Backstretch is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window/element size changes.


Note: This repo is currently looking for maintainers:


Backstretch is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element. The image will stretch to fit the page/element, and will automatically resize as the window/element size changes.

** We're back in business! Merged danielgindi/jquery-backstretch, and all eyes please get back here! **


There are a couple of examples included with this package, or feel free to check it out live on the project page itself.


  1. Download/save the JS file from GitHub.
  2. Install via Bower with the following command.
bower install jquery-backstretch


Include the jQuery library (version 1.7 or newer) and Backstretch plugin files in your webpage (preferably at the bottom of the page, before the closing BODY tag):

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.backstretch.min.js"></script>
  // To attach Backstrech as the body's background

  // You may also attach Backstretch to a block-level element

  // If your element defines a background image with CSS, you can omit the argement altogether

  // Or, to start a slideshow, just pass in an array of images
  ], {duration: 4000});

  // Or, to load from a url that can accept a resolution and provide the best image for that resolution

  // Or, to automatically choose from a set of resolutions.
  // The width is the width of the image, and the algorithm chooses the best fit.
      { width: 1080, url: "path/to/image1_1080.jpg" },
      { width: 720, url: "path/to/image1_720.jpg" },
      { width: 320, url: "path/to/image1_320.jpg" }
      { width: 1080, url: "path/to/image2_1080.jpg" },
      { width: 720, url: "path/to/image2_720.jpg" },
      { width: 320, url: "path/to/image2_320.jpg" }

  // If we wanted to specify different images for different pixel-ratios:
      // Will only be chosed for a @2x device
      { width: 1080, url: "path/to/[email protected]", pixelRatio: 2 },
      // Will only be chosed for a @1x device
      { width: 1080, url: "path/to/image1_1080.jpg", pixelRatio: 1 },
      { width: 720, url: "path/to/[email protected]", pixelRatio: 2 },
      { width: 720, url: "path/to/image1_720.jpg", pixelRatio: 1 },
      { width: 320, url: "path/to/[email protected]",  pixelRatio: 2 },
      { width: 320, url: "path/to/image1_320.jpg", pixelRatio: 1 }

  // If we wanted the browser to automatically choose from a set of resolutions,
  // While considering the pixel-ratio of the device
      // Will be chosen for a 2160 device or a 1080*2 device
      { width: 2160, url: "path/to/image1_2160.jpg", pixelRatio: "auto" }, 
      // Will be chosen for a 1080 device or a 540*2 device
      { width: 1080, url: "path/to/image1_1080.jpg", pixelRatio: "auto" },
      // Will be chosen for a 1440 device or a 720*2 device
      { width: 1440, url: "path/to/image1_1440.jpg", pixelRatio: "auto" },
      { width: 720, url: "path/to/image1_720.jpg", pixelRatio: "auto" },
      { width: 640, url: "path/to/image1_640.jpg", pixelRatio: "auto" },
      { width: 320, url: "path/to/image1_320.jpg", pixelRatio: "auto" }

Automatic resolution selection

The automatic resolution selection algorithm has multiple options to choose from.
The default behaviour is that it matches the logical width of the element against the specified image sizes. Which means that an element with a 320px width on a @2x device is still considered as 320px.
If you want 320px on a @2x device to be considered as 640px, then you can specify pixelRatio: "auto" on the specific image resolution.
However if you want to limit specific images to only be chosen if the device has a certain pixel ratio - you can specify that pixel ratio i.e pixelRatio: 2.5.


