Vercel's engineering style guide


The Vercel Style Guide

This repository is the home of Vercel's style guide, which includes configs for popular linting and styling tools.

The following configs are available, and are designed to be used together.


Please read our contributing guide before creating a pull request.


Note: Prettier is a peer-dependency of this package, and should be installed at the root of your project.


To use the shared Prettier config, set the following in package.json.

  "prettier": "@vercel/style-guide/prettier"


Note: ESLint is a peer-dependency of this package, and should be installed at the root of your project.


This ESLint config is designed to be composable. The base configs, @vercel/style-guide/eslint/node or @vercel/style-guide/eslint/browser, set up a project for JavaScript and should always be first in extends.

The following optional configs are available:

  • @vercel/style-guide/eslint/jest
  • @vercel/style-guide/eslint/next (requires @vercel/style-guide/eslint/react)
  • @vercel/style-guide/eslint/react
  • @vercel/style-guide/eslint/typescript (requires additional configuration)

You'll need to use require.resolve to provide ESLint with absolute paths, due to an issue around ESLint config resolution (see eslint/eslint#9188).

For example, use the shared ESLint config(s) in a Next.js project, set the following in .eslintrc.js.

module.exports = {
  extends: [

Configuring ESLint for TypeScript

Some of the rules enabled in the TypeScript config require additional type information, you'll need to provide the path to your tsconfig.json.

For more information, see:

module.exports = {
  extends: [
  parserOptions: {
    tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
    project: ['./tsconfig.json'],

Scoped configuration with overrides

ESLint configs can be scoped to include/exclude specific paths. This ensures that rules don't "leak" to places where those rules don't apply.

In this example, Jest rules are only being applied to files matching Jest's default test match pattern.

module.exports = {
  extends: [require.resolve('@vercel/style-guide/eslint/node')],
  overrides: [
      files: ['**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)', '**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[jt]s?(x)'],
      extends: [require.resolve('@vercel/style-guide/eslint/jest')],

A note on file extensions

By default, all TypeScript rules are scoped to files ending with .ts and .tsx.

However, when using overrides, file extensions must be included or ESLint will only include .js files.

module.exports = {
  overrides: [
    { files: [`directory/**/*.[jt]s?(x)`], rules: { 'my-rule': 'off' } },


To use the shared TypeScript config, set the following in tsconfig.json.

  "extends": "@vercel/style-guide/typescript"
  • `it.only()` or `describe.only()` should fail lint

    `it.only()` or `describe.only()` should fail lint

    Sometimes developers will use it.only() or describe.only() to run a single jest test locally but accidentally commit it to a PR and thus skip all tests except the one they're working on.

    We should probably disable it.skip() as well for the same reason.

    opened by styfle 7
  • Enable `no-constant-binary-expression`

    Enable `no-constant-binary-expression`

    When we upgrade ESLint to 8.14.0 we should enable this rule:

    I tried enabling it and found two instances of easy to fix bugs.

    Saw this recommended in this tweet

    eslint released on @canary released 
    opened by codybrouwers 3
  • Adjust options for `@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises` to allow promises as JSX attributes

    Adjust options for `@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises` to allow promises as JSX attributes

    We are currently using the default options of this recommended rule @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises, but it results in errors trying to pass functions that return promises as React props to components that are only expecting a () => void type, including built in React event handlers like onClick.


    This fix for this is to update the options for the rule disable checking void returns for attributes like this:

      "@typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises": [
          "checksVoidReturn": {
            "arguments": false,
            "attributes": true
    opened by codybrouwers 3
  • Prefer inline type imports

    Prefer inline type imports

    Would much prefer

    import { type Foo } from 'some/package` 


    import type { Foo } from 'some/package`

    as it keeps the single import line, and all related entries together. looks like it may block this though.

    opened by dglsparsons 2
  • Enable `import/no-extraneous-dependencies`

    Enable `import/no-extraneous-dependencies`

    We should also enable the options includeInternal and includeTypes.

    eslint released on @canary released 
    opened by mrmckeb 2
  • Add rule for `node:` protocol prefix

    Add rule for `node:` protocol prefix

    As this is now widely supported, we can probably enable this. It's auto-fixable too.

    eslint released on @canary released 
    opened by mrmckeb 2
  • Enforce consistent enum usage

    Enforce consistent enum usage

    We see people setting enum keys in const-style sometimes, but would prefer to standardise around the approach used in docs.

