Fast and powerful CSV (delimited text) parser that gracefully handles large files and malformed input


Parse CSV with JavaScript

Papa Parse is the fastest in-browser CSV (or delimited text) parser for JavaScript. It is reliable and correct according to RFC 4180, and it comes with these features:

  • Easy to use
  • Parse CSV files directly (local or over the network)
  • Fast mode (is really fast)
  • Stream large files (even via HTTP)
  • Reverse parsing (converts JSON to CSV)
  • Auto-detect delimiter
  • Worker threads to keep your web page reactive
  • Header row support
  • Pause, resume, abort
  • Can convert numbers and booleans to their types
  • Optional jQuery integration to get files from <input type="file"> elements
  • One of the only parsers that correctly handles line-breaks and quotations

Papa Parse has no dependencies - not even jQuery.


papaparse is available on npm. It can be installed with the following command:

npm install papaparse

If you don't want to use npm, papaparse.min.js can be downloaded to your project source.

Homepage & Demo

To learn how to use Papa Parse:

The website is hosted on Github Pages. Its content is also included in the docs folder of this repository. If you want to contribute on it just clone the master of this repository and open a pull request.

Papa Parse for Node

Papa Parse can parse a Readable Stream instead of a File when used in Node.js environments (in addition to plain strings). In this mode, encoding must, if specified, be a Node-supported character encoding. The Papa.LocalChunkSize, Papa.RemoteChunkSize , download, withCredentials and worker config options are unavailable.

Papa Parse can also parse in a node streaming style which makes .pipe available. Simply pipe the Readable Stream to the stream returned from Papa.parse(Papa.NODE_STREAM_INPUT, options). The Papa.LocalChunkSize, Papa.RemoteChunkSize , download, withCredentials, worker, step, and complete config options are unavailable. To register a callback with the stream to process data, use the data event like so: stream.on('data', callback) and to signal the end of stream, use the 'end' event like so: stream.on('end', callback).

Get Started

For usage instructions, see the homepage and, for more detail, the documentation.


Papa Parse is under test. Download this repository, run npm install, then npm test to run the tests.


To discuss a new feature or ask a question, open an issue. To fix a bug, submit a pull request to be credited with the contributors! Remember, a pull request, with test, is best. You may also discuss on Twitter with #PapaParse or directly to me, @mholt6.

If you contribute a patch, ensure the tests suite is running correctly. We run continuous integration on each pull request and will not accept a patch that breaks the tests.

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  • 5.3.0(Aug 25, 2020)

    We are happy to annunce a new minor release of PapaParse.

    This release includes the following change:

    • Allow to escape formulae for safer opening on spreedsheet software (See: for full details)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.2.0(Apr 2, 2020)

    We are happy to announce version 5.2.0.

    This version contains a new feature that allows to perform post request when downloading files.

    It also fixes a ReDOS vulnerability issue. See for more details.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.1.0(Sep 17, 2019)

    The release brings a the option to use a function to determine the fields that will be quoted. This function accepts the cell value and column index as parameters. Thanks to @Puzzleton for contributing this feature.

    This release also includes some bug fixes. Thanks to all who contributed.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.0.0(May 30, 2019)

    We are happy to announce a new major release of PapaParse.

    This relase (5.0.0) introduces the following changes:

    • We drop support for Node 6.x branch.
    • Workers are now loaded with inline blobs, which means that is only needed to specify the worker: true option and Paparse will load it's code from a blob
    • Step function returns only a single row
    • A function to transform header columns is added. The trimheader option is removed as it can be achieved with this new transform function.
    • The API throws now Error objects instead of using error Strings.
    • Handle delimiter guessing, when not all of the fields are quoted
    • Add ability to support escapeChar on unparse
    • Allow to specify the columns used for unparse
    • Add DelimitersToGuess config option

    Happy parsing!

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 5.0.0-beta.0(Nov 21, 2018)

    This is the first beta version of the 5 major version, which introduces the following changes:

    • We drop support for Node 6.x branch.
    • Workers are now loaded with inline blobs, which means that is only needed to specify the worker: true option and Paparse will load it's code from a blob
    • Step function returns only a single row
    • A function to transform header columns is added. The trimheader option is removed as it can be achieved with this new transform function.
    • The API throws now Error objects instead of using error Strings.

