The most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly create prototypes and production code for sites that work on any kind of device.

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Foundation for Sites 6

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Foundation is the most advanced responsive front-end framework in the world. Quickly go from prototype to production, building sites or apps that work on any kind of device with Foundation. Includes a fully customizable, responsive grid, a large library of Sass mixins, commonly used JavaScript plugins, and full accessibility support.

Run locally


To run the documentation locally on your machine, you need Node.js installed on your computer. (Your Node.js version must be 6.4.0 or higher). Run these commands to set up the documentation:

# Install
git clone
cd foundation-sites

# Start the documentation
yarn start


Foundation has three kinds of tests: JavaScript, Sass, and visual regression. Refer to our testing guide for more details.

Run tests with:

# Sass unit tests
yarn test:sass
# JavaScript unit tests
yarn test:javascript:units
# Visual tests
yarn test:visual


Check out to see how to report an issue or submit a bug fix or a new feature, and our contributing guide to learn how you can contribute more globally to Foundation. You can also browse the Help Wanted tag in our issue tracker to find things to do.


Want the guided tour to Foundation from the team that built it? The ZURB team offers comprehensive training courses for developers of all skill levels. If you're new to Foundation, check out the Introduction to Foundation Course to kickstart your skills, amplify your productivity, and get a comprehensive overview of everything Foundation has to offer. More advanced users should check out the Advanced Foundation Course to learn the Advanced skills that ZURB uses to deliver quality client work in short timeframes.

Copyright © 2020 Foundation Community

  • F6 Wishlist

    F6 Wishlist

    • [x] Incorporate Sass 3.3 features such as maps and provide a settings API for all Sass components
    • [x] .editorconfig #4720
    • [ ] Unit tests for Sass
    • [ ] Support both em's and rem's using a generic calc function #4633
    • [ ] Experimental advanced grid system - Singularity, Susy, Zen Grids rely more on mixins, make less assumptions and do not constraint design #4134
    • [ ] Animation library for use with all js plugins -
    • [ ] Megamenu -
    • [ ] Labels with close buttons (like alerts) - Useful in search contexts
    • [x] Accessibility

    Will add more Edit: Added accessibility

    opened by vinayraghu 146
  • Dropdown alignment

    Dropdown alignment

    Foundation 5.2 has the fancy option to direct dropdowns to the sides and top, but this issue is about something else. It's about the side used as an alignment for the dropdowns (or dropups, etc.), when it expands. There already is a feature request which explains it: #2423, but that was closed because there was also issue #3949, but like I said, that's about two different things. There were even two pull requests for the feature: #2905 and #3260. The latter even got merged into stable by @mhayes, but somehow got lost before it got to a real release. I'm bringing this up again now because 5.2 has been released and therefore #3949 has been closed.

    Combined with the new feature from #3949, this would give a total of 12 different positions possible for the dropdowns/ups/lefts/rights.

    Sorry for my sloppy English, it seems I have not fully woken up yet today.

    opened by Gwildor 109
  • [Foundation Future] Discussion on Grid's Future ( Flex/Float/Spec - Margin/Padding )

    [Foundation Future] Discussion on Grid's Future ( Flex/Float/Spec - Margin/Padding )

    Other Things to Investigate/Schedule

    1. CSS Grid - Not sure what the timeline is on this but we should target this, perhaps similar to flexbox mode?

    CSS Grids has landed a week back first in firefox, and then in chrome, safari and opera

    I am opening this thread for the discussion on this awesome layout monster! ( This might be very soon, but better to be early than late! )

    1. Quick Overview =>

    2. Complete Guide =>

    3. Grid by example =>

    4. What mozilla says =>

    5. Yes or no to IE and its old spec =>

    6. Feature Queries =>

    Update: Well its so co-incidental ..... that when i posted this thread, Zurb was already working on this on a youtube video :smiling_imp: =>
    Maybe its because both zurb and community wants the advancements! Right ??

    Grid feature request close:resolved 
    opened by IamManchanda 101
  • Feature #9592: CSS Dropcaps, v6

    Feature #9592: CSS Dropcaps, v6

    Implementation for: #9592 Forwarded from: #9606 ( Due to branching issue )

    This adds a new feature CSS Dropcaps, Simply use a dropcaps class in any html tag and the first letter of the text collection will grow to a bigger size proportionate to 3 normal lines and is as similar to what is found in magazines and the modern web

    @ncoden @kball for review

    Update: Here is the updated code from the below humongous code discussion b/w me & Nicolas

    The Source Code behind all of this - _dropcaps.scss

    $dropcaps-lines: 3 !default;
    $dropcaps-line-height: 1.6 !default;
    $dropcaps-uppercase: true !default;
    @mixin dropcaps(
      $lines: $dropcaps-lines,
      $line-height: $dropcaps-line-height,
      $uppercase: $dropcaps-uppercase
    ) {
      $-margin-right: 0.0962em;
      $mt: (15.6 / 100); 
      $mb: (13.2 / 100);
      $lh: $line-height;
      $n: $lines;
      $h: $n * $lh;
      $-font-size: ($h - ($lh + $mt + $mb) + 1) / (1 - ($mt + $mb));
      $-margin-top: -($mt - ($mt + ($lh - 1) / 2) / $-font-size);
      $-margin-bottom: -($mb);
      &::first-letter {
        float: #{$global-left};
        margin-top: $-margin-top * 1em;
        margin-bottom: $-margin-bottom * 1em;
        margin-#{$global-right}: $-margin-right;
        font-size: $-font-size * 1em;
        line-height: 1;
        @if $uppercase {
          text-transform: uppercase;
    @mixin foundation-dropcaps {
      .dropcaps {
        @include dropcaps();

    Generated CSS

    .dropcaps {
      line-height: 1.6; 
    .dropcaps::first-letter {
      float: left;
      margin-top: -0.07301em;
      margin-bottom: -0.132em;
      margin-right: 0.0962em;
      font-size: 5.49438em;
      line-height: 1;
      text-transform: uppercase; 

    And, the output (Helvetica font)

    Mobile output


    Desktop output


    scss feedback wanted Typography new component 
    opened by IamManchanda 93
  • [XY Grid] Foundation 7 - 2 Dimensional Grid System - Using Feature Queries/CSS Grid and discussion on whether to fully DROP IE or not?

    [XY Grid] Foundation 7 - 2 Dimensional Grid System - Using Feature Queries/CSS Grid and discussion on whether to fully DROP IE or not?

    I know there are some who have proposed to let user code CSS Grid But here is what i think,

    For Foundation 7, It has been decided to drop support for IE9 & IE10 ... I propose to drop support for IE11 also. Whoever need to support IE, should use foundation 6

    What are the benefits ??

    Well we can use feature queries combining css grid with fallback to flex grid.

    @supports (display: grid) {
      .grid-x, .grid-y {
        display: grid; // CSS Grid
    @supports not (display: grid) {
      .grid-x, .grid-y {
        display: flex; // Flex Grid as fallback

    Browser Support

    Feature Queries : CSS Grid:

    => Let's Make the web Great again!

    Foundation 7 XY Grid discussion Revisit for F7 
    opened by IamManchanda 91
  • Custom Download for F6 - Issues...

    Custom Download for F6 - Issues...

    From what I can tell there isn't a way to select and use the Flexbox grid if you use the Custom Download tool.

    Am I missing something and there is there a way to do this?

    If not, this option needs to be available.

    List of issues with the Customizer and Customizer Page:

    • [x] ~~No way to select Flexbox Grid~~
    • [x] Error in the console saying jQuery is not defined. (In Firefox, Chrome does not throw a jQuery error.)
    • [x] JS Error: SyntaxError: function statement requires a name templates.js:1:8
    • [x] ~~The max-width is set to 62.5rem on the customizer page, however, the download max-width is 75rem. Colors are also different.~~
    • [x] The link at the top of the page (in the top bar) for Docs is broken on the customizer page.
    • [x] ~~In the foundation.js (and min.js) file the version is listed as 6.0.0-alpha.1.~~
    • [x] In the foundation.js (and min.js) file the version is 6.0.1. Should be 6.0.4.
    • [x] When I unzip (using 7zip) the custom download I see this error: Data error in 'custom-f6\app.css'. File is broken. Other files appear okay.
    • [x] If you select the Flex Grid and no other items, the customizer only downloads the normalize CSS and nothing else.
    • [x] Some downloads are missing foundation.css #7520 #7702
    • [x] Gutter size can't be changed #7593
    • [x] Essentials missing the grid #7753
    • [x] Selecting "No Grid" results in a missing foundation.css file #7819
    • [x] Add field to change $warning-color #7858
    • [ ] Checkbox state can go out of whack when manipulating the "All Foundation Components" checkbox #7820
    • [x] 7 digits can be entered into the color fields #8061
    customizer close:resolved 
    opened by LDigital84 90
  • Flex Grid 2.0

    Flex Grid 2.0

    This is my vision of a brand new flex grid, based on a lot of research and input from some very knowledgeable people 😄

    The aim:

    • Fully rewritten flexbox grid
    • Padding OR margin grid option
    • Vertical grid option
    • Easy to use, flexible mixins
    • Cleaner generated classes with less/no specificity issues

    It's still very much work in progress, but I would appreciate feedback on whats present so far.

    Things to decide on:

    • How we ship this with 6.4 (how its included, what other grids are also available etc)
    • How we handle the move to new classes - .grid and .cell

    There are probably more things which I've forgotten, but wanted to get this up for people to look at 😄

    new feature Flex Grid 
    opened by brettsmason 78
  • A LESS version!

    A LESS version!

    I've seen that a LESS version of the css is (possibly) in the works as of three months ago, any news on that? A LESS version of the foundation system would be amazing.

    opened by NoiSek 75
  • Full-height columns

    Full-height columns

    In the comments to Issue#25, Chaddeus left a comment about creating full-height columns. In other words, columns should automatically adjust to the height of the longest column in that row.

    The issue is easy to see when you have a div.panel inside two or more columns of unequal length.

    This is the very first thing I wanted to do in Foundation. Before I tried to put together a solution based on Chad's suggested method (, I wanted to see if anyone else has already done this or incorporated this.

    Thanks in advance!

    new feature 
    opened by chernicky 70
  • Problems while importing foundation js in webpack.

    Problems while importing foundation js in webpack.

    I would like to import some foundation js files in a webpack app.

    In my entry js file I do the following:

    import 'foundation-sites/js/foundation.core.js'; // this works
    import 'foundation-sites/js/foundation.tabs.js'; // this works
    import 'foundation-sites/js/foundation.reveal.js'; // this fails

    The last one fails with the following error:

    ERROR in ./~/foundation-sites/js/foundation.reveal.js
    Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'foundation' in /home/kai/Projects/myapp/node_modules/foundation-sites/js
     @ ./~/foundation-sites/js/foundation.reveal.js 474:4-476:6

    So it seems there is a problem with all files that contain the code define(['foundation'] ... as foundation is not defined anywhere.

    I installed foundation-sites (v6.0.5) using NPM.

    How do I import those files that have the define(['foundation'] correctly?

    javascript 🐛bug 
    opened by medihack 68
  • XY Grid - Feedback and Discussion

    XY Grid - Feedback and Discussion

    Now that the new XY Grid has been merged and is included in the RC lets keep all discussion surrounding this in one place, and gather as much feedback to improve it as much as possible before the full release.

