svgMap is a JavaScript library that lets you easily create an interactable world map comparing customizable data for each country.



svgMap is a JavaScript library that lets you easily create an interactable world map comparing customizable data for each country.

Live demo:



npm install --save svgmap
import svgMap from 'svgmap';
import 'svgmap/dist/svgMap.min.css';


<script src="[email protected]/dist/svg-pan-zoom.min.js"></script>
<script src="[email protected]/dist/svgMap.min.js"></script>
<link href="[email protected]/dist/svgMap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">


Create an HTML element where to show your map, then use JavaScript to initialize:

<div id="svgMap"></div>
new svgMap({
  targetElementID: 'svgMap',
  data: {
    data: {
      gdp: {
        name: 'GDP per capita',
        format: '{0} USD',
        thousandSeparator: ',',
        thresholdMax: 50000,
        thresholdMin: 1000
      change: {
        name: 'Change to year before',
        format: '{0} %'
    applyData: 'gdp',
    values: {
      AF: { gdp: 587, change: 4.73 },
      AL: { gdp: 4583, change: 11.09 },
      DZ: { gdp: 4293, change: 10.01 }
      // ...

This example code creates a world map with the GDP per capita and its change to the previous year:


You can pass the following options into svgMap:

Option Type Default
targetElementID string The ID of the element where the world map will render (Required)
minZoom float 1 Minimal zoom level
maxZoom float 25 Maximal zoom level
initialZoom float 1.06 Initial zoom level
initialPan object Initial pan on x and y axis (e.g. { x: 30, y: 60 })
showContinentSelector boolean false Show continent selector
zoomScaleSensitivity float 0.2 Sensitivity when zooming
showZoomReset boolean false Show zoom reset button
mouseWheelZoomEnabled boolean true Enables or disables zooming with the scroll wheel
mouseWheelZoomWithKey boolean false Allow zooming only when one of the following keys is pressed: SHIFT, CONTROL, ALT, COMMAND, OPTION
mouseWheelKeyMessage string 'Press the [ALT] key to zoom' The message when trying to scroll without a key
mouseWheelKeyMessageMac string Press the [COMMAND] key to zoom The message when trying to scroll without a key on MacOS
colorMax string '#CC0033' Color for highest value
colorMin string '#FFE5D9' Color for lowest value
colorNoData string '#E2E2E2' Color when there is no data
flagType 'image', 'emoji' 'image' The type of the flag in the tooltip
flagURL string The URL to the flags when using flag type 'image'. The placeholder {0} will get replaced with the lowercase ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. Default: '{0}.svg'
hideFlag boolean false Hide the flag in tooltips
noDataText string 'No data available' The text to be shown when no data is present
touchLink boolean false Set to true to open the link (see on mobile devices, by default the tooltip will be shown
onGetTooltip function Called when a tooltip is created to custimize the tooltip content (function (tooltipDiv, countryID, countryValues) { return 'Custom HTML'; })
countries object Additional options specific to countries:
   ↳ EH boolean true When set to false, Western Sahara (EH) will be combined with Morocco (MA)
   ↳ Crimea 'UA', 'RU' 'UA' Crimea: Set to 'RU' to make the Crimea part of Russia, by default it is part of the Ukraine
data object The chart data to use for coloring and to show in the tooltip. Use a unique data-id as key and provide following options as value:
   ↳ name string The name of the data, it will be shown in the tooltip
   ↳ format string The format for the data value, {0} will be replaced with the actual value
   ↳ thousandSeparator string ',' The character to use as thousand separator
   ↳ thresholdMax number null Maximal value to use for coloring calculations
   ↳ thresholdMin number 0 Minimum value to use for coloring calculations
   ↳ applyData string The ID (key) of the data that will be used for coloring
   ↳ values object An object with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code as key and the chart data for each country as value
        ↳ color string Forces a color for this country
        ↳ link string An URL to redirect to when clicking the country
        ↳ linkTarget string The target of the link. By default the link will be opened in the same tab. Use '_blank' to open the link in a new tab
countryNames object An object with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code as key and the country name as value


Use the option countryNames to translate country names. In the folder demo/html/local or demo/es6/local you can find translations in following languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Hindi, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Urdu.

