GatsbyConf - Decoupling Drupal Using Gatsby: A Crash Course workshop


GatsbyConf - Decoupling Drupal Using Gatsby: A Crash Course workshop

1 - Get the code on your local machine

Use git to clone the code repository

git clone

cd gatsbyconf

Install dependencies


Start Gatsby on develop mode

yarn develop

2.A - Rendering field data

Open page file:


Remove JSON output

    { JSON.stringify(node, {}, 2) }

Import components

import Title from "../components/field/title";
import Body from "../components/field/body";

Add components to the page


2.B - Show/Hide field title feature

Open page file:


Add field_show_title to GraphLQ Query


Replace original code:


With this code containing the field_show_title value validation to show/hide title

{ node.field_show_title && {node.title} }

3.A - Serve images from Drupal CMS

Open page file:


Add bodyProcessedWithInlineImages field to GraphLQ Query

# GraphQL Customization Fields
fields {

Update Body component to use previously added field

Check gatsby-node.js for code to replace image relativePath with remotePath

3.B - Serve images as Gatsby Images

Open page file:


Add inlineImages field to GraphLQ Query

# GraphQL Customization Fields
fields {
    inlineImages {
      localFile {
        childImageSharp {
          gatsbyImageData(width: 1024)

Replace original Body compoenent with BodyInlineImages:

import BodyInlineImages from "../components/field/body-inline-images";

With the recently imported BodyParser component


Check gatsby-node.js for code to replace image relativePath with remotePath

4 - Replace Body field with Paragraphs and React components

Add relationships field

      relationships {
        field_components {

Check src/helpers/fragments.js for code to GraphQL query fragments

Import uuid library and componentResolver helper

import uuid from "react-uuid"
import { componentResolver } from "../helpers/component-resolver"

Call componentResolver helper

const components = componentResolver(node?.relationships?.field_components);

Check src/helpers/component-resolver.js file for resolvers

Replace BodyInlineImages component:


With the components array constant

{components && => {

Remove no longer needed classNames at article html



It should look like this:


5.A - Rendering field data

Open page file:


Remove JSON output

    { JSON.stringify(node, {}, 2) }

Import component

import Cover from "../components/cover";

Add fields to GraphQL Query

      relationships {
        field_author: uid {
          relationships {
            field_picture {
              relationships {
                field_media_image {
                  localFile {
                    childImageSharp {
                      gatsbyImageData(layout: FIXED, width: 48, height: 48)
        field_image {
          relationships {
            field_media_image {
              localFile {
                childImageSharp {
                  gatsbyImageData(width: 1500)

Add code

const author = {
  name: node.relationships.field_author.field_full_name,
  picture: node.relationships.field_author.relationships.field_picture.relationships.field_media_image.localFile.childImageSharp,

Add Cover component to the page



5.B - Add CodeBlock Component

Open fragments file:


Add GraphQL query fragment to src/helpers/fragments.js file

export const ParagraphCodeBlock = graphql`
  fragment ParagraphCodeBlock on paragraph__code_block {

Open page file:


Add field_components and use fragments to relationships field

        field_components {

Import uuid library and componentResolver helper

import uuid from "react-uuid"
import { componentResolver } from "../helpers/component-resolver"

Call componentResolver helper

const components = componentResolver(node?.relationships?.field_components);

Render the components array constant

{components && => {

Remove no longer needed classNames at article html



It should look like this:


Open component resolver file:


Import CodeBlock component

import ParagraphCodeBlock from "../components/paragraph/paragraph-code-block";

Add code to resolve component

    if (component.__typename.includes(`paragraph__code_block`)) {
        return (

6 - Using Deferred Static Generation (DSG)

Open page file:


Add a new config function to the page template

{ const pathAlias = `/${params.path__alias}`; return { defer: data.dsgArticles.nodes.some( article => article.path.alias === pathAlias ) } } }">
export async function config() {
  // GraphQL Query
  // - Fetch allNodeArticle filtered by field_rendering_mode equals to DSG
  // - Any other(s) filter(s) you could implement:
  //   - Articles created more than a year ago
  //   - Articles with low traffic (integarte with your analytics data)
  const { data } = graphql`  
    dsgArticles: allNodeArticle (filter:{field_rendering_mode:{eq:"DSG"}}) {
      nodes {
        path {

  return ({ params }) => {
    const pathAlias = `/${params.path__alias}`;
    return {
      defer: data.dsgArticles.nodes.some( article => article.path.alias === pathAlias )

Q & A

Other Drupal Modules:

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  • Missing CodeBlock component

    Missing CodeBlock component

    Thanks so much for the gatsbyconf demo and walkthrough last week Jesus.

    In working through the, I ran into a glitch with section 5.B. It seems that it's referencing a file that doesn't exist:

    import ParagraphCodeBlock from "../components/paragraph/paragraph-code-block";

    Any chance you could check that file in so we can see how that component works?

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