A jquery plugin for CSS3 text animations.


Textillate.js v0.4.1 JS.ORG

See a live demo here.

Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide an easy-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text.


Let's start with the basic markup:

<h1 class="tlt">My Title</h1>

And your JavaScript should look like this:

$(function () {

This will animate using the default options. To change the defaults, you can either use the html data api:

<h1 class="tlt" data-in-effect="rollIn">Title</h1>

or pass in options on initialization (see full list of options below):

$('.tlt').textillate({ in: { effect: 'rollIn' } });

You can also tell textillate.js to animate a list with the following markup:

<h1 class="tlt">
	<ul class="texts">
		<li data-out-effect="fadeOut" data-out-shuffle="true">Some Title</li>
		<li data-in-effect="fadeIn">Another Title</li>

Notice that you can control the animation parameters on each text (<li>) using the data api.


To start using textillate.js, you will need the following:


  // the default selector to use when detecting multiple texts to animate
  selector: '.texts',

  // enable looping
  loop: false,

  // sets the minimum display time for each text before it is replaced
  minDisplayTime: 2000,

  // sets the initial delay before starting the animation
  // (note that depending on the in effect you may need to manually apply
  // visibility: hidden to the element before running this plugin)
  initialDelay: 0,

  // set whether or not to automatically start animating
  autoStart: true,

  // custom set of 'in' effects. This effects whether or not the
  // character is shown/hidden before or after an animation
  inEffects: [],

  // custom set of 'out' effects
  outEffects: [ 'hinge' ],

  // in animation settings
  in: {
  	// set the effect name
    effect: 'fadeInLeftBig',

    // set the delay factor applied to each consecutive character
    delayScale: 1.5,

    // set the delay between each character
    delay: 50,

    // set to true to animate all the characters at the same time
    sync: false,

    // randomize the character sequence
    // (note that shuffle doesn't make sense with sync = true)
    shuffle: false,

    // reverse the character sequence
    // (note that reverse doesn't make sense with sync = true)
    reverse: false,

    // callback that executes once the animation has finished
    callback: function () {}

  // out animation settings.
  out: {
    effect: 'hinge',
    delayScale: 1.5,
    delay: 50,
    sync: false,
    shuffle: false,
    reverse: false,
    callback: function () {}

  // callback that executes once textillate has finished
  callback: function () {},

  // set the type of token to animate (available types: 'char' and 'word')
  type: 'char'


Textillate triggers the following events:

  • start.tlt - triggered when textillate starts
  • inAnimationBegin.tlt - triggered when the in animation begins
  • inAnimationEnd.tlt - triggered when the in animation ends
  • outAnimationBegin.tlt - triggered when the out animation begins
  • outAnimationEnd.tlt - triggered when the out animation ends
  • end.tlt - triggered when textillate ends
$('.tlt').on('inAnimationBegin.tlt', function () {
  // do something


  • $element.textillate('start') - Manually start/restart textillate
  • $element.textillate('stop') - Manually pause/stop textillate
  • $element.textillate('in') - Trigger the current text's in animation
  • $element.textillate('out') - Trigger the current text's out animation

Code Samples

  • Certain

    Certain "In" animations dont fade in when used as the initial effect.

    Certain "In" animations seem to not "fade in" correctly when used as the first effect:

    flash,bounce,shake,tada,swing,wobble, pulse are some examples.

    The effect still works, but only after the full text kindof "slams" in all at once. If however I use an effect like "fadeInBigLeft" first, all subsequent effects work properly. The easiest way I've found to show this behavior is to edit the example playground (index.html) and change the line:


    to $form.find('[data-key="effect"][data-type="in"]').val('flash');

    I think this only changes the initial "In" Effect.

    Basically I'm seeing the same issue in a HTML i'm doing where i just want to use the "flash" effect on some text but want it to fade in nicely from left to right

    If i'm doing something wrong please let me know. Otherwise I'd even settle for a workaround.


    opened by quizjax 18
  • ::before attribute not working?

    ::before attribute not working?