    You’ll find a Codepen to the new grid here:

    And the docs:

    For previous discussion history see:

    feedback XY Grid discussion 
    opened by brettsmason 67
  • Why is Foundation media queries not working when i use a breakpoint name?

    Why is Foundation media queries not working when i use a breakpoint name?

      I have tested other JS components like accordions and they work fine. For some reason media queries are not working as expected. 

    For example: .header-first, .header-second { @include breakpoint(medium) { background: $cerulean; } }

    compiles to the below where the name of the breakpoint is added but not the size of 640px as in the _settings.scss:

    @media (min-width: medium) { .header .header-first, .header .header-second { background: #0098db;} }

    I have tested that _settings.scss is working by customizing other components. I have also tested that the JS is working with: console.log('Current: ' + Foundation.MediaQuery.current)

    Any hints on what going on?

    Originally posted by @mannclay in

    opened by mannclay 0
  • When will foundation 7 be released.

    When will foundation 7 be released.

    Is foundation 7 still in the works as promised two years ago in the roadmap. Should we consider the project suspended? I love foundation but I am really concerned about its future. 🤔

    opened by drnkwati 3
  • build(deps): bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2

    build(deps): bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2

    Bumps decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from decode-uri-component's releases.


    • Prevent overwriting previously decoded tokens 980e0bf


    • Switch to GitHub workflows 76abc93
    • Fix issue where decode throws - fixes #6 746ca5d
    • Update license (#1) 486d7e2
    • Tidelift tasks a650457
    • Meta tweaks 66e1c28


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    📦 dependencies 
    opened by dependabot[bot] 1
  • warning [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "node-sass@^4.0.0".">

    warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "node-sass@^4.0.0".

    upon cloning into the repo, running yarn nets the following: image


    I don't know what the problem is. ...

    Possible Solution

    It is beyond me to suggest a potential solution at this stage. The best I can do to help a solution be identified is report this as an issue. ...


    • [x] I have read and follow the document.
    • [x] There are no other issues similar to this one.
    • [x] The issue title and template are correctly filled.
    opened by jee-mj 1
  • Support on maintaining legacy projects with m1 / arm64

    Support on maintaining legacy projects with m1 / arm64

    What is wrong now ?

    We have a few foundation legacy projects that don't seem to be working on arm64 processor (using ddev with a debian docker container, so it's basically linux on arm64). I would appreciate some advice on how to migrate those to a stable buildable setup. Either by simplifying the dependencies to what is really needed, compatibility with newer node versions, or just moving to a simpler gulp process (build, watch, copy js and scss, no templating, no bower, no browsersync etc.)

    Current state

    This works on a intel mac inside a ddev linux container:

    npm install nvm;
    nvm install 10;
    nvm use 10;
    npm install -g --silent [email protected];
    npm install -g --silent gulp-sass@4;
    npm install -g --silent bower;
    cd packages/sitepackage/Resources/Private/Foundation;
    bower install
    npm install --silent
    echo "🎉 Now you can use foundation watch and build."

    On a m1 mac I can use npm install -g --silent gulp-sass@8; and npm install --only=production (as @DanielRuf) suggested in the phantomjs discussions here to get through the install.

    But then I get the Error: Node Sass does not yet support your current environment: Linux Unsupported architecture (arm64) with Node.js 10.x upon foundation build

    I have seen in the issues that node-sass errors are not strictly a part of foundation, of course. Thing is, when I change node to higher versions, other things in foundation will fail.

    So I'm a bit stuck here and wanted to enquire for some guidance on how to make such a project maintainable again.

    PS: how do I read the version of foundation? foundation -v is the cli of course so no use

    opened by ursbraem 0
  • v6.7.5(Jul 12, 2022)

    Join us on our Discussions Board. This is a great place to ask questions and interact with your fellow Foundation users.

    What's Changed

    • fix: removing the 'invisible' class from parent list when utilizing by @pebutler3 in
    • Fix wrong markup in the typography base file by @tpoisot in
    • docs: fix typo in by @Priestch in
    • Remplace color-adjust with the new print-color-adjust syntax by @mrleblanc101 in
    • build(deps): bump nanoid from 3.1.30 to 3.3.4 by @dependabot in
    • fix: typo in $-zf-bp-value name by @javierm in
    • build(deps): bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 by @dependabot in
    • docs: fixed bad code block in motion-ui page by @htemele in
    • build(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.14.5 to 1.14.8 by @dependabot in
    • build(deps-dev): bump node-sass from 6.0.1 to 7.0.0 by @dependabot in
    • Documentation: Fix options name for "In-Canvas to Off-Canvas" code example by @alamowo in
    • Bug #12070: make _button-group.scss compatible with libsass 3.6.3 by @tjdub in
    • fix(abide): add aria-describedby to the input only if error is visible by @ahukkanen in
    • FIX difference in behaviour between mouse & keyboard interactions on Sliders by @rickcurran in
    • FIX SASS color interpolation warning #12333 by @thomasfrobieter in

    New Contributors

    • @tpoisot made their first contribution in
    • @Priestch made their first contribution in
    • @mrleblanc101 made their first contribution in
    • @javierm made their first contribution in
    • @htemele made their first contribution in
    • @tjdub made their first contribution in
    • @rickcurran made their first contribution in
    • @thomasfrobieter made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.7.4(Nov 2, 2021)

    Join us on our Discussions Board. This is a great place to ask questions and interact with your fellow Foundation users.

    Check out the details of this release below:

    Featured Enhancements

    • 🚀 Outlines on focus will be removed when what-intent detects you are using a mouse of touch.
    • 🚀 When an element is set to draggable=false, callouts and force touch on iOS are also suppressed.
    • 🚀 New Visibility classes for dark mode, IE10+, and sticky
      • show-for-dark-mode
      • hide-for-dark-mode
      • show-for-ie
      • hide-for-ie
      • show-for-sticky
      • hide-for-sticky
    • 🚀 Slider now uses grab based cursors for the handle

    Bug Fixes

    • 🐛 No more ESLint and SassLint errors when you run a build!
    • 🐛 Many dependencies updated to keep up with that dep train
    • 🐛 Fixed the customizer build
    • 🐛 Fixed numerous bad links on the documentation site.
    • 🐛 Match height on Tabs now uses min-height
    • 🐛 Fix for Accordion Menu carets not always able to be sized via sass vars
    • 🐛 Removed several instance of console.log
    • 🐛 The changed.zf.mediaquery event is back! When the browser has been resized and crosses a defined breakpoint, this event will be triggered. You can always access the current named breakpoint via Foundation.MediaQuery.current
    • 🐛 Added momentum scrolling support for Reveal, Off Canvas and Overflow prototype classes
    • 🐛 Slider no longer emits moved.zf.slider and changed.zf.slider events on init

    Full Release Compare


    Thanks to those who contributed code or documentation to the 6.7.4 release. Foundation wouldn't happen without you!

    • @joeworkman
    • @pebutler3
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.7.3(Sep 27, 2021)

    Join us on our new Discussions Board. This is a great place to ask questions and interact with your fellow Foundation users.

    Check out the details of this release below:

    Featured Enhancements

    • 🚀 New $unit-warningssetting. This can allow you to suppress warnings when non-numerical values are passed to the rem-calc() method. This can be beneficial when passing CSS custom props as values instead of actual unit based values.

    Bug Fixes

    • 🐛 Fix null color errors with some Sass build setups

    Full Release Compare


    Thanks to those who contributed code or documentation to the 6.7.2 release. Foundation wouldn't happen without you!

    • @joeworkman
    • @katzmo
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 6.7.2(Sep 9, 2021)

    Join us on our new Discussions Board. This is a great place to ask questions and interact with your fellow Foundation users.

    Check out the details of this release below:

    Featured Enhancements

    • 🚀 New $body-safe-padding setting. This will add safe padding to the body. This can be good if you want your site to be automatically padding in from the edge of non-rectangular displays such as phones with notches.

    Full Release Compare


    Thanks to those who contributed code or documentation to the 6.7.2 release. Foundation wouldn't happen without you!

    • @joeworkman
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.7.1(Sep 1, 2021)

    Join us on our new Discussions Board. This is a great place to ask questions and interact with your fellow Foundation users.

    Check out the details of this release below:

    Featured Enhancements

    • 🚀 Touch event are now passive when possible
    • 🚀 safe padding added to body for non-rectangular displays

    Bug Fixes

    • 🐛 Puppeteer moved to dev dependencies
    • 🐛 Fixed invalid HTML with meta tag added for media query access in JS
    • 🐛 More doc fixes

    Full Release Compare


    Thanks to those who contributed code or documentation to the 6.7.1 release. Foundation wouldn't happen without you!

    • @joeworkman
    • @DanielRuf
    • @simshaun
    • @wfehr
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.7.0(Aug 28, 2021)

    Foundation 6.7 is here! This release does a lot of cleanup work in order to make foundation compatible with the newer versions of its dependencies like Node and Dart Sass. A ton of issues were closed and pull requests were merged. This gives us a much cleaner slate to start the long quest of brining Foundation 7 to you.

    Join us on our new Discussions Board. This is a great place to ask questions and interact with your fellow Foundation users.

    Check out the details of this release below:

    Updated Requirements

    Foundation 6.7 requires Node 12 or 14. Support for Node 16 is still being worked on. Many dependencies have been updated to newer versions.

    Featured Enhancements

    • 🚀 Dart Sass compatibility! Big thank you to Antti Hukkanen
    • 🚀 Improved CSS triangle mixin
    • 🚀 Revamped Typescript type definitions
    • 🚀 New deepLinkSmudgeOffset option added to Tabs
    • 🚀 Resolved a most security warnings within dependencies
    • 🚀 Removed tree based roles from menus for improved Accessibility
    • 🚀 Keyboard.findFocusable is now sorted by tab index

    Bug Fixes

    • 🐛 Off Canvas touch scrolling improved
    • 🐛 Improved keyboard navigation with Drilldown
    • 🐛 Accessibility improvements to Accordion. Removed tab related roles
    • 🐛 Mark correct aria-haspopup value for modal opening controls
    • 🐛 Fixed line-height for labels
    • 🐛 Improved Drilldown height calculation
    • 🐛 Improvements for Dropdown menu usability on touch devices
    • 🐛 Many improvements to docs

    Full Release Compare


    Thanks to the 21 amazing people who contributed code or documentation to the 6.7 release. Foundation wouldn't happen without you!

    • @joeworkman
    • @DanielRuf
    • @esanzgar
    • @phpfui
    • @alexkuc
    • @JPustkuchen
    • @ahukkanen
    • @badpk
    • @naineet
    • @apriljunge
    • @hvolmer
    • @pine3ree
    • @AlexeySukhanov
    • @johnbacon
    • @d4mation
    • @JeremyCaney
    • @ycrepeau
    • @Loosie94
    • @Lefthandmedia
    • @siwood
    • @rastislav-chynoransky
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.6.3(Apr 8, 2020)

  • v6.6.2(Mar 30, 2020)

    Foundation 6.6.2 has some really great fixes and enhancements. Check out the highlights below.

