The 1.x line is frozen - features and bugfixes now happen on



Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management.

Circle Status Appveyor Status Azure Pipelines status Discord Chat Commitizen friendly

Fast: Yarn caches every package it has downloaded, so it never needs to download the same package again. It also does almost everything concurrently to maximize resource utilization. This means even faster installs.

Reliable: Using a detailed but concise lockfile format and a deterministic algorithm for install operations, Yarn is able to guarantee that any installation that works on one system will work exactly the same on another system.

Secure: Yarn uses checksums to verify the integrity of every installed package before its code is executed.


  • Offline Mode. If you've installed a package before, then you can install it again without an internet connection.
  • Deterministic. The same dependencies will be installed in the same exact way on any machine, regardless of installation order.
  • Network Performance. Yarn efficiently queues requests and avoids request waterfalls in order to maximize network utilization.
  • Network Resilience. A single request that fails will not cause the entire installation to fail. Requests are automatically retried upon failure.
  • Flat Mode. Yarn resolves mismatched versions of dependencies to a single version to avoid creating duplicates.
  • More emojis. 🐈

Installing Yarn

Read the Installation Guide on our website for detailed instructions on how to install Yarn.

Using Yarn

Read the Usage Guide on our website for detailed instructions on how to use Yarn.

Contributing to Yarn

Contributions are always welcome, no matter how large or small. Substantial feature requests should be proposed as an RFC. Before contributing, please read the code of conduct.

See Contributing.

Prior art

Yarn wouldn't exist if it wasn't for excellent prior art. Yarn has been inspired by the following projects:


Thanks to Sam Holmes for donating the npm package name!

  • yarn install fails with `ENOENT: no such file or directory` occasionally

    yarn install fails with `ENOENT: no such file or directory` occasionally

    Running yarn install as part of a build step for a Docker image based on node:7 fails on Travis CI with ENOTEMPTY, EEXISTS errors. It always seems to error on the webdriverio package.

    yarn install v0.19.1
    [1/4] Resolving packages...
    [2/4] Fetching packages...
    error An unexpected error occurred: " ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/npm-webdriverio-4.6.2-dd095ee618896a21c8f1b9d4278736d85a64ca0f/lib/protocol/timeouts.js'".

    When Travis runs yarn install as part of the install phase it works just fine. The error only happens when building a Docker image.

    Repo which reproduces this issue.

    node:7 OS: Docker + Travis CI yarn: 0.19.1 package.json yarn.lock

    I've tried installing yarn both with npm install -g and with apt and both methods cause the failure on Travis.

    Weirdly enough, the image builds successfully on my local machine which runs Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS with Docker version 1.13.0, build 49bf474.

    cat-bug fixed-in-modern 
    opened by NiGhTTraX 175
  • An unexpected error occurred: : Not found"">

    An unexpected error occurred: " Not found"

    Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? Bug

    What is the current behavior? I cannot install some packages globally when in Windows and using Git Bash. For example, for @nrwl/schematics (but also for @angular/cli) I get

    $ yarn global add @nrwl/schematics
    yarn global v1.7.0
    [1/4] Resolving packages...
    error An unexpected error occurred: "https:// Not found".

    Error log:

      Error: Not found
          at Request.params.callback [as _callback] (C:\Program Files (x86)\Yarn\lib\cli.js:65656:18)
          at Request.self.callback (C:\Program Files (x86)\Yarn\lib\cli.js:134675:22)
          at Request.emit (events.js:159:13)
          at Request.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files (x86)\Yarn\lib\cli.js:135658:10)
          at Request.emit (events.js:159:13)
          at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files (x86)\Yarn\lib\cli.js:135578:12)
          at Object.onceWrapper (events.js:254:19)
          at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:164:20)
          at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:1062:12)
          at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:152:19)

    In Ubuntu it seems to work just fine. Same if I use the Windows PowerShell instead of Git Bash.

    If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce. See above

    What is the expected behavior? That packages are installed

    Please mention your node.js, yarn and operating system version.

    $ node -v
    $ yarn config list
    yarn config v1.7.0
    info yarn config
    { 'version-tag-prefix': 'v',
      'version-git-tag': true,
      'version-commit-hooks': true,
      'version-git-sign': false,
      'version-git-message': 'v%s',
      'init-version': '1.0.0',
      'init-license': 'MIT',
      'save-prefix': '^',
      'bin-links': true,
      'ignore-scripts': false,
      'ignore-optional': false,
      registry: '',
      'strict-ssl': true,
      'user-agent': 'yarn/1.7.0 npm/? node/v9.3.0 win32 x64',
      lastUpdateCheck: 1527149439512 }
    info npm config
    Windows 10
    opened by IlCallo 129
  • Native packages rebuilt every time

    Native packages rebuilt every time

    Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?