Name Description Type Default
alignX * This parameter controls the horizontal alignment of the image. Can be 'center'/'left'/'right' or any number between 0.0 and 1.0. Integer or String 0.5
alignY * This parameter controls the vertical alignment of the image. Can be 'center'/'top'/'bottom' or any number between 0.0 and 1.0. Integer or String 0.5
scale * Controls the scaling mode. Can be 'cover'/'fit'/'fit-smaller'/'fill' String 'cover'
transition * Type of transition to use. If multiple are specified, then it will be chosed randomly String or Array 'fade'
transitionDuration * This is the duration at which the image will transition in. Integers in milliseconds are accepted, as well as standard jQuery speed strings (slow, normal, fast). Integer or String 0
transitionEasing * The easing function that will be used for animations. Any supported jQuery easing value jQuery default
animateFirst If true, the first image will transition in like all the others. Boolean true
fade * Sets transition to 'fade' and transitionDuration to whatever value was specified. Integer or String
fadeFirst Synonym for animateFirst Boolean true
duration * The amount of time in between slides, when using Backstretch as a slideshow, expressed as the number of milliseconds. Integer 5000
paused For slideshows: Disables the change between slides Boolean false
start The index of the image in the array you want to start your slideshow with. Integer 0
preload How many images to preload at once? I.e. Lazy-loading can be enabled by specifying 0. Integer 2
preloadSize How many images to preload in parallel? If we are preloading 5 images for the next slides, we might want to still limit it to only preload 2 or 3 at once, according to the expected available bandwidth. Integer 1
bypassCss Avoid adding any CSS to the IMG element. I.e if you want a dynamic IMG tag that is laid out with the content. Boolean false
alwaysTestWindowResolution Always test against window's width instead of the element's width. Boolean false
resolutionRefreshRate Threshold for how long to wait before the image resolution will be switched? Integer 2500
resolutionChangeRatioThreshold Threshold for how much should the different in the resolution be before switch image Number 0.1 (10%)
centeredX Deprecated. Still works but please do not use it. Boolean true
centeredY Deprecated. Still works but please do not use it. Boolean true
  • Options marked with an * can be specified for individual images

Image definition

Each image in the set can be a String specifying the URL for the image, or an object with the following options, or an array of images for different resolutions to choose between. A url can be a url to a video also. Currently the plugin will automatically recognize a youtube url. If you pass urls to raw videos, you have to specify isVideo: true.

Name Description Type Default
url The url of the image or video String
alt The alternative text for this image (If you want to play along with screen readers) String ''
alignX This parameter controls the horizontal alignment of the image. Can be 'center'/'left'/'right' or any number between 0.0 and 1.0. Integer or String 0.5
alignY This parameter controls the vertical alignment of the image. Can be 'center'/'top'/'bottom' or any number between 0.0 and 1.0. Integer or String 0.5
scale Controls the scaling mode. Can be 'cover'/'fit'/'fit-smaller'/'fill' String 'cover'
transition Type of transition to use. If multiple are specified, then it will be chosed randomly String or Array 'fade'
transitionDuration This is the duration at which the image will transition in. Integers in milliseconds are accepted, as well as standard jQuery speed strings (slow, normal, fast). Integer or String 0
transitionEasing The easing function that will be used for animations. Any supported jQuery easing value jQuery default
fade Sets transition to 'fade' and transitionDuration to whatever value was specified. Integer or String
duration The amount of time in between slides, when using Backstretch as a slideshow, expressed as the number of milliseconds. Integer 5000
isVideo Tell the plugin the this is a video (if cannot be recognized automatically) Boolean false
loop Should the video be looped? If yes, then the duration will be used to determine when to stop. Boolean false
mute Should the video be muted? Boolean true
poster This is for specifying the poster attribute in standard tags String

Per-resolution-image definition

If you have specified an array of resolutions for a single image, then these are the available options:

Name Description Type Default
url The url of the image String
url for <video> Instead of a single url, an array of sources can be specified. Each source has a src and type attributes. Array of { src, type }
alt The alternative text for this image (If you want to play along with screen readers) String ''
width The width of the image Integer
pixelRatio A strict rule to only choose for the specified device pixel ratio. If set to 'auto', then the element's width will first be multiplied by the device's pixel ratio before evaluating. Number or "auto" undefined
deviceOrientation Restrict image selection to specific device orientation 'landscape' or 'portrait' undefined
windowOrientation Restrict image selection to specific window orientation (based on current window's inner width/height) 'landscape' / 'portrait' / 'square' undefined
orientation Restrict image selection to the element's orientation based on the element's current inner width/height) 'landscape' / 'portrait' / 'square' undefined
alignX This parameter controls the horizontal alignment of the image. Can be 'center'/'left'/'right' or any number between 0.0 and 1.0. Integer or String 0.5
alignY This parameter controls the vertical alignment of the image. Can be 'center'/'top'/'bottom' or any number between 0.0 and 1.0. Integer or String 0.5
scale Controls the scaling mode. Can be 'cover'/'fit'/'fit-smaller'/'fill' String 'cover'
fade This is the speed at which the image will fade in. Integers in milliseconds are accepted, as well as standard jQuery speed strings (slow, normal, fast). Integer or String 0
duration The amount of time in between slides, when using Backstretch as a slideshow, expressed as the number of milliseconds. Integer 5000


