Visual Studio Code extension for formatting and linting Django/Jinja HTML templates using djLint



Visual Studio Code extension for formatting and linting Django/Jinja HTML templates using djLint.


Search for djLint in VS Code extensions.

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djlint-vscode supports html, django-html, jinja and jinja-html.

Don't forget to check the extension's settings, you might find something useful there.

Add this to your settings.json to format all supported file types with djLint:

"[html]": {
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "monosans.djlint"
"[django-html]": {
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "monosans.djlint"
"[jinja]": {
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "monosans.djlint"
"[jinja-html]": {
  "editor.defaultFormatter": "monosans.djlint"


This extension is not affiliated with the authors of djLint.

  • Configuration from pyproject.toml is being ignore in v2022.10.1

    Configuration from pyproject.toml is being ignore in v2022.10.1

    After updating to v2022.10.1, extension started displaying problems in base.html that I was ignoring in config file. Consider adding a meta description. <html lang="en"> (H030) Consider adding meta keywords. <html lang="en"> (H031)

    My project has the pyproject.toml at root level with config values for djliint:

    ignore = "H005,H030,H031,H021,T002,D018" 
    profile = "django" 
    use_gitignore = true 

    I'm using Poetry venv 1.1.13 with djlint v1.7.0 and extension v2022.10.1. I tried updating djlint to the latest version v1.19.1 but no luck fixing the problem.

    opened by marco-galaviz-infront 20
  • Non latin symbols replaced with `????` after formatting in Windows 10.

    Non latin symbols replaced with `????` after formatting in Windows 10.

    If template contains non ASCII symbols after formatting they're replaced with ? characters. Running djLint directly from command line does not have this issue. So I guess it's somewhere in extension. File encoding is utf-8, OS is Windows 10. In Linux and MacOS everything works as expected.

    opened by Real-Gecko 18
  • Question about vscode

    Question about vscode "problems" tab

    hey @monosans there is a new issue about the problems tab in vscode. It sounds like vscode lists all problems for all open files in the problems tab. This is the normal vscode behavior, or is there a way to only run djlint on the current file?

    opened by christopherpickering 16
  • Extension not using venv djLint executable

    Extension not using venv djLint executable

    The djLint executable was just updated with a bugfix, from v1.0.2 to v1.0.3. I updated it in my venv environment, but the fixed issue still occurs when the extension does the execution. I suppose it still uses the previous version – I could not find where the executed bin is located.

    Some information to help you understand the problem:

    1. The djLint in my venv is at the correct version djlint, version 1.0.3.
    2. The version is correct when executing djLint manually in my venv.
    3. The Use Venv option is set as true in the extension configuration.

    I resolved the issue with the extension by running the Reinstall djLint option in VSCode – but I think I should not have to do that if I updated it manually and Use Venv is checked.

    If this behavior is normal, could it be explained in the readme?

    opened by sgigou 9
  • ALT+Shift+F does not format the Django HTML file

    ALT+Shift+F does not format the Django HTML file

    I added the following adjustments in the settings.json file and the extension does not do anything, the command ALT+Shift+F also is not working.

    "[html]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "monosans.djlint" }, "[django-html]": { "editor.defaultFormatter": "monosans.djlint" },

    opened by YordanPetrovDS 8
  • Formatter not working when pyproject.toml not at project root

    Formatter not working when pyproject.toml not at project root

    My project dir structure is like this:


    The djlint config is inside pyproject.toml :


    The blop.html file language mode is django-html

    When running djlint from command line it work as expected: [/absolute/path/to/project/]$ djlint --reformat django/app/template/blop.html

    But when running the formatter from vscode it seems to apply a default configuration (blank_line_after_tag is not respected)

    I'v tried to force djlint configuration in vscode config but it still doesn't work:

      "djlint.useEditorIndentation": false,
      "djlint.configuration": "/absolute/path/to/project/django/pyproject.toml"

    The only way I've found so far to have it working is to put pyproject.toml at project root. But it is not a nice solution for me.

    Other notes:

    • There is a python venv. Workspace is configured to use it.
    • djlint 1.19.0 is installed inside the venv

    Did I miss something ? How to have djlint-vscode respect my pyproject.toml file ? By the way there is a way to have logs of what djlint-vscode is doing ?

    opened by fabien-michel 7
  • Code duplicated when formatting Django HTML

    Code duplicated when formatting Django HTML

    👋 Hi, something strange is happening. When I use the extension to format Django HTML code the content of the file is duplicated.

    I have updated DjLint and the extension. I had to disable the automatic format and when I wanted to format I have to delete all the code generated by the duplication.