    Full Release Compare

    Bug Fixes

    • 🐛 #11871 - Fixed Flexbox Button Groups
    • 🐛 #11959 - Adds the offset to Accordion when deep linking
    • 🐛 #11908 - Fixes for Interchange initialization
    • 🐛 #11859 - Clearing the animation queue on Accordion
    • 🐛 #11990 - Fixed event name for Dropdown Menus

    Featured Enhancements

    • 🚀 #11698 - Validator specific error messages
    • 🚀 #11956 - Improves dropdown menu accessibility


    Thanks to the amazing people who contributed code or documentation to the 6.6.2 release. Foundation wouldn't happen without you!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.6.1(Dec 13, 2019)

    Foundation 6.6.1 has fixes for issues introduced with 6.6 Check out the details below:

    Bug Fixes

    • 🐛 # - Fix sticky breakpoint check
    • 🐛 # - Update composer.json for
    • 🐛 # - add missing foundation.js reference comment


    Thanks to the amazing people who contributed code or documentation to the 6.6.1 release. Foundation wouldn't happen without you!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.6.0(Dec 5, 2019)

    This release has been a long time coming and contains tons of great updates to the framework and surrounding ecosystem.

    Foundation 6.6 has dropped and it is LOADED. Code named "Farout" after the furthest away planet discovered to date, this new release is jam-packed with important new features and bug fixes that push the framework toward the future. Check out the details below:

    Featured Enhancements

    • 🚀 # - Refactor XY Grid cell mixins (See migration) Includes:
      • Updates XY Grid static classes generation and XY Grid mixins
      • Adds XY Grid functions
      • Adds new XY Grid mixins
      • Adds utility functions
      • Bug fixes
    • 🚀 # - Fixes off-canvas close events and updates event naming for constancy and adds tests (See migration)
    • 🚀 # - Fix imports of the UMD files for AMD and CommonJS environments.
    • 🚀 # - Adds required checkbox support to Abide
    • 🚀 # - Adds opening methods to responsiveAccordionTabs
    • 🚀 # - Adds support of formnovalidate in Abide
    • 🚀 # - Adds support for down media queries in
    • 🚀 # - Adds print media queries for the right media query combinations

    Bug Fixes

    • 🐛 # - Fix Accordion Menu keyboard accessibility function
    • 🐛 # - Colorize clear dropdown button arrow
    • 🐛 # - Clear is-active class when menu is closed in Accordion Menu
    • 🐛 # - Ensure Dropdown aria-labelledby has an ID
    • 🐛 # - Fix smoothscroll not applying custom options
    • 🐛 # - Refactor and simplify XY Grid cell mixins
    • 🐛 # - Clear "is-active" class when menu is closed in Accordion Menu
    • 🐛 # - Fix for Magellan .is-active class not being applied when use as an individual module.
    • 🐛 # - Fix for Vertical Slider to handle negative data-start values.
    • 🐛 # - Supports data-pattern for Abide
    • 🐛 # - Fixes Off-Canvas contentScroll inner scrollbox
    • 🐛 # - Enables and disables scroll if there is no visible reveal
    • 🐛 # - Adds role="presentation" to accordion items
    • 🐛 # - Fixes Off-Canvas contentScroll inner scrollbox
    • 🐛 # - Fix/responsive accordion tabs initial methods
    • 📖 # - Fixed missing print variable documentation
    • 📖 # - Fixes incorrect "grid-padding-y" class in XY Grid docs
    • 📖 # - Adds availability of features in the XY Grid (X/Y/both)
    • 📖 # - Fixed docs for the Drilldown "closed" event
    • 📖 # - Added documentation for table nest option
    • 📖 # - Reintroduce throttle documentation

    So many more! You can see the full list here:

    Migration Notes

    • Refactor XY Grid cell mixins: This is a big one! (See migration notes)
    • Off-canvas event: Renamed closed.zf.offcanvas to close.zf.offcanvas
    • New _settings.scss variables
      • $closebutton-default-size: medium;
      • $closebutton-z-index: 10;
    • submit buttons in forms: Submit buttons can not have the name submit anymore due to how jQuery.submit() works. If it does not work for you try to add the class .submit and remove type="button" or remove type="submit".


    Thanks to the 46 amazing people who contributed code or documentation to the 6.6 release. Foundation wouldn't happen without you!

    • Antoine Bluchet
    • Aori Nevo
    • Arlo Duff
    • Ben Zhang
    • Brendan Abbott
    • Brian Shanley
    • cdang3
    • Chris
    • Colin Marshall
    • Daniel
    • Daniel Rhodes
    • Daniel Ruf
    • David Krause
    • David Newman
    • David Niciforovic
    • David Reese
    • Harwin Borger
    • decabeza
    • derweili
    • Eva Gagnon-Messier
    • harry
    • imsys
    • Isaak Eriksson
    • Jeremy Englert
    • Jeroen Coumans
    • jfamousket
    • Joe Workman
    • Kai
    • karland
    • Karlis Venters
    • kball
    • Kevin Partington
    • koki-higashikawa
    • Martin
    • Mathieu
    • Nicolas Coden
    • Nicolas Venegas
    • Noah Heck
    • Nordanne Isahac
    • Olena Pastushenko
    • Ruben Pascal Abel
    • Saad Shahd
    • SassNinja
    • Veselin Nikolov
    • Vitaliy Filipov


    Farout is 120 astronomical units (AU) from the sun — one AU is the distance between Earth and the sun, which is about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers). The object is more than 3.5 times the current distance between Pluto and the sun (34 AU), and it outpaces the previous farthest-known solar system object, the dwarf planet Eris, which is currently about 96 AU from the sun. NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft recently entered interstellar space at about 120 AU, leaving the sun's "sphere of influence" called the heliopause, where bodies experience the solar wind.

    Farout (Source

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.5.3(Jan 27, 2019)

  • v6.5.2(Jan 24, 2019)

    Foundation v6.5.2 (2019-01-23)

    This version provides various bug fixes and improvements for Foundation 6.5, updates the documentation and improves the test workflow.

    Changes from v6.5.1

    Fixes and improvements

    • 🐛 #11592 - Fix an issue with Triggers utility when the plugin name is an object (@DanielRuf)
    • 🐛 #11605 - Import used Touch utility in Dropdown and Reveal (@ncoden, #11604)
    • 🐛 #11606 - Fix Accordion bouncing with active submenus on initialization (@pascalknecht)
    • 🐛 #11622 - Fix SmoothScroll ignoring the passed options (@ben-z, #11620)
    • 🐛 #11634 - Prevent the XY Grid container to override top/bottom margins (@HarwinBorger, #11633)
    • 📖 #11608 - Update CodePen test case templates to Foundation v6.5.1 (@ncoden)
    • 📖 #11610 - Add availability of features in the XY Grid doc (X/Y only or both) (@ncoden, #11601)
    • 📖 #11619 - Remove warning for abandoned deprecations in SCSS utilities (@ncoden, #10540)
    • 📖 #11644 - Update license and copyright notices to 2019 (@benhc123)
    • 🚚 #11607 - Revert to labelling Foundation as "with side effects" (@ncoden, #11586)
    • 🚚 #11618 - Fix names of modules for AMD/CommonJs (@ncoden, #11614)


    • 🛠️ #11595 - Remove duplicate CSS properties in Grid examples (@DanielRuf)
    • 🛠️ #11596 - Remove unused background CSS properties in doc (@DanielRuf)
    • 🛠️ #11597 - Remove duplicate CSS properties in Progress bar (@DanielRuf)
    • 🛠️ #11598 - Remove duplicate CSS properties in Drilldown (@DanielRuf)
    • 🛠️ #11636 - Remove duplicate code in Nest utilities (@DanielRuf)
    • 💻 #11538 - Run tests on Linux, macOS and Windows (@DanielRuf)
    • 💻 #11635 - Run tests on latest Node.js version (@DanielRuf)


    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v6.5.1(Nov 15, 2018)

    Foundation v6.5.1 (2018-11-15)

    This version fixes the distribution files for the JavaScript plugins that were generated for the wrong version (ongoing v6.6.0 instead of released v6.5.0) and provide various bug fixes and documentation updates.

    Changes from v6.5.0

    • 🐛 #11573 - Ensure Dropdown label to have an ID for a11y (@ncoden, #11572)
    • 🐛 #11579 - Cleanup "is-active" class in AccordionMenu when closed (@ncoden, #11383)
    • 🐛 #11581 - Fix arrow color in clear dropdown Button (@ncoden, #11581)
    • 📖 #11562 - Cleanup an invalid beacon in Grid docs (@xeptore)
    • 📖 #11564 - Add missing doc for the "$print-hrefs" setting (@ncoden)
    • 🚚 Reimport incorrectly imported patch for #11418 (16b8e38, previously 55e60ee).
    • 🚚 Regenerate JavaScript plugins distribution files to reflect the new version.


    Special thanks to:

    • Daniel Ruf (@DanielRuf) for his assistance in issues and his reviews of pull requests.
    • Jeremy Englert (@JeremyEnglert) for his assistance in issues.
    Source code(tar.gz)
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    foundation.css(154.06 KB)
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    foundation.min.css(119.20 KB)
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  • v6.5.0(Oct 30, 2018)

    Foundation v6.5.0 (2018-10-30)


    It's happening! Foundation 6.5.0 is out now and is ready for production use! This release is based on v6.5.0-rc.4 and simply provides additional fixes in the documentation and an improved test flow.

    As this version was built to have the best compatibility with v6.4.4-rc1, we used a dedicated branch and manually picked safe changes from the development branch develop, excluding API evolutions and breaking changes. These imported changes are the Use pull request #xxx commits you can see in this pull request. Development will continue on develop and will lead to a future release with all changes, including new features and breaking changes.

    See the Release Notes

    Changes from v6.5.0-rc.4

    • 📖 #11545 - Fix plugins instantiation examples in Javascript docs (@ncoden)
    • 📖 #11548 - Fix "Converts" misspelling in -zf-bp-serialize docs (@joshwhatk)
    • 📖 #11549 - Make Callout closable in the first Close Button example (@ncoden)
    • 🚨 #11550 - Run Sass unit tests in the Travis CI flow (@ncoden)
    • 🚨 #11561 - Run tests on Node 6, 8, 10 and stable (@DanielRuf)
    • 💻 #11560 - Update dependencies (2018-10-24) (@ncoden)


    Special thanks to:

    • Daniel Ruf (@DanielRuf) for his assistance in issues and his reviews of pull requests.
    • Kai Falkowski (@SassNinja) for his assistance in issues and his reviews of pull requests.
    • Katerina Limpitsouni ( for the assets used in the illustration.
    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • v6.5.0-rc.4(Oct 13, 2018)

    Foundation v6.5.0-rc.4 (2018-10-13)

    ⚠️ This version is a Release Candidate and is intended for developers to test the new release with their project and environment and report regressions if any. It is not recommended for an usage in production.

