Codebraid Preview provides a Markdown preview for Pandoc documents within VS Code.


Codebraid Preview

Codebraid Preview provides a Markdown preview for Pandoc documents within VS Code. Most Markdown previews don't support all of Pandoc's extensions to Markdown syntax. Codebraid Preview supports 100% of Pandoc features—because the preview is generated by Pandoc itself! There is also full bidirectional scroll sync and document export.

Codebraid Preview provides optional support for executing code blocks and inline code to embed their output in the preview and in exported documents. Code execution is performed by Codebraid using Jupyter kernels or its own built-in code execution system.

VS Code editor with Codebraid Preview


  • HTML preview of Pandoc documents. Open the preview by running the "Open Codebraid Preview" command (Ctrl+Shift+P, then type command). Or, for Markdown documents, just click on the "Codebraid Preview" button in the status bar (bottom right). When changes are detected, the preview automatically refreshes.

  • Full bidirectional scroll sync. This requires processing the document as commonmark_x, which is CommonMark plus Pandoc extensions. commonmark_x has most features of normal Pandoc Markdown and continues to gain new features.

  • Math support with KaTeX. Surround LaTeX math with single dollars signs $ for inline math or double dollar signs $$ for block math, following standard Pandoc conventions.

  • Adjustable scroll sync directions. Once a preview window is open, click on the "Scroll" button in the status bar (bottom right) to toggle scroll mode.

  • Double-click to jump to source. Double-click in the preview, and jump to the start of the corresponding line in the document.

  • Export documents with Pandoc (including Codebraid output). Simply click the "Pandoc" button in the status bar (bottom right), or use the "Export document with Pandoc" command (Ctrl+Shift+P, then type command).

  • Scroll-sync support for multi-file documents. Pandoc allows you to divide a document into multiple files. It can combine multiple files into a single output document at build time. Codebraid Preview can display such documents as long as all document files are in the same directory (folder) if you create a YAML file that lists the documents to be combined. For example, suppose your document is divided into and, both in the same directory. Simple create a file named _codebraid_preview.yaml with this contents:


    Now, when you launch a preview in either or, both files will be combined in the preview. When you scroll the preview, the editor will automatically switch between and depending on which part of the document you are viewing. That is, scroll sync works across multiple input files!

  • Execute code. Codebraid allows code blocks or inline code in Pandoc Markdown documents to be executed, with output embedded in the document. Simply add a Codebraid class to your code, then click the "Codebraid" button in the status bar (bottom right) or use the "Run code with Codebraid" command (Ctrl+Shift+P, then type command).

    Note that the document will take longer to build when using Codebraid, and the preview will not automatically refresh when you make changes, like it does when you are just using Pandoc. An upcoming version of Codebraid is expected to allow automatic refresh with performance nearly the same as using Pandoc by itself.


Install Pandoc. Version or later is strongly recommended. Earlier versions may work but will have reduced functionality, including scroll sync issues with YAML metadata.

For code execution, install Codebraid version 0.6.0 or later.

Extension settings

  • codebraid.preview.minBuildInterval [1000]: Minimum interval between document builds in milliseconds. Builds only occur when there are changes.

  • codebraid.preview.pandoc.fromFormat [commonmark_x]: Pandoc source format (--from=FORMAT). Currently, only commonmark_x supports scroll sync.

  • codebraid.preview.pandoc.options [none]: Pandoc command-line options in array form (for example, ["--filter", "FILTER"]).

  • codebraid.preview.pandoc.previewDefaultsFile [_codebraid_preview.yaml]: Special Pandoc defaults file in document directory. If it exists and defines input-files, the preview will automatically work with all files in a multi-file document. Currently, input-files and from are the only options that are supported; the full range of Pandoc defaults options is not supported.


The HTML preview is displayed using a webview. A content security policy is used to restrict what is possible in the webview. Inline scripts and styles are allowed to support features like KaTeX math. Loading external resources not associated with the extension is disabled.

Code is never automatically executed with Codebraid. Code is only ever executed when a Codebraid class is added to a code block or inline code, and then the "Codebraid" button is clicked (or the "Run code with Codebraid" command is invoked). This is why documents using Codebraid currently do not automatically refresh when changed. The core of Codebraid has just been completely reimplemented. As a result, an upcoming version of Codebraid is expected to decouple code execution from document update. This should allow automatic document refresh without code execution.

