Base62-token.js - Generate & Verify GitHub-style & npm-style Base62 Tokens



Generate & Verify GitHub-style & npm-style Secure Base62 Tokens

Works in Vanilla JS (Browsers), Node.js, and Webpack.

Online Demo

See the online base62 token generator & verifier in action:



<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
var Base62Token = window.Base62Token;

Node.js / Webpack

npm install --save base62-token
var Base62Token = require("base62-token");


Pre-requisite: Generate & Save a Dictionary

If you intend to reap the additional security benefits of having a secure random dictionary - meaning that you give yourself the ability to verify tokens "offline" without also giving potential attackers the same capability - then you should generate a random dictionary:

var alphanum = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
var dict = Base62Token.generateDictionary(alphanum);
// ex: "vG1SB0JMrONaT7ChDfqtnxY4lHwQ8ILoFWRUgPk9mbzjX2Asy6iVEuKcdeZ35p"

Save this random dictionary to a non-public file or configuration (ex: .env) and use it everywhere that you generate or verify tokens.

Note: there's nothing inherently "insecure" about making this dictionary public per se, but doing so will give attackers the same advantage that you give yourself - the ability to verify your tokens offline without being slowed down by database calls or hitting any API rate limits, etc.

Generating & Verifying Tokens

var b62Token = Base62Token.create(dict);

var token = b62Token.generate("abc_", 30);

var verified = b62Token.verify(token);


Base62Token                       // Shuffles a given alphabet to create a
  .generateDictionary(            // random dictionary (uses standard base62
    alphabet = "0..9A..Za..z"     // / alphanumeric by default).

Base62Token.create(dictionary);   // Creates a token generator and verifier
                                  // 'dictionary' is any 62-char alphabet.
                                  // Returns a generator / verifier instance.

b62Token.generate(prefix, length); // Returns token string.
b62Token.verify(token);            // Returns true / false.
Base62Token.BITS_PER_CHARACTER    // 5.954196310386876
                                  // For reference: Base64 is an even 6

Base62Token.calcMinChars(bitlen); // calculate the minimum number of chars
                                  // needed to guarantee the target entropy.
                                  // ex: 173-bit entropy needs 30 chars

Base62Token.calcMinBits(charlen); // calculate the minimum entropy guaranteed
                                  // by the given number of characters
                                  // ex: 30 chars guarantees 178-bit entropy.

Base62Token.checksum(dict, str);  // generates an (unsigned) CRC-32 checksum
                                  // for the given string (where each char is
                                  // treated as a single byte).
                                  // Returns the Base62 encoded unsigned int.

Base62Token.encode(dict, n, pad); // encode a 32-bit int (i.e. CRC-32 checksum)
                                  // as Base62 in the given dictionary, with a
                                  // default pad of 6 (guarantees 32-bits).

Base62 Token Spec

GitHub Token Breakdown

The 40-character tokens are broken down into 3 consecutive parts:


  • Prefix: 4-char (ex: ghx_)
  • Entropy: 30-char (178-bits + leading 0 padding)
    • BITS_PER_CHAR = Math.log(62) / Math.log(2) // about 5.9541
    • BITS_PER_CHAR * 30 // about 178.6258
  • Checksum: 6-char CRC32 (32-bits, 4 bytes, 6 base62 characters)
    • BITS_PER_CHAR * 5 // about 35.7251
Prefix Entropy Checksum
pre_ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx cccccc


Standard vs Secure Base62 Dictionaries

There are 3 widely-used, generic Base62 dictionaries, all of which are based on the alphanumeric character set (i.e. 0-9, A-Z, a-z).

For general encoding and decoding (NOT tokens), you should use one of these:

  • Lexographic (digits, upper, lower)
  • BaseX (digits, lower, upper)
  • Truncated Base64 (upper, lower, digits)

However, for secure tokens for which you don't want an attacker to have the advantage of being able to verify a token offline (i.e. you want them to hit your API rate limiting), you should use a randomized dictionary.


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Copyright 2022 AJ ONeal
Copyright 2022 Root

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  • Add longer prefixes

    Add longer prefixes

    Verification starts reading after the first underscore found, as opposed to the 5th character in the string. Also adds a test case for long-prefix verification.

    opened by pehunter 6
  • allow arbitrary-length prefixes, delimited by `_`

    allow arbitrary-length prefixes, delimited by `_`

    Right now the token string split function is hard-coded to expect a 4-character prefix string (i.e. ghp_).