    Changes from v6.5.0-rc.3

    • 🐛 #11510 - Follow relative and absolute links in SmoothScroll (@ncoden, #11506)
    • 🐛 #11519 - Clean SmoothScroll listeners on destroy (@ncoden)
    • 🐛 #11529 - Allow Interchange filenames to contain brackets (@peterquentin)
    • 🐛 #11530 - Fix various bugs with Tabs/Accordion deep-linking (@ncoden, #11527)
    • 🐛 #11531 - Fix various bugs with "Tap" events in Touch utility (@ncoden, #11423)
    • 🚚 #11508 - Provide CJS, ESM and ES6+ bundles (@ncoden, #11502)
    • 📦 #11512 - Update dependencies (2018-09-22) (@ncoden)
    • 📦 #11528 - Update and fix foundation-docs dependency (@ncoden)
    • 📖 #11500 - Improve description of the Prototype page (@chrisdfe)
    • 📖 #11518 - Fix typos in the Javascript documentation (@ncoden)
    • 📖 #11526 - Use correct namespace for DropdownMenu/OffCanvas events (@ncoden, #11523)


    Special thanks to:

    Source code(tar.gz)
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    foundation.css(153.72 KB)
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    foundation.min.css(118.89 KB)
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  • v6.5.0-rc.3(Sep 22, 2018)

    Foundation v6.5.0-rc.3 (2018-09-22)

    ⚠️ This version is a Release Candidate and is intended for developers to test the new release with their project and environment and report regressions if any. It is not recommended for an usage in production.

    Changes from v6.5.0-rc.2


    • 🐛 #11397 - Optimize and fix an issue with XY Grid responsive cell classes (@ncoden)
    • 🐛 #11409 - Fix Slider "offset" when used with negative values (@veselinn, #11390)
    • 🐛 #11411 - Fix Dropdown Menu closing when the mouse goes over the browser UI (@arloduff, #11410)
    • 🐛 #11425 - Fix Drilldrown not opening the active submenu height (@ncoden, #11416)
    • 🐛 #11433 - Fix Dropdown Menu top-level item styles and background setting (@ncoden, #11412)
    • 🐛 #11450 - Fix styles not applied on Accordion last item (@DanielRuf, #11447)
    • 🐛 #11462 - Fix fullscreen Reveal height on browsers with dynamic viewport (@ncoden, #10879)
    • 🐛 #11469 - Clean submenus classes in menus when destroyed (@ncoden, #11467)
    • 🐛 #11472 - Fix "xy-cell-offset()" mixin for 0-width gutters (@ncoden, #11471)
    • 🐛 #11485 - Support data-tabs-target in Tabs deep-linking (@ncoden, #11484)
    • 🐛 #11486 - Fix Tabs switching for when tab links are nested (@cyChop)
    • 🐛 #11487 - Fix margin directions of Prototype spacing classes (@palicko, #11236)
    • 🐛 #11477 - Fix rollback to initial state with Accordion and Tabs deep-linking (@ncoden, #11100)
    • 🐛 #11418 - Fix Dropdown & Tooltip closing when the mouse goes over the browser UI (@ncoden)


    • 🐛 #11393 - Make matchMedia a global polyfill for IE compatibility (@DanielRuf, #11358)
    • 🚚 #11394 - Add sourcemaps for minified plugins to distribution files (@ncoden)
    • 🚚 #11445 - Improve support and documentation for tree shaking (@ncoden)
    • 💻 #11444 - Fix Gulp watch task blocking following tasks (@aorinevo, #11443)
    • 💻 #11454 - Refactor Gulp tasks to not rely on the unsuitable "finish" event (@ncoden, #11452)
    • 💻 #11466 - Simplify GitHub templates for issues & pull requests (@ncoden)
    • 💻 #11491 - Update docs styles when SCSS change in Gulp watch task (@ncoden)
    • 📦 #11419 - Update dependencies (2018-07-26) (@ncoden)
    • 📦 #11488 - Update dependencies (2018-09-03) (@ncoden)


    • 📖 #11435 - Improve Motion UI docs (@ncoden)
    • 📖 #11448 - Fix sentence in installation docs (@melek)
    • 📖 #11458 - Add advices for Windows users in installation docs (@SassNinja, #11458)
    • 📖 #11464 - Remove unsupported vertical block grids in XY Grid docs (@ncoden)
    • 📖 #11475 - Fix callout markup in Sass docs (@Harmageddon)
    • 📖 #11495 - Fix examples for spotSwipe events in Js Utilities docs (@gforcada)
    • 📖 #11497 - Use named imports in Javascript docs instead of invalid default imports (@ncoden)
    • 📖 #11388 - Add the pnpm package manager in the installation page (@DanielRuf)


    Source code(tar.gz)
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    foundation.min.css(117.60 KB)
    foundation.min.js(145.32 KB)
  • v6.5.0-rc.2(Jul 10, 2018)

    Foundation v6.5.0-rc.2 (2018-07-10)

    ⚠️ This version is a Release Candidate and is intended for developers to test the new release with their project and environment and report regressions if any. It is not recommended for an usage in production.

    Changes from v6.5.0-rc.1

    • Components   🐛 #11104 - Fix radius on Input Group labels and buttons (@andycochran, #8833)
        🐛 #11361 - Fix invalid gutters for vertical XY Grid auto/shrink cells (@ncoden, #11359)
        🐛 #11366 - Fix window event listeners being removed in various components (@ncoden, #11360)
        🐛 #11381 - Provide global Foundation.MediaQuery initialized (@ncoden, #10363)

    • Internal   🐛 #11350 - Fix and update Bower configuration (@ncoden)
        🐛 #11356 - Resolve invalid conflict resolution #11077 (@DanielRuf, #11355)
        🐛 #11367 - Fix invalid JSON in Bower package configuration (@ncoden, #11364)
        🚚 #11346 - Fix completion callback called too many time in Gulp deploy task (@ncoden)
        💻 #11352 - Resolve jQuery devDependency CVE (@ncoden)
        📦 #11389 - Update dependencies (2018-07-06) and migrate to Gulp v4 (@ncoden)
        💎 #11368 - Always use typeof for checking undefined values (@DanielRuf, #11363)
        💎 #11379 - Use @else if instead of deprecated @elseif (@jblandry)

    • Documentation   📖 #11373 - Fix data-animate attribute in Responsive Toggle documentation (@rlhawk, #11372)
        📖 #11377 - Fix ignored Dropdown Menu $dropdownmenu-background setting (@rlhawk, #11376)
        📖 #11378 - Improve GitFlow model for supported versions (@ncoden)
        📖 #11382 - Add a notice about required CSS in Media Query documentation (@ncoden, #11374)


    Source code(tar.gz)
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    foundation.css(155.59 KB)
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    foundation.min.css(119.98 KB)
    foundation.min.js(173.93 KB)
  • v6.5.0-rc.1(Jun 24, 2018)

    Foundation v6.5.0-rc.1 (2018-06-25)

    Here we go! Foundation 6.5.0 (Release Candate 1) is out now and comes with a lot of bug fixes and various improvements! This release is mainly focused on stabilizing the previous release, improving accessibility and browser support and making the integration with your project easier. New features were delayed to the next release to ensure the best compatibility with v6.4.4-rc1. Check out the details below.

    ⚠️ This version is a Release Candidate and it intended for developers to test the new release with their project and environment and report regressions if any. It is not recommended for an usage in production.


    • 🌟 Improved Stability: 70+ bugs resolved!

      We worked hard to resolve over 70 bugs across all our components. This includes fixes for visual and functional bugs, resolved crashes and Sass compilation errors and improved integration, reusability and ease of customization in various environments and complex use cases.

    • 🙈 Improved Accessibility (#10699, #11052, #11167, #11099)

      We improved the accessibility of Abide forms by a lot! Most a11y attributes are now automatically set on form fields, labels and errors according to their relations. We also fixed the aria attributes of Toogler and all menu plugins, and improved many plugin documentations to show in examples the best practices in terms of accessibility.

    • 🌎 Improved Browser Support (#10786, #11011, #11021, #11108, #11252)

      We fixed various bugs in IE11/Edge in navigation components, Slider and XY Grid, as well as an issue with the Reveal scroll in iOS Safari. For consistency reasons, we revised our browser CSS compatibility table and improved support for iOS Safari >= 7. On the other hand, Android Browser < 4.4 is not supported anymore.

    • 🚀 New Accordion parentLink option (#10616)

      With the parentLink option, you can now automatically include the parent link at the top of an Accordion sub-menu like for Drilldown.

    • Matching help for standard input and input group (#10602)

      We changed the Input Group height calculation to match the standard input height. You may have to take a look at your forms after upgrading.

    • Better keyboard shortcuts for Dropdown (#10715, #11123)

      If a Dropdown trigger is an input or a textarea, Space does not open the Dropdown anymore. Also, an opened Dropdown is now closed with Space/Enter if nothing can be focused in it.

    • Improved Abide URL validation pattern (#11116)

      We changed the Abide validation pattern for URL so it is more permissive and supports various protocols and escaped characters. We recommend you to check if it still fulfills your needs before upgrading. You can always use the old URL pattern as a custom pattern.

    • 🐛 Fixed various bugs with dynamically created component (#11077, #10988)

      Components could be incorrecly initialized when dynamically created as they were waiting for the page load event (which was already called before). We fixed this and now fully support dynamically created components after the page loaded.

    • 🐛 Fixed various bugs causing a "gap" between breakpoints (#10978, #11315)

      A "gap" between breakpoints could appear with both or none breakpoints where considered as the "current one" due to the way some old browsers round values or when a smaller global font size was used. We changed this gap size to ensure the best browser compatibility and support smaller font size.

    • 🚚 UMD Bundling (#10864, #10911, #10930)

      Foundation is now distributed as an UMD package! Babel is no longer required and you can now import Foundation with ES6, RequireJS, Node.js or as a global variable.

    • 🚚 Sourcemaps everywhere! (#10998, #11012)

      No one likes debugging in minified code. All Foundation JavaScript and CSS distribution files now comes with sourcemap files, including individual plugin files.

    • 📦 jQuery and what-input are now peerDependencies (#11294)

      We think that like for most browser packages, you will want to only have one jQuery version installed and to choose its version by yourself. For this reason, jQuery and what-input should be exposed to you as peerDependencies. You should already have jQuery and what-input installed so Foundation will work the same way as before.

      Note for npm users: you may now have a warning message asking you to install these packages if you did not already. Please do so with versions we support: jquery@>=2.2.0 and what-input>=4.1.0.

    All changes

    This release comes with ~230 contributions like new features, improvements, bug fixes, documentation updates and maintenance tasks. This changelog uses the following emojis to describe contribution types.

    | Code changes | Cleaning | Maintenance | | --- | --- | --- | | 💥 Breaking changes
    🚀 Features
    ✨ Improvements
    🐛 Bug Fixes | 🛠️ Refactoring
    💎 Linting
    📖 Documentation

    | 💻 Tools
    📦 Dependencies
    🚚 Build files
    🚨 Tests |

    Changes marked with RC were included in the previous unstable release candidate v6.4.4-rc1. They may have introduced new features and visual changes. If you have already migrated to Foundation v6.4.4-rc1 without encountering issues, you can safely migrate to v6.5.0.


