Detects which package manager (bun, pnpm, yarn, npm) is used.



Detects which package manager (bun, pnpm, yarn, npm) is used based on the current working directory.


  • Support packageManager field in package.json.
  • Detect PM agent version from lock file name, format or version.
  • No dependency, fully typed and well tested!


  • Resolve external lock file such as lockfile-directory in .npmrc (PR welcome).


pnpm add @skarab/detect-package-manager


Detect the PM agent from the current working directory.

import { detectAgent } from '@skarab/detect-package-manager';

const agent = await detectAgent();

console.log(agent); // { name: 'pnpm', version: '7.6.0' }

Detect the PM agent from a provided directory.

import { detectAgent } from '@skarab/detect-package-manager';

const agent = await detectAgent('path/to/yarn/project');

console.log(agent); // { name: 'yarn', version: '1.22.17' }

Detect all installed and known agents.

import { detectInstalledAgents } from '@skarab/detect-package-manager';

const agents = await api.detectInstalledAgents();

console.log(agents.has('pnpm')); // true

// agents === Map(3) {
//   'pnpm' => { name: 'pnpm', version: '7.6.0' },
//   'yarn' => { name: 'yarn', version: '1.22.17' },
//   'npm' => { name: 'npm', version: '8.13.2' }
// }

Known agents

  • bun Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime.
  • pnpm Fast, disk space efficient package manager.
  • yarn Yarn is a package manager that doubles down as project manager.
  • npm A JavaScript package manager.


Scaffolded with @skarab/skaffold

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