To create your own translations, check out country-list by Saša Stamenković.


If you need more detailed maps or more options for your data, there is a great open source project called datawrapper out there, with a lot more power than svgMap.

svgMap uses svg-pan-zoom by Anders Riutta (now maintained by bumpu).

The country flag images are from country-flags by Hampus Joakim Borgos.

Most data in the demos was taken from Wikipedia.

  • The map of Russia and Ukraine is made incorrectly

    The map of Russia and Ukraine is made incorrectly

    Thank you for your work! What you did is really cool and useful!

    You have a serious error on the map that many site users don't like :(

    Crimea has not belonged to Ukraine for several years. It belongs to Russia. Screenshot:

    I tried to fix it but it didn't work out. I will be very grateful if you fix it or tell me what SVG paths i need to put for Ukraine and Russia.

    Thank you for your work!

    opened by revered777 7
  • Add Internet Explorer Support

    Add Internet Explorer Support

    The library does not work in IE11 :( To test simply go to the example page and you will not see any map.

    It does work in edge though it has scaling issues

    As much as we may all not like internet explorer, IE 11 does supports SVGs, doesn't hit EOL until 2023 and is still used across a lot of corporate netwoks so adding support would be good

    The error appears to be around the use of assign at character 29774 of svgmap.min.js

    Further investigation shows that it is indeed this line as Object.assign is not supported in IE and needs a polyfill or other work around in order to work

    opened by StevenMapes 4
  • Controls & tooltips z-index.

    Controls & tooltips z-index.

    Since no other element have a z-index defined, 0 is considered for all elements.

    Having z-index 50 for the map controls and z-index 10000 for the tooltips can create overlay issues in several cases.

    I'm suggesting z-index 1 for map controls, and z-index 2 for tooltips.

    This should avoid lots of issues with Boostrap and other CSS framework implementations, as they generally have higher z-index values defined.

    A clear example where z-index 50 for map controls is too high, is on a layout that has, let's say... a "slide-over" menu, with a z-index less than that, the map controls would actually overlay that menu, which is really undesirable. Or the tooltip would overlay the primary navigation element (let's say the header), no element on a page should supersed that.

    I have already done the required tests to ensure that it still works as expected, tooltips will overlay everything, and the map controls will overlay the map elements.

    opened by pricop 3
  • Added

    Added "onGetTooltip" function for custom tooltips

    Example to hide tooltip when there are no values...

    	onGetTooltip:function(tooltip, countryID, countryValues) {
    		if(!countryValues) {'none';
    		} else {'';

    Make your own tooltip...

    	onGetTooltip:function(tooltip, countryID, countryValues) {
    		var div= document.createElement('div');
    		div.innerHTML='custom stuff for '+countryID;
    		return div;

    A hacky way to get continents...

    var continents={
    	"NA":"North America"
    var continentsMap={
    	onGetTooltip:function(tooltip, countryID, countryValues) {
    		if(continentsMap[countryID]) {
    			var div= document.createElement('div');
    			return div;
    opened by niknah 2
  • tooltipContentTable is not defined

    tooltipContentTable is not defined

    image I have encountered an exception while mouse hover on the country which had data to view the tooltip, I have added this variable 'tooltipContentTable' in window object to solve this undefined variable exception. could be really helpful if you could declare this variable inside js file.

    opened by fsdkarthik 2
  • Prevent firing click when dragging.

    Prevent firing click when dragging.

    Currently, when trying to pan the map and mouse cursor is on any country, click event will be triggered after panning, URL will be changed (if data link is set). This seems limiting how you can pan the map.

    This PR will prevent click from firing by logging if mouse (or finger) has been moved before mouse button / finger press is released.