    • Typography
      📖 #11257 - Fix typos in Typography documentation (@datatypevoid)

    • Forms
      #10602 - Update Input Group height calculation to match input height (@simshaun, #9344) RC
      🐛 #10562 - Fix Range thumb styles not applied on Webkit browsers (@farrago, #10553) RC
      🐛 #10887 - Reduce placeholder specificity (@ncoden, #8366)
      🐛 #11250 - Fix Progress bar border radius $progress-radius setting (@datatypevoid)
      📖 #10462 - Update Forms documentation to XY Grid (@colinmackinlay, #10452) RC
      📖 #10575 - Fix aria-valuenow in Progress Bar example to match the component value (@wesinator) RC
      📖 #11283 - Prevent row of checkbox to collapse in Forms documentation example (@adamklepacz)

    • XY Grid
      🚀 #10689 - Add grow size to xy-cell/xy-cell-base mixins (@flatline-studios) RC
      #11300 - Use fallback gutter for fallback breakpoint in XY Grid cell (@ncoden, #11194)
      🐛 #10531 - Fix Sass compilation error due to missing semicolons (@brettsmason, #10529) RC
      🐛 #10550 - Fix Sass deprecation with interpolations near operators (@jessedoyle, #10534) RC
      🐛 #10648 - Clear max-width/height property in XY Grid cell reset (@kball) RC
      🐛 #10649 - Ensure that XY Grid vertical frame takes the whole height (@kball, #10457) RC
      🐛 #10821 - Prevent generation of invalid xy-cell when breakpoint is not found (@ncoden)
      🐛 #10927 - Fix XY Grid responsive widths when used with auto/shrink (@ncoden, #10891)
      🐛 #11085 - Allow XY Grid frame to get a vertical scrollbar (@DanielRuf, #10793)
      🐛 #11117 - Fix XY Grid cells widths overriden by the width of a smaller breakpoint (@ncoden, #10468)
      🐛 #11145 - Fix XY Grid classes generated with the wrong breakpoint (@DanielRuf, #11121)
      🐛 #11252 - Fix XY Grid cell block scrollbar autohiding on IE/Edge (@datatypevoid)
      📖 #10526 - Fix typo in XY Grid "basics" documentation (@jacek213) RC
      📖 #10778 - Add missing $frame-grid argument to foundation-xy-grid-classes() mixin doc (@rlhawk)
      📖 #10834 - Remove references to inexistent mixin xy-cell-breakpoints() (@ncoden, #10276)
      📖 #10859 - Fix typo in XY Grid documentation (@ocularrhythm)
      📖 #10862 - Fix quotes in xy-cell-size mixin documentation (@tonymtz)
      📖 #10895 - Add missing XY Grid and Protoyping Utilities videos (@ncoden)
      📖 #10905 - Add missing documentation for various XY Grid mixin arguments (@ncoden, #10904)
      📖 #10962 - Improve documentation about the used grid following $xy-grid setting (@DanielRuf, #10425)
      📖 #11192 - Improve "push/pull" title formatting in XY Grid documentation (@rbrtmrtn)
      📖 #11280 - Clarify usage of body overflow in XY Grid frame example (@paxperscientiam)

    • Float Grid
      🐛 #11115 - Fix last Float Grid column alignment when uncentered (@ncoden, #9952)
      📖 #11171 - Fix misnamed setting $global-flexbox Float Grid documentation (@englishtom)

    • Flex Grid
      📖 #10597 - Add missing $wrap argument to flex-grid() mixin doc (@kball, #10578) RC


    • Button
      📖 #10830 - Fix typo in Button button-disabled() mixin documentation (@ncoden, #10783)

    • Button Group
      🐛 #10703 - Prevent unstacked .stacked Button Group to expand without .expanded (@rafibomb, #10693)
      🐛 #10815 - Use $button-palette for color modifier classes (@RudolfBos, #10576)
      🐛 #10845 - Fix overlap on single button due to ignored spacing (@TheBnl)

    • Slider
      🐛 #10594 - Fix Slider breaking when data-start setting has a trailing zero (@knabe, #10579) RC
      🐛 #11108 - Fix Slider update on input keypress in IE 11 (@DanielRuf, #11096)


    • All menus
      🐛 #9381 - Clear sub-menus when menus are destroyed (@diniscorreia, #9339)
      🐛 #11018 - Remove unused $menu-item-background-hover setting (@DanielRuf, #10758)
      🐛 #11099 - Use menubar aria role instead of invalid menu (@DanielRuf, #11097)
      📖 #11010 - Remove out-of-date bug warning in Reponsive Navigation (@ncoden)

    • Dropdown Menu
      📖 #10929 - Fix Dropdown Menu event namespace in documentation (@JeremyEnglert, #10563)

    • Drilldown
      🚀 #10509 - Add _showMenu to open any Drilldown menu or sub-menu (@SassNinja) RC
      🐛 #10829 - Fix Enter on Drilldown with parent links (@Owlbertz, #10803)
      📖 #10555 - Rename Drilldown page title to generate correct events namespace (@IamManchanda, #9151) RC
      📖 #10933 - Revert unsuitable and outdated fix for Drilldown events namespace #10555 (@ncoden)

    • Magellan
      🐛 #10837 - Clear Magellan deep linking hash outside of Magellan sections (@nicolasv, #10836)
      🐛 #10906 - Prevent update.zf.magellan to be fired without changes (@coreysyms, #9068 & #10384)
      🐛 #10988 - Fix Magellan for when dynamically created after page load (@DanielRuf)
      🐛 #11076 - Fix reference to component in Magellan._events (@ncoden)
      🐛 #11142 - Fix Magellan hash resolution when leaving link sections (@ncoden)

    • Pagination
      📖 #10915 - Improve accessibility in Pagination examples (@Owlbertz, #9334)

    • Breadcrumbs
      📖 #10659 - Add note about structured data in Breadcrumbs documentation (@mik-laj) RC


    • Accordion
      🚀 #10616 - Add parentLink setting to include parent link to top of submenu (@kball) RC
      🐛 #10871 - Fix duplicate ID on Accordion labels (@colin-marshall, #10870)
      📖 #10731 - Fix deepLinkSmudgeDelay attribute name in Accordion documentation (@DanielRuf)
      📖 #11272 - Fix typo in Accordion documentation (@ncoden, #11271)

    • Card
      📖 #10586 - Migrate Card examples to XY Grid (@colinmackinlay, #10586) RC
      📖 #11173 - Fix typo in in Card $card-background setting documentation (@piouPiouM)

    • Dropdown
      #10715 - Do not open Dropdown on Space on text input/textarea (@DanielRuf & @Owlbertz)
      #11123 - Close Dropdown on Space/Enter if nothing is focusable inside (@DanielRuf, #10391)
      🐛 #10522 - Calculate better non-overlapping positions everytime the Dropdown is opened (@SassNinja) RC
      🐛 #10658 - Fix Dropdown closeOnClick setting for a click on the Dropdown itself (@u671175, #10657) RC
      🐛 #10840 - Fix various Dropdown anchor attributes (@ncoden, #10627)
      🚨 #10968 - Add tests for Dropdown (@alliclemens)
      📖 #11038 - Remove deprecated positionClass setting (@DanielRuf, #10178)

    • Media Object
      🐛 #10679 - Make required Media Object container styles available in Sass (@Martskin, #9038)
      🐛 #10842 - Revert single commit in #10679 preventing to create a custom Media Object section (@ncoden)

    • Off Canvas
      🐛 #10868 - Fix revealOn option set in JavaScript without CSS class (@ncoden, #10867)
      🐛 #10967 - Trigger opened.zf.offcanvas at the end to prevent race conditions (@DanielRuf)
      🐛 #11141 - Reset graphic properties instead of inheriting them on in-canvas mode (@RvWensen, #11124)
      📖 #10966 - Improve documentation about Off Canvas overlap usage and limits (@SassNinja)
      📖 #10981 - Fix data-toggle target in an Off Canvas example (@DanielRuf, #10548)

    • Reveal
      🐛 #10570 - Make the Reveal vOffset setting optional (@therufa) RC
      🐛 #10711 - Focus the Reveal modal anchor when it is closed (@Owlbertz, #10604)
      🐛 #10786 - Fix Reveal scroll calculation in iOS Safari (@SassNinja)
      🐛 #11041 - Clear global classes when Reveal is destroyed (@DanielRuf, #10626)
      🐛 #11065 - Prevent a double scrollbar on Reveal in Firefox (@DanielRuf, #11064 and #10824)
      🐛 #11093 - Fix history browsing for nested Reveals with deepLinking (@ncoden, #8012)
      🐛 #11106 - Fix crash with Libsass 3.5 due to @extend used within mediaquery (@ncoden, from #11094)
      🐛 #11189 - Fix global classes when Reveal is opened due to misnamed internal function (@hikouki)
      🐛 #11341 - Fix shift of page content due to scrollbar disappearing on modal opening (@ncoden, #7831)
      📖 #10996 - Correct description of the default Reveal width (@DanielRuf, #8707)
      📖 #11030 - Remove unused data-btm-offset-pct setting (@DanielRuf)

    • Table
      🐛 #10897 - Prevent scrollable table (.table-scroll) to collapse (@nicwinn)

    • Tabs
      🐛 #10827 - Remove Tab outline when keyboard is not used (@ncoden, #10798)
      🐛 #11001 - Remove unused $tab-expand-max setting (@DanielRuf, #8484)
      📖 #10603 - Fix data-tabs-target setting format in Tabs example (@svenkle) RC
      📖 #10963 - Fix Tab method arguments documentation (@DanielRuf)
      📖 #11039 - Fix data-deep-link-smudge-delay setting Tabs example (@DanielRuf)

    • Responsive Accordion Tabs
      🐛 #10902 - Clear event handlers when ResponsiveAccordionTabs is destroyed (@ncoden, #10901)


    • Label
      📖 #10896 - Fix examples markup Label documentation (@JuanMME)
      📖 #10993 - Remove inexistent .info modifier from Label example (@gormus)

    • Orbit
      🐛 #11107 - Fix Orbit "jump" when sliding (@DanielRuf, #11082)
      📖 #10549 - Fix data-anim-out-* settings in Orbit documentation (@GITTomy) RC
      📖 #10950 - Improve isLTR argument documentation in Orbit.changeSlide (@ncoden)
      📖 #11024 - Fix typo in Orbit documentation (@DanielRuf)

    • Tooltip
      🐛 #11056 - Fix classes and attributes cleaning after Tooltip is destroyed (@ncoden, #11054)
      💻 #11067 - Remove deprecated and broken positionClass setting in Tooltip (@DanielRuf, #11066)
      📖 #11057 - Simplify examples in Tooltip documentation (@ncoden)

    • Thumbnail
      💎 #10752 - Use standard property order for border option (@IamManchanda)
      📖 #11032 - Center thumbnails in documentation (@DanielRuf, #11029)


    • Abide
      #10699 - Improve Abide fields, labels and errors accessibility (@Owlbertz & @ncoden, #10552)
      #11116 - Support various protocols and escaped characters in Abide url pattern (@ncoden, #9180)
      🐛 #10936 - Revert incorrect fix in Abide that actually introduced bugs (@DanielRuf)
      🐛 #11118 - Ignore submit inputs and empty formErrorFor in Abide (@ncoden, #9190)
      📖 #10683 - Add missing label end tag in Abide main example (@grantcarthew) RC
      📖 #11035 - Fix Abide custom validator example (@lirael, #11033)