  • 'fade'
  • 'fade_in_out' / 'fadeInOut'
  • 'push_left' / 'pushLeft'
  • 'push_right' / 'pushRight'
  • 'push_up' / 'pushUp'
  • 'push_down' / 'pushDown'
  • 'cover_left' / 'coverLeft'
  • 'cover_right' / 'coverRight'
  • 'cover_up' / 'coverUp'
  • 'cover_down' / 'coverDown'

Notes about video support:

  • If the video is not in loop mode, then it will play until the end. You have to specify a duration for the specific video in order to limit its playing duration.
  • Mobile browsers do not allow playback of videos without the users tapping a play button... So you may want to detect those and supply different media arrays for those browsers.

Slideshow API

Once you've instantiated a Backstretch slideshow, there are many actions that you can perform it:

// Start a slideshow

// Slideshow with granular control
  { url: 'path/to/image.jpg', duration: 3000 }
  { url: 'path/to/image2.jpg', fade: 250 },
  { url: 'path/to/image3.jpg', alignY: 0.2 }

// Pause the slideshow

// Advance to the next slide
Method Description
.backstretch("show", n) Jump to the slide at a given index, where n is the number of the image that you'd like to display. Slide number starts at 0.
.backstretch("prev") Display the previous image in a slideshow.
.backstretch("next") Advance to the next image in a slideshow.
.backstretch("pause") Pause the slideshow.
.backstretch("resume") Resume a paused slideshow.
.backstretch("destroy", preserveBackground) Destroy the Backstretch instance. Optionally, you can pass in a Boolean parameter, preserveBackground, to determine whether or not you'd like to keep the current image stretched as the background image.
.backstretch("resize") This method is called automatically when the container (window or block-level element) is resized, however you can always call this manually if needed.
.backstretch("current") This function returns the index of the current slide

Public Variables

Sometimes, you'll want to access Backstretch's images after you've instantiated the plugin. For example, perhaps you'd like to be able add more images to a slideshow. Doing so is easy. You can access the images array as follows:


// Access the instance
var instance = $('.foo').data('backstretch');

// Then, you can manipulate the images array directly

Additionally, the current index of a slideshow is available through the instance as well:




Backstretch will fire a "backstretch.before" event before a new image loads, triggering a function that is passed the event, Backstretch instance, and index of the image that will be displayed. If you listen for that event, you can, for example, coordinate other changes to coincide with your slideshow.

$(window).on("backstretch.before", function (e, instance, index) {
  // If we wanted to stop the slideshow after it reached the end
  if (index === instance.images.length - 1) {


Backstretch will also fire a "backstretch.after" event after the new images has completed loading.

$(window).on("backstretch.after", function (e, instance, index) {
  // Do something


Version 2.1.18

  • Bugfix: When another library imports youtube api first, YT detection misbehaves in backstretch.

Version 2.1.17

  • Bugfix: Calling .backstretch(...) on an already backstretched element did not properly destroy the older backstretch instance. Resulted in ghost backstretches...

Version 2.1.16

  • New: Added scale feature.

Version 2.1.15

  • Improvement: Not modifying background property, but background-image, to allow CSS to play with colors. (@philsbury)

Version 2.1.14

  • New: Added 'deviceOrientation', 'windowOrientation' and 'orientation' options

Version 2.1.13

  • Bugfix: Native video source tags were misspelled
  • Bugfix: Youtube matching regex was not constrained to domain

Version 2.1.12

  • New: Added 'fade_in_out' transition

Version 2.1.11

  • Bugfix: Resolution detection routine failed to properly match current url - and cause an additional replace of the image. This affected video urls in a way that caused them to being played from the start.

Version 2.1.10

  • Bugfix: pixelRatio == 'auto' was ignored due to a missing rule.

Version 2.1.9

  • Allow overriding transition options for a single show(...) call
  • Bugfix: Next transition can go wrong because of css leftover of previous transition

Version 2.1.8

  • Improved method calling through .backstretch('method', ...) to pass all arguments, and return value.
  • Added current() function to return current slide index.

