saw a note here:

    Component 1.0.0 is now feature complete. Please help debug and open an issues you may have with this release! 1.0.0 will not be released until is updated.

    TODO before release

    opened by timaschew 38
  • versioning


    as discussed in #components we'll soon have to implement the semver portion and adding warning for incompatibilities. There are a few ways we could approach this, the most correct way being addition requests to fetch the tags per component, which adds some annoying overhead that we may end up having to cache to keep component-install(1) nice and speedy. Alternatively we optimistically fetch all the versions as demanded, then apply semver checks and ensure everything is within range.

    If there's a conflict we could either warn, or actually include the duplicates though this would complicate the builder and many other aspects of the system. My opinion is that a major version change is an API failure, they will happen, however with components being small we should have relatively few of these cases, so going with no duplicates should be reasonable

    opened by tj 38
  • Custom Remote Paths

    Custom Remote Paths

    Pull-request for issue #286

    This allows you to set paths in the remote section of the manifest for custom URL paths:

       "remotes": {
          "https://privateserver": "/{name}/blobs/raw/{version}/{file}"

    While still letting you use the array list of remotes as before. If you use an array of remotes it will use the default 'template' of /{name}/{version}/{file} — aka the github-style.

    Primary use case for this is for git servers that don't use the github URLs. This means you could use Component with Bitbucket (I think) and Gitorious, which is great for setting up an internal registry of components.

    opened by anthonyshort 35
  • Error: no remote found for dependency...

    Error: no remote found for dependency...

     error : Error: no remote found for dependency "es-shims/[email protected]".

    I've started getting things like this for components that use 'v' prefixes on their tags in github. I saw this first with my branch of linkedin's dustjs branch. I solved that by adding a non-v-prefixed tag and then hard-coding the tag in component.json.

    However, it looks like es5-shim actually updated their component.json:

    I've spent a couple hours trying to track down what would be causing this, but frankly the code is brutal to look through after it's built and I'm just not able to figure out what's happening.

    opened by andyburke 34
  • announce

    announce "this project is not maintained anymore"

    @componentjs/owners I think it's obvious that component is not maintained anymore. We should put a note in the readme of this repo, not just because it's not maintained, but also component has several issues:

    • endpoint only for GitHub and BitBucket
      • rate limit, even if you use an auth token example
    • maintain an extra file: component.json
      • need to fork a module when it doesn’t exist
    • plugins can only be used via the API
    • annoying to update remote dependencies in all locals example
    • it’s not maintained anymore, see contributors

    @jonathanong wrote a post after he rewrote component: After nearly a year he wrote this:

    In particular, the more I learn about Webpack, the more amazed I am and its features, especially hot reloading.

    We're using component at our company and realize in the last week a drop-in replacement for webpack, it's working fine. The biggest work was to fix all the component repositories where a package.json was configured wrong or didn't exist.

    opened by timaschew 8
  • Follow the chain of paths for remote dependencies

    Follow the chain of paths for remote dependencies

    I think it's really annoying to touch all the locals if you want to upgrade a dependency which is used my almost all of your locals, here is an real world (open source) example:

    at our company we have the same issue

    @jonathanong was it by design to prohibit defining remote dependencies at the root level and use them on local level?

    I'm :+1: for changing this, actually like but for remotes

    opened by timaschew 4
  • fatal : no remote found for dependency...

    fatal : no remote found for dependency...

    Hi. I am getting problems fail to install in particular computer. but other one (in same local network, same component version) is success. furthermore, when after "npm install -g component" yesterday, it is working good. I don't know why. and how to fix it? help me plz.

