Student reviews for OMS courses. Built with NextJS and Typescript. Backed by Sanity CMS. Deployed on Vercel.


This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

First, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.tsx. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.

API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/api/hello. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/hello.ts.

The pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

Learn More

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Deploy on Vercel

The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.

Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.

  • [FEATURE REQUEST] See all recent reviews

    [FEATURE REQUEST] See all recent reviews

    What feature would you like to see added? A view that shows the newest reviews, across all courses. It was one of the features I used the most on the previous site.

    Thanks for listening! 😄

    opened by annabkr 6
  • Fix the whitespace css

    Fix the whitespace css

    What feature would you like to see added? First appreciated doing this! Spaces that are added in reviews are not handled on the new review page. it looks like this:


    The fix is easy, just need to add white-space: pre-wrap CSS to the container div. Since you are using Tailwind you can just add whitespace-pre-wrap class to this line

    PS: I could've open a PR but it still missing proper dev/contribution documentation, also seems this repo doesn't accept public PRs

    Additional context after fix: image

    opened by kossel 5
  • Request: Functional Add Review button

    Request: Functional Add Review button

    What feature would you like to see added? Function Add Review button. Currently there exists an Add Review button, but it is not functional.

    Additional context Mousing over the current Add Review button causes it to blur and the mouse pointer icon to change. Not sure if this is intentional or an accident / bug. If it is intentional, some information about this intention would be helpful to users of the OMS Reviews website. Add Review button before mousing over it Add Review button during mousing over it

    opened by dstrube1 2
  • [EDIT] Computer Networks

    [EDIT] Computer Networks

    What information is incorrect or missing? For example, syllabus, textbooks, or description.

    I posted my review on the wrong class. Can it be deleted? It's under this user token: cAG/XYpU07QHrYCqBe14zg==

    opened by natsmith9 1
  • [BUG REPORT] Can't search by class shortcode

    [BUG REPORT] Can't search by class shortcode

    Describe the bug Per the placeholder text on the reviews page, I tried searching for "HPCA", but no results are found.

    I'd expect short-code to be considered in search - or the placeholder text to be updated.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Navigate to the home page
    2. Search "HPCA" in the filter textbox.

    Expected behavior The course "High-Performance Computer Architecture" should appear as the first result.

    Screenshots image

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Linux
    • Browser: Firefox
    • Version [e.g. 22]

    Smartphone (please complete the following information): NA

    Additional context Searching for corse codes (e.g. "CSE-6220" or "6220") also produces unexpected results.

    opened by loganwishartcraig 1


    What feature would you like to see added? After clicking on a course to see reviews, I not only want to see reviews, but I'd also like to see a summary of the reviews (avg difficulty, rating, etc). Right now, the review page of each course does not have summary data. The previous OMSCScentral had this and I found it helpful.

    Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.

    opened by blankdean 0
  • [EDIT] All Individual Course Review Pages

    [EDIT] All Individual Course Review Pages

    What information is incorrect or missing?

    The overall summary statistics for each course should be included on the individual course pages and not just on the home page:

    • Rating
    • Difficulty
    • Workload
    • Reviews
    opened by tedhartnell 0
  • [FEATURE REQUEST] Add course metrics summary to course page

    [FEATURE REQUEST] Add course metrics summary to course page

    What feature would you like to see added? I'd like to see metrics averages for Rating, Difficulty, Workload, and Reviews on a course detail page. For instance, looking at, if I wanted to know these values I could scroll down through the reviews and make an estimate or go back to and search for the course to get exact figures

    Additional context Course Page without metrics Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 8 36 17 AM

    Homepage with metrics Screen Shot 2022-11-11 at 8 36 54 AM

    opened by edgriebel 0
  • [FEATURE REQUEST] Option for a denser course list

    [FEATURE REQUEST] Option for a denser course list

    What feature would you like to see added? I would like it if it were possible to see the list of courses in a denser view. This could be a toggle of some kind or in a settings menu.

    Additional context Currently, even if I select to view more than 10 courses per page, I can only see 10 when scrolled to the top or 13 when I scroll down past the headers. This is fullscreen on 1920x1200. I'd also like it if it reduced the horizontal spacing between columns. The current spacing makes it harder for me to scan and ingest all the numbers for a row. I know that different people can prefer different spacing.

    Other comments I don't want to spam issues and I know the site is still in progress, but here are some other things that caught my eye:

    1. Table rows could highlight themselves on hover.
    2. The current way of sorting columns is non-intuitive to me. I personally prefer having the column heading select and display the sort. Maybe the sorting could be controlled through either method? It also wasn't obvious to me that I can reverse the sort order by re-selecting the current sort column in the drop down.
    3. For the arrow indicating the sort order, I think I'd prefer something that's more obviously an arrow and possibly has a green/red color. It looks to me more like an expand/collapse icon. And after realizing that, I noticed that the same icon is in the header to indicate a menu that can be expanded.

    Thanks for considering!

    opened by SolidKalium 0


    Hi, I would love to see a sort by Code if possible. It is easier for me to filter by course code than name because I am more familiar with the code than the name.

    opened by cmbfuqua 1
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