this is a single-page web application. we built a book website where the user can add , remove and display books. we used modules to implement these functionalities. also, we used the Date class to display the date and time.


Awsome Books

In this Project, we have built A Books websites.

Built With πŸ”¨

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • javascript
  • Git & Github

Live Demo

Here you can find the live Demo of the website


Download the zip file. extract the folder. go to the index.html file.


  • IDE ( VCode For me πŸ”₯ ).
  • Git.
  • Npm and node.js installed.


  • For anyone who wants to practice html5 or/and css3
  • For anyone who wants to create a CRUD website.


πŸ‘€ Nedjwa Bouraiou πŸ‘€ Shaquille Ndunda πŸ‘€ Sonia Karungi

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  • Awesome books: refactor to use JavaScript classes

    Awesome books: refactor to use JavaScript classes

    ✨ In this Pull request I :

    • Update my HTML file.
    • Add CSS classes and make sure that the website is mobile-friendly.
    • Create Javascript Book class.
    • Create methods for Adding, displaying, and deleting Books.
    • Add LocalStorage.
    opened by nedjwab 1
  • Peer to peer code review

    Peer to peer code review

    Well done, in implementing the web-page,

    • [ ] Nice clean code
    • [ ] proper documentation.

    We recommend the following:

    • I think it could be better if the user stayed on the add-book view instead of reloading the whole page.
    opened by Lusindiso 0
  • Awesome books: a complete website with navigation

    Awesome books: a complete website with navigation

    ✨ In this pull request @SoniaKarungi @shaqdeff and I ✨ :

    • Modify the Awesome books application to have: - A Navigation bar. - Three content sections: - Books list. - Add book form. - Contact info.
    • Kindly review and give feedback .
    opened by nedjwab 0
  • Add and Delete Books using Objects

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    ✨In This Pull request I: 🌟

    • Add linter configuration.
    • Create Project folders.
    • Create Html and add some CSS.
    • Create Javascript Objects array.
    • Create Functions that add, remove and display books.
    opened by nedjwab 0
Nedjwa Bouraiou
Micronaut πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸ’»| Full-Stack Developer | Web Designer | Problem Solver | Full-time student at Microverse | Open to new job opportunities.
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