    Please test it and report issues if you have on it. As this is a beta version it should be installed with the following command:

    npm install papaparse@beta

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.6.0(Aug 1, 2018)

  • 4.5.0(Jun 4, 2018)

    This release brings several bug fixes and the the following improvements:

    • Serialize dates using ISO Format
    • Add config option to transform values before dynamic typing
    • Drop support for node v4 and add support for node v10
    • Add support for node-style streaming

    Thanks to @pushplay @efossas @gabegorelick and @trevorharwell for contributing to this release

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.4.0(Apr 23, 2018)

    This release brings several bug fixes and the the following improvements:

    • Add option to trim whitespace from headers
    • Upgrade dependencies to newer versions
    • Remove support for node 0.12
    • Add option to configure escape character
    • Add support for spaces between quotes and separators

    Thanks to @thSteve, @gabegorelick and @marius-wieschollek for contributing to this release.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.3.0(Apr 27, 2017)

    • Allow to pass a function to DynamicFunction which should return for each field if dynamic typing should be applied.
    • Add support for download xhr headers.

    Thanks to @vyrak and @j--w for contributing

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.2.0(Mar 16, 2017)

    This release adds support for parsing NodeStreams, so papaparse can be used directly on NodeJS.

    Thanks to @LeviticusMB for implementing this.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.1.0(Jan 16, 2015)

    This release is comprised mainly of internal re-factorings, but a few minor behavioral things changed. Most users will not be broken with this release:

    • fastMode is automatically enabled if no quotes (") are found in the input. Fast mode can be forced on or off by explicitly setting it to true or false, respectively.
    • The config object used to be checked for validity across all its fields, but this was a watering hole for bugs and no exceptions were thrown. We removed that logic and now expect the user to pass in valid config settings. Passing in bad values will probably result in errors during parsing.

    The internal refactoring that took place should help prepare Papa Parse for a possible direct Node.js port in the future. The overall number of lines of code was reduced by about 10%.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 4.0.5(Nov 19, 2014)

    Papa Parse 4 sports a new core parser, completely rewritten from scratch, and is now the fastest CSV parser for the browser. Notable features include:

    • 5x to 10x speed boost thanks to a new parsing algorithm
    • Fast mode for even faster parsing, as long as the input has no quoted fields
    • You can now pause, resume, and abort parsing within the chunk callback
    • keepEmptyRows is replaced with skipEmptyLines. New default behavior is to keep empty lines unless you specify otherwise.
    • Comments can now start with more than a single character (like "//" instead of just "#")
    • Got rid of errors that weren't helpful; now any errors that are generated are always cause for concern
    • Bug fixes

    See the docs and the blog post for more information.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.1.2(Sep 2, 2014)

  • 3.1.0(Sep 1, 2014)

    Several improvements and bug fixes.


    • Pause, resume, and abort parsing. The step callback now receives a ParserHandle as an argument:
    step: function(results, handle) {
        // pausing makes the parse function asynchronous if it wasn't already
        // save a reference to it, then resume later:
        // you can also abort entirely:
    • New chunk config callback. For parsing files only. Instead of being invoked for every row of parsed data, it is only invoked with every chunk of a file that is loaded. It receives by argument the results of the entire chunk.
    • New keepEmptyRows config property. If true, rows that are empty (blank or contain only whitespace) will be preserved.
    • New error config property. For use if FileReader encounters an error while opening a file.
    • New truncated meta property. Results meta now indicates, when using preview, whether the results were truncated. The value will only be true if the preview does not consume the entire input.
    • New Papa.DefaultDelimiter setting. Set to a comma (',') by default, this value is used if a delimiter is not set and the delimiter cannot be automatically detected.

    Fixed or changed

    • A bug in Firefox prevents FileReader from being used in a worker thread. Until they release that fix, FileReaderSync is used as a workaround. Note that FileReaderSync is not as performant. This workaround will be removed as soon as possible.
    • When converting JSON to CSV, a null value is now treated as an empty string rather than throwing an exception.
    • When using preview with header enabled, the preview value specifies how many rows of data, not how many rows total. In other words, 1 is added to the preview value. (For instance, before, preview: 10 with header: true would parse only 9 rows of data because the first was the header row. Now, 11 total rows are parsed to compensate for the header row.)
    • Handling a certain edge case of escaped quotes in fields correctly
    • Now firing complete callback properly when parsing with a worker thread

    Plus a few other minor improvements or internal changes.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 3.0.0(Jul 16, 2014)

    Lots of improvements and new features.


    • Download and parse files
    • Stream files over the network
    • "Unparse" utility (convert JSON to CSV)
    • Worker thread support
    • Option to skip commented lines
    • Callback for when all files are complete


    • Structure of results
    • jQuery dependency removed but still available
    • Handling of misplaced quotes
    • Internals refactored
    • Better delimiter detection
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Matt Holt
M.S. Computer Science. Author of the Caddy Web Server, CertMagic, Papa Parse, JSON/curl-to-Go, Timeliner, Relica, and more...
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