Easy gradients for Chart.js



Easy gradients for Chart.js

This plugin requires Chart.js 3.0.0 or later. Could work with v2, but it is not supported.

NOTE the plugin does not automatically register.


Example chart



npm i --save-dev chartjs-plugin-gradient


<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chartjs-plugin-gradient"></script>




import gradient from 'chartjs-plugin-gradient';


const gradient = window['chartjs-plugin-gradient'];


All charts


Signle chart

const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
  // ...
  plugins: {


The gradient colors are configured in the gradient key of dataset

const chart = new Chart(ctx, {
  data: {
    datasets: [{
      // data
      gradient: {
        backgroundColor: {
          axis: 'y',
          colors: {
            0: 'red',
            50: 'yellow',
            100: 'green'
        borderColor: {
          axis: 'x',
          colors: {
            0: 'black',
            1: 'white',
            2: 'black',
            3: 'white'


chartjs-plugin-gradient.js is available under the MIT license.

  • Add test cases for all axes types

    Add test cases for all axes types

    This PR is:

    1. adding test cases for all axes types
    2. adding chartjs-adapter-luxon and luxon dependencies (enabling tests on time axes)
    3. adding test-lint mpn command in order to add the lint test invoking npm test
    opened by stockiNail 22
  • Remove imported CHART.JS parts from distribution file

    Remove imported CHART.JS parts from distribution file

    Fix #17

    This PR excludes the CHART.JS parts from distribution file of the plugin. It removes also the direct dependency from @kurkle/color, leveraging on what it's included in CHART.JS.

    opened by stockiNail 14
  • Add KARMA test suite to enable testing

    Add KARMA test suite to enable testing

    This PR is adding test suite in order to enable the tests.

    The source was chartjs-plugin-annotation and maybe something is not "perfect".

    What cannot do is to register the plugin globally (try in several ways without any success) therefore in this PR the plugin has been adding in the first test case.

    EDIT: the global registration was fixed putting it in beforeAll hook. Thanks @kurkle

    opened by stockiNail 10
  • Background Fill Wont Work In Vue.js 3

    Background Fill Wont Work In Vue.js 3

    Hey there I was looking around and founded your great plugin! but it only work on border and it wont fill under the line chart as expected! Here is my sample and these are my dependencies I use:

    PS: I'd be happy to help you fix the bug!

      "dependencies": {
        "vue": "^3.2.37",
        "vue-chartjs": "^4.1.1",
        "chartjs-plugin-gradient": "^0.5.1"
      "devDependencies": {
        "@vitejs/plugin-vue": "^3.1.0",
        "typescript": "^4.6.4",
        "vite": "^3.1.0",
        "vue-tsc": "^0.40.4"
    import { defineComponent, h, PropType } from 'vue'
    import gradient from 'chartjs-plugin-gradient';
    import { Line } from 'vue-chartjs'
    import {
      Chart as ChartJS,
    } from 'chart.js'
    export default defineComponent({
      name: 'LineChart',
      components: {
      props: {
        chartId: {
          type: String,
          default: 'line-chart'
        width: {
          type: Number,
          default: 500
        height: {
          type: Number,
          default: 400
        cssClasses: {
          default: '',
          type: String
        styles: {
          type: Object as PropType<Partial<CSSStyleDeclaration>>,
          default: () => {
            accentColor: 'yellow'
            backgroundColor: 'yellow'
        plugins: {
          type: Array as PropType<Plugin<'line'>[]>,
          default: () => []
      setup(props) {
        const chartData = {
          labels: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July'],
          datasets: [
              gradient: {
                backgroundColor: {
                  axis: 'y',
                  colors: {
                    0: 'red',
                    50: 'yellow',
                    100: 'green'
                borderColor: {
                  axis: 'x',
                  colors: {
                    0: '#ffcb00',
                    1: 'black',
                    2: '#ffcb00',
                    3: 'black'
              tension: .4,
              data: [40, 39, 30, 40, 39, 50, 40]
        const chartOptions = {
          responsive: true,
          maintainAspectRatio: false,
          plugins: {
            legend: {
              display: false
            interaction: {
              mode: 'index',
            layout: {
              padding: {
                left: 0,
                right: 0,
                top: 0,
                bottom: 0,
          elements: {
            point: {
              radius: 0
        return () =>
          h(Line, {
            chartId: props.chartId,
            width: props.width,
            height: props.height,
            cssClasses: props.cssClasses,
            styles: props.styles,
            plugins: props.plugins
    opened by mhnayeb 7
  • Legend boxes don't reflect the gradient

    Legend boxes don't reflect the gradient

    Feature Proposal

    As I have seen in my lib, when you use gradients, the gradients are not reflected in the legend.