Version 2.1.7

  • Minor documentation improvements. Version release for updated docs in NPM etc.

Version 2.1.6

  • Minor fix: background css on the target element was sometimes cleared prematurely. (Issue #18)

Version 2.1.5

  • Minor fix: resolutionChangeRatioTreshold was a typo. Changed to resolutionChangeRatioThreshold, but keeping backwards compatibility.

Version 2.1.4

  • New: Added more transitions beside fade
  • Bugfix: Youtube Iframe API's destroy was not being called
  • Minor documentation updates

Version 2.1.3

  • New: Youtube and <video> support!

Version 2.1.2

  • Bugfix: Executing backstretch methods on already backstretched elements failed

Version 2.1.1

  • Published to bower under "jquery-backstretch-2"

Version 2.1.0

  • New alwaysTestWindowResolution option
  • New resolutionRefreshRate option
  • New resolutionChangeRatioTreshold option
  • Minor bugfix: If there was no fade duration, the new image was still being removed asynchronously. Possibly causing a glitch if custom CSS is used.

Version 2.0.9

  • New alt image property
  • New bypassCss option

Version 2.0.8

  • Changed multi-res feature width's meaning. width now means the actual width of the image to match against.
  • Added pixelRatio option for multires.

Version 2.0.7

  • More granular control over options
    1. Now you can specify alignX/alignY/duration/fade on an image basis
    1. Minor bugfixes
    1. Deprecated centeredX/centeredY

Version 2.0.6

  • Minor bug fixes due to latest PRs

Version 2.0.5

  • New fadeFirst feature
  • New alignX feature
  • New alignY feature
  • New paused feature
  • New start feature
  • New preload feature
  • New preloadSize feature
  • New feature: url templates
  • New feature: automatic resolution selection
  • Minor bug fixes

Version 2.0

  • Now accepts an array of images to create a slideshow
  • Can attach Backstretch to any block-level element, not just the body
  • Deprecated "speed" option in favor of "fade" for fadeIn timing
  • Added "duration" option, and Slideshow API

Version 1.2

  • You can now called backstretch twice, and it will replace the existing image.

Version 1.1

  • Added 'centeredX' and 'centeredY' options.
  • Removed 'hideUntilReady' option. It looks pretty bad if you don't hide the image until it's fully loaded.
  • Fixed IE img onload bug.
  • Now supports iPhone/iPad orientation changes.
  • Fixing two issues

    Fixing two issues

    Fixes #148 iOS address bar and backstrech image height Fixes #218 Backstretch resize() method doesn't anticipate on unloaded image (ratio)

    The fix for #148 is most interesting I think:

    In the case of an iPhone, it will only trigger the first time and on each orientationchange. Because the orientationchange-event is not reliable, I just check if the rootWidth has changed.

    Then if it does continue to process, it then checks if makes sure the rootHeight is always calculated without the address bar. At first load iOS always reports the full height, but on orientationchange it doesn't.

    This way the image does not resize after scrolling the address bar out of view. Of course this means the bottom part of the image is not visible when the address bar is shown, but that's something we can all live with I guess :)

    opened by FokkeZB 29
  • MobileSafari/iOS 5 proportions

    MobileSafari/iOS 5 proportions

    Hey Scott - using iOS 5, Mobile Safari is stretching the backstretch image to the full height of the page content, not the height of the viewport. So if I have a very long page, the image gets zoomed incredibly large in a fixed position, making it somewhat ridiculous.

    Is this a known issue?

    opened by amphibian 27
  • Backstretch can now be applied to multiple DIVs

    Backstretch can now be applied to multiple DIVs

    This adds the ability to apply the backstretch to multiple DIV containers, instead of only the Body of a page, along with additional CSS options to go with it.

    opened by timnovinger 23
  • Chrome 10 - image sometimes not horizontally stretched

    Chrome 10 - image sometimes not horizontally stretched

    Hey Scott, I seriously LOVE your backstretch plugin. Played with several different solutions before I found yours. Anyway, I recently upgraded to Chrome 10 and now, every once in a while, when the page refreshes, the background image leaves about a 110px blank space all the way down the right side of the browser. Like I said, it doesn't happen every time, but definitely a recurring issue. Thanks!

    opened by mglaze2 18
  • Background Pattern-Overlay

    Background Pattern-Overlay

    would be great to have an option for overlaying transparent patterns. like seen here: so even smaller images would look good on a big screen.

    can be achieved by creating a div like <div id=pattern"></div> just after <body> and this in the stylesheet: #pattern { margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; z-index: -1; background: url('transparenpattern.png') top left; position: fixed; } but i'm sure there is a better/cleaner way to do this.

    opened by mrpnkt 15
  • resizing window issue

    resizing window issue

    hello, I found an issue when the browser resize the image does not cover the entire space but leaves an empty space on the right or bottom.

