[ON HOLD] Living Style Guides Engine and Maintenance Environment for Front-end Components. Core repository.

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[ON HOLD] SourceJS - Living Style Guide Platform

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The project been stale for a while and currently is in the [ON HOLD] state until we find new maintainer or original author get's back to the design systems field. SourceJS been brought to the public ahead of it's time, and turned out to be too ambitious to handle by a small team of people.

Today, the ideas SourceJS surfaced are evolving in other open source projects, like styleguidist and storybook. Email [email protected] if you're interested in taking over the ownership.

The most advanced tool for documenting, testing and managing Front-end Components achieving productive team work.

🚀 Quick Start

SourceJS powered workflow allows developers to code new components directly in the documentation. Combining web components development with documentation and team communication processes, makes SourceJS a powerful tool for Front-end developers and designers.

🎥 Check out short video overview:


Our main goal is to provide flexible, modular environment for managing reusable Front-end components library. We don't focus on specific technologies, allowing to seamlessly integrate SourceJS workflow with your existing codebase.

Source engine project page     Documentation     Examples    How-to's

SourceJS component management engine was originally developed in OK.ru front-end development team and is recommended for big and middle sized projects. Especially for fast growing web portals, outsource teams with similar project and companies with multiple services.

Have questions? Just reach our community through Gitter Chat:

Gitter chat

SourceJS is NOT

To clear some confusion around Living Style Guide Platforms comparison, let us define few main differences.

Static site builder

SourceJS is a dynamic Node.js application, and does not build static website as Pattern Lab, KSS, StyleDocco are doing. Dynamic environment allows to connect unlimited number of plugins and middlewares for compiling docs, styles, text right on the flight.

CSS Documentation parser

Engine is based on gathering special documentation templates (index.src.html, readme.md and others), where you leave your HTML examples, template includes and description. All Specs are located in sourcejs/user/specs folder, and could contain any catalogue structure, with focus on component folders.

But you can use official SourceJS plugin based on DSS, CSS Documentation parser - github.com/sourcejs/sourcejs-contrib-dss.

Join the community

Many teams are already using SourceJS for building and managing Front-end components libraries for themselves and their clients. To join the community, you just need to follow few simple rules - check our docs about Maintaining and Contribution.

If you notice some bugs, or need to help finding a better solution in your process, feel free to create an issue, and we will solve your problem together.

Materials for presentations.


Upcoming updates

Respecting open source community, we track all our tasks publicly on GitHub. Follow our milestones and twitter announcements @SourceJS to keep in sync with latest plans.

List of few global upcoming features

  • Remove JSDom dependency, for making engine faster and easier to install
  • SourceJS as npm module official support
  • Refactored code snippets API and tab view
  • Integrations with JSDoc and drop-in replacement setup for other Style Guide tools like KSS/Pattern Lab
  • More screencasts and engine usage demos

SourceJS follows semantic versioning and we do our best to keep as less breaking changes as possible.

Preparing to 1.0 release, we plan to keep migration path very smooth and painless. So if you will keep in sync with minor releases and API deprecation announcements, you won't face any problems setting up major release updates.

Useful information

Browser support

SourceJS client-side part is supported in all latest major browsers and IE8+ in Clarify for testing components.

Copyright © 2013-2016 SourceJS

Licensed under MIT License, read more at license page.

  • Make core middlewares configurable (for e.g. custom Markdown tags)

    Make core middlewares configurable (for e.g. custom Markdown tags)

    Originally suggested in https://github.com/szarouski/sourcejs-react/issues/5#issuecomment-109986079

    I'm not sure whether there would be any more use cases for that, aside the Markdown custom tags... Or maybe we could even narrow this to only handling the code in example in some special way.

    opened by mik01aj 15
  • SPIKE: ADD languagePlugins for markdown specs

    SPIKE: ADD languagePlugins for markdown specs

    https://github.com/sourcejs/Source/issues/223 asks for a way to allow spec builders to add pseudo-states documentation to their component.

    Right now, a way of doing that is rather verbose and repetitive when added to multiple specs.

    We could add more code-blocks / languages to the languageRenderers. But this could potentially grow out of control when supporting many languages?

    An other approach I decided to try is to create 'plugins' for markdown codeblock languages. Such plugins would act on code in sequence before the languageRenderers.