    To be precise, the gradient is applied to the legend but due to the gradient size is limited to the scales, the legend are out side of the gradient and then the canvas use the color related to the position.

    See example in codepen: https://codepen.io/stockinail/pen/xxpENVM

    As you can see the legend is using the red color because is the color from the gradient for legend position.

    The same is for polarArea (using the radial gradient) where all legend items are colored with the color of the gradient.


    The proposal is to reflect on the legend the gradient.

    Possible Implementation

    I see only 1 option, creating a generateLabels callback in the plugin to set to the chart in order to create a specific gradient (with dimension of the legend box).

    For polarArea, the generateLabels callback could return the color at the data index, calculating the last color for the data index. For this, I have got already a code (even if is written in Java) that it can be translated and used.

    opened by stockiNail 6
  • Add support to time scale with colorStop option configured with formatted dates

    Add support to time scale with colorStop option configured with formatted dates

    Fix #15.

    This PR is enable the feature to use in color node color stop as formatted date, leveraging on scale parsing.


    gradient: {
      backgroundColor: {
        axis: 'x',
          colors: {
            "05/30/2021": 'green',
            "06/02/2021": 'blue',
            "06/04/2021": 'red'

    Time scale options:

    scales: {
      x: {
        type: 'time', 
        time: {
          unit: 'day',
          parser: 'MM/dd/yyyy',


    opened by stockiNail 6
  • gradient not working

    gradient not working

    Hello, I'm trying to use this plugin in my project and nothing is painted except for the legend

    component code:

      <div class="index__dynamics">
        <div class="index__dynamics__wrapper">
          <div class="index__dynamics__title">
            <div class="index__dynamics__title__name">
              <img src="~assets/icon_dynamic.svg" alt="">
              Динамика общей оценки
          <div id="canvas-holder">
            <canvas id="chart-area" width="632" height="400"></canvas>
          <div @click="qwe">click</div>
    import gradient from 'chartjs-plugin-gradient';
    import {
    } from 'chart.js';
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
      mounted() {
      methods: {
        qwe() {
          const ctx = document.getElementById('chart-area').getContext('2d');
          const gen = () => [...Array(10)].map((v, i) => ({x: i, y: rand()}));
          const rand = () => Math.random() * 100;
          window.chart = new Chart(ctx, {
            type: 'line',
            data: {
              datasets: [{
                label: 'gradient fill',
                data: gen(),
                gradient: {
                  backgroundColor: {
                    axis: 'y',
                    colors: {
                      0: 'red',
                      50: 'yellow',
                      100: 'green'
            options: {
              scales: {
                x: {
                  type: 'linear'
            plugins: [
      components: {
      props: {}
    import path from 'path'
    import fs from 'fs'
    export default {
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                    crossorigin: ''
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            config: {
                productionTip: false,
                devtools: true
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            stripePublicKey: process.env.stripePublicKey,
        loading: { color: '#fff' },
        // Global CSS: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-css
        css: [
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        plugins: [],
        // Auto import components: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-components
        components: true,
        // Modules for dev and build (recommended): https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-modules
        buildModules: [
        // Modules: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-modules
        modules: [
            // https://go.nuxtjs.dev/bootstrap
        axios: {
          debug: true
        auth: {
            cookie: {
                prefix: 'auth.',
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                    secure: 'production'
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            redirect: {
                home: false,
                callback: false,
                logout: false
        // Build Configuration: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-build
        build: {},
        server: {
            port: 35635, // default: 3000
            host: '', // default: localhost,
            timing: false,
            https: {
                key: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'server.key')),
                cert: fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'server.crt'))
    opened by lerinoi 4
  • Got some problems in console

    Got some problems in console

    react-dom.development.js?ac89:22839 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'datasetIndex') at updateLegendItems (chartjs-plugin-gradient.esm.js?52eb:223:1) at Object.afterUpdate (chartjs-plugin-gradient.esm.js?52eb:339:1)

    opened by beastovsk 4
  • Enable gradient styles on the legend items

    Enable gradient styles on the legend items

    Fix #28

    This PR is enabling to set fillStyle and strokeStyle on the legend items related to datasets where the gradient has been set.