    • Interchange
      🚨 #11179 - Reduce race condition in Interchange debounce test (@DanielRuf)
      🚨 #11259 - Clean and improve precision of Interchange debounce test (@ncoden)
      🚨 #11279 - Fix race condition in Interchange debounce test (@ncoden)

    • Toggler
      🐛 #11052 - Add aria-expanded a11y attribute to Toggler triggers (@DanielRuf, #11049)
      🐛 #11167 - Fix aria-controls with multiple IDs in Toogler (@MoarCoding, #11166)
      📖 #11031 - Improve documentation of data-toggler classname support (@DanielRuf, #11013)


    • Flexbox Utilities
      🐛 #10676 - Use $global-text-direction for Flexbox alignment utilities (@abdullahsalem, #10125) RC
      📖 #10592 - Fix typos in Flexbox Utilities documentation (@powellian) RC

    • Prototyping Utilities
      🐛 #10551 - Remove non-ASCII character unsupported by Sass (@IamManchanda, #10515) RC
      🐛 #10632 - Fix rounded prototyping class for Switches (@IamManchanda, #10460) RC
      🛠️ #10625 - Refactor spacing classes in Prototyping utilities (@IamManchanda) RC
      📖 #10632 - Remove canceled deprecation notice about Visibility Classes (@IamManchanda, #10540) RC
      📖 #10709 - Fix typo in Prototyping documentation (@mziraki)

    • Sass Utilities
      #10479 - Add defaults for $foundation-palette colors (@arjenkroeze, #9833) RC
      #11103 - Improve $-zf-zero-breakpoint setting error message (@andycochran, #9268)
      🐛 #10629 - Ensure that Sass breakpoint variables are always declared (@gaulrobe, #10628) RC
      🐛 #10819 - Prevent leaking of $-zf-size after -zf-each-breakpoint() mixin (@ncoden, #10818)
      🐛 #10914 - Remove clip-path from element-invisible mixin for performance issues (@ffoodd)
      📖 #10785 - Fix typo in rem-calc function documentation (@IanCaunce)
      📖 #11088 - Remove outdated rem-base deprecation note (@DanielRuf)
      📖 #11249 - Fix various typos in Sass Utilities documentation (@datatypevoid)
      📖 #11251 - Add missing space in color() function documentation (@datatypevoid)

    • JavaScript Utilities
      🐛 #11258 - Prevent to initialize Triggers twice before window load (@ncoden)
      🐛 #10639 - Fix polyfills for dragging events in Touch Utilities (@TakteS, #10639) RC
      🚨 #10941 - Add units tests for Foundation.getFnName() (@dragthor)
      🚨 #10990 - Remove tests for widely supported inferred names in Foundation.getFnName() (@DanielRuf)

    Global / Miscellaneous

    • Global
      🐛 #10729 - Use jQuery .on() instead of deprecated .load() (@DanielRuf)
      🐛 #10978 - Fix breakpoint precision issue with a smaller global font size (@JasonMiller, #10820)
      🐛 #11011 - Fix watching for hash changes in IE/Edge (@ncoden, #10771)
      🐛 #11077 - Fix watching for events when dynamically created after page load (@ncoden & @DanielRuf)
      🐛 #11315 - Use low-enough breakpoint precision to avoid rounding by browsers (@ncoden, #11313)
      🚚 #10856 - Sort Sass components following their complexity and dependencies (@ncoden, 10854)
      🚚 #10864 - Bundle JS assets as UMD modules (@ncoden)
      🚚 #10911 - Temporary disable UMD bundling (@ncoden)
      🚚 #10930 - Fix and re-enable UMD bundling (@ncoden)
      🚚 #10998 - Include sourcemaps in distribution files (@DanielRuf)
      🚚 #11012 - Add sourcemaps for plugins and minified files (@ncoden, #10999)
      💻 #11021 - Drop Android < 4.4 and ensure support for iOS Safari >= 7 (@DanielRuf)

    • TypeScript
      🐛 #10807 - Fix Keyboard util TypeScript declaration (@Anidetrix)
      🐛 #11274 - Allow any types for jQuery Foundation method arguments (@ncoden, #11193)

    • Internal
      🐛 #10908 - Fix RegExpEscape definition in Foundation object (@DanielRuf)
      🐛 #10917 - Fix RegExpEscape export as an external (@ncoden, #10916)
      🚚 #10998 - Add CSS sourcemaps to dist files (@DanielRuf)
      🚚 #11205 - Fix gulp task sequences due to missing callback (@ncoden)
      💻 #10631 - Add XY Grid styles to documentation (@kball) RC
      💻 #11073 - Migrate dependencies from Bower to npm (@DanielRuf)
      💻 #11083 - Remove deprecated Sass mixins (@DanielRuf)
      💻 #11144 - Migrate to jsDelivr from CDNjs (@DanielRuf)
      💻 #11175 - Move documentation changes to develop Git branch (@ncoden)
      💻 #11268 - Revise Eyeglass compatibility range to >=0.8.0 (@ncoden)
      💻 #11269 - Move TypeScript definitions source file out of distribution folder (@ncoden)
      💻 #11316 - Update Browserify transform config & factorize browserslist configs (@ncoden)
      💻 #11349 - Revise Meteor fourseven:scss compatibility to support Meteor<1.4.1 support (@ncoden)
      🚨 #11210 - Clean components and focus after tests (@ncoden)
      🚨 #11275 - Add delay before testing focus to give IE time to render elements (@ncoden)
      🚨 #11333 - Increase mocha tests timeout to run on slow browsers and workers (@ncoden)
      📦 #10591 - Update Webpack to v3 (@kball, #10584) RC
      📦 #10823 - Update Babel dependencies (@ncoden)
      📦 #10825 - Update fourseven:scss dependency (@raym)
      📦 #10942 - Update foundation-docs dependency (@ncoden)
      📦 #10944 - Migrate to mocha-headless-chrome from mocha-phantomjs for tests (@DanielRuf)
      📦 #10984 - Update dependencies with known vulnerabilities (CVE) (@ncoden)
      📦 #11036 - Update eslint and gulp-eslint dependencies to v4 (@colin-marshall)
      📦 #11086 - Migrate to normalize.css v8.0.0 from normalize-scss (@ncoden, #11015)
      📦 #11119 - Clean and update all dependencies (@ncoden)
      📦 #11292 - Update foundation-docs dependency to get new ClipboardJS naming (@ncoden)
      📦 #11294 - Move jquery and what-input to peerDependencies (@ncoden, #11290)
      📦 #11308 - Remove unused devDependencies dateformat and gaze (@ncoden)
      📦 #11317 - Update Babel dependencies to v7 (@ncoden)
      📦 #11334 - Update dependencies June 2018 (@ncoden)
      💎 #11176 - Remove extraneous space in Travis CI config (@DanielRuf)
      💎 #11227 - Fix Sass linting errors (@DanielRuf)
      💎 #11231 - Remove obsolete sass-lint comments (@DanielRuf)

    • Development
      💻 #10599 - Add JSHint configuration with ES6 support (@IamManchanda) RC
      💻 #11003 - Run tests on latest Node.js LTS/stable releases (@DanielRuf)
      💻 #11090 - Various improvements for Travis tests (@ncoden)
      💻 #11111 - Run tests before commits and pushes with Husky (@DanielRuf, #11042)
      💻 #11120 - Prevent commits and pushes when tests are failing with Husky (@ncoden)
      💻 #11174 - Run tests with npm ci when supported (@DanielRuf)
      💻 #11197 - Lint commit messages before committing with Husky (@ncoden)
      💻 #11208 - Run tests with devDependencies instead of embedded packages (@DanielRuf)
      💻 #11246 - Add GitHub multiple issue templates (@ncoden)

    • Documentation
      📖 #10500 - Fix closable Callout close button in Kitchen Sink (@danclayton50) RC
      📖 #10519 - Fix typo in deprecation notices (@Odaeus) RC
      📖 #10536 - Fix typo on "Foundation" in Media Query documentation (@AnaghSharma) RC
      📖 #10632 - Move Utilities classes to their own section in documentation menu (@IamManchanda) RC
      📖 #10670 - Update outdated Foundation version in documentation menu (@IamManchanda, #10669) RC
      📖 #10681 - Fix path to JavaScript source folder in installation documentation (@grantcarthew) RC
      📖 #10698 - Fix autoprefixer documentation in Sass setup (@pdeffendol)
      📖 #10710 - Remove unnecessary bower install from ZURB Template installation (@skadzielawa)
      📖 #10719 - Fix typo in JavaScript documentation (@artbypravesh)
      📖 #10720 - Add jsDelivr badge to README (@LukasDrgon)
      📖 #10822 - Update sub-ressources integrity (@ncoden)
      📖 #10831 - Update copyright notices to 2018 (@benhc123)
      📖 #10835 - Fix typo in Foundation Classes promotional messages (@gpaumier)
      📖 #10839 - Fix typo Inc. instead of inc. in Copyright notices (@benhc123)
      📖 #10847 - Improve Sass/JS installation and setup documentation (@ncoden)
      📖 #10848 - Improve Sass installation documentation for npm users (@jnystromdesign)
      📖 #10866 - Improve Grids setup documentation (@ncoden, #10843)
      📖 #10874 - Improve GitFlow documentation (@ncoden)
      📖 #10925 - Update ZURB template JavaScript documentation (@ncoden, #10353)
      📖 #10928 - Fix typo in installation documentation (@wolfbeisz)
      📖 #10948 - Fix yarn command in installation documentation (@jnystromdesign)
      📖 #10959 - Remove obsolete bower command in installation documentation (@DanielRuf, #10790)
      📖 #10977 - Fix broken link to XY Grid (@ocularrhythm)
      📖 #10986 - Fix broken links to Float Grid and Installation (@ncoden, #10985)
      📖 #11005 - Fix SRI hashes of CDN assets (@DanielRuf, #11004)
      📖 #11023 - Add Edge to the compatibility table (@DanielRuf, #10299)
      📖 #11034 - Migrate documentation examples to XY Grid (@colin-marshal, #11028)
      📖 #11040 - Add Rails in installation documentation (@ncoden)
      📖 #11060 - Use double quotes for HTML attributes in documentation examples (@ocularrhythm & @ncoden)
      📖 #11075 - Improve deepLink setting documentation (@ncoden)
      📖 #11089 - Fix check for flexbox label in component list (@DanielRuf)
      📖 #11110 - Fix plugin destroy method name in documentation (@DanielRuf)
      📖 #11178 - Improve and contribuion guidelines (@ncoden)
      📖 #11238 - Fix wrong word for cues in Accessibility documentation (@danielrhodeswarp)
      📖 #11240 - Add Edge to the flexbox browser list (@ncoden, from #11239)
      📖 #11262 - Fix colliding IDs in Kitchen Sink (@brianshano)
      📖 #11326 - Fix "knowledge" typo on Customizer page (@mapx)


    Big thanks to our 75 amazing contributors who helped to make Foundation even better. Foundation wouldn't happen without you! Also thanks to our 87 others contributors who worked on new features, your contributions will be released in the next version.

