Starknet Burner is a web/mobile wallet for Starknet that works as a plugin for Argent-X


A Javascript wallet to interact with Starknet from mobile and web applications.

Warning ** Experimental Project **

This project is still in development. It is not yet ready for use in production.

What is Starknet Burner?

Starknet Burner is a wallet built to help users that needs to interact with Starknet for a limited period of time and for a limited number of assets from mobile and web applications. Ideal to work with blockchain games or social activities, the burner has been built to improve user experience and also to help developers to participate with Hackathons. The project includes:

  • the burner is a javascript library that can easily be added to any web or mobile applications and provides a simple way to interact with Starknet;
  • the plugin is an argent-x account extension; it is used by the burner to invoke commands;
  • drone is a web3 application that works on a browser with the argent-x wallet. drone helps users to grant access to different burner wallets.
  • starkpiller is a demo application that uses the burner to mint and burn Stark pills.

To use the burner wallet, check the Getting Started guide.

Special thanks to

  • Austin Griffith for the original burner wallet, dozens of projects and the many people he has brought to Ethereum. If one day you read these lines, you are an inspiration for so many of us.
  • argent for the fantastic work they do daily to bring Argent-X to starknet and work with Starkware and the community to build a better future.
  • @crema and @DrSpacemn for helping starting the project and providing some support.
  • 0xs34n from for building and maintaining starknet-js.
  • create and deploy a contract with a plugin

    create and deploy a contract with a plugin


    The goal of the ticket is to build and integrate an argent-x contract with a plugin

    Success Criterias

    the following must be done

    • [x] create a plugin, if possible as a separate library
    • [x] integrate the plugin in the argent-x contract
    • [x] make sure we can sign or store some sort of session token.

    Additional Information

    for now it does not have to be a fully EIP-712 like token that we would sign. The primary goal is to have something working

    opened by gregoryguillou 2
  • Implement the provider in the extension

    Implement the provider in the extension


    Currently the extension only supports CallContract and GetBlock for the provider. The goal of the issue is to make sure the whole interface is fully managed.

    Success Criterias

    In order for the task to succeed, provider should implement

    • [x] getClassAt
    • [x] getEstimateFee
    • [x] getStorageAt
    • [x] getTransaction
    • [x] getTransactionReceipt
    • [x] invokeFunction
    • [x] deployContract
    • [x] declareContract
    • [x] getCode
    • [x] waitForTransaction

    Additional Information


    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • Remove all references to

    Remove all references to "wallet" from the project


    Because (1) we do not want to be confused for the burner wallet by Austin and also because (2) we do not want to be confused for a wallet since we do not manage any account, I would like to remove all references to the work wallet from the project

    Success Criterias

    There are a few things we will have to discuss

    • [x] rename burner/wallet to burner/sandbox or burner/iframe or whatever makes more sense. The reason I am considering these names is because at some points we might want to have a burner/serviceworker for instance and/or a burner/thirdparty
    • [x] change vercel configuration to rely on the new naming convention
    • [x] search for wallet throughout the burner directory and change it to something more relevant. In the case of the extension, I think we should simply name it burner
    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • change wallet state with sessionkey and token

    change wallet state with sessionkey and token


    The wallet should provide different views depending on its state. To begin, we will consider 3 states:

    • The initial state that we will call the STATE_UNINITIALIZED state. It is a transient state so it should only display some sort of spinner. It happens when there has never been any sessionKey. If that is the case, the sessionkey will be generated with starknet.js and a script that looks like below. sessionKey should be stored in localStore with the bwsessionkey.
    import { ec } from 'starknet';
    import { toBN } from 'starknet/utils/number';
    const sessionKey = `0x${ec.genKeyPair().getPrivate().toString(16)}`;
    const keypair = ec.getKeyPair(toBN(sessPrivateKey));
    const sessionPublicKey = ec.getStarkKey(keypair);

    Note that the keypair and sessionPublicKey can always be regenerated and do not need to be stored.

    • The 2nd state will be called STATE_INITIALIZED. It should provide a view with (1) a QRCode containing where 0x... is actually the public key associated with the sessionkey (be careful, the session key should NEVER be shared. It should also have a button to fetch the content of that will contain the signed session key. There are 2 ways to transition to the INITIALIZED state: (1) You could come from UNINITIALIZED or (2) you could run an action that would be ACTION_REINITIALIZE

    • The 3rd state would be will be called STATE_LOADED. It would assume (1) there is a session stored in bwsessionkey and (2) there is a bwsessiontoken both loaded in the localstore. bwsessiontoken is actually a JSON.stringify of the following structure:

      sessionPublicKey: "0x...",
      account: "0x...",
      expires: 1658875466,
      contract: "0x...",
      token: ["0x...", "0x..."]

