⚛️ 🚀 A progressive static site generator for React.


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You are viewing the docs for v7 of React Static. You can browse all historical versions via Github branches!

React Static

A progressive static-site generator for React.

React-Static is a fast, lightweight, and powerful progressive static site generator based on React and its ecosystem. It resembles the simplicity and developer experience you're used to in tools like Create React App and has been carefully designed for performance, flexibility, and user/developer experience.


  • ⚛️ 100% React (and friends!)
  • 🚀 Blazing fast builds and performance.
  • 🚚 Data Agnostic. Supply your site with data from anywhere, however you want!
  • ✂️ Automatic code and data splitting!
  • 💥 Instant navigation and page views
  • ☔️ Progressively Enhanced and mobile-ready
  • 🎯 SEO Friendly.
  • 🥇 React-centric developer experience.
  • 😌 Painless project setup & migration.
  • 💯 Supports 100% of the React ecosystem. Including CSS-in-JS libraries, custom Query layers like GraphQL, and even Redux.
  • 🔥 Hot Reloadable out-of-the-box. Edit React components, styles and even data in real-time.

Sites Built with React-Static

See a list of sites

Quick Start

  • Install the CLI tool:
$ npm i -g react-static
# or
$ yarn global add react-static
  • Start a new project!
$ react-static create
  • Need some help?
$ react-static --help


Migration from a previous version?

The CHANGELOG contains information on breaking change for each major version. The latest breaking changes along with their migration tips are located here

What is a progressive static site?

A progressive static site is a website where every statically exported HTML page is an entry point to a fully-featured automatically-code-split React application. Just like a normal static site, static progressive websites are capable of loading initial landing pages very quickly, but then extend the user experience by transforming invisibly into a single-page React application.

Once a progressive static site page has loaded its React application it can then do amazing things!

  • Prefetch page assets
  • Instantly navigate between pages
  • Provide interactivity not possible in normal static sites
  • Subscribe to and display real-time and dynamic data
  • Anything you can imagine within a React application!

How does it work?

Flow Chart

React Static gathers your data, and templates together and intelligently splits them into bite-size static files using webpack and javascript. Once these files have been generated, React Static uses them to render and export a list of routes that you provide it into HTML files! After your site has been exported, the resulting data, template, and html files can be transfered to a static file server and browsed as an awesomely fast and performant static website!

But remember, a progressive static site is more than that...

Little did you know that when React Static exported your site, it also generated a tiny, optimized, and code-split version of your original React application for every page of your site! After these pages have loaded, React invisibly mounts this application to the existing HTML on the page and... 🎉 🎉 🎉 You are now using the single page React application you originally built! This application is special, though! While you browse your website, pages that you might go to next are automatically preloaded, making navigation to them instantaneous!.

That's just the beginning! With React Static, you can unleash your creativity and build anything you can imagine with speed and productivity. It even has awesome plugins that will help you on your journey!

Coming from Create React App?

React Static is also a great replacement for the ever popular Create React App CLI. It provides a similar developer experience, zero-config environment, and features, but without boxing you in. If you ever need to customize your build system in React Static, there is no need to eject! You can use existing plugins or write your own to customize anything you'd like about the build system. Not building a static site? No worries there, React Static works as an SPA too, even if there is only a single index.html file.

Articles, Videos & Tutorials

Support, Community & Chat

Need some help? Have a quick question? Click here to go to GitHub Discussions! We are constantly answering questions, discussing features and helping each other out!

Contributing, Issues & Bugs

We are always looking for people to help us grow react-static's capabilities and examples. If you have found a bug, or have a feature request let us know! Please follow CONTRIBUTING.md if you want to help out.


React Static uses the MIT license. For more information on this license, click here.

  • CSS Modules no longer work

    CSS Modules no longer work

    As far as I can tell, #574 may have broken the usage of CSS Modules in React-Static. I’ve upgraded to the latest version and noticed that import styles from 'Foo.scss' no longer works as expected. If you attempt to reference a class name on the styles object, it results in undefined.