    The implementation is not finished, I'm hoping this fits #223 use-case. What are your thoughts on this?

    opened by ndelangen 13
  • Ability to launch SourceJS via NodeJS Script

    Ability to launch SourceJS via NodeJS Script

    Problem: If I have a NodeJS application, attempt to perform a require(sourcejs) so I can script and debug using VS my site's code (or any SourceJS plugins), I receive multiple errors.

    I've been using the following setup for my SourceJS site development:

    • Visual Studio 2015
    • NodeJS Tools for Visual Studio

    I created a "Javascript Project" in Visual Studio, so I can add the site to my group's build chain, and then also have a separate repository containing just my site's specs, and not the SourceJS source.

    My NodeJS package.json includes just the single dependancy for sourcejs, so I can then perform an npm install to quick install my site for development/production.

    opened by Alanoll 12
  • SourceJS CSS is interfering with my Specs.

    SourceJS CSS is interfering with my Specs.

    The following code in the forms.less file of SourceJS is conflicting with my specs. :(

    // Special styles for iOS temporal inputs
    // In Mobile Safari, setting `display: block` on temporal inputs causes the
    // text within the input to become vertically misaligned. As a workaround, we
    // set a pixel line-height that matches the given height of the input, but only
    // for Safari. See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=139848
    @media screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 0) {
      input[type="month"] {
        line-height: @input-height-base;
    opened by custa1200 12
  • Replace JSdom with Cheerio

    Replace JSdom with Cheerio

    To achieve more pleasant experience of SourceJS installation and to do stuff more efficiently in terms of performance, we chose migration to https://github.com/cheeriojs/cheerio from JSdom.

    Current modules that needs to be refactored:

    • Clarify - uses JSdom to run universal spec parsing script. Will be most difficult to rewrite
    • read.js middleware - adds some runtime processing of Specs before sending the response, could be easily rewritten to use cheerio
    • index.md support - will use cheerio from first release
    opened by therobhrt 12
  • CHANGE docs for 0.6 release

    CHANGE docs for 0.6 release

    I've given the docs an overhaul. I'll work on it some more later I think.

    Feedback is very welcome.

    I spend a considerable amount of time getting the scrolling behavior to work in in casperjs; something I did made it not work anymore, and thus I refactored that a bit into what seemed like a sane test to me.

    opened by ndelangen 10
  • 0.6.0 release

    0.6.0 release


    • [x] Change code

    • [x] Update documentation

    • [ ] Write release notes

    • [ ] Migration notes

    • [x] Remove old installation flow (based on nested folders)

    • [ ] Regression testing (Robert)

    • [ ] Re-test all plugins with latest 0.6.0-dev, and deprecate irrelevant ones

    • [x] Re-check cross-links in docs (Robert)

    • [ ] Add deprecation warnings to features that soon would be deleted (Robert)

    • [ ] Fix issues #199

    • [ ] Re-record an introduction video, showcasing the new installation technique

    opened by ndelangen 8
  • Issues including Remodal javascript library to a spec

    Issues including Remodal javascript library to a spec

    I am trying to create a spec that describes modal window behavior. I use the remodal library for this purpose. When I include it on my spec page like:

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/component.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/bower_components/remodal/dist/remodal.css">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="/bower_components/remodal/dist/remodal-default-theme.css">
    <script src="/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <script src="/bower_components/remodal/dist/remodal.min.js"></script>
    # Modals
    Modal description
    ## Example
    <div class="remodal-bg">
        <a href="#modal">Call the modal with data-remodal-id="modal"</a>
        <a data-remodal-target="modal">Call the modal with data-remodal-id="modal"</a>
    <div class="remodal" data-remodal-id="modal">
      <button data-remodal-action="close" class="remodal-close"></button>
        Responsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations, fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking.
      <button data-remodal-action="cancel" class="remodal-cancel">Cancel</button>
      <button data-remodal-action="confirm" class="remodal-confirm">OK</button>

    When I try to run the spec in SourceJS and it fails load the remodal compenent and and gives me the folllowing error in the web inspector:

    Error: Mismatched anonymous define() module: function (c){return b(a,c)}
    opened by custa1200 8
  • Ndelangen/tags in autocomplete value

    Ndelangen/tags in autocomplete value

    • CHANGED the keyword property in info.json files to tag.
    • CORRECTED documentation regarding this property.
    • IMPROVED tag info for docs/info-json/info.json. to make it easier to find, when searching docs for a what a property within an info.json does.
    opened by ndelangen 8
  • Recommended production workflow

    Recommended production workflow


    I have built up a component library using Source and am now ready to start building up pages which use the components.