Supporting this project

Codebraid Preview is open-source software released under the BSD 3-Clause License. If you use it regularly, please consider supporting further development through GitHub Sponsors.

  • Codebraid doesn't recognise and doesn't render Markdown plugins

    Codebraid doesn't recognise and doesn't render Markdown plugins


    For example, I have @qjebbs's Markdown Extended extension that comes with admonition plugin.

    Test and preview:

    !!! danger Atenção
        Por favor, sempre utilize Git Bash. Não recomendamos Prompt do Comando (`cmd`). 

    @yzhang-gh's Markdown All in One extension recognises Markdown plugins and renders them very well. Microsoft's native Markdown Preview also recognises and renders them perfectly.

    enhancement pandoc 
    opened by gusbemacbe 30
  • Min. codebraid version check failing

    Min. codebraid version check failing

    I'm using the newest version of this extension as well as the newest version of codebraid on a windows machine through WSL. Since updating to the latest version of the preview, the codebraid version check keeps failing, and thus it is not applied.

    A notification appears saying:

    Codebraid is not installed or is out of date (need v0.7.0+). Install or upgrade (, then reload the extension. Code execution and loading output from cache is disabled.

    However running codebraid --version in the terminal yields Codebraid 0.7.0 as required. It seems the check_codebraid.ts has not worked.


    bug enhancement 
    opened by lcnhb 13
  • You overwrote our syntax highlighting CSS

    You overwrote our syntax highlighting CSS


    We have own syntax highlighting CSS. We use Prism.js or Highlight.js.

    Using VSCode's native Markdown Preview, our syntax highlighting CSS is used and not overwritten.

    But with your extension, our syntax highlighting isn't used and is overwritten.

    opened by gusbemacbe 8
  • Support syntax highlighting for julia

    Support syntax highlighting for julia

    This adds support for highlighting julia code in Markdown files intended for codebraid.

    I'm guessing this might also be useful for other langauges, but I know at least python already works, and I haven't tested the other options.

    opened by haberdashPI 5
  • LaTeX macros do not execute in preview

    LaTeX macros do not execute in preview

    LaTeX macros defined within my markdown file do not execute when the preview is displayed. However they behave correctly when using a different pandoc-based preview extension for VSCode, namely Pandoc Markdown. Can you show a simple example where this works correctly?

    Screenshot 2022-07-25 094458

    opened by i-thot-u-wanted2dance 3
  • matplotlib plots are not rendering

    matplotlib plots are not rendering

    I'm using codebraid-preview 0.5.1 with codebraid 0.8. When I run the short file below in a conda environment that includes matplotlib I do not get a plot in the output.

    • Tested on M1 Mac, macOS 12.4
    • Python and codebraid installed in a conda environment.
    • Pandoc installed via homebrew

    Screenshot of result:


    Input file is attached:

    opened by mwcraig 2
  • KaTeX math failing to render

    KaTeX math failing to render

    The math equations aren't being rendered out of the box for me, while they work with another Markdown preview. Here's a recording:

    opened by UtkarshVerma 2
  • Please publish to []( in addition to the VS Code Marketplace

    Please publish to []( in addition to the VS Code Marketplace

    VSCodium is the open-source build of VSCode, with less/no telemetry sent to MS etc.

    Would it be possible to publish this great extension also on the marketplace in addition to the VS Code Marketplace?

    The publishing process is documented in the Open VSX Wiki.


    opened by mfhepp 1
  • how to add pandoc arguments

    how to add pandoc arguments

    From the readme, it says one should add pandoc arguments as follows:

    codebraid.preview.pandoc.options [none]: Pandoc command-line options in array form (for example, ["--filter", "FILTER"]).

    I've tried several ways but it won't take my options, tried it in different ways (settings.json):

      "codebraid.preview.pandoc.options": [
          "`[\"--filter\", \"pandoc-crossref\"]`",
          "[\"--filter\", \"pandoc-crossref\"]",
          "[--filter, pandoc-crossref]",

    But none of them seems to work. Could you assist how to add them correctly?

    opened by dswbx 1
  • Previewing Local Images

    Previewing Local Images

    Hi, I couldn't get local images to render using your extension.