    I'd like to incorporate a social media icons before every li element:

    li id="twitter" data-in-effect="fadeIn" data-out-effect="fadeOut" li id="facebook" data-in-effect="fadeIn" data-out-effect="fadeOut" li id="youtube" data-in-effect="fadeIn" data-out-effect="fadeOut"

    I'm using:

    li#twitter::before {content: url(../assets/social/facebook.svg);} li#facebook::before {content: url(../assets/social/facebook.svg);} li#youtube::before {content: url(../assets/social/youtube.svg);}

    But it seems like this plugin is overriding any extra elements? Very confused...

    opened by FlatlineTV 11
  • Not working with Ajax ?

    Not working with Ajax ?


    the Textillate is fantastic, but seems like not working when i tried to make it work with ajax, ,,im very new to web development, need your advice.. thank you!

    code is like this:




    }); });

    opened by maverickhy 5
  • XSS attacks

    XSS attacks

    I am sanitizing text before inserting it to the dom then running textillate on that DOM element. The problem is that textillate takes the content and then creates dom elements out of it (line 98, line 105, line 132) thus causing XSS attacks. Try it with <script>alert('test')</script>

    opened by ghost 5
  • Each word is cut off at the beginning and end on safari

    Each word is cut off at the beginning and end on safari

    Hi Jordan.

    Great plugin. I have time using some plugin projects. In this case I have a drawback specifically in Safari. This only happens with a particular typeface. Guld Script W01 Regular

    I think it has to do with translate3d. I tried to put a padding for each span in the animation but I did not manage to find the solution. If you have experienced a similar case or have an idea how can I solve it, I will be very grateful.

    Attached the images of the case.

    case1 case2


    opened by minonario 4
  • Not working with JS array of strings

    Not working with JS array of strings

    So I'm trying to build a random quote generator and right now I've got an array;

    var quotes = ["this is quote one", "quote two"]

    and then I've got some code that calculates a random number and I end up with

    quoteDiv.innerHTML = quotes[quotePosition];

    and in my HTML I've got

    <div id="quoteDiv"></div>

    and everything works fine but no matter where I add the .tlt class to for textillate, I can't seem to get it to animate the text, it just shows the text without animating it.

    My apologies for not being very clear with what I'm working with, but any help would be appreciated.

    opened by Snazzyham 4
  • change text dynamically

    change text dynamically

    This is one of the coolest jquery plugin, but with one flaw . why can't text be changed dynamically , i spentb 2 hrs trying to implement this plugin in angular , i wanted the text to be two way bound , but i couldn't succeed as i couldn't change text once plugin is initialized , i am missing something

    pls help thanks

    opened by programming-kid 4
  • Can't restart a previously Textillated object ?

    Can't restart a previously Textillated object ?

    If i run .textillate on an object for the fist time, all seems fine. Nice Work! But what's bugging me is that the second time I run this on the same object, it hase a wrong behavior. Or is there an otehr wa to restart the animation ?

    opened by wautersj 4
  • [enhancement] Add missing bower.json.

    [enhancement] Add missing bower.json.

    Hey, maintainer(s) of jschr/textillate!

    We at VersionEye are working hard to keep up the quality of the bower's registry.

    We just finished our initial analysis of the quality of the Bower.io registry:

    7530 - registered packages, 224 of them doesnt exists anymore;

    We analysed 7306 existing packages and 1070 of them don't have bower.json on the master branch ( that's where a Bower client pulls a data ).

    Sadly, your library jschr/textillate is one of them.

    Can you spare 15 minutes to help us to make Bower better?

    Just add a new file bower.json and change attributes.

      "name": "jschr/textillate",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "main": "path/to/main.css",
      "description": "please add it",
      "license": "Eclipse",
      "ignore": [
      "dependencies": {
        "<dependency_name>": "<semantic_version>",
        "<dependency_name>": "<Local_folder>",
        "<dependency_name>": "<package>"
      "devDependencies": {
        "<test-framework-name>": "<version>"

    Read more about bower.json on the official spefication and nodejs semver library has great examples of proper versioning.

    NB! Please validate your bower.json with jsonlint before commiting your updates.

    Thank you!

