This monorepo stores all code and assets of all projects with which we develop




In 2021 Utrecht started developing the Virtual Income Desk with Open Rules. An initiative with the aim for citizens to always and easily receive all financial regulations to which citizens are entitled.

For the realization of this goal, standards of the NORA guideline rule management have been used. The publication of these standardized rules for the Virtual Income Desk have been published here.

Rules management is applied in various ways by organizations. A constant shared by all organizations is the need to implement the law according to the interpretation intended by the legislator, to act in accordance with the principles of good administration and to be able to adapt implementation as smoothly as possible to new insights from politics.

By applying rule management, the aim is to achieve the following “business” goals:

  • Law - the implementation is in accordance with laws and regulations
  • Consistent – regardless of channel, laws and regulations are implemented in the same way
  • Explainable – the why/right to exist of a service, the rules used in the performance of the service, the individual decision and the intention of the law are available and clear to the customer
  • Manoeuvrable – the implementing organization is able to implement changes in legislation and regulations in a timely manner in the various operational components of the organization.

Ultimately, we want to offer a new government-wide rule management library that includes information on product launches, rules management implementation support, best practices, and publishing of rules specifications.

This website is a community initiative in preparation for the assignment from the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations to publish this new library on

Do you have any questions or do you want to work with us? Please contact Steven Gort

Open Rules

Open Rules has also recently been introduced in the standardization process of VNG-Realisatie with the aim of helping to develop a standard that fulfills at least the following 4 aspects:

Laws is closely related to other sources of government information.

Many publications refer to legislation and regulations. For example, from case law, but also from policy decisions and implementation content. A standard has been set up to do this in a standardized and consistent manner. This is the Juriconnect standard for identification of and reference to legislation and regulations. Rules are related to laws and must have an explicit link to

The latter has been made suitable for this purpose using the sustainable Juriconnect deep links.


Rules are also related to data they use. Explicit links must be included in the rules to the central location of definitions of government data. is the central repository for data sources to which, as far as possible, all known data catalogs of government organizations are linked. A point of attention in is the lack of a national reference standard such as juriconnect, and then for sustainable reference to data sources.


Rules use concepts. Within some domains, these terms have been coordinated between chain parties and are available as a kind of dictionary. Rules can refer to these dictionaries to indicate meaning. Dictionaries are available for “environment” and “education”. The long-term reference to concepts is reasonably in order. However, these dictionaries do not yet exist for most domains.

Good steps are now being taken in the Municipal Basic Income Processes (GBI) programme, in which municipalities take the initiative together to devise good solutions based on experiences that can be applied quickly and easily.

First, these applications are tested by leading municipalities and improved where necessary, after which other municipalities can also use the application. Working together within the income domain contributes to a better and personalized service and more efficient processes.


The functionality required to provide an overview of rules is very similar to how a register works, where offers a register with references to where data is found, so can Open Rules help to collect references to where rules can be found on, for example, The choice here is to keep the rules decentralized if a government itself takes care of the publication (and can make it sustainable) or to centralize the storage. Both are happening on to make life easier for governments.

Open Rules therefore offers a deployment tool to publish and store information about rules (metadata) as well as the rules themselves.

  • Use ReSpec to write technical documents

    Use ReSpec to write technical documents

    In GitLab by @datafluisteraar on May 11, 2022, 10:03

    ReSpec makes it easier to write technical documents. It was originally designed for writing W3C specifications, but now supports many output formats.

    In the Netherlands, Geonovum develops and manages standards for the use of geographic information in the public domain. Geonovum publishes a lot of documentation and has an 'HTML-first' publishing policy. They use the Respec open source environment. The use of Respec ensures that Geonovum's publications are largely digitally accessible (source).

    Geonovum now has more than five years of experience with the use of Respec and has adapted the platform in such a way that it works well for its own organization. Thanks to Respec, Geonovum has been publishing digitally accessible information for several years now.

    Other government organizations can also benefit from publishing in Respec. That is why Geonovum is working together with Logius and W3C to make Respec suitable for other government applications. For this they have divided Respec into a generic part and an organization-specific part. The generic part contains Respec's basic functions for publishing HTML documents. The organization-specific part can be configured to the corporate identity and publication locations of the organization.

    for we also want to use ReSpec and we are currently exploring this for LegitiMaat, a working method for conducting research by third parties into the use of algorithms by a government organization.

    tech stack 
    opened by sgort 7
  • GitLab for Open Source Program Application

    GitLab for Open Source Program Application

    In GitLab by @datafluisteraar on May 4, 2022, 09:15

    Public projects on do not automatically receive top-tier functionality at the project level. Apply to this program if your project needs top-tier functionality at the project/group level or the additional CI minutes this program provides.