    1. react-static -v: 5.8.2 (first non-working release, last working release is 5.8.1)
    2. node -v: 8.9.3
    3. yarn --version or npm -v: 5.6.0
    4. Operating system: macOS 10.13.4

    Steps to Reproduce the problem

    1. Go to examples/sass
    2. npm i
    3. npm i [email protected] (first non-working release)
    4. Open static.config.js and add modules: true option on css-loader
    5. Open App.js and replace import './app.scss' with import styles from './app.scss'
    6. Add console.log(styles.content) below the app.scss import
    7. Run npm stage
    8. Notice that the console.log call results in undefined

    Expected Behavior

    If you did the steps outlined above on 5.8.1, it would work. You’d just need to remove the if condition surrounding ExtractTextPlugin.extract call in static.config.js (which was introduced to conform to changes in #574).

    Let me know if I’m missing some trivial configuration that would allow me to use CSS Modules. Otherwise, changes in #574 need to be revisited.

    /cc @lottamus

    needs-info ⚠ 
    opened by Cinamonas 65
  • Example: Firebase - Module not found: Can't resolve './firebase

    Example: Firebase - Module not found: Can't resolve './firebase

    Usin the latest react-static to build with react-create command with Select a template below... firebase-auth. after npm run start this is what I got... screen shot 2018-03-18 at 3 06 29 pm

    bug :bug: good first issue stale 
    opened by adamchenwei 55
  • Maintainers and Contributors

    Maintainers and Contributors

    I know that this is a free, open-source project and I appreciate all the time and effort this has been put into by you and the collaborators. Currently react-static v16 is in beta and there is still errors that I constantly fight with (using react-static in production), some of them already fixed in PRs and while it kinda works, I find myself to work with ugly workarounds like patching react-static files by overwriting them inside the node_modules folder.

    Maybe it could help to call for maintainers with publish and PR merge rights? I believe that react-static is a great solution for statical page building and there is people commiting and participating in the development, adding maintainers could help getting to v16 and future updates a lot faster.

    good first issue stale 
    opened by bkniffler 48
  • yarn build and the project contains the entire source code

    yarn build and the project contains the entire source code

    I came across this accidently. In the past I was used to have an obfuscated version of my SPA after "npm run build".

    With the latest react-static (which does not work correctly with npm run build, but it passes with yarn build, see here https://github.com/nozzle/react-static/issues/1053) there is the full source code available in user's browser. In the beginning I thought, this is just because there is somewhere a file link to the source code in a map or so and it would be only visible to me, but after deploying it to a webserver it was also available to all.

    Steps to reproduce:

    • react-static create
    • use "blank" target
    • To visualize the issue add a console.log("Hello World") in App.js, but you could also browse the source tree in developer console
    render () {
        console.log("Hello World")
        return (
    • run yarn build
    • run `yarn serve``
    • open localhost:3000 in your browser
    • open developer console
    • find Hello World and click the right most link to 'App.js:9'

    Find your sources. Bummer

    I never had this with previous react-static versions.

    opened by neilyoung 46
  • Add babel-preset-stage-3 to solve the module not found errors

    Add babel-preset-stage-3 to solve the module not found errors

    Since this repo relies on Node >=v7.6, adding "babel-preset-stage-3": "^6.24.1", to package.json and "stage-3" to .babelrc, should solve this. I'd be happy to make this change in Pull Request. Do I need access rights to the repo for that?

    bug :bug: 
    opened by Nembus 44
  • Make resolution cross-env in filesystem plugin and base package

    Make resolution cross-env in filesystem plugin and base package

    • Makes sure it's relative to the location root, not site root
    • Makes sure it's resolving paths, indepedent of file system
    • Makes sure it starts with a slash in case there is no directory structure


    Changes the resolution in react-static-plugin-source-filesystem to be cross-env compatible.

    • Stop using hardcoded path separators. These are not the same across environments.
    • Use path.relative for relative resolution instead of replace. This normalises paths first, so it works across environments.
    • Cutoff the extension using path.basename and path.extname, which works across environments.
    • Prefix with a slash if necessary (top-level pages)
    • Change the comment to be correct: make relative to location root, not site root.

    This works with path.resolve(...) and ./src/pages.

    Changes the resolution in react-static to be cross-env compatible.

    • Throw an error if a plugin resolves a windows path (it expects POSIX paths by then)
    • Use join whenever dealing with real paths
    • Add tests for the behaviour above

    Additionally, changes the webpack.config.prod.js to use cross-env resolution for the paths that are considered external.


    • [X] Changed code

    Motivation and Context

    Fixes #1094 Fixes #1122 Fixes #1123

    Screenshots (if appropriate):

    Types of changes

    • [ ] Refactoring/add tests (refactoring or adding test which isn't a fix or add a feature)
    • [X] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)


    • [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly
    • [X] I have updated the CHANGELOG with a summary of my changes
    • [X] My changes have tests around them
    opened by SleeplessByte 42
  • [Bug]

    [Bug] "An error occurred loading this page's template" since v7

    Reporting a bug?