    This can be set via:


    enum Colors {
      RED = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
      NOT_RED = 'rgb(0, 255, 255)',
    enum COLORS { /* ... */ }


    enum Colors {
      Red = 'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
      NotRed = 'rgb(0, 255, 255)',


    eslint released on @canary released 
    opened by mrmckeb 2
  • Improve custom component definitions

    Improve custom component definitions

    We currently hardcode some custom components here, including this copy-paste mistake.

    We need to find a more flexible approach to this.

    One solution might be to generate an ESLint config via a function.

    bug eslint released on @canary released 
    opened by mrmckeb 2
  • Enable additional Jest rules

    Enable additional Jest rules

    For consistency in test files, we can consider enabling these rules:

    • jest/no-duplicate-hooks
    • jest/prefer-lowercase-title
    • jest/require-top-level-describe
    eslint released on @canary released 
    opened by mrmckeb 2
  • Support some items from `strict` TypeScript ESLint config

    Support some items from `strict` TypeScript ESLint config

    This has recently been added, and will have some crossover with our current rules:

    We could consider exposing this through our own strict config.

    eslint released on @canary released 
    opened by mrmckeb 2
  • Enable allowExpressions for the react/jsx-no-useless-fragment rule

    Enable allowExpressions for the react/jsx-no-useless-fragment rule

    The react/jsx-no-useless-fragment has a allowExpressions configuration option that allows fragments that have a single expression in them like:

    const arrayOfElements = => {
      return <span key={item}>{item}</span>

    This is useful for TypeScript when in an component you want to return a single array of elements but if you return just the arrayOfElements then the return type of the component becomes JSX.Element[] which when you use the component produces an error:

    'Component' cannot be used as a JSX component.
      Its return type 'Element[]' is not a valid JSX element.
        Type 'Element[]' is missing the following properties from type 'ReactElement<any, any>': type, props, keyts(2786)

    So wrapping the array with the fragment fixes the type error but causes the ESLint error, so enabling the allowExpressions option allows for this specific use case.

    eslint released on @canary released 
    opened by codybrouwers 2
  • Adding a new preset for Testing Library

    Adding a new preset for Testing Library

    Hi there 👋. I'd like to propose a new preset for Testing Library: @vercel/style-guide/eslint/testing-library

    This preset would enable the following plugins:

    These plugins would be enabled only on testing files: ['**/__tests__/**/*.[jt]s?(x)', '**/?(*.)+(spec|test).[jt]s?(x)'],

    Thoughts? I'd be happy to create a PR to add this new preset.

    opened by Belco90 2
  • Considering enabling `react/no-unknown-property`

    Considering enabling `react/no-unknown-property`

    Today, when copying SVG elements from Figma to React, many of the properties will be in snake case (stroke-width) but in React we need them to be camel case (strokeWidth)

    Right now, there's no way to autofix those errors so a lot of time is spent on manually find and replacing on each SVG copied over. I've previously enabled react/no-unknown-property which will auto-fix the SVG errors:

    CleanShot 2022-10-18 at 15 49 32


    enhancement eslint 
    opened by raunofreiberg 5
  • Consider enabling the `allowExpressions` option for `@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type`

    Consider enabling the `allowExpressions` option for `@typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type`

    After enabling the @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type rule, we saw lot's of return types added within expressions that already have a required return type, for example:

      onClick={(): void => onClick()}

    Typescript will catch this usually which makes the void return type redundant. The rule has this allowExpressions option that allows for not requiring return types in this example that we should look into enabling since it is false by default.

    The downside to this rule is it will allow you to skip specifying the return type in functions like map that you might want to only return a single type from.

    opened by codybrouwers 0
  • Inline recommended configs

    Inline recommended configs

    As of the latest release, we've unpinned version dependencies.

    This gives users more flexibility, and makes it easier to bump dependencies of this package (like @typescript-eslint) to support new TypeScript versions, etc.

    This also introduces the risk of a plugin releasing a change to a recommended config in a minor release, which would be breaking as code that previously passed may now fail. Worse, a rule could be broken/removed in a minor release, breaking the config. We feel these risks are very low, which is why we opted to shelve this work for future.

    opened by mrmckeb 0
  • v4.0.2(Sep 30, 2022)

  • v4.0.2-canary.1(Sep 30, 2022)

  • v4.0.1(Sep 29, 2022)

  • v4.0.1-canary.1(Sep 29, 2022)

  • v4.0.0(Sep 29, 2022)

    4.0.0 (2022-09-29)