    My ideal workflow would be to use the EJS templates directly within my production pages so that there is no duplication of components. I just want to check if there are any guidelines on how best to do this within Source? My current preference is to create another directory at the same level as user/specs to hold pages/templates and then include the EJS templates from user/specs directly in my templates.

    I currently have this in place and it seems to work. I just want to check that I'm not using Source for something that it wasn't intended for and if there is a cleaner way to achieve this.

    Any advice on this would be appreciated.



    opened by issunboshi 8
  • Make port, host and base URL configurable in options.js

    Make port, host and base URL configurable in options.js

    1. Port. I know that setting a port is possible with the command-line -p option, but I'd like to have it in the config.
    2. Host. Listening on localhost instead of would be useful not to have an open port to the whole world. Listening on a local IP would be useful to accept only requests from the local network (e.g. VPN).
    3. Base URL. Changing the base URL (that will be used for resources) would be useful for hosting Source in some subfolder on a host. For example with HAProxy we can redirect my-server.com/styleguide/path to its own localhost:8080/path, but for it to work it needs also all the resource URLs to be correct. This is relatively high priority for my case, but I understand that this case might be not very popular :)
    opened by mik01aj 8
  • Customizing templates in options.js

    Customizing templates in options.js

    I tried example from point 4 here https://sourcejs.com/docs/data-nav/ I receive error in console when start app 'ReferenceError: _ is not defined'. How I can right fix it?

    opened by slavko23 0
  • Add Ability to pass SourceJS CLI options via object

    Add Ability to pass SourceJS CLI options via object

    #241 added the ability to use NodeJS's require to load SourceJS as part of a NodeJS script.

    This issue will need to add the ability to pass in the SourceJS CLI options via plain object to the startServer method.

    It should follow the same inheritance/override pattern as the current CLI ability.

    1. Load Options via Options file
    2. Load Options via CLI
    3. Load Options via Options object
    4. Override using process.env
    improvement help wanted good first contribution 
    opened by Alanoll 5
  • Look into Carte Blanche integration plugin

    Look into Carte Blanche integration plugin

    Few great ideas they have, that would be really useful in SourceJS:

    • Auto-components detection
    • Data variations generation
    • Option to define custom variations and save them per spec, without writing a single line of code

    https://github.com/carteb/carte-blanche https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IkWuXeKPV0

    opened by therobhrt 2
  • Further thinking about the Node require stack?

    Further thinking about the Node require stack?

    As a follow up to #227 I have installed New Relic as suggested but it is complaining about not being the first require in the stack, which means that it is not instrumenting the rest of the node stack. Would be great if there was a prepend and an append option for the requires somehow

    screen shot 2016-06-21 at 9 22 06 am
    opened by custa1200 2
  • Customize templates using EJS exclusively.

    Customize templates using EJS exclusively.

    In Core we should try to unify where templates are and how they can be overridden.

    Currently this is how a user must override the 'Navigation markup' (at least according to the docs):

    module.exports = {
      core: { ... },
      assets: {
        moduleOptions: {
          globalNav: {
            templates: {
              catalogHeader: _.template('<h2 class="custom-class">&lt;%= catalogMeta.title %&gt;</h2>'),

    It should be a possible to just drop a .ejs file in some folder.

    This brings me to the second example where we should unify our interface:

    /core/views/ contain .ejs files /assets/templates/ contain .html files (with ejs bindings)

    I suggest we move all html-like files to a folder named /core/templates/.

    We can group certain templates together, for example all page-templates can go into /core/templates/page/. etc.

    opened by ndelangen 3
  • 0.5.6-no-jsdom(Sep 20, 2015)

    0.5.6 stable without JSDom dependency for Windows users having troubles installing default version.

    Clarify feature is turned off in this branch, until refactorings in 0.6.0, which will not have JSDom by default.