    Provide as much information as you can to reproduce the issue. If the issue is not reproducible, it can't be fixed!


    Run and copy the result of:

    npx envinfo --system --npmPackages react* --binaries --npmGlobalPackages react* --browsers


        OS: Linux 4.15 Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (Bionic Beaver)
        CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz
        Memory: 177.36 MB / 7.52 GB
        Container: Yes
        Shell: 5.4.2 - /bin/zsh
        Node: 10.15.3 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.3/bin/node
        Yarn: 1.16.0 - /usr/bin/yarn
        npm: 6.4.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v10.15.3/bin/npm
        Chrome: 74.0.3729.169
        Firefox: 67.0
        react: ^16.8.6 => 16.8.6 
        react-dom: ^16.8.6 => 16.8.6 
        react-ga-donottrack: ^1.0.0 => 1.0.0 
        react-hot-loader: ^4.8.4 => 4.8.4 
        react-markdown: ^4.0.8 => 4.0.8 
        react-static: ^7.0.10 => 7.0.10 
        react-static-plugin-sass: ^7.0.10 => 7.0.10 
        react-static-plugin-typescript: ^7.0.10 => 7.0.10 
        react-syntax-highlighter: ^10.2.1 => 10.2.1 

    of course include any other package versions here if relevant.

    Steps to Reproduce the problem

    Base your steps off of any freshly installed react-static template!

    It's a somewhat difficult problem because it doesn't appear to be completely reproducible every time. These steps result in the problem some of the time. I have the feeling that it mostly occurs when the site is freshly loaded.

    1. Visit https://vincenttunru.com
    2. Click on one of the posts, e.g. "Fearless deployments"
    3. Hopefully see "An error occurred loading this page's template. More information is available in the console." The console then shows: "Error: export not found" in vendors~main.


    When you then navigate to a different page, the page goes completely black with the message:

    An internal error occured!

    Please see the console for more details.

    And the console says:

    Invariant Violation: "Minified React error #130; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=130&args[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings.


    It appears to be easier to reproduce when the site has not been visited for a couple of minutes...

    This occurs in both Firefox and Chrome. I think it does not occur when the console is open. It also does not occur when you visit a page directly. Any pointers to other things I should investigate would be welcome.

    Expected Behavior

    The expected page should just be shown every time I click a link there.

    Reproducible Demo

    Source code of the website is here: https://gitlab.com/vincenttunru/blog

    bug :bug: needs-info ⚠ help wanted wontfix :no_good_woman: 
    opened by Vinnl 40
  • Hot reloading seems broken on V6

    Hot reloading seems broken on V6

    After fixing #876, I noticed that the hot reloading is having issues in all examples, even the basic one.

    The hot reloading module recommends using hot(app) instead of hot(module)(app). But while this does work, it seems to reload the route component only and removes the app html (

    opened by Pixelatex 37
  • [Plugins]: Concept, Issues and Todo's

    [Plugins]: Concept, Issues and Todo's

    The new plugin system is now under development and is already capable of a lot. This issue will be used to track the progress of converting each example to use as much of the plugin system as possible.

    enhancement :unicorn: breaking :boom: 
    opened by tannerlinsley 35
  • [Bug] Local development server broken

    [Bug] Local development server broken

    I'm noticing that fresh installs of React Static displays an empty page in develop mode ($ react-static start) and the console outputs SyntaxError: The URL 'http:/[http//localhost]:300' is invalid from SockJS. This occurs after running yarn upgrade in a previously working repo in either RS 6.3.x or 7.0.x. Seems that this is related to the 3.3.0 update of webpack-dev-server (possibly this change?).

    Adding this to my project's package.json and reinstalling dependencies fixes development builds. This confirms that something is borked in an update of webpack-dev-server.