    Bug Fixes

    • eslint: move to optional peer dependencies (2f4ef76), closes #16


    • eslint: disable @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing (0b2dcea)
    • eslint: add @typescript-eslint/strict (65f2cc9), closes #28
    • eslint: add playwright config (0180600), closes #22
    • eslint: base next on next/recommended (b1cf7b3)
    • eslint: disable react/no-unknown-property (41e2fad)
    • eslint: enable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type (19e8188)
    • eslint: enable @typescript-eslint/no-redundant-type-constituents (6109def), closes #2
    • eslint: enable import/no-extraneous-dependencies (fb5a84e), closes #37
    • eslint: enable no-constant-binary-expression (911ec00), closes #23
    • eslint: enable react/hook-use-state (b8ce4a0), closes #1
    • eslint: enable react/jsx-no-leaked-render (f2cfc32)
    • eslint: enable react/no-unstable-nested-components (4f8c60f), closes #20
    • eslint: enable unicorn/prefer-node-protocol (eb8deb2), closes #36
    • eslint: enable additional Jest style rules (db9e8ab), closes #29
    • eslint: enforce consistent enum casing (21cc24a), closes #34
    • eslint: prefer jest/unbound-method over @typescript-eslint/unbound-method (b7b3cbc)
    • eslint: remove pre-defined custom jsx-a11y components (82808ab), closes #30
    • eslint: update import/order configuration (e4d92d3), closes #13
    • eslint: update configuration for react/jsx-no-useless-fragment (d1f08d3), closes #24
    • prettier: add prettier-plugin-packagejson (1b41033), closes #4


    • eslint: Custom components for jsx-a11y must now be defined in settings.
    • eslint: Explicit function return types are now required in TypeScript files.
    • eslint: The typescript config now extends strict from @typescript-eslint.
    • eslint: Multiple new rules have been enabled (please see above).
    • eslint: You must now define custom components for eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y. For instructions, see:
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v4.0.0-canary.7(Sep 29, 2022)

  • v4.0.0-canary.6(Sep 28, 2022)

  • v4.0.0-canary.5(Sep 22, 2022)

  • v4.0.0-canary.4(Sep 22, 2022)

  • v4.0.0-canary.3(Sep 22, 2022)

  • v4.0.0-canary.2(Sep 22, 2022)

  • v4.0.0-canary.1(Sep 21, 2022)

    4.0.0-canary.1 (2022-09-21)

    Bug Fixes

    • eslint: move to optional peer dependencies (2f4ef76), closes #16


    • eslint: add @typescript-eslint/strict (65f2cc9), closes #28
    • eslint: add playwright config (0180600), closes #22
    • eslint: base next on next/recommended (b1cf7b3)
    • eslint: enable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type (19e8188)
    • eslint: enable @typescript-eslint/no-redundant-type-constituents (6109def), closes #2
    • eslint: enable import/no-extraneous-dependencies (fb5a84e), closes #37
    • eslint: enable no-constant-binary-expression (911ec00), closes #23
    • eslint: enable react/hook-use-state (b8ce4a0), closes #1
    • eslint: enable react/jsx-no-leaked-render (f2cfc32)
    • eslint: enable react/no-unstable-nested-components (4f8c60f), closes #20
    • eslint: enable unicorn/prefer-node-protocol (eb8deb2), closes #36
    • eslint: enable additional Jest style rules (db9e8ab), closes #29
    • eslint: enforce consistent enum casing (21cc24a), closes #34
    • eslint: prefer jest/unbound-method over @typescript-eslint/unbound-method (b7b3cbc)
    • eslint: remove pre-defined custom jsx-a11y components (82808ab), closes #30
    • eslint: update import/order configuration (e4d92d3), closes #13
    • eslint: update configuration for react/jsx-no-useless-fragment (d1f08d3), closes #24
    • prettier: add prettier-plugin-packagejson (1b41033), closes #4


    • eslint: Custom components for jsx-a11y must now be defined in settings.
    • eslint: Explicit function return types are now required in TypeScript files.
    • eslint: Multiple new rules were added/enabled (see above feature changes).
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v3.0.0(Mar 29, 2022)

    3.0.0 (2022-03-29)


    • deps: upgrade all dependencies
    • eslint: add no-implicit-coercion
    • eslint: create separate browser and Node entry points
    • eslint: disable capIsNew for new-cap rule
    • eslint: enable reportUnusedDisableDirectives


    • deps: eslint@^8.8.0 and prettier@^2.5.1 are now required.
    • eslint: Two new root configs have replaced the previous root config. ESLint configs that extended @vercel/style-guide/eslint should now extend @vercel/style-guide/eslint/browser or @vercel/style-guide/eslint/node.
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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