    What is the current behavior?

    It seems that all native packages are rebuilt every time yarn is asked to either add a new package or just install the currently locked.

    If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce.

    1. Add some native packages.
    yarn add leveldown bcrypt
    1. Run yarn again and observe that both of the packages will be rebuilt for no reason.

    The same happens when adding a completely unrelated packages which, as far as I can tell, cannot affect the native packages in any way.

    yarn add co

    What is the expected behavior?

    Native packages should not be rebuilt if there's no reason to do that. Note that #248 seems pretty similar.

    Please mention your node.js, yarn and operating system version.

    Node.js 6.7.0 Yarn 0.15.1 Ubuntu 12.04

    cat-bug help wanted 
    opened by jiripospisil 128
  • yarn global add doesn't install binaries properly

    yarn global add doesn't install binaries properly

    Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? bug

    What is the current behavior?

    ➜  ~  yarn global add create-react-app
    yarn global v0.15.1
    warning No license field
    [1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
    [2/4] 🚚  Fetching packages...
    warning [email protected]: The engine "rhino" appears to be invalid.
    warning [email protected]: The engine "rhino" appears to be invalid.
    [3/4] 🔗  Linking dependencies...
    [4/4] 📃  Building fresh packages...
    success Installed [email protected] with binaries:
          - create-react-app
    ✨  Done in 8.43s.
    ➜  ~  which create-react-app
    create-react-app not found

    What is the expected behavior?

    ➜  ~  yarn global add create-react-app
    yarn global v0.15.1
    warning No license field
    [1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
    [2/4] 🚚  Fetching packages...
    warning [email protected]: The engine "rhino" appears to be invalid.
    warning [email protected]: The engine "rhino" appears to be invalid.
    [3/4] 🔗  Linking dependencies...
    [4/4] 📃  Building fresh packages...
    success Installed [email protected] with binaries:
          - create-react-app
    ✨  Done in 8.43s.
    ➜  ~  which create-react-app

    Please mention your node.js, yarn and operating system version.

    ➜  ~  system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType
        System Software Overview:
          System Version: macOS 10.12 (16A323)
          Kernel Version: Darwin 16.0.0
          Boot Volume: Macintosh HD
          Boot Mode: Normal
          Secure Virtual Memory: Enabled
          System Integrity Protection: Enabled
    ➜  ~ node --version
    ➜  ~  yarn --version
    cat-bug cat-compatibility 
    opened by fahrradflucht 122
  • There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...

    There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...

    ➜  fuc git:(master) yarn install
    yarn install v1.3.2
    [1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
    [2/4] 🚚  Fetching packages...
    info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...
    info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...
    info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...
    info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...
    error An unexpected error occurred: " getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND".
    info If you think this is a bug, please open a bug report with the information provided in "/Users/Jimmy/reactjs/react-native/fuc/yarn-error.log".
    info Visit for documentation about this command.
    ➜  fuc git:(master) ✗

    I cloned a project and I looked at the value of yarn.lock, package key 'resolved', which starts with ''.

    I think this is the author custom yarn registry, but I can not visit '', but yarn config did not fix it.

    opened by id77 115
  • `yarn install --production` doesn't install correct dependencies

    `yarn install --production` doesn't install correct dependencies

    When running yarn install --production it does not install the required dependencies of forever. This seem to be related to havingnodemon in devDependencies.

    Error response:

    > forever app.js
        throw err;
    Error: Cannot find module 'minimatch'

    I've created a test application here:

    #  Steps to reproduce error
    git clone
    cd yarn-example-app
    yarn install --production
    npm start
    #  temporary step to bypass error
    rm -rf node_modules
    yarn remove nodemon
    yarn install --production
    npm start
    opened by donovan-graham 115
  • git+ssh package install does not seem to work

    git+ssh package install does not seem to work

    OP's Note: if you are also having this EXACT problem, please upvote this WITHOUT commenting.

    Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?


    What is the current behavior?

    yarn install v0.14.0
    info No lockfile found.
    [1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
    error Couldn't find package "<package>" on the "npm" registry.

    If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce.

    "devDependencies": {
        "license-builder": "git+ssh://[email protected]/fishrock123/<package>.git",

    What is the expected behavior?

    typical install

    Please mention your node.js, yarn and operating system version.