    However, since the _ serves as a delimiter outside of the base62 alphabet, we should just split on that.

    Easy beginner-level programmer task. Anyone is free to take it.

    good first issue first-timers-only up-for-grabs 
    opened by coolaj86 3
  • [SOLVED] How to Verify GitHub & NPM tokens

    [SOLVED] How to Verify GitHub & NPM tokens

    Update: Solved

    Working Online Demo


    Pseudo-code Solution

    const dict = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    // prefix is like 'ghp_', 'gho_', etc
    func GenerateBase62Token(prefix string, len int) string {
        entropy := []
        for 0..len {
            index := math.RandomInt(62)
            entropy = append(entropy, dict[index])
        chksum := crc32.Checksum(entropy) // uint32
        pad := 6
        // ex: "ghp_" + "zQWBuTSOoRi4A9spHcVY5ncnsDkxkJ" + "0mLq17"
        return prefix + string(entropy) + base62.Encode(dict, chksum, pad)


    Here I've provided 20 valid (but expired) Personal Access Tokens for inspection.

    ~~However, I doubt that it will be possible to determine exactly how GitHub generates and verifies the checksum.~~

    If I were them I would save a randomized base62 dictionary as a server-side secret so that attackers still have to hit up against rate limits to check tokens rather than having the same advantage of checking them online.

    ~~I bet that they were at least as smart as me when they spec'd this out for themselves.~~

    Edit: Duh. What we have here isn't some sort of hashing or encryption, it's a simple substitution. If they truly documented their process and did use a random dictionary (I did, in fact, check against the normal dictionaries... or at least I thought I did), then all we have to do is create a table of known 6-character crc32 checksums and see what matches up! (and check in both directions in case the bytes are swapped for efficiency).

    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 | 00 48 21 52 01 07
                                             |  0  m  L  q  1  7
    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 | 00 30 26 61 26 22
                                             |  0  U  Q  z  Q  M
    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 | 02 49 24 02 09 43
                                             |  2  n  O  2  9  h
    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 | 00 20 18 43 36 04
                                             |  0  K  I  h  a  4
    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 | 02 39 11 13 32 60
                                             |  2  d  B  D  W  y
    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 | 01 17 22 45 09 61
                                             |  1  H  M  j  9  z
    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 | 00 56 00 23 58 04
                                             |  0  u  0  N  w  4
    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 | 03 28 58 50 48 37
                                             |  3  S  w  o  m  b
    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 | 00 24 18 02 16 04
                                             |  0  O  I  2  G  4
    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 | 00 19 54 22 16 20
                                             |  0  J  s  M  G  K
    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 | 04 02 05 52 35 28
                                             |  4  2  5  q  Z  S
    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 | 04 04 42 02 14 01
                                             |  4  4  g  2  E  1
    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 | 04 22 58 23 40 34
                                             |  4  M  w  N  e  Y
    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 | 04 05 45 16 44 44
                                             |  4  5  j  G  i  i
    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 | 01 39 38 60 61 35
                                             |  1  d  c  y  z  Z
    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 | 03 21 12 11 56 56
                                             |  3  L  C  B  u  u
    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 | 01 39 32 47 17 29
                                             |  1  d  W  l  H  T
    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 | 02 39 48 20 39 54
                                             |  2  d  m  K  d  s
    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 | 00 03 44 49 22 36
                                             |  0  3  i  n  M  a
    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 | 01 47 39 60 12 17
                                             |  1  l  d  y  C  H
    opened by coolaj86 2
  • fix: use GitHub's exact generate & verify algo

    fix: use GitHub's exact generate & verify algo

    It turns out that the 4-char prefix is NOT included when generating the CRC32 checksum. This corrects that, and removes some erroneous notes on security... because I was 3am-ing.

    opened by coolaj86 0
  • feat: improve performance with simpler math

    feat: improve performance with simpler math

    It turns out that we can mod+div rather than div+mod and then we don't have to start with the "highest denomination" of number, but rather just use the base.

    opened by coolaj86 0
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