    "resolutions": {
      "react-static/webpack-dev-server": "~3.1.10"


        OS: macOS 10.14.4
        CPU: (4) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6287U CPU @ 3.10GHz
        Memory: 228.44 MB / 16.00 GB
        Shell: 3.2.57 - /bin/bash
        Node: 10.15.3 - /usr/local/bin/node
        Yarn: 1.15.2 - /usr/local/bin/yarn
        npm: 6.4.1 - /usr/local/bin/npm
        Chrome: 73.0.3683.86
        Firefox: 66.0.2
        Safari: 12.1
        react-ga: ^2.5.7 => 2.5.7 
        react-markdown: ^4.0.6 => 4.0.6 
        react-moment: ^0.8.4 => 0.8.4 
        react-static: ^7.0.7 => 7.0.7 
        react-static-plugin-reach-router: ^7.0.0 => 7.0.0 
        react-static-plugin-sitemap: ^7.0.0 => 7.0.0 
        react-static-plugin-source-filesystem: ^7.0.0 => 7.0.0

    Steps to Reproduce the problem

    1. npx react-static create
    2. create site and cd in
    3. yarn upgrade to install latest dependencies
    4. yarn start
    5. navigate to http://localhost:3000
    6. See broken site? Open console.
    opened by ScottSmith95 34
  • Webpack 4

    Webpack 4

    Upgrades react-static libray to Webpack 4.



    • [ ] Refactored the existing webpack production config to separate out the static rendering and production bundling
    • [ ] Upgraded plugins, loaders and config to webpack 4

    Motivation and Context

    Webpack 4 has been out for a while now. Some of the existing packages that react-static uses have been deprecated and are no longer being maintained.

    Types of changes

    • [x] Refactoring/add tests (refactoring or adding test which isn't a fix or add a feature)
    • [ ] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
    • [ ] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
    • [x] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)


    • [ ] My change requires a change to the documentation.
      • [ ] I have updated the documentation accordingly.
    • [ ] My changes have tests around them
    opened by sudarshang 29
  • v7.6.0(Oct 11, 2021)


    • Add react-static-plugin-svgr (#1626)
    • Add image import example for TypeScript template (#1597)


    • Update emotion plugin to support 11 version (#1558)
    • Show warning for missing template default export (#1599)
    • Corrected mismatch between Sitemap documentation and implementation (#1618)
    • Migrate usage of node-sass to Dart Sass (#1621)
    • Add React.Suspense wrapper to router guides. (#1593)


    • Fix publicPath is used for webpack output publicPath instead of assetsPath (#1569)
    • Fix sitemap generation for staging context (#1616)
    • Ensure sitemap generation properly ignores noindex routes (#1620)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.5.0(Feb 7, 2021)

    Here is a list of package version changes. If a package hasn't been bumped, it means that there were no changes in that package.

    • react-static-plugin-emotion: 7.2.2 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-evergreen: 7.2.2 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-jss: 7.3.0 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-mdx: 7.2.2 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-preact: 7.2.2 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-reach-router: 7.4.2 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-react-location: 7.4.2 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-react-router: 7.4.2 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-sitemap: 7.4.2 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-source-filesystem: 7.4.2 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-styled-components: 7.3.0 => 7.5.0
    • react-static-plugin-typescript: 7.4.2 => 7.5.0
    • react-static: 7.4.2 => 7.5.0


    • Update preact to latest version and removed outdated compat dependency (#1486)
    • Add prefresh to replace react hot loader when using preact plugin (#1486)
    • Add an instruction how to make it work with preact 10 (#1497)
    • Add ability to parse frontmatter in MDX plugin (#1533)
    • Add ability to configure hreflang links to Sitemap (#1539)
    • Move react to peerDependencies (#1560)
    • Add preliminary support for React 17 (#1560)
    • Upgrade react-helmet to 6.1.0 to remove NullComponent warnings (#1531)


    • Fix wrong react alias for preact plugin in webpack config (#1486)
    • Fix eslintignore not ignorning package files (#1486)
    • Remove @types/react-hot-loader from TypeScript template (#1485)
    • Expand styled-components peer dependency version range in react-static-plugin-styled-components to allow newer versions of styled-components to be used (#1473)
    • Fix bug when calling console.error without arguments (#1509)
    • Fix basepath configuration for React Router (#1520)
    • Fix mismatched chunk names between bundle and export (#1518)
    • Bump git-promise to 1.0.0, fixing a security vulnerability (#1522)
    • Fix misconfigured HMR option for extract-css-chunks-webpack-plugin (#1505)
    • Make getComponentForPath properly return 404 page when route is invalid and 404 page exists (#1557)
    • Bump axios to 0.21.1, fiing a security vulnerability (#1562)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.3.0(May 21, 2020)