    And also, thank you for the great project!

    opened by CQD 1
  • Manually set color of country option

    Manually set color of country option

    @StephanWagner - awesome project 🙌 I wanted the option to set a specific color manually from the data, so here's a PR of that functionality. Example use:

        values: {
          AF: {gdp: 587, change: 4.73, color: '#000'}

    ...or override the color option (in case of conflicts):

    new svgMap({
      targetElementID: 'svgMap',
      manualColorAttribute: 'manualcolor', //override 'color'
      data: {
        data: {
          gdp: {
            name: 'GDP per capita',
            format: '{0} USD',
            thousandSeparator: ',',
            thresholdMax: 50000,
            thresholdMin: 1000
          change: {
            name: 'Change to year before',
            format: '{0} %'
        applyData: 'gdp',
        values: {
          AF: {gdp: 587, change: 4.73, manualcolor: '#000'}, // use the overridden value here to set a color manually
          AL: {gdp: 4583, change: 11.09},
          DZ: {gdp: 4293, change: 10.01}
          // ...
    opened by OllieJC 1
  • Is it possible to open the associated link in a new tab?

    Is it possible to open the associated link in a new tab?

    I feel like having to go back and forth every time you open a new link can be a downside for some users.

    I tried adding my own JS after setting the options but due to my limited knowledge of the language, I couldn't override the default behaviour.

    opened by tavernhell 1
  • Singapore no longer accessible after hovering over Malaysia

    Singapore no longer accessible after hovering over Malaysia

    We noticed when trying to use the map that, even when zoomed in, Singapore was no longer visible or able to be accessed if you have previously hovered over Malaysia (as it brings that particular path to the front, covering Singapore). We resolved this by editing the SVG path data in mapPaths.js to clean up the division between the two.

    The path information is below in case it is useful for anyone. After updating the path information we just ran the build process again to generate new versions of the combined .js files.

    Singapore: M1561.4, 563.4l-0.5-0.3l-0.8-0.1l-0.6,0.1l-0.3,0.6 l0.0,0.6L1561.8,564z

    Malaysia: M1543.6,532.7l-4.7-2.8l-0.9,1.1l1.4,2.7l-0.4,4.7l2.1,3.4l1,5.3 l3.4,4.3l0.8,3.2l6.7,5l5.4,4.8 0.8-0.1 0-0.6 0.3-0.6 0.6-0.1 0.8,0.1 0.5,0.3 0.4,0.6 l0.6-0.1 l0.1-2.1 l-2.3-5.6 l-2.1-1.8l-0.5-3.8l-0.6-2.1l0.5-2.9l-0.5-4.3l-2.6-4.3l-3.5-3.8l-1.3-0.6 l-1.7,2.6l-3.7,0.8L1543.6,532.7L1543.6,532.7z M1642.6,543.7l-1.2-3.1l3.8-0.4l0.3-2.4l-4.8-2l-3.8-1.7l-0.4-2.8l-3.1-3.2h-2.3 l-2.5,5l-4.1,4.4l-0.1,3.1l-0.1,4.1l-2.7-0.2l-1.1,2.2l-2.7-3.3l-2.6,4l-3.8,5l-6.7,1.4l-2.4,1.2l-0.9,5.4l-4.4,1.2l-4.1-2.2l1,4.3 l3.9,3.5l3.6-1.2l3.6,0.4l3.2-3.2l2.7-0.6l5.4,1.8l4.5-1.3l2.7-8.9l2-2.2l1.7-7.2h6.4l5,1L1642.6,543.7z

    opened by sneaknz 1
  • Bump minimatch and recursive-readdir in /demo/react/app

    Bump minimatch and recursive-readdir in /demo/react/app

    Bumps minimatch and recursive-readdir. These dependencies needed to be updated together. Updates minimatch from 3.0.4 to 3.1.2


    Updates recursive-readdir from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3


    Sourced from recursive-readdir's changelog.

    v2.2.3 - Mon, 19 Sep 2016 21:55:22 GMT

    v2.1.0 - Mon, 19 Sep 2016 21:55:22 GMT

    v2.0.0 - Wed, 06 Apr 2016 04:31:02 GMT

    v1.3.0 - Wed, 14 Oct 2015 14:35:55 GMT

    v1.2.1 - Wed, 14 Jan 2015 16:49:55 GMT

    Maintainer changes

    This version was pushed to npm by bnb, a new releaser for recursive-readdir since your current version.