    I reviewed issue #13 including this comment which mentions "you may be using a different directory structure or something else may be interfering". I am not sure what would be interfering.

    The file for which I want to insert an image is located in a directory structure like this: ~\Documentation\resources\ The image I am linking is located here: ~\Documentation\images\image.jpg. In the markdown, I reference the image like this: ![alt](../images/image.jpg.

    I am not sure what to change in order to get this to work. I am unfamiliar with the Webview API - any direction you could provide would be greatly appreciated!

    opened by jdc136 1
  • Change font using my own stylesheet

    Change font using my own stylesheet

    I am trying to set the previewer to show a font different to the font i am using in vscode?

    Is this possible? Maybe Im missing something..

    1 - adding pandoc arg --css in vscode settings.json

    "codebraid.preview.pandoc.options": [
            "--css assets/css/theme.css"

    2 - Adding css: to _codebrain_preview.yml

    #  _codebrain_preview.yml
    css: assets/css/theme.css


    body {
      font-family: 'Liberation Serif';

    I know its working using only pandoc with this test:

    pandoc --defaults _codebraid_preview.yml -o market-research.html
    # this outputs an html with font as 'Liberation Serif'

    Removing --css flags from this.pandocPreviewArgs does enable my custom font from the stylesheet.

    opened by fhill2 2
  • Add previewing images support

    Add previewing images support

    Hello, I couldn't get images to load using your extension.

    After searching the Webview Content Security Policy instructions, I found that adding the img-src ${webview.cspSource} https:; snippet to this line works well.

    Is this a feature you wish to add? Or is there a security risk I missed?


    opened by mateibarbu19 2
  • Codebraid doesn't understand @tarleb's Lua filter `list-table` because of container without point (even if with point)

    Codebraid doesn't understand @tarleb's Lua filter `list-table` because of container without point (even if with point)


    You can check the Lua file at @tarleb's list-table. Codebraid doesn't understand that Lua filter because Codebraid accepts only the container with point.

    Observe that I modified the Lua filter, adding a point for list-table as Codebraid, but it gave the same error too.

    Here is the screenshot:


    I tested with the command pandoc -s "List of supported languages in three syntax" -o result.html -f commonmark_x -t html5 -L filters/lua/list-table.lua on terminal. Pandoc understood the Lua filter and generated without error:


    opened by gusbemacbe 2
  • Numbering and cross-references

    Numbering and cross-references

    opened by i-thot-u-wanted2dance 1
  • Feature request: Add option for filters in

    Feature request: Add option for filters in "_codebraid_preview.yaml"

    I usually like to keep my reports consolidated in a single folder, with the filters also stored. The folder organization may vary for different reports, therefore I wish there was an option to specify the filters used for generating the preview.

    include-code-files is one of my personal favourites when it comes to filters.

    Currently, I did this for the builds using pandocomatic using the following in the document frontmatter.

    title: 'Exp 4: Stepper motor control with systick timer'
    author: Utkarsh Verma
    date: \today
        from: markdown
        to: pdf
        template: ../template.tex
          - ../../.filters/include-code-files.lua

    I also like the fact that pandocomatic can be configured directly inside the frontmatter. Could we have something for codebraid preview as well?

    opened by UtkarshVerma 4
  • v0.10.0(Dec 4, 2022)

    • Added new settings codebraid.preview.css.useDefault and codebraid.preview.css.overrideDefault for controlling whether the default preview CSS is loaded and whether it is overridden by document CSS. Document CSS now has precedence by default (#14).

    • A Codebraid Preview defaults file now has precedence over the extension's Pandoc settings.

    • Updated KaTeX to v0.16.3.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    codebraid-preview-0.10.0.vsix(1.01 MB)
  • v0.9.0(Jul 29, 2022)

    • The preview Pandoc AST is now preprocessed before any user filters are applied. Adjacent Str nodes that are wrapped in data-pos spans as a result of the sourcepos extension are now merged. sourcepos splits text that normally would have been in a single Str node into multiple Str nodes, and then wraps each in a data-pos span. The preprocessing makes user filters behave as closely as possible to the non-sourcepos case (#9).

    • Added details about commonmark_x, including LaTeX macro expansion, to README (#10).