    It is applying only backgroundColor and borderColor, if set.

    It doesn't go in exception on CHART.JS version 2.x but it can not enable the styles on legend items because the legend size calculation is done in a different time of chart lifecycle.


    • [x] enable at dataset level
    • [x] enable at data level (for polarArea)
    • [x] test cases scale 0-positive (covered)
    • [x] test cases scale negative-0
    • [x] test cases scale positive-positive
    • [x] test cases scale negative-positive
    • [x] test cases scale negative-negative
    opened by stockiNail 4
  • Remove destroy plugin hook and replaced with afterDestroy

    Remove destroy plugin hook and replaced with afterDestroy

    With CHART.JS 4, PR https://github.com/chartjs/Chart.js/pull/10549, the destroy plugin hook has been removed and replaced with afterDestroy. Currently, the version is not cleaning the states map.

    opened by stockiNail 2
  • Tooltip gradient doesn't working

    Tooltip gradient doesn't working

    I've some problem with gradient at tooltip. Can you guys give some advice?

    tooltip: {
    	gradient: {
    		backgroundColor: {
    			// linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(44, 110, 250, 0.7) 0%, rgba(2, 189, 173, 0.13) 100%);
    			axis: "x",
    			colors: {
    			          0: "rgba(2, 189, 173, 0.13)",
    			          5: "rgba(44, 110, 250, 0.2)",
    				 10: "rgba(2, 189, 173, 0.12)",
    			         15: "rgba(2, 189, 173, 0.13)",
    opened by beastovsk 2
  • Webpack can't compile when I import

    Webpack can't compile when I import "gradient"

    I have an issue when I'm trying to import this library.

    I'm using webpack, and it doesn't compile the JS file and throws an error at the line:

    import gradient from 'chartjs-plugin-gradient';

    Here is the error message:

    "./node_modules/chartjs-plugin-gradient/dist/chartjs-plugin-gradient.esm.js" contains a reference to the file "chart.js/helpers". This file can not be found, please check it for typos or update it if the file got moved.

    If I try something like: import helpers from 'chart.js/helpers'; I have no error, so the helpers are found... But I keep having the issue at the line where I import gradient...

    Any idea?

    opened by vgross 0
  • v0.6.1(Dec 8, 2022)

  • v0.6.0(Dec 8, 2022)

    Essential Links

    • #43 Add compatibility to Chart.js version 4
    • #41 Bump engine.io and socket.io
    • #40 Bump socket.io-parser from 4.0.4 to 4.0.5 Thanks to @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @kurkle and @stockiNail
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.1(Aug 24, 2022)

    Essential Links

    • #36 Bump 0.5.1
    • Fix typo in package.json/module
    • #34 Bump terser from 5.12.1 to 5.14.2 Thanks to @dependabot, @dependabot[bot] and @kurkle
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.5.0(Apr 12, 2022)

  • v0.4.1(Apr 12, 2022)

  • v0.4.0(Mar 30, 2022)

    Essential Links


    • #29 Enable gradient styles on the legend items

    Bugs Fixed

    • #21 Skip the colorStop when the configured color is not valid

    Thanks to @stockiNail

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Mar 24, 2022)

    Essential Links


    • #16 Add support to time scale with colorStop option configured with formatted dates
    • #14 Add support for radialLinear scale with radial gradient

    Bugs Fixed

    • #18 Remove imported CHART.JS parts from distribution file
    • #19 Fix missing compatibility with CHART.JS version 2.x
    • #13 Bump ansi-regex from 5.0.0 to 5.0.1

    Thanks to @kurkle and @stockiNail

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.2(Mar 23, 2022)

    Essential Links

    • #12 Fix stops when scale is in reverse mode
    • #9 Use scale area to create the gradient instead of chart area Thanks to @kurkle and @stockiNail
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.1(Jul 30, 2021)

  • v0.2.0(Jul 26, 2021)

    Essential Links

    • [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/chartjs-plugin-gradient


    • #5 Add changes to make plugin work on ChartJS V2 & V3 Thanks to @devotox and @kurkle
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.1(Nov 15, 2020)

  • v0.1.0(Jun 10, 2020)

Jukka Kurkela
Programmer of various languages and architectures since 1980's
Jukka Kurkela
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