    • [x] Submit application form
    • [x] Wait time
    • [x] Qualified for the GitLab for Open Source Program
    • [ ] NOT qualified for the GitLab for Open Source Program
    • [x] Claim subscription
    tech stack 
    opened by sgort 7
  • Open Regels standaard

    Open Regels standaard

    In GitLab by @datafluisteraar on Apr 24, 2022, 10:20

    VNG Realisatie beheert het overzicht van de gemeentelijke standaarden voor gegevens- en berichtenverkeer. Dit zijn veelal standaarden in de vorm van APIs.

    Samen met gemeenten zorgt VNG Realisatie voor standaardisatie, waardoor gegevensuitwisseling en samenwerking met andere organisaties goed kan verlopen. Dit doen wij door middel van uitwisselstandaarden. Voor de ontwikkeling van gemeentelijke uitwisselstandaarden is een standaardisatieproces vormgegeven.

    Dit standaardisatieproces geeft de leidraad van te volgen stappen om van ‘idee’ tot ‘vastgestelde VNG uitwisselstandaarden’ te komen. Het wordt aanbevolen de stappen in dit proces bij ieder voorstel voor een uitwisselstandaarden te volgen. Zo wordt samen met gemeenten en betrokken partijen gewerkt aan kwalitatieve specificaties van uitwisselstandaarden, waarbij gemeentelijke meerwaarde en belangen aan de orde komen (bron).

    Tijdens een API Community bijeenkomst is het voorstel voor een Open Regels API standaard gepitched. Nav is vervolgens een voorstelformulier ingevuld en ingeleverd.

    Van idee tot start standaardisatie

    • [x] Pitchen in de API Community bijeenkomst
    • [x] Voorstel tot standaardisatie
    • [ ] Beoordeling voorstel Adviesraad API
    • [ ] Besluit start ontwikkeling standaard

    Ontwikkeling van de standaard

    • [ ] Vormen werkgroep
    • [ ] Werkgroepactiviteiten
    • [ ] Release Candidate API-specificatie
    • [ ] Definitieve API-specificatie
    • [ ] Beheer
    tech stack 
    opened by sgort 5
  • Registry


    In GitLab by @datafluisteraar on Apr 14, 2022, 14:57

    in the original quotation this subject is part of work package 4 (WP4)

    The development of the registry, the “rule bank”, including the read-in routines (consumers) of rule sources.

    The code of, which largely includes this functionality, might be a good starting point for this.

    current sprint tech stack 
    opened by sgort 5
  • Migrate Material for MkDocs to tech stack protoype

    Migrate Material for MkDocs to tech stack protoype

    The current was created with Material for MkDocs and is manually 'updated'. Until further notice, the request is to migrate the content present to the tech stack of #42 including full an documented release process based on semantic versioning #13

    documentation current sprint tech stack 
    opened by sgort 4
  • Logius Standaard Platform beproeven

    Logius Standaard Platform beproeven

    In GitLab by @datafluisteraar on Aug 4, 2022, 16:04

    Het Standaard Platform is een clouddienst die wordt beheerd door Logius. Het is bedoeld voor alle BZK-onderdelen, maar wordt ook breder ingezet binnen de overheid. Het platform biedt ICT-ontwikkelaars kant-en-klare ontwikkelomgevingen aan, waarmee zij websites en applicaties kunnen ontwikkelen en beheren die voldoen aan de richtlijnen van de overheid.

    Voor dit project verkennen we het gebruik van Standaard Platform

    • [x] kennismaking en informatie delen
    • [ ] formulier Nieuwe Klantomgeving t.b.v. de PoC
    • [ ] onboarden
    • [ ] PoC uitvoeren
    tech stack 
    opened by sgort 4
  • DCAT Extension

    DCAT Extension

    In GitLab by @datafluisteraar on Apr 14, 2022, 14:47

    in the original quotation this subject is part of work package 3 (WP3)

    DCAT is an RDF vocabulary designed to facilitate interoperability between data catalogs published on the Web.

    The idea is to develop a first version of DCAT extension for rules in coordination with stakeholders within governmental organization and data owners.

    Rules standards are needed to develop in draft now:

    • [ ] Identification -> unique identifier of a rule
    • [ ] Durable referencing -> can refer to a rule
    • [ ] Version control and reference -> time travel and version references
    current sprint tech stack 
    opened by sgort 4
  • docker-compose for production

    docker-compose for production

    resolves #42 people that want to create their own deployment will still need to fill in their own .env file for the cms as wel as provide their own database.

    opened by onursagir 3
  • Create repository for processing deliverables work package(s)

    Create repository for processing deliverables work package(s)

    With we are creating a public library that is accessible to everyone and that we are slowly but surely filling with legal analyses, rule specifications, software code and everything else that is needed and that can be used by public institutions. The intention is that it concerns open source software, and that therefore no property rights will accrue to anyone.