    Timo, twitter: @versioneye email: [email protected] VersionEye - no more legacy software!

    opened by timgluz 4
  • The animation is only executed once

    The animation is only executed once

    Hi, I'm having an issue : I want to bind to an element with id #btn the following function

    jQuery('#btn').click(function() {
                inEffects: ['shake'],   
                outEffects: ['shake'], 
                loop: false,  
                autoStart: true, 
                initialDelay: 500 , 
                in: {    
                    effect: 'shake',
                    sync: true,    
                    shuffle: false
                } ,
                out: {    
                    effect: 'shake',
                    sync: true,    
                    shuffle: false

    The animation work and the text shakes the first time. Pressing the button a second time doesn't animate anything.

    Any suggestion? Am I doing something wrong here?

    opened by adv0r 4
  • Duration Option

    Duration Option

    I've added an option where you require a fixed duration for the animation. Let's say 1 second. So it calculates the speed of the animation based on the number of animated characters to make sure each transition takes the same length of time.

    There is also a bug fix where HTML was finding its way into it. It now uses .text instead of .html where relevant.

    I'm about to fork this code quite dramatically - so I thought I'd commit this before I make it completely unusable!

    opened by andrewspode 3
  • animate.css for 4.1.1

    animate.css for 4.1.1

    Replace the original animate.css with the animate.compat.css in animate.css v4.1.1

    Animate.css v4 brought some improvements, improved animations, and new animations, which makes it worth upgrading. But it also comes with a breaking change: we have added prefix for all of the Animate.css classes - defaulting to animate__ - so a direct migration is not possible.

    But fear not! Although the default build, animate.min.css, brings the animate__ prefix we also provide the animate.compat.css file which brings no prefix at all, like the previous versions (3.x and under).

    opened by queuecat 0
  • text changing on centered sentence

    text changing on centered sentence


    I have trouble using textillate on centered H1. i change between few different size's words and every time a new word appear, the sentence auto center again. I would prefer that the other part of the sentence don't move , just the words appear and disappear.

    Maybe it's more understanable visitng the website, check the H1 https://www.donna.io/

    Thanks so much if you provide me a solution.

    opened by PaulPoul 0
  • InitialDelay Option not working

    InitialDelay Option not working

    I am using Uikit modal with JQuery Textillate.js. The goal is animate the texts in the modal when it opens and repeat the animation when modal is closed and opened again. I was able to get it to work. But I found that the initialdelay option for Textillate is not working so all animated texts appear at the same time.

    How can I get the initialDelay: 1000 to work so that the second animated text would be delayed for a while. It works fine when if I am not using Textillate methods - $element.textillate('in') and $element.textillate('out')

    I have created an codepen for it here - https://codepen.io/ajaxthemestudios/pen/XWJRBbW

    opened by ajaxthemestudios 0
  • Textillate @types for typescript

    Textillate @types for typescript

    Hi, i've seen that textillate is an excellent library to implement in modern projects, with an small size too. But is there a @type file for implementing it with typescript? Or do we need to create a new one? Thanks.

    opened by geanfrancovolpe 0
  • Activating Open Collective

    Activating Open Collective

    Hi, I'm making updates for Open Collective. Either you or a supporter signed this repo up for Open Collective. This pull request adds backers and sponsors from your Open Collective https://opencollective.com/textillate ❤️

    It adds two badges at the top to show the latest number of backers and sponsors. It also adds placeholders so that the avatar/logo of new backers/sponsors can automatically be shown without having to update your README.md. [more info]. See how it looks on this repo. We have also added a postinstall script to let people know after npm|yarn install that you are welcoming donations (optional). [More info] You can also add a "Donate" button to your website and automatically show your backers and sponsors there with our widgets. Have a look here: https://opencollective.com/widgets

    P.S: As with any pull request, feel free to comment or suggest changes. The only thing "required" are the placeholders on the README because we believe it's important to acknowledge the people in your community that are contributing (financially or with code!).

    Thank you for your great contribution to the open source community. You are awesome! 🙌 And welcome to the open collective community! 😊

    Come chat with us in the #opensource channel on https://slack.opencollective.com - great place to ask questions and share best practices with other open source sustainers!

    opened by monkeywithacupcake 0
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