    C:\>component install lodash/lodash
      remotes:local checking local components at C:\components +0ms
      component-resolver remote not set - defaulting to remotes's defaults +4ms
      component-resolver:locals resolving local at "C:\" +4ms
      component-resolver resolving "root" +1ms
      component-resolver remaining dependencies: 1 +4ms
      component-resolver remaining semver: 0 +1ms
      component-resolver finished resolving locals +1ms
      component-resolver finished resolving dependencies (1) +1ms
      component-resolver:semver resolving semver lodash/lodash@* +1ms
      remotes:local checking folder: C:\components\lodash\lodash +2ms
      remotes:github GET "" +3ms
      cogent options: { protocol: 'https:',
      slashes: true,
      auth:  // AUTH TOKEN REMOVE... 
      host: '',
      port: null,
      hostname: '',
      hash: null,
      search: null,
      query: null,
      pathname: '/repos/lodash/lodash/tags',
      path: '/repos/lodash/lodash/tags',
      href: '',
       { 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
         'user-agent': '',
         accept: 'application/json' },
      method: 'GET' } +4ms
      remotes:bitbucket GET "" +3s
      cogent options: { protocol: 'https:',
      slashes: true,
      auth: null,
      host: '',
      port: null,
      hostname: '',
      hash: null,
      search: null,
      query: null,
      pathname: '/1.0/repositories/lodash/lodash/tags',
      path: '/1.0/repositories/lodash/lodash/tags',
      href: '',
       { 'accept-encoding': 'gzip',
         'user-agent': '',
         accept: 'application/json' },
      method: 'GET' } +5ms
      component-consoler Error: no remote found for dependency "lodash/lodash".
        at Resolver.<anonymous> (C:\Users\js\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\compon
        at Generator.invoke (C:\Users\js\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\component\
        at Generator.invoke (C:\Users\js\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\component\
        at next (C:\Users\js\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\component\node_modules
        at C:\Users\js\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\component\node_modules\co\in
        at Gunzip.onEnd (C:\Users\js\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\component\node
        at Gunzip.g (events.js:199:16)
        at Gunzip.emit (events.js:129:20)
        at _stream_readable.js:908:16
        at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11) +2s
           fatal : no remote found for dependency "lodash/lodash".
      remotes:github:api used 1 +12ms
    opened by js-seth-h 2
  • getting component module to be called with --harmony

    getting component module to be called with --harmony

    component-install[.cmd] is auto generated an I cannot seem to be able to get component install to be called from my module via npm install with the --harmony flag set in node.js via an exec.

    as this is calling component via npm and 'node_modules.bin\component-install' I cannot seem to get the contained component-install to run in harmony mode.

    opened by AaronNGray 4
  • fatal : Error downloading

    fatal : Error downloading "github//component/[email protected]". Got status code "404"

    Something very wrong with some component within componentjs fold :-

    fatal : Error downloading "github//component/[email protected]". Got status code "404"

    This is a new error occurring on machines that previously worked with the and parent project the project has been fine for days and many complete from scratch retests. using a --timeout of 480000.

    opened by AaronNGray 5
  • fatal : no remote found for dependency '....'

    fatal : no remote found for dependency '....'


    I am getting problems finding modules/packages.

    I am working in parallel on Linux and Windows.

    I have done a :-

    npm install -g component

    And am having problems with 'visionmedia/debug' on Windows but not on Linux. But I am having problems on Linux on the top level directory install.

    component install visionmedia/debug

    is working fine in my 'lib/debug' directory of on Linux But on Windows I am getting :-

    fatal : no remote found for dependency "mediavision/debug".

    My Linux component.json files are here and I will attach the Windows ones which should be the same.

    app/lib/debug/component.json { "name": "debug", "dependencies": { "visionmedia/debug": "^2.1.3" }, "locals": [ "config" ], "scripts": [ "index.js" ], "main": "index.js" }


    { "name": "democracyos", "version": "0.14.0", "description": "An online space for deliberation and voting on political proposals. The software aims to stimulate better arguments and come to better rulings.", "paths": [ "lib" ], "locals": [ "boot" ] }

    app/lib/boot/component.json { "name": "boot", "description": "bootstrap component", "dependencies": { "visionmedia/page.js": "1.3.7", "component/t": "1.0.0", "component/bus": "^0.0.2", "DemocracyOS/timeago": "master", "code42day/ga": "1.1.0", "slifszyc/user-agent": "0.0.9" }, "locals": [ "config", "body-classes", "content-lock", "homepage", "proposal", "law", "signin", "signup", "forgot", "settings", "translations", "flaticons", "admin", "header", "logout", "help", "404", "browser-update", "debug" ], "scripts": [ "boot.js" ], "styles": [ "boot.styl", "boot-responsive.styl" ], "images": [ "images/check.png", "images/favicon.ico", "images/logo.png" ], "main": "boot.js" }

    opened by AaronNGray 20
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