    This filling is partly marketed in a public, transparent, equal and accessible manner for everyone. We want to provide access for all parties and/or persons who are interested in contributing to the renewal of the procurement market by the government in public-private partnerships (Open-Innovation coalition/community/ecosystem), while maneuvering within existing legal frameworks. The agreements are always small-scale and have a short-cycle realization process (cf. agile, CI/CD for software realization).

    As a first step and phase, we start by defining work packages as issues in this repository. The idea is that the amount of work required does not exceed €5,000 per issue. For the time being, it is up to the provider of the work packages to limit themselves (or allow themselves to be limited to that limit).

    With the first 10 to 20 work packages, these will be awarded to interested parties by the Product Owner. For all work packages after that, we develop a public, mutual award in which the voice of the Product Owner is no longer decisive.

    We create a separate repo library for all (partial) results of the assigned work packages

    documentation current sprint 
    opened by sgort 3
  • Voorzieningen registratie

    Voorzieningen registratie

    In GitLab by @datafluisteraar on Jun 14, 2022, 12:54

    For, we work with work packages, these are small jobs for a fixed fee to deliver part functionality (proof of concept), including minimal documentation and tests.


    Als iedere inwoner in Nederland gebruik maakt van de voorzieningen die horen bij de persoonlijke situatie, hoeft niemand in Nederland in armoede te leven of honger te lijden. Voorzieningen, bij de overheid ook wel ‘regelingen’ genoemd, zijn alle vormen van ondersteuning die geboden worden door nationale of gemeentelijke overheden en charitatieve instellingen. Voorzieningen kunnen van financiële aard zijn, zoals individuele inkomenstoeslag, in natura zoals voedselpakketten of kleding of ondersteuning bij schuldhulpverlening, budgetcoaching, belastingaangifte en rekenhulpen zoals berekening beslagvrije voet. Beschikbare voorzieningen worden niet altijd aangevraagd omdat:

    • de burger niet bekend is met het bestaan van een voorziening
    • de burger een duwtje nodig heeft om in beweging te komen
    • de burger angstig is om contact te zoeken met de overheid
    • de burger zich schaamt
    • de hulpverlener niet verder verwijst omdat andere voorzieningen onbekend zijn
    • de burger de digitale portalen/procedures als ingewikkeld ervaart

    Een mogelijke bijdrage aan het oplossen van dit probleem kan zijn het vindbaar maken van voorzieningen waar een burger mogelijk recht op heeft en/of gebruik van kan maken. Nadat een voorziening is gevonden, kan het vereenvoudigen van het doen van een aanvraag ook bijdragen aan het gebruik maken van deze voorzieningen.

    In dit werkpakket willen we een proof of concept API voor het doorzoeken van voorzieningen van de gemeente Vucht.

    User story

    Als PO wil ik een openbare voorzieningen registratie die met REST API doorzoekbaar is.

    Het type vraag dat we willen stellen ziet er als volgt uit: "GEEF MIJ ALLE VOORZIENINGEN VOOR MENSEN MET EEN INKOMEN ONDER DE 20000 EURO"

    In de bestanden vind je de voorzieningen:

    Waar je 'voorziening' leest kan je ook 'regeling' lezen.
    Voorbeelden van voorzieningen zijn:

    • Lidmaatschap sportclub
    • Volwasseneducatie
    • Hulp bij invullen belastingaangifte
    • Begeleiding thuisadministratie
    • Laptop/computer

    Outline subtasks or task

    • [ ] Ontwerp een databank die gegevens in bijgaand tabel kan bevatten
    • [ ] Specificeer de zoekinstructie waarmee de databank raadpleegbaar is
    • [ ] Realiseer REST API
    • [ ] Realiseer MVP om raadplegen te demonstreren

    Acceptance criteria

    • [ ] Zoekinstructie kan worden voorzien van verschillende ingangswaarden die moeten worden gematcht met de corresponderende criteria
    • [ ] Databank moet tenminste 20.000 voorzieningen kunnen verwerken
    • [ ] Zoekresultaat kan zich beperken tot de naam en contactgegevens van een voorziening

    Proposed solution

    Dit is vrij in te vullen naar eigen inzicht(en). Motiveer de keuze(s)!

    Story points

    The initial estimate of the size of this work package is:

    • [ ] 20 (ie €1000,=)
    • [ ] 40 (ie €2000,=)
    • [x] 100 (ie €5000,=)

    Definition of “done”

    • [ ] Meets tests per acceptance criteria
    • [ ] Relevant documentation has been created and made available
    • [ ] Approved by Product Owner
    • [ ] Code has undergone a peer review
    work package has attachment 
    opened by sgort 3
  • Standard for Public Code compliancy

    Standard for Public Code compliancy

    In GitLab by @datafluisteraar on Apr 26, 2022, 13:03

    The Standard for Public Code gives public organizations a model for building their own open source solutions to enable successful future reuse by similar public organizations in other places. It includes guidance for policy makers, city administrators, developers and vendors.