    I tested this bug on Mac OSX 10.5.8:

    • Safari Versione 4.0.2 (5530.19)
    • Firefox Versione 3.6.7
    • Opera Versione 10.60
    • Camino Versione 2.0.3
    opened by mandria 15
  • Loading issue in IE

    Loading issue in IE

    Thanks for open use of your code - its great! Just had one problem though that I thought you might want to be away of. I find that in IE (not ff) that the bg image doesn't load first time. It WILL load if you refresh the page, but never the first time. I was wondering if it is because I've done something wrong, or if there is an error in your code that I should make you aware of! My webpage is if you would like to see the problem for youself =) natalie

    opened by natw3 15
  • Ability to pull captions for slides?

    Ability to pull captions for slides?

    Wondering if there's a way to pull captions for the slides, if not that would be a badass feature addition.

    Work in progress:

    opened by contempoinc 14
  • can't make prev/next links working.

    can't make prev/next links working.

    For the life of me, I cannot get the prev/next to work. The images are rotating correctly, it's just the button that can't work.

    I'm putting all the jquery calls at the end of my doc right before closing body tag.

    My next button looks like this: <a id="next" href="#"><img src="/images/arrow-right.png"></a>

    My scripts:

    <script src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery.backstretch.js"></script>
        var images = [
        $(images).each(function() {
           $('<img/>')[0].src = this; 
        var index = 0;
        $.backstretch(images[index], {speed: 500});
        $('#next').click(function(x) {
        $('#prev').click(function(x) {
    </script >

    I use Firebug, it shows me this error: TypeError: $(...).data(...) is undefined $('body').data('backstretch').next();

    opened by sam327 11
  • Background Images Clickable Link

    Background Images Clickable Link

    Hi guys, probably a simple solution but just can't get this to work .I want the background images clickable, and link each one of them to a different page/url on my site. Any help on this would be great as I have everything else working well. It's a superb piece of kit !

    How To 
    opened by wtc2012 10
  • Randomize Slideshow Images

    Randomize Slideshow Images

    Hey guys, firstly, awesome plugin, i love it! However, i would like to know if it's possible to make the slideshow images randomized in different orders everytime the page loads or refreshes and continue looping. I searched here on how to do it and it suggested using an array, however when i tried using the array, it only worked for a static background, not slideshow. If anyone could help me this would be awesome :)

    opened by mattywong 10
  • How to set a separate dwell time for each picture

    How to set a separate dwell time for each picture

    Hello, I am now encountering such a demand. I want to set a separate duration for each carousel picture. Is there any way to do it? thank you very much!

    opened by likai3016218058 0
  • Slideshow scales different to static image

    Slideshow scales different to static image

    Having a hard time working around a rendering issue.

    I have some slideshows with chunky fill screen images. I preload the backstretch with a static image until the slideshow images load through and replace the first image.

    Trouble is my static image is being fitted into the DIV differently to the slideshow, so when it transitions from the static image to the slideshow the image is resized instead of holding the same aspect ratio. I can't work out if there's an option to override the 'cover' scaling in the static image to match the slideshow?

    Slideshow: Backstretch-slideshow-image

    Static: Backstretch-static-image

    opened by Ewster 0
  • Usage of video in the slidedown results with missing object%20Object]

    Usage of video in the slidedown results with missing object%20Object]

    I've Copy-Pasted the code from the example and now I get

    [object%20Object]:1 GET[object%20Object] 404 (Not Found)

    in my console view. What the hell is that object?

    opened by bertalanimre 0
  • Use plugin or not ?

    Use plugin or not ?


    I use in css object-fit: cover or contain and i think result is same... (not sure).

    This plugin is better than css if i want just adjust my image to container ? Or this plugins is just better for others features ?

    opened by stailer 2
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