    • When the Codebraid process fails and there is stderr output, the full details are now written to the Output log.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    codebraid-preview-0.9.0.vsix(1.00 MB)
  • v0.8.0(Jul 11, 2022)

    • _codebraid_preview.yaml now supports essentially all Pandoc defaults options and no longer limits the characters allowed in filter file names (#2). Previously, only input-files, input-file, from, and filters were supported.

    • The "Codebraid Preview" button in the status bar now only appears when a Markdown document is open and visible, and does not yet have a preview. Previously, after the extension loaded, the button was visible for non-Markdown files and was also visible if the info panel was open.

    • Fixed a bug that prevented YAML metadata from working with Codebraid.

    • Fixed a bug that prevented identification of inherited languages (for example, with .cb-paste).

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    codebraid-preview-0.8.0.vsix(1.00 MB)
  • v0.7.0(Jun 29, 2022)

  • v0.6.0(Jun 25, 2022)

    • Minimum supported Codebraid is now v0.9.0. The preview now shows correct file names and line numbers for errors/warnings related to the Markdown source, rather than using file names like <string> and line numbers that are incorrect when multiple Markdown sources are concatenated. The preview now shares cache files with normal Codebraid processing, rather than creating a separate cache entry. All of this is based on the new Codebraid option --stdin-json-header.

    • Fixed a bug that prevented codebraid executable from being located in Python installations with the python executable under bin/ or Scripts/ rather than at the root of the environment (#5).

    • Improved and optimized process for finding codebraid executable.

    • Updated KaTeX to v0.16.0.

    • Improved display of Codebraid output in the preview. Code chunks that have not yet been processed/executed by Codebraid and thus do not have output are indicated by placeholder boxes. Output from modified code chunks or from stale cache is more clearly indicated.

    • Improved responsiveness of progress animations for "Codebraid" button and preview. There is no longer a significant, noticeable time delay between clicking the button and the start of button and preview progress animations.

    • Added logging in VS Code's Output tab, under "Codebraid Preview".

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.1(Jun 12, 2022)

    • Fixed scroll sync bug that could cause the editor to jump to the beginning of a document when the preview is scrolled to the very end of the document.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.0(Jun 11, 2022)

    • Minimum supported Codebraid is now v0.8.0.

    • Improved process for locating codebraid executable. If a Python interpreter is set in VS Code, then that Python installation is now checked for a codebraid executable. If no executable is found, then PATH is checked for a codebraid executable. A warning message is displayed when the Python installation set in VS Code lacks an executable and the extension falls back to an executable on PATH. Previously, only PATH was checked for an executable (#5).

    • If the codebraid executable is part of an Anaconda installation, it is now launched via conda run so that the relevant environment will be activated.

    • Fixed a bug that prevented Codebraid output from being displayed for code chunks with a named session or source.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0(Jun 4, 2022)

    • Added support for --only-code-output from Codebraid v0.7.0. The preview now refreshes automatically for Codebraid documents, displaying all code output that is currently available. The build process is now nearly as fast as plain Pandoc. Code execution still requires clicking the "Codebraid" button or using the "Run code with Codebraid" command.

    • Added basic support for filters in _codebraid_preview.yaml (#2). Spaces and some other characters are not currently supported in filter names.

    • When the extension loads, it now checks whether Codebraid is installed and determines the Codebraid version. Loading a Codebraid-compatible document now results in an error message if Codebraid is not installed or if the version available is not compatible with Codebraid Preview. Plain preview without code execution still works automatically in these cases.

    • Added Codicons for displaying messages in the preview webview.

    • Fixed a bug that prevented error messages from stderr from being correctly converted to literal text in HTML.

    • Scroll sync is now supported for all CommonMark-based formats (commonmark, commonmark_x, gfm), not just commonmark_x.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(May 15, 2022)

    • Extension setting codebraid.preview.pandoc.options now works (#3).

    • Under Windows, Pandoc option values in codebraid.preview.pandoc.options that begin with unquoted ~/ or ~\ have the ~ expanded to the user home directory via os.homedir().

    • Document export now works with file names containing spaces.

    • Added temporary support for syntax highlighting in Julia code blocks, until VS Code Markdown grammar is updated to support this (#4).

    • Updated KaTeX to 0.15.3.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Mar 5, 2022)

  • v0.1.0(Mar 5, 2022)

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