    [227] - Nicolas Coden (@ncoden)
     [95] - Daniel Ruf (@DanielRuf)
     [20] - Kevin Ball (@kball)
     [27] - Harry Manchanda (@IamManchanda)
     [18] - RafiBomb (@rafibomb)
     [12] - Marius Olbertz (@Owlbertz)
      [5] - Kai Falkowski (@SassNinja)
      [4] - Colin Marshall (@colin-marshall)
      [4] - David Niciforovic
      [3] - Aaron Arney (@ocularrhythm)
      [3] - colinmackinlay (@colinmackinlay)
      [3] - danclayton50 (@danclayton50)
      [3] - JasonMiller (@JasonMiller)
      [3] - Joakim Nystrom (@jnystromdesign)
      [2] - alliclemens (@alliclemens)
      [2] - Ben Holden-Crowther (@benhc123)
      [2] - Daniel Rhodes (@danielrhodeswarp)
      [2] - David Newman
      [2] - Grant Carthew (@grantcarthew)
      [2] - Kamil Breguła (@mik-laj)
      [2] - Kerry (@flatline-studios)
      [2] - Martin Hofmann (@Martskin)
      [2] - Nicolas Venegas (@nicolasv)
      [2] - Raymond Young (@raym)
      [2] - Stefan Lisper
      [1] - Abdullah Salem (@abdullahsalem)
      [1] - Adam Klepacz (@adamklepacz)
      [1] - Anagh Sharma (@AnaghSharma)
      [1] - Andrew France (@Odaeus)
      [1] - Andy Cochran (@andycochran)
      [1] - Anton Kudryavtsev (@Anidetrix)
      [1] - Arjen Kroeze (@arjenkroeze)
      [1] - ArtbyPravesh (@artbypravesh)
      [1] - Bhupinder Singh (@u671175)
      [1] - Bram de Leeuw (@TheBnl)
      [1] - Brett Mason (@brettsmason)
      [1] - Brian Shanley (@brianshano)
      [1] - Chris (@paxperscientiam)
      [1] - Corey Snyder (@coreysyms)
      [1] - Dinis Correia (@diniscorreia)
      [1] - Gaël Poupard (@ffoodd)
      [1] - Guillaume Paumier (@gpaumier)
      [1] - Ian Caunce (@IanCaunce)
      [1] - Jeremy Englert
      [1] - Jesse Doyle (@jessedoyle)
      [1] - JuanMME (@JuanMME)
      [1] - koki-higashikawa
      [1] - Kristofer Krause (@dragthor)
      [1] - Lukas Drgon (@LukasDrgon)
      [1] - Luke Arentz (@svenkle)
      [1] - Mahdi Ziraki (@mziraki)
      [1] - Mehdi Kabab (@piouPiouM)
      [1] - Nic Winn (@nicwinn)
      [1] - Olena Pastushenko (@lirael)
      [1] - Osman Gormus (@gormus)
      [1] - Pete Deffendol (@pdeffendol)
      [1] - Petr Tomášek (@GITTomy)
      [1] - powellian (@powellian)
      [1] - r.bos
      [1] - Richard Taylor (@farrago)
      [1] - Rick Hawkins (@rlhawk)
      [1] - Robert Gaul (@gaulrobe)
      [1] - Robert Martin (@rbrtmrtn)
      [1] - Roy (@RvWensen)
      [1] - Shaun Simmons (@simshaun)
      [1] - skadzielawa (@skadzielawa)
      [1] - TakteS (@TakteS)
      [1] - therufa (@therufa)
      [1] - Tom (@knabe)
      [1] - Tom English (@englishtom)
      [1] - TonyMtz (@tonymtz)
      [1] - wesdawg
      [1] - wolfbeisz (@wolfbeisz)
      [1] - Yuchen Xie (@mapx)
      [1] - ZURBywood

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    foundation.css(155.47 KB)
    foundation.js(428.80 KB)
    foundation.min.css(119.87 KB)
    foundation.min.js(171.39 KB)
  • v6.4.3(Aug 18, 2017)

    This quick patch release fixes a couple missing semicolons in the scss that were not impacting node-sass but were preventing webpack scss builds from working properly in 6.4.2.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.4.2(Aug 10, 2017)

    The 6.4.2 release contains both a series of bugfixes and some incremental improvements, particularly focused on the new XY Grid as we get more and more folks using it in the wild. Big shoutout to our @hikouki as one of our newer contributors who jumped in with quite a few different bug fixes, docs updates, and improvements!

    Migration Notes:

    • Grid containers for the XY grid have been reworked based on issues and feed back. This is a big one, and a big improvement. Check out the docs for more:
    • There was a naming conflict between the $block-grid-max variable for xy and regular grids, meaning you could not have both in with different values. The xy-grid setting has been separated out to $xy-block-grid-max. If you have changed the value of $block-grid-max and are using the xy-grid, you should update $xy-block-grid-max.

    Updates and Improvements

    • Rework grid container:
    • Button cursors are now configurable via settings:
    • Abide options now merge recursively, fixing issues adding validators:
    • Enable defining different off-canvas sizes by breakpoint:


    • Fix rounded prototype when breakpoint enabled:
    • Remove duplicate max-width:
    • Fix dropdown arrow position issues when using responsive nav:
    • Fix typescale issues building with ruby-sass:
    • Fix bug on Orbit resize during transition:
    • Fix boundary values for vertical two-handle sliders:
    • Fix distributed version of media query to automatically initialize:
    • Fix off-canvas reveal classes not working properly in 6.4.x:
    • Fix cell() sass mixin gutter output:
    • Rename $block-grid-max variable to get rid of duplicate name problem:
    • Drilldown aria attribute fixed from ‘menu-item’ to correct ‘menu item’:
    • Add missing 7th argument to xy-cell mixing within xy-grid-layout:
    • Fix responsive shrink and full classes in xy-grid:
    • Fix scrolling bug when using keyboard nav in dropdown menus:
    • Fix reinitialization of menus:
    • Fix use of dropdown with multiple anchors:
    • Fix use of margin grids with grid frames:
    • Fix JSPM Entry Point:
    • Fix medium-up breakpoint class bug introduced in 6.4:
    • Fix collapse responsive sizing bug in xy grid:
    • Remove text-decoration from link buttons:
    • Fix sizing of input-group buttons:
    • Fix triggers initialization in customizer builds:
    • Fix no-wrap issue in menus with very long items introduced in 6.4 menu rework:
    • Fix vertical grid auto and shrink classes trumping size classes:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.4.1(Jun 30, 2017)

    Contains a few quick fixes and iterations from Foundation 6.4.0

    • Fix issue with ruby-sass in menus:
    • Fix issue with ruby-sass in xy-grid:
    • Fix interchange on background images with parenthesis in url:
    • Add support for new Mastercard BIN numbers:
    • Fix a few vars that were missing from _settings.scss:
    • Fix a global variable reference in foundation.core.js:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.4.0(Jun 27, 2017)

    Foundation 6.4 has dropped and it is HOT. Code named KELT-9 after the hottest planet ever discovered, this new release is jampacked with some incredible new features that enable you to build layouts and designs with Foundation that weren’t possible before. Check out the details below:

    Major changes

    1. Foundation 6.4 now uses Flexbox by default. There is still a fallback to float-mode for those who absolutely must support legacy browsers, but Flexbox is our recommended approach.
    2. Foundation 6.4 has a BRAND NEW, super powerful default grid called the XY-grid. This is a brand new 2-dimensional grid, inspired by css-grid but built on Flexbox to be usable in all-browser production environments today. Get started here: Major props to @brettsmason for pushing this through. Thanks to @corysimmons, @IamManchanda, @andycochran, and @oxyc who all went above and beyond to help make this turn out the way it did.
    3. Foundation 6.4 has shifted the Foundation JavaScript architecture to a new ES2016 module-based architecture powered by webpack. If you are using webpack or another module bundler, you can now import Foundation modules as you would other modular javascript. If you are not using a module bundler, we have packaged up drop-in compiled JS files in dist/js for backwards compatibility. Thanks to @gakimball, @DaSchTour, and @TheLarkInn for helping make this a reality.

    Other New Stuff

    1. Foundation 6 has always focused on supporting the entire lifecycle of a project from Prototype to Production, but the line between the two has sometimes been fuzzy. With Foundation 6.4, we're beginning to be much more explicit about parts of the framework that are intended for rapid prototyping but should not be part of your production project. As a part of that, 6.4 is shipping with a whole new slew of optional prototyping helpers and a "prototype mode" to speed up prototyping. Learn more here: Props to @IamManchanda for making this happen.
    2. Magellan's "smooth scroll" behavior has been separated out into it's own plugin, which you can use to create "smooth scroll" behavior for any links inside a page: Props to @denisahac for this PR.

    Major Enhancements

    1. Dropdowns and Tooltips now have super-powerful "explicit positioning" inspired by tether.js allowing you to position and align them exactly how you want. Implementation by @kball helped out by @IamManchanda and @SassNinja
    2. Menu styling has been reworked to be simpler and more flexible. @brettsmason and @IamManchanda rocked this out in tandem.
    3. Off Canvas now supports nesting and "in-canvas" panels that fit in your grid for some breakpoints and convert to off-canvas for smaller screens. Kudos to @SassNinja for this one.

    Bug Fixes

    More than we can list

    Migration Notes

    1. Menus now use is-active instead if active for active state. The old active works but is deprecated and will be removed.
    2. Menus now use align-center on the menu rather than wrapping them in a menu-centered class to center them. The old way works but is deprecated and will be removed.
    3. Tabs no longer trigger hide/show styles based off of an aria attribute, but rather the is-active class. Users of tabs who are customizing panelActiveClass will need to add display:block; to the styles for their panelActiveClass.
    4. The $card-margin class has been changed to be $card-margin-bottom to better align with convention. If you have changed $card-margin update it to $card-margin-bottom.
    5. The underlying file for the responsive accordion tabs plugin has changed. If you are upgrading an old ZURB stack project you will need to change the reference to foundation-sites/js/foundation.zf.responsiveAccordionTabs.js to reference foundation-sites/js/foundation.responsiveAccordionTabs.js instead.


    Thanks to the 37 amazing people who contributed code or documentation to the 6.4.0 release. Foundation wouldn't happen without you!

    • Abdullah Salem (@abdullahsalem)
    • Adrián Pauly (@adrianpauly)
    • artebenji (@artebenji)
    • Brett Mason (@brettsmason)
    • Brock Duncan (@brock-duncan)
    • Colin Mackinlay (@colinmackinlay)
    • Corey Snyder (@coreysyms)
    • Den Isahac (@denisahac)
    • Jens Köhler (@designerno1)
    • Florian Gaa (@digitalfrood)
    • William Entriken (@fulldecent)
    • Glorfindel21 (@Glorfindel21)
    • Gorrie Coe (@gorriecoe)
    • Heidi Ekenstam (@HeidiEkenstam)
    • Harry Manchanda (@IamManchanda)
    • Sébastien GRAVIER (@IllusionPerdu)
    • jellisii (@jellisii)
    • Kevin Ball (@kball)
    • Kevin Chu (@kwhchu)
    • mheward (@mheward)
    • Nate Wiebe (@natewiebe13)
    • Nicolas Coden (@ncoden)
    • Daniel Ramirez (@ompmega)
    • Marius Olbertz (@OwlBertz)
    • Chris (@paxperscientiam)
    • Paul Van Tuyl (@paulvantuyl)
    • Moritz Pfeiffer (@Proper-Job)
    • Quy (@Quy)
    • Rafi Benkual (@rafibomb)
    • realchriswells (@realchriswells)
    • Kai Falkowski (@SassNinja)
    • Shaun (@simshaun)
    • strainger (@strainger)
    • Samina Fu (@sufuf3)
    • swey (@swey)
    • Tim Hartwick (@tdhartwick)
    • Yannick Milanetto (@yannick-milanetto)


    Astronomers have found the hottest known exoplanet, a world where temperatures exceed those on the surface of most stars.