    Is this a known bug?

    Thank you!

    opened by lcfd 6
  • djLint is not installed for the current Python interpreter.

    djLint is not installed for the current Python interpreter.


    I get the message djLint is not installed for the current Python interpreter.

    I use a virtual environment and I have djLint in this environment. In the VS Code terminal (which uses the default environment) djlint works fine.

    Any idea how I can fix this?

    opened by pors 6
  • Issue with overwriting files since 1.0.6 caused by problem with gitignore parsing

    Issue with overwriting files since 1.0.6 caused by problem with gitignore parsing


    I just noticed today that formatting any django html file with the djlint extension results in the file getting overwritten with "No files to check! 😢", on version 1.0.7.

    If I roll back to 1.0.6 this still happens, but on 1.0.5 it doesn't.

    I've reinstalled vscode and removed global settings, as well as resetting any workspace-specific settings.

    After a bit of investigating, I found that it's caused, somehow, by the project's gitignore file - it was ignoring folders named var/, and that causes the extension to not find any files anymore. To be clear, it's unrelated to the filename - any file in any folder within the project causes the error.

    Note that this doesn't seem to be caused by djlint itself - if i manually run djlint --use-gitignore <file> it works correctly, even with the var/ in the gitignore, only ignoring the file and producing the message if the path to the file is actually included in the gitignore.

    To reproduce

    • Create a new workspace
    • Add a pyproject.toml with [tool.djlint] and use_gitignore = true
    • Add a .gitignore with just var/
    • Try to format any file, contents get replaced with the no files to check message
    opened by kirberich 6
  • Formatting is happening in the background

    Formatting is happening in the background

    With all the other formatters I've used, I press a keyboard shortcut and the code cleans up on my screen. With this one:

    • The file is modified in the background.
    • I don't see any changes in my open file. I have to close it and open it again to see anything.
    • The "Formatting..." text doesn't show on the vscode status bar.

    Is this how it is for everyone else or is something wrong on my end?

    opened by yatahaze 6
  • This breaks when formatting a django template with Japanese characters in UTF-8.

    This breaks when formatting a django template with Japanese characters in UTF-8.

    This breaks when formatting a django template with Japanese characters in UTF-8.

    Before formatting image

    After formatting image

    Is it possible to increase the option to explicitly specify the character code in settings.json?

    Below is my environment.

    • OS - Windows 10 Japanese
    • File encoding - UTF-8 CRLF
    • Python 3.9.10
    • djLint version - 1.0.2
    • djlint-vscode version - 1.1.0
    help wanted 
    opened by Taikono-Himazin 5
  • settings djlint.configuration relative paths

    settings djlint.configuration relative paths

    I have workspace open on a project folder e.g. /home/foo/projectA/ I'm customizing djlint with my own config file in project folder /home/foo/projectA/.djlintrc I'm having template files in various subdirs e.g. ./templates/main.html, ./myapp/templates/page.html

    Let me elaborate on various options in settings.json

        // all works ok, but I don't like the absolute path
        "djlint.configuration": "/home/foo/projectA/.djlintrc"
        // relative path in project doesn't work - Error: Invalid value for '--configuration': Path '.djlintrc' does not exist.
        "djlint.configuration": ".djlintrc"
        // homedir expantion doesn't work - Error: Invalid value for '--configuration': Path '.djlintrc' does not exist.
        "djlint.configuration": "~/projectA/.djlintrc"
        // if I put relative path from the file I'm linting, it works
        // works for file `./templates/main.html`
        "djlint.configuration": "../.djlintrc"
        // works for file `./myapp/templates/pagehtml`
        "djlint.configuration": "../../.djlintrc"

    It feels quite tricky to set this correctly, which seems to be absolute path for me (dislike).

    It seems that cwd for djlint execution is path of a target file. For finding config file it may be beneficial to execute djlint from workspace base dir.

    Ideally, would it be possible to pickup .djlintrc file in workspace base folder automatically by default?

    BTW: docs say:

    djLint’s CLI options can be configured directly in the VS Code settings.

    But I'm only able to pass djlint.configuration argument, is it possible to pass for example max_line_length or such?

    P.S.: Thanks for this extension, :green_heart:!

    opened by vasekch 6
  • Is it possible to disable the extension for specific file types?

    Is it possible to disable the extension for specific file types?

    I like to use the extension when working on jinja within a python environment but when working on nunjucks I don't want the extension to do anything, but every time I save a file I get "djLint is not installed for the current active Python interpreter."

    Can I disable the extension for certain file types, or maybe if there is no config file?

    opened by danstewart 1
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