    Success Criterias

    The success criterias should be the following:

    • [x] there should be some state in the component that would represent the application state
    • [x] when the wallet loads for the first time, the state should be the following:
      • if there is no bwsessionkey is should move to UNINITIALIZED
      • else if there is no bwsessiontoken is should move to INITIALIZED
      • else it should move to CONNECTED
    • [x] the view for UNINITIALIZED should be a spinner. the app should generate a sessionkey and transition to INITIALIZED
    • [x] the view for INITIALIZED should be a QRCode with . and a button to getch the content of
    • [x] the view for CONNECTED should be something like that: (1) to start we would not need to display ETH ; (2) the 0x... would actually be the account address and a click on it would copy it on the clipboard ; (3) the icon would be a JazzIcon or a Blockie depending what suits you the best. See an example below:
    Screenshot 2022-07-27 at 21 18 39

    Additional Information

    We will discuss the issue

    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • An sample application to Starkpill your friends

    An sample application to Starkpill your friends


    create an sample application that use Argent-X and Braavos and we will be able to move to the burner-wallet

    Success Criterias

    • [x] create a new directory named starkpilled at the root directory of the project that will be based on Next
    • [x] install get-starknet and starknet (i.e. starknet.js) with the project
    • [x] add some logic to connect to the wallet with get-starknet. A very basic example looks like than:
    import { getStarknet } from 'get-starknet';
    export const connect = async () => {
    	let starknet = getStarknet();
    	if (!starknet.isConnected) {
    		await starknet.enable();
    	if (starknet.selectedAddress) {
    		const account = starknet.account;
    		return account;
    • [x] Add 2 input fields, one that will content to that will be the address to transfer token to; the second will contain amount that is a number with default 1 that defines the number of stark pills to send
    • [x] Add 3 buttons: (1) Cancel with reset the form; (2) Faucet will set the to to the faucet address, i.e. 0x05a87f6bec0b6121e55f291f8e06e6149accd706fb43c725a7f1fd3f3f62aadf and (3) send will send the token to the address. Note that on goerli, Starkpills are 0x05a87f6bec0b6121e55f291f8e06e6149accd706fb43c725a7f1fd3f3f62aadf.
    import { Contract } from 'starknet';
    import erc20_abi from 'erc20_abi.json';
    const starkpillAddress = `0x05a87f6bec0b6121e55f291f8e06e6149accd706fb43c725a7f1fd3f3f62aadf`;
    export const send = async (to: string, amount: number) => {
    	let currentAccount = await connect();
    	if (!currentAccount) {
    		// error
    	const starkpillAddress =
    	let erc20 = new Contract(erc20_abi, starkpillAddress, currentAccount);
    	try {
    		let tx = await erc20.transfer(to, [amount, 0]);
    	} catch (e) {
    		// error
    • [x] (optional) you can check the current network is goerli and display an error if that is not the case
    • [x] (optional) you can detect changes in the account/network and display the account in the application.

    Additional informations

    • the abi file is localted in drone/src/abi/erc20_abi.json
    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • milestone v0.4.0 (tbd)

    milestone v0.4.0 (tbd)


    The objective of this milestone is to have a full example of the burner wallet working from a separate app. We might want to have it in a separate repository. We are bullish on Starkpilled : a protocol that would allow people to send STRK to people they like for nothing..


    the 0.3.0 milestone should be completed and the wallet published on npmjs.

    Success Criterias

    the following must be covered:

    • [x] We should be able to connect to the burner wallet
    • [x] We should be able to recognize/capture an address from a QRcode
    • [x] The app should be a PWA working on iPhone and Android
    • [x] We should be able to Grant pills from some outside signed message (check a Faucet)
    • [x] We should have a good documentation explaining how to use the wallet
    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • v0.3.0 milestone (closing)

    v0.3.0 milestone (closing)


    The welcome of the burner wallet by the community and the many conversations at the encode club Paris Hackathon in July 2022 that the burner wallet have won, raised the expectation bar a lot. đź’Ż to everyone who helped with it.

    The short term roadmap will focus on:

    • leveraging the work done on the session key. we will however revisit the security model with (1) an re-architecture based on a iframe/sandbox ; (2) the addition of control over the contract in the plugin and (3) additional control flows involving 2 session keys
    • helping dapps, expecially mobile dapps to benefit from the burner. Good candidates are games and social experiments
    • audit the code to make sure this is okay to go live with the wallet.
    • rewriting the wallet part in React to help people that would contribute. (Event if I remain convinced that svelte is a better choice).

    On the other hand drone that will remain pretty much the same for now, since we understand the concern of wallets like Argent-X to control what it is running.

    Success Criterias

    The goals as we can imagine it for now is:

    • [x] move the burner into an iframe with a clear interface
    • [x] the injection of window.starknet.burner so that the burner wallet can be used by starknet-js
    • [x] the move of as many as possible of the features of the burner in vanilla js to help with future ports/implementations
    • [x] the rewriting of the burner in ReactJS
    • [x] a better documentation
    • [ ] a good set of tests
    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • package the component to be used from reactjs

    package the component to be used from reactjs


    improve the component so that it can be used from reactjs

    Success Criterias

    here we should

    • [ ] be able to access the burner from a reactjs application
    • [ ] be able to interact with the burner from a reactjs application

    Additional Information

    We can find some resources to do that, including:

    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • create a 2-part component with the wallet

    create a 2-part component with the wallet


    the burner wallet should be splitted into 2 components: (1) the extension will be a javascript-only component that would be registered in window.starknet and be available through starknet.js; (2) the wallet will manage the EC key in the localstorage and provide an UI. This 2nd component will be executed in an iFrame.