    The Jupiter-like planet, known as KELT-9b, zips around its hot host star once every 1.5 Earth days. Its orbit is so tight that the gas giant is tidally locked, always showing the same face to the star, just as the moon shows only one face to Earth.

    Temperatures on KELT-9b's "day side" reach a blazing 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit (4,300 Celsius), the planet's discoverers said. That's hotter than the surface of the dwarf stars that dominate the Milky Way galaxy, and just 2,200 degrees F (1,200 degrees C) cooler than the surface of the sun. (However, temperatures in the sun's outer atmosphere, or corona, can reach about 3 million degrees F, or 1.67 million degrees C.)

    pia21472-16 (Artists Rendition courtesy of

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.4.0-rc5(Jun 22, 2017)

    To install with npm: npm install [email protected] To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.4.0-rc5

    To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.4 [email protected]:zurb/foundation-zurb-template.git

    Please do take things for a spin, especially the new XY grid and modular JS approach!

    Feedback threads:

    XY Grid: Modular JS / Webpack:


    Updates from RC4

    • Bugfixes in XY Grid and JS
    • New "In-Canvas" option to Offcanvas (see and for more details)
    • Move flexbox helpers out of old flex grid and into their own file so they are usable with the XY grid.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.4.0-rc4(Jun 19, 2017)

    To install with npm: npm install [email protected] To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.4.0-rc4

    To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.4 [email protected]:zurb/foundation-zurb-template.git

    Please do take things for a spin, especially the new XY grid and modular JS approach!

    Feedback threads:

    XY Grid: Modular JS / Webpack:


    Update from RC3

    A slew of bugfixes to JS, XY-Grid, and menus.

    We're getting close to final release day (June 27) and this RC has the potential to become the final release, so please report any and all issues you run into!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.4.0-rc3(Jun 9, 2017)

    To install with npm: npm install [email protected] To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.4.0-rc3

    To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.4 [email protected]:zurb/foundation-zurb-template.git

    Please do take things for a spin, especially the new XY grid and modular JS approach!

    Feedback threads:

    XY Grid: Modular JS / Webpack:

    Updates from RC2:

    1. Update XY grid margin & padding to be independently controllable along each axis. Instead of .margin-gutters and .padding-gutters you now will use .grid-margin-x, .grid-margin-y, .grid-padding-x, and .grid-padding-y. Props to @andycochran, @oxyc and @corysimmons for the feedback helping advance this idea and @brettsmason for the implementation. Check out the new approach in the docs:
    2. Fix some issues in the auto behavior in the XY Grid.
    3. Improved Javascript entry points... you can now simply import Foundation from 'foundation-sites'; to get all of Foundation (autoinitialized), or batch import sets of plugins from foundation-sites/js/entries/foundation-plugins. How to make these imports super smooth is an ongoing area of conversation, join the convo in the modular js/webpack feedback thread!
    4. Fix some issues in Dropdown Menu keyboard navigation in the new menus
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.4.0-rc2(Jun 3, 2017)

    To install with npm: npm install [email protected] To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.4.0-rc2

    To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.4 [email protected]:zurb/foundation-zurb-template.git

    Updates from RC1:

    1. Update grid classes to use .grid-x and .grid-y rather than .grid and .grid-vertical. Eliminates separate "vertical" classes on cell level, having all inherit from the grid above it. See
    2. Fix a bug in Motion UI Javascript. See (thanks @swey!)
    3. Add foundation-prototype.css as a build with prototyping classes enabled to dist.

    RC Docs are available here:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.4.0-rc1(Jun 1, 2017)

    To install with npm: npm install [email protected] To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.4.0-rc1

    To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.4 [email protected]:zurb/foundation-zurb-template.git

    This release has some BIG changes, starting us on the road to Foundation 7 (more on that soon). Please read about at least the major changes below before using.

    Major changes

    1. Foundation 6.4 now uses Flexbox by default. There is still a fallback to float-mode for those who absolutely must support legacy browsers, but Flexbox is our recommended approach.
    2. Foundation 6.4 has a BRAND NEW, super powerful default grid called the XY-grid. This is a brand new 2-dimensional grid, inspired by css-grid but built on Flexbox to be usable in all-browser production environments today. Get started here:
    3. Foundation 6.4 has shifted the Foundation JavaScript architecture to a new ES2016 module-based architecture powered by webpack. If you are using webpack or another module bundler, you can now import Foundation modules as you would other modular javascript. If you are not using a module bundler, we have packaged up drop-in compiled JS files in dist/js for backwards compatibility.

    Other New Stuff

    1. Foundation 6 has always focused on supporting the entire lifecycle of a project from Prototype to Production, but the line between the two has sometimes been fuzzy. With Foundation 6.4, we're beginning to be much more explicit about parts of the framework that are intended for rapid prototyping but should not be part of your production project. As a part of that, 6.4 is shipping with a whole new slew of optional prototyping helpers and a "prototype mode" to speed up prototyping. Learn more here:
    2. Magellan's "smooth scroll" behavior has been separated out into it's own plugin, which you can use to create "smooth scroll" behavior for any links inside a page:


    1. Dropdowns and Tooltips now have super-powerful "explicit positioning" inspired by tether.js allowing you to position and align them exactly how you want.
    2. Menu styling has been reworked to be simpler and more flexible.

    More... full list coming soon


    Notes coming soon

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.3.0(Dec 15, 2016)

    Foundation 6.3 contains new features, reworked old features, and more bugfixes than you can shake a stick at! Foundation is now EVEN MORE accessible out of the box, with a default color palette that meets AA contrast requirements, better keyboard navigation, and a slew of other improvements.

    Migration Notes:

    • If you're using the ZURB template, check out this pull request to see the changes you'll want to make to update:
    • Flex Videos are now Responsive Embeds. Old classes and mixin names are now deprecated. Check out
    • Accordion Items now MUST be labeled with data-accordion-item, they are no longer inferred from li elements. Check out
    • The dist directory structure has changed. CSS files now live in dist/css, JS files in dist/js. Check out
    • The default color palette has changed to be meet AA contrast requirements. This has changed both defaults and a number scss variables and functions. Check out
    • In order to facilitate vertical rhythm layouts, the old $header-sizes map has been replaced with a more general $header-styles map. $header-styles map not only allows to set the font-size, but also line-height, margin-top and margin-bottom per header size and breakpoint. $header-sizes still works, however, it is going to be depreciated. If $header-sizes is present in your _settings.scss it overrides any $header-styles map. Check out #9419
    • Some older flex based mixins (flex-grid-order, flex-grid-row-align, flex-grid-column-align) and classes (.align-column/.align-row), that had been deprecated are now removed, along with a few old variables that are no longer relevant. Check out #9437

    New Components:

    • Cards - see
    • Responsive Accordion Tabs - see

    Super cool enhancements:

    • Completely reworked Off Canvas - see
    • Mutation Observers! (components like tabs and equalizer automatically adjusting when their content changes) - see and
    • Vertical Rhythm Support - see
    • Improved Print Style Control - see
    • Autoresizing Drilldowns - see
    • Deep linking to tabs - see and
    • Flexbox Helpers - see


    • Aaron Arney (@ocularrhythm)
    • Abdullah Salem (@abdullahsalem)
    • Alec Joy (@ajoy39)
    • Andy Cochran (@andycochran)
    • Andy Hebrank (@ahebrank)
    • Arian Xhezairi (@xhezairi)
    • Brett Mason (@brettsmason)
    • Brian Tan (@briantan888)
    • Colin Marshall (@colin-marshall)
    • Corey Snyder (@coreysyms)
    • Daniel Schuba (@DaSchTour)
    • David Ball (@drball)
    • David Reese (@whatcould)
    • Dominik Pieper
    • Jens Köhler (@designerno1)
    • John Wei
    • Karl Anders (@karland)
    • Kevin Ball (@kball)
    • Leslie Doherty (@lesliedoherty)
    • Maks Feltrin (@pine3ree)
    • Marcelo Luz (@Lindsor)
    • Marius Olbertz (@Owlbertz)
    • Matt Ferderer (@mattferderer)
    • Michael Manhire (@MichaelManhire)
    • Milos (@milose)
    • Nicolas Coden (@ncoden)
    • Paul Bailey (@spacepants)
    • Quy (@quy)
    • Rafi Benkual (@rafibomb)
    • Raymond Perez (@rspraymond)
    • Rawikitua Isherwood (@rawiki)
    • Sébastien Gravier (@IllusionPerdu)
    • Seth M Kane (@sethkane)
    • Shawn (@simshaun)
    • Sujayjaju (@sujayjaju)
    • Vinicius Tadeu (@tadeusrox)
    • Webdevan (@webdevan)

    Proxima Centauri b

    A recently discovered Earth-sized planet, rotating around the star closest to our sun, Proxima Centauri b "would be the most natural location to where our civilization could aspire to move after the sun will die, five billion years from now" - Avi Loeb, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

    (Artists rendition courtesy of Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.3.0-rc3(Dec 9, 2016)

    Third release candidate for v6.3.0.

    To install with npm: npm install [email protected] To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.3.0-rc3

    To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.3 [email protected]:zurb/foundation-zurb-template.git

    Updates from RC2:

    1. Bugfix in dropdown menu (missing var):
    2. Fix drilldown menu height calculations:
    3. Trigger mutations on toggle & responsive nav (fixes various bugs turned up in QA):
    4. Correct new paths to distfiles: and
    5. Fix build of distfiles:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v6.3.0-rc2(Dec 8, 2016)

    Second release candidate for v6.3.0.

    To install with npm: npm install [email protected] To install with bower: bower install zurb/foundation-sites#v6.3.0-rc2

    To try out with the ZURB template: git clone -b v6.3 [email protected]:zurb/foundation-zurb-template.git

    Updates from RC1:

    1. Stopgap solution for scss dependency issue (see and for the discussion). This is our main outstanding possible blocker for final release. @ncoden and @kball are actively working on a fix.
    2. Update dev dependencies to recent versions (
    3. Update what-input dependency (
    4. Fix hamburger icon (
    5. Remove scss that had been deprecated and marked for removal in 6.3 (
    6. Remove unused parameter in Reveal (
    7. Refactor breakpoint map handling (
    8. Fix image load/orbit bug in old IE (
    9. Fix expanded menu in flexbox mode (
    10. Fix slider docs page layout (
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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