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 0.5.6(Sep 20, 2015)

    • EJS helpers http://sourcejs.com/docs/spec-helpers/ #123
    • Multiple tag filtering in generated navigation http://sourcejs.com/docs/data-nav/#filtering-by-tag #176
    • Generated navigation templates configuration http://sourcejs.com/docs/data-nav/#customizing-templates #174
    • EJS file include sandbox (security fix)
    • NPM 3 support for Sourcejs as npm module #182
    • Integrated anonymus tracking #141
    • Updating to latest fsevents, preventing some problems with install

    Planned as a last patch release before 0.6.0

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.5-no-jsdom(Aug 16, 2015)

    0.5.5 stable without JSDom dependency for Windows users having troubles installing default version.

    Clarify feature is turned off in this branch, until refactorings in 0.6.0, which will not have JSDom by default.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.5(Aug 16, 2015)

  • 0.5.4-no-jsdom(Aug 15, 2015)

    0.5.4 stable without JSDom dependency for Windows users having troubles installing default version.

    Clarify feature is turned off in this branch, until refactorings in 0.6.0, which will not have JSDom by default.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.4(Aug 15, 2015)

    • Support for nested paths in specFiles config
    • Deep server configuration (including host and callback)
    • Configurable thumbnail image name
    • Support for relative paths with ./ in generated navigation
    • Middleware loader and deep configuration for middleware plugins
    • Updated jQuery
    • Removed JSDom from wrap.js (less strange bugs and better spec load performance)
    • Various bugfixes and improvements
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.3-no-jsdom(May 28, 2015)

    0.5.3 stable without JSDom dependency for Windows users having troubles installing default version.

    Clarify feature is turned off in this branch, until refactorings in 0.6.0, which will not have JSDom by default.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.3(May 28, 2015)


    • Context options - now it's possible to define custom engine configuration per catalog. Read more about it in our how-to blog and in official configuration docs.
    • SourceJS is now installable as a node module, and in 0.6.0 we will define it as an official way of using the engine. It's now also published on npm, to follow this installation path run npm i sourcejs --save in your user folder and then run engine with node ./node_modules/sourcejs/app.
    • Added "Update navigation button" to global nav layout.
    • SourceJS core repo now supports CI with full test cycle.
    • With this release we introduced lighter version of SourceJS with no JSDom dependency, with which some Windows user we're facing problems earlier. Get this custom, no-jsdom build here. In 0.6.0 we're planning to totally replace JSDom with Cheerio in main build.


    • In 0.5.0 we introduced specs watcher for automatic updates of navigation tree, now we made it more stable and runnable as a sub-process.
    • New configuration for views (page templating), read more about in in our how-to blog.
    • File tree parser is now more robust, and can read even more data without actual spec file provided.
    • Fixing Windows specific issues in Node 0.11+ #130.
    • Improved build scripts, now Grunt is packed as a node dependency, and you won't need a global installation of it.
    • And other various bug fixes and improvements.


    • Removed specUtils.getSpecFile, use specUtils.getSpecFromDir instead.
    • Preparing to 0.6.0 release, we separated PhantomJS spec HTML parser module. It's now turned off by default and will be moved to plugins in next major release #143.
    • We started refactoring the options files structure, separating configuration from huge assets and core objects. This release we added rendering group, where specFiles and new views configuration were moved from core. Older options structure will be supported till next major release.

    Follow our milestone planning to keep it sync with latest plans.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.3-bb(May 28, 2015)

    0.5.3-bb is a fork of 0.5.3-dev for special Backbase Launchpad release with removed JSDom and Phantom.

    This release is used only to freeze the version, if you need similar build of SourceJS without JSDom, please use official release 0.5.3-no-jsdom.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.2(Apr 15, 2015)

    • escaping HTML code example from markdown template
    • syncing features between <markdown> tag with readme.md template files, so they are rendered in the same way
    • adding another template for specs and switching the official Spec filename to index.src.html

    Special release for Living Style Guide driven development workshop https://github.com/sourcejs/workshop-lsg-driven-development.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.1(Mar 28, 2015)

    This update is mostly focused on bug fixing.