    • Allow dots in routes. (#1365)
    • Add silent option (#1330)
    • Add clickable dev-server url (#1306)
    • Add unofficial plugin react-static-plugin-file-watch-reload to plugins list
    • Add configuring css loader from react-static-plugin-sass and react-static-plugin-less (#1348)
    • Change react-static-plugin-jss for react-jss v10+. (#1367)
    • Add inline script hashes to DocumentProps. These hashes can be used to construct a Content Security Policy in a meta tag without unsafe-inline scripts. (#1373)


    • Fix basePath edge case (#1344)
    • Fix typings withSiteData (#1319)
    • Fix "can not read property catch of undefined" (#1313)
    • Fix missing state.siteData in dev (#1148)
    • Fix empty or undefined error in sitemap plugin (#1233 and #1312)
    • Fix stderr pollution by progress module (#1356)
    • Fix package.json and README for react-static-plugin-stylus (#1244)
    • Fix Webpack stats output in environment that don't support color (#1370)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v7.2.0(Sep 1, 2019)


    • Add plugins to plugin hook so plugins can have plugins (#1264)
    • Add Node 12 support (#1219)


    • Remove file inline-ing when the file is larger than an arbitrary size (#1222)
    • Fix relative paths when the should have been absolute (#1250, #1253, #1254, #1272 and #1276)
    • Fixed issue with react hot loader for IE (#1274)
    • Fixed TypeScript definitions (#1181)
    • Fixed component passing in renderProp of Routes (#1181)

    @miiton @nddery @jviotti and @alexjfno1, thank you for helping us, and especially me, get onboarded with all the current issues and also with all the help solving them.

    ⚠ Whilst this was not marked as a breaking change, the standard browserlist is a bit more modern than the previous standard browserlist. This may (but unlikely) break your site. Add a browserlist configuration to your own package.json to solve this.

    🚧 There is a known issue where on Windows, sometimes, build or start will hang. In these cases, try running with --debug or --dev. This will be resolved in a later version.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.1.0(Nov 10, 2017)


    • Added config.paths, which can now be used to customize dist folder location and other file locations used by react-static
    • Added onStart hook. Fires after the first successful dev build when running react-static start
    • Added onBuild hook. Fires after a successful production build when running react-static build
    • Added config.devServer, which can be used to customize the configuration for the webpack-dev-server used in development. (Thanks @rywils21!)
    • Added TypeScript typings for React-Static core exports (Thanks @D1no!)
    • Allow customization of dev server PORT and HOST via those environment variables. (Thanks @rywils21!)
    • config.getRoutes is no longer required and will default to exporting a single root path.
    • Webpack configurations can now be exported and used externally. (Thanks @crubier!)
    • <Router> component now supports a type prop that can be: browser, hash, or memory, which defines which type of history object to create and use internally. Useful for non-web environments or situations where your app will be accessed in a filesystem or nested domain as opposed to a web server.
    • Added Redux example (Thanks @crubier!)
    • Added Apollo GraphQL example (Thanks @crubier!)
    • Added Redux + Apollo example (Thanks @crubier!)
    • Added Typscript example (Thanks @D1no!)

    Fixes & Optimization

    • The Document's <title> tag can now be used as a fallback to any <title> tag produced via the <Head> component. (Thanks @EmilTholin!)
    • Fixed a bug where not defining a 404 component resulted in an error during production build. (Thanks @mplis!)
    • Fixed a bug where the webpack dev server would rebuild the app multiple times in a row when started up for the first time. (Thanks @cgmx!)
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
React Static
⚛️ 🚀 A progressive static site generator for React.
React Static
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Cross-browser QRCode generator for javascript

QRCode.js QRCode.js is javascript library for making QRCode. QRCode.js supports Cross-browser with HTML5 Canvas and table tag in DOM. QRCode.js has no

Sangmin, Shim 12.1k Dec 28, 2022
React Starter Kit — isomorphic web app boilerplate (Node.js, Express, GraphQL, React.js, Babel, PostCSS, Webpack, Browsersync)

React Starter Kit — "isomorphic" web app boilerplate React Starter Kit is an opinionated boilerplate for web development built on top of Node.js, Expr

Kriasoft 21.7k Dec 30, 2022
📋 React Hooks for forms validation (Web + React Native)

English | 繁中 | 简中 | 日本語 | 한국어 | Français | Italiano | Português | Español | Русский | Deutsch | Türkçe Features Built with performance and DX in mind

React Hook Form 32.4k Dec 29, 2022