    All codebases in stewardship with the Foundation for Public Code have chosen to apply the Standard to their own work (source).

    current sprint tech stack 
    opened by sgort 3
  • As a PO I want rules linked (where applicable) with the Unified Product Name List (UPL)

    As a PO I want rules linked (where applicable) with the Unified Product Name List (UPL)

    The Uniform Product Name List is a list with uniform names for the products and services that the Dutch government offers to citizens and companies. The emphasis is on products and services that involve interaction with citizens and businesses, such as an application, notification or obligation.

    See UPL

    opened by sgort 0
  • Design low-threshold access to search & find existing work packages and specify new work packages

    Design low-threshold access to search & find existing work packages and specify new work packages

    The idea is to turn the work packages into a 'werkspot' variant that we will place on

    Requirements in outline:

    • [ ] there is a UX tile design based on metadata
    • [ ] completed work packages are displayed
    • [ ] (new) work packages still to be assigned are displayed in a recognizable way
    • [ ] there is the possibility to create work packages without leaving the front end page
    opened by sgort 0
  • Demonstrate using multiple stacks for

    Demonstrate using multiple stacks for

    With different domains and technology stacks, a multiple stack environment seems obvious.

    Demonstrate if and how that can work with:

    • [ ]
    • [ ]
    • [ ]
    feature tech stack 
    opened by sgort 0
  • Specify DevOps requirements for consultancy

    Specify DevOps requirements for consultancy

    For, we work with work packages, these are small jobs for a fixed fee to deliver part functionality (proof of concept), including minimal documentation and tests.

    There is a need for expert advice and/or audit for the CI/CD pipeline ánd quality of service of the intended multi-stack environment.


    • [x] specify the need
    • [ ] peer review
    • [ ] request consultation in a work package
    consultation work package 
    opened by sgort 3
  • As a PO I want an exploration of Solid Pod functions for access to public products & services and facilitating those using an applicable Pod Provider

    As a PO I want an exploration of Solid Pod functions for access to public products & services and facilitating those using an applicable Pod Provider

    For, we work with work packages, these are small jobs for a fixed fee to deliver part functionality (proof of concept), including minimal documentation and tests.


    Solid is a specification that lets people store their data securely in decentralized data stores called Pods. Pods are like secure personal web servers for your data.

    • Any kind of information can be stored in a Solid Pod.
    • You control access to the data in your Pod. You decide what data to share and with whom (be it individuals, organizations, and/or applications). Furthermore, you can revoke access at any time.
    • To store and access data in your Pod, applications use standard, open, and interoperable data formats and protocols.

    You can get a Pod from a Pod Provider, or you may choose to self-host your Pod.

    User story

    • [ ] As a PO I want ICTU to become a Solid Pod provider based on Solid Nextcloud.
    • [ ] As a PO I want to understand and be able to explain to residents how private key management is arranged.
    • [ ] As a PO I want to know how to introduce friction in my design when frictionless is the technological goal.
    • [ ] As a PO I want to understand how the open world assumption can be incorporated into the Solid Pod functionalities.
    • [ ] As a resident I want a Solid Pod provided by ICTU that allows me to automatically claim my right to IIT with an application to the municipality Utrecht.
    • [ ] As a resident I want to understand the similarities and differences between self-hosted Solid Pod, ICTU provided Solid Pod or a variant offered by one of the other providers.

    Outline subtasks or task

    • [ ] Design & describe solution architecture.
    • [ ] Implement before mentioned solution architecture.
    • [ ] Demonstrate requested features and user experience.

    Acceptance criteria

    • [ ] Residents can onboard and have access to their own data in the Solid Pod.
    • [ ] Resident can collect and manage data in the Solid Pod.
    • [ ] Testing on IIT is possible without the intervention of the resident.
    • [ ] Application for IIT is possible without the intervention of the resident or - at his request - with an active role for the resident.
    • [ ] The application is processed without the intervention of the resident.
    • [ ] [Nice to have] Haven Compliancy for the Solid Nextcloud.

    Proposed solution

    Demonstrates the functional question with Solid Pod Nextcloud's current solution.

    Story points

    The initial estimate of the size of this work package is:

    • [ ] 20 (ie €1000,=)
    • [ ] 40 (ie €2000,=)
    • [x] 100 (ie €5000,=)

    Definition of “done”

    • [ ] Meets tests per acceptance criteria
    • [ ] Relevant documentation has been created and made available
    • [ ] Approved by Product Owner
    • [ ] Code has undergone a peer review
    review work package 
    opened by sgort 0
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