    In this update

    • Added EJS pre-rendering, now you can use includes in any Spec pages (docs)
    • Spec Style test page added
    • Removed hack with "!" after hash in Spec page URLs
    • Removed unused specAssets module
    • Specs with tag "hidden" are now not appearing in Search
    • Removed line numbers in show code snippets because of their unstability
    • Simplified nav page markup
    • Turned off auto URL hash update on scroll, because of performance (to return it, modify options.assets.modulesOptions.navHighlight.updateHash)
    • Updated Bootstrap version to v3.3.4 (used in docs pages for examples)
    • And various bug fixes, view the full list of changes in 0.5.1 PR

    Follow our milestone planning to keep it sync with latest plans.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.5.0(Mar 12, 2015)

    We continue improving SourceJS engine, adding new features and stabilising previous ones. With new release pace, we are trying to deliver updates every month, following semantic versioning rules.

    Follow our milestones and branch updates to stay in sync with upcoming features.

    In this update

    • Full markdown support for both <markdown> tag and *.md files instead of index.src http://sourcejs.com/docs/markdown
    • Watcher for info.json changes to optimize file-tree parser calls (check notes, if you want to revert this feature)
    • Specs are now available only by path url like http://sourcejs.com/docs/base, and direct links with index.src, index.md on the end, will point to file source
    • Removed unused LESS middleware
    • Updated express logger and other improvements

    Turned off by default

    GitHub authorization integration http://sourcejs.com/docs/auth/


    To turn off new watcher feature, and use cron task for re-indexing navigation, change core.watch.enabled, core.fileTree.mainPageTrigger, core.fileTree.cron in your user/options.js.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.1(Feb 24, 2015)

    Fixing header issue in source_example #97 Adding missing masks for various file extensions in navigation parser Reverting temp async patch for navigation update til refactoring in 0.5.0 Favicon support Typography styles adjustments

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.0(Jan 7, 2015)

    This update is very important for us, as now we consider SourceJS stable, and next releases will be dedicated to improvement of use cases based on different technologies.

    New features:

    • Clarify 2.0 http://sourcejs.com/docs/clarify Specs examples HTML API and Specs list API http://sourcejs.com/docs/api/rest-api (for sourcejs/lego and updated clarify)
    • Middleware as plugins support, check list of plugins here http://sourcejs.com/docs/base/#6!
    • Stable plugin system and file organization refactoring
    • Full *.src files support and Markdown support in specs
    • Common options file for server-side and client-side
    • Deploy script, Service script, JS Hint, JS doc
    • And other improvements…

    Till 1.0.0 we don’t plan any globally breaking changes. Main focus of core team is to improve existing features, and focus on plugins.

    Since this release, we’re moving to semantic versioning, and patch versions will come about once more than once a month.

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.4.0-rc(Dec 8, 2014)

    Migration instructions

    Contents API (for sourcejs/lego and updated clarify) Middleware support (soon Jade, Markdown middlewares will be released) Search result modal box (if you have lots of specs) Improved engine CSS isolation Refactored file tree data building (for filters, commint in 0.4 stable) REST API (docs) JS Lint

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.4.0-beta(Jul 31, 2014)

    Stable plugin system and file organization refactoring Almost full *.src support and custom template support Common options Navigation improvements

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.3(Jul 31, 2014)

  • v0.3.2(Dec 31, 2013)

    Generated navigation improvements and documentation http://sourcejs.com/docs/data-nav Inner navigation for subheadings and current section highlight 404 page Initial .src files support Default port changes from 80 to 8080 (port forwarding guide https://gist.github.com/operatino/8257493) Clarify enchancements, now runs fast with jsdom and phantomjs is optional New code highlighter (prism.js) /client -> /client-side Grunt task renamed - deployServer -> deployRemote Less Middleware

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.1(Sep 30, 2013)

    File Tree node.js module for navigation auto-generation Grunt plugins update Section collapsing fix globalNav.js refactoring to new module extend architecture Bootstrap update for docs Gruntfile improvements

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.3.0(Sep 18, 2013)

    Stable realease

    • Apache, PHP -> Node.js with express
    • Core styles refactoring, adding less support
    • New file architecture to suit client/node parts of Source engine
    • Clarify plugin for node part, for testing separate code examples in different context
    • Seperating plugins from core and adding volojs support, you can find Source plugins at https://github.com/sourcejs
    • Couch DB api and other features for custom plugins
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
[ON HOLD] Living Style Guide Engine and Maintenance Environment for Front-end Components
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