This is an Awesome Books web page where users can add or remove books from the site. It also displays a list of the books added to the collection. This was a continuous project, where in each milestone, new feature(s) was/were added to it.


Awesome Books

This is an Awesome Books web page where a user can add or remove books from the site. It also displays a list of the books that are added into the collection. This is a continuous project where each milestone is/are some new feature(s) added to it.

Built With

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Git
  • Following a Medium fidelity wireframe


Website preview

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.


  • HTML5 & CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • VSCode (or any other text editor)
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Command line/Terminal


From the command line, do the following steps below:

  1. Clone the projects' repository into your machine.
# Clone this repository
$ git clone [email protected]:eudondian/Awesome-books.git
  1. Change directory/Go into the repository with the command below.
$ cd Awesome-books


👤 Esther Udondian


The collaboration was through remote pair-programming

👤 Losalini Rokocakau | GitHub: @chelmerrox

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


  • Our God & families
  • Microverse
  • Coding & Learning Partners:
    1. Losalini Rokocakau
  • Nicholas Mutale for the extra help & guidance
  • Morning Session Teams
  • Stand-Up Teams
  • Microverse TSEs

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

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  • Milestone 3 - A complete website with navigation

    Milestone 3 - A complete website with navigation

    Hi! This PR is for milestone 3. We've completed its requirements to:

    • modify the Awesome books application to have:
    1. A Navigation bar.
    2. Three content sections: a) Books list. b) Add book form. c) Contact info.
    • use a wireframe as a guide
    • change the main areas to display only one of the three content sections when you click on any of the links
    • use only plain JavaScript and CSS & not use any library or framework

    Thanks in advance for your review, comments & help!

    opened by chelmerrox 0
  • Milestone 2 - Refactor to use JavaScript classes

    Milestone 2 - Refactor to use JavaScript classes

    Hi! This PR is for milestone 2. We've completed its requirements to:

    • use JavaScript classes
    • create class methods to add and remove books.
    • maintain all of the original functionality of the application (i.e. no bugs were introduced while refactoring).
    • use only plain JavaScript and not any library or framework
    • add CSS styles to the application to make it match the wireframe
    • concentrate on the general layout, rather than the details.

    Thanks in advance for your review, comments & help!

    opened by chelmerrox 0
  • Milestone 1 - Awesome Books Plain Javascript with Objects

    Milestone 1 - Awesome Books Plain Javascript with Objects

    Hi! This PR is for milestone 1. We've completed the requirements to:

    • Implement only a basic UI with plain HTML
    • Create a collection that keeps a list of books
    • Create a function to add a new book to the collection, with title and author.
    • Create a function to remove a book from the collection
    • Display all books saved in the collection in the top part of the page.
    • When a user clicks the "Add" button: a) A new book is added to the collection. b) The new book is displayed on the page.
    • When a user clicks the "Remove" button: a) The correct book is removed from the collection. b) The correct book disappears from the page.
    • Make sure that data is preserved in the browser's memory by using [localStorage]

    Thanks in advance for your review, comments & help!

    opened by chelmerrox 0
Esther Udondian
Software developer: major inter in Rails, part-time fashion designer; Stack in JavaScript, Ruby, Rails, React, Redux. Open to new opportunities.
Esther Udondian
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