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 in /demo/react/app

    Bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 in /demo/react/app

    Bumps decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from decode-uri-component's releases.


    • Prevent overwriting previously decoded tokens 980e0bf


    • Switch to GitHub workflows 76abc93
    • Fix issue where decode throws - fixes #6 746ca5d
    • Update license (#1) 486d7e2
    • Tidelift tasks a650457
    • Meta tweaks 66e1c28


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
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    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
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    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Data load from ajax requisition

    Data load from ajax requisition

    Two questions:

    • Its possible load data through ajax requisition?
    • And, how to remove the current dataset on a loaded map?

    Congratulations for this project. It's very helpful.

    opened by rafaelmamorim 0
  • If map cantainer is smaller, continent selector show wrong world part

    If map cantainer is smaller, continent selector show wrong world part


    There is not correct work of continent selector when map container has small size.

    Here screenshot form your example page ( html folder ) -> ->

    It would be nice to fix this. Thank's.

    opened by Aleksandr2015 0
  • How can I destroy the map entity?

    How can I destroy the map entity?

    Let's say I've created a map like below:

               = new svgMap({
                            targetElementID: 'cmsSvgMap',
                            data: mapData,
                            colorMax: '#393c4d',
                            colorMin: '#393c4d73',
                            flagType: 'emoji',
                            noDataText: this.$t(''),
                            countryNames: this.countries.reduce((acc, cur) => ({ ...acc, [cur.country_id??'_unknown']: cur.country_name }), {})

    I then want to destroy what is in - there doesn't seem to be a destroy() function?

    opened by seifti 0
  • Trigger showtooltip

    Trigger showtooltip

    Hi, I have a html table with some countries. Clicking on country row I have a country code, so I need to show tooltip (and zoom on it if necessary), highlight country (same as mousenter event) programmatically using id of country path. It's possible with this script ?


    opened by albertixcom 2
  • [Question] Map lat/lon to pixel x y on the map

    [Question] Map lat/lon to pixel x y on the map

    Is there a function to convert a lat/lon (in degrees) to an x,y pixel on the map? If not, what projection is the map using by default and I can probably make one...

    opened by jjxtra 1
  • No Typescript compatibility, and 'window is not defined' error on Next.js

    No Typescript compatibility, and 'window is not defined' error on Next.js

    I'm trying to use svgMap with Next.js and Typescript and I feel like I'm doing something wrong.

    First of all, I can't find any '@types/svgmap' package when I try to install one, so I just need to force Typescript to ignore this.

    Secondly, I am using the library as it is documented, but I get a 'window is not defined' error when I run the code. I have created a div element with the "svgMap" id with it as follows: <div className="map-container w-full" id="svgMap"></div>

    I imported the library, with its css.

    // @ts-ignore
    import svgMap from "svgmap";
    import "svgmap/dist/svgMap.min.css"

    and created a new svgMap when the component is mounted. I've also made sure that it's only run if 'window' is defined. Here's the code:

    useEffect(() => {
        new svgMap({
          targetElementID: "svgMap",
          data: {
            data: {
              gdp: {
                name: "GDP per capita",
                format: "{0} USD",
                thousandSeparator: ",",
                thresholdMax: 50000,
                thresholdMin: 1000,
              change: {
                name: "Change to year before",
                format: "{0} %",
            applyData: "gdp",
            values: {
              AF: { gdp: 587, change: 4.73 },
              AL: { gdp: 4583, change: 11.09 },
              DZ: { gdp: 4293, change: 10.01 },
              // ...
      }, []);

    That is an example map data that's stated in the documentation of the library, and as I said when I run it I get this: image

    Am I using the library in a wrong way? or Is it not compatible with React yet?

    opened by 0sssama 7
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