Verify your E-Mail and Phone Number using link sent over mail and sms.
POST /user/create
- Body
- Success Response
"success": true,
"message": "Account created. Please Verify your E-Mail Address and Phone Number."
- Response When E-Mail Address Exists
"success": true,
"message": "E-Mail address already in use."
- Response When Phone Number Exists
"success": true,
"message": "Phone number already in use."
- Response When Error Occurs Creating account
"success": true,
"message": "Error creating account. Try Again!!"
GET /user/verify/mail?token=your-verification-token
This is the endpoint for verification of e-mail address.
User will receive E-Mail as given in the following image.
When user click the confirm button, e-mail verification is done.
GET /user/verify/phone?token=your-verification-token
This is the endpoint for verification of phone number.
User will receive SMS as given in the following image.
When user click the link, phone number verification is done.