    Success Criterias

    This would be the first part of the project, it should:

    • [x] implement a simple UI "the wallet" that won't provide much magic for now except that it should be able to receive messages from the parent frame and mock answers
    • [x] implement the extension with the various components that are required, including the account, provider and signer
    • [x] register the extension in the right global variable so that it can be accessed by starknet.js
    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • script to sign/store/use a session token

    script to sign/store/use a session token


    this task should create the script/doc to grant access and use a session token to the account created #18

    Success Criterias

    The goal is to have the right commands

    • [x] have a script to create the token
    • [x] have a script to use the token
    • [x] have everything well documented

    Additional Information

    this issue should only conver the manual management of those scripts.

    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • move the call to `initialize` from the script to Go.

    move the call to `initialize` from the script to Go.


    The goal is to remove the script from plugin/py and replace it with a set of Go commands. It should also use a previously deployed argent-x account rather than the openzeppelin account.

    Success Criterias

    In order for the task to succeed, we should be able to check:

    • [ ] check if by any chance you can run the command from the account you have just created.
    • [ ] deploy and initialize a new account from a oneliner
    • [x] remove the dependency to the OpenZeppelin account
    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • explore the use of a dedicated worker to manage the burner

    explore the use of a dedicated worker to manage the burner


    There are several reasons behind this exploration. One being security and the fact that dedicated workers should only be called by the script that has initiated it. The second being that the worker lifecycle could expand beyond the scope of a page reload.

    Success Criterias

    here again, we do not want to implement this in the burner for now but to explore the idea. What we need to check is:

    • [ ] create a dedicated worker from the extension and describe worker reload lifecycle. What is the scope of a variable, especially when dealing with page refresh
    • [ ] explore the possibilities to store data in localStore/sessionStore depending on the security/incognito options
    • [ ] explore the possibilities to store data in an encrypted cookie or any alternate mecasnism
    opened by gregoryguillou 0
  • explore a way to store the burner on the same origin as starkpilled

    explore a way to store the burner on the same origin as starkpilled


    We would like to know if there is a way to add the wallet on the same origin as the application. The motivations are beyond the scope of that issue and will be discussed. Anyway the goal of that PR is to see if we can move a NextJS app as a pure static app (i.e. no api) on a subdirectory of another app and load it in the iframe.

    Success Criterias

    The objective here is just to know if that is feasible. We would need:

    • [x] to see if we can package any react app in '/burner' and not '/' for a website
    • [x] what is required in the iframe to open `/burner'
    • [ ] see if we can access the sessionStore in incognito mode if the iframe content is on the same origin as the main app.

    Additional Information

    That would be interesting to check if anyone has done something like that already and if not, why?

    opened by gregoryguillou 1
  • v0.3.0(Aug 22, 2022)

    This release implements the session key pattern on an upgraded argent-x account. the new release implements:

    • a full rewrite of extension and keyring; the former in vanilla typescript and the later with nextjs as well as a messaging system for the 2 to interact together.
    • the deletion of the hackathon version.
    • a fully functional sessionkey stored in the browser session store.
    • a third-party iframe to serve the starknet burner.
    • a Starknet signer, provider and account exposed in the extension.
    • the starknet.js 4+ interfaces in the extension.
    • an object compatible with get-starknet injected in window['starknet-burner]
    • an automatic publication of the session token from drone as well as the automatic download from keyring.
    • a demo application, starkpilled that rely on the extension. It can be installed as a PWA on Android and iPhone.
    • the copy/paste of the address from the iframe.
    • the removal of all references to wallet and replacement with key manager.
    • a version label injected in every one of the projects.
    • an automatic deployment of all the components, including: the extension available in npmjs as @starknet/burner; starkpilled and keyring in vercel.
    • technical tools to help debug the project and perform technical operations
    • a better user and a contributor documentation.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.2.0(Jul 16, 2022)

    This release works and implement the session key pattern. It can now be used as a basis for bigger projects. It includes:

    • a plugin class that can check against a signature that is EIP-712 adapted to starknet
    • an upgrade to the argent-x account (as part of a branch to gregoryguillou:bugfix/session-key that supports plugins
    • a EIP-712 like signature schema in a plugin provided in the project
    • a working implementation of the burner wallet including the following features:
      • to generate a session key
      • register a session token
      • send tokens
      • track transactions.
    • a working implementation of drone that allows to sign a session token request
    • A getting started documentation
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v0.1.0(Jul 12, 2022)

    For now on, this release is just a web/mobile wallet called the burner that we can use to interact with starknet. This release includes:

    • a number of design documents and references to understand how an account works
    • a set of scripts and docs that explains how to install and configure the argent-x wallet manually
    • the burner that can not be used as a plugin yet but supports:
      • changing the private key and account
      • refreshing the current amount of ETH and STRK on the account
      • allow to send STRK to another account
      • display the transactions and allow to refresh them
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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