    Node.js: v6.6.1-pre Yarn: v0.14.0 (master) OS: OSX 10.10.5

    opened by Fishrock123 103
  • yarn does not honor authentication settings in .npmrc

    yarn does not honor authentication settings in .npmrc

    Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? BUG What is the current behavior? Yarn does not honor .npmrc If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce. We require authentication for one of our repositories and we used to do this by specifying the authentication in .npmrc. This worked up to 0.28.4 but broke in 1.0.0

    What is the expected behavior? Honoring the authentication settings in .npmrc

    Please mention your node.js, yarn and operating system version. It happens after upgrading yarn to 1.0.0/1.0.1 (have tried both versions). Regardless of OS and nodejs version.

    cat-bug help wanted fixed-in-modern 
    opened by carlosduclos 98
  • Add package without saving to package.json

    Add package without saving to package.json

    It seem there is no possibility to install package using yarn without touching package.json? (like npm install without --save params). Shouldn't such feature be added?

    opened by wclr 98
  • An unexpected error occurred: Request failed \

    An unexpected error occurred: Request failed \"404 Not Found\"".

    Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? Bug

    What is the current behavior? I have a package which only depends on modules from the npmjs repository. They are predominantly public repositories, however 5 of them are private repositories scoped using an @ symbol. Again, these are hosted on npmjs.

    Up until some time today all of them would download an install without issue. However, something has changed and now one of them fails to install with the following error:

    error An unexpected error occurred: " Request failed \"404 Not Found\"".

    As I stated previously, the other private repositories (all within the same @ scope) download and install as intended. This leads me to think this isn't an authentication issue.

    My .npmrc which is in the root of my project and contains my _authToken looks like this:


    I have already completed the following activities:

    1. Logging in using npm login again to get a fresh accessToken
    2. Ensuring the package name is correct (I copied it from the npm website just to be sure)
    3. Running rm -rf node_modules && rm yarn.lock && yarn cache clean
    4. Removing the offending package from my package.json and attempting to re yarn add it
    5. Attempting to run the equivalent npm install --save command. This worked.

    If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce. As I am unsure of the cause I am unsure how to reproduce. Am willing to discuss further on Discord or in comments on this Issue.

    What is the expected behavior? I expect Yarn to install all of my private repositories from npmjs

    Please mention your node.js, yarn and operating system version. Taken from yarn-error.log

    Yarn version: 
    Node version: 
      darwin x64
    triaged needs-discussion 
    opened by DannyBrown-xx 97
  • Competing lockfiles create poor UX

    Competing lockfiles create poor UX

    NB: I'm creating this issue in the yarn repo, but this is actually a shared issue between yarn and npm.

    With the release of npm 5 back in May, the Node ecosystem now has two lockfile-based package managers. This was overall a win for users, and it has been good to see competition in this space.

    However now that there are two competing lockfile formats this can create a new problem for users, especially beginning developers.

    When npm 5 came out, Heroku added a new failure if an application was submitted with both npm and yarn lockfiles. In the past few months this has become the most common reason Node builds fail on Heroku and these failures account for ~10-12% of all Node build failures on the platform. Thousands of developers hit this every month.

    It's surprisingly easy to end up with both in your repository. Even as an experienced developer I've found myself running the wrong tool for a specific project and having to catch myself before commiting. For an inexperienced developer building their first server / react / angular project who might not understand what a package manager, lockfile, or git repo is, this can be highly confusing.

    Neither tool will give a warning or error if the other lockfile exists:

    ❯ ls *lock*   
    ls: *lock*: No such file or directory
    ❯ npm --version
    ❯ yarn --version
    ❯ npm install
    npm notice created a lockfile as package-lock.json. You should commit this file.
    added 659 packages from 437 contributors in 10.553s
    ❯ yarn install  
    yarn install v1.5.1
    info No lockfile found.
    [1/4] 🔍  Resolving packages...
    [2/4] 🚚  Fetching packages...
    [3/4] 🔗  Linking dependencies...
    [4/4] 📃  Building fresh packages...
    success Saved lockfile.
    ✨  Done in 7.67s.
    ❯ ls *lock*          
    package-lock.json yarn.lock

    This is likely especially true for Yarn users where most of the documentation on the web instructs users to npm install. Users who copy + paste commands from docs or Stack Overflow are likely to end up here.

    I've spoken to @zkat and @iarna at npm and @arcanis on yarn, and all agreed that this is an issue that should be addressed, but there was not full agreement on how. Ideally this issue prompts discussion and both tools can agree on how we can help users here.

    I've compiled a list of potential mitigations that have been suggested to me:

    Potential solutions

    Do nothing

    Is there a technical reason a user might want two lockfiles? In this case, how can external tools determine which package manager should be used for that application?

    Error if the other lockfile exists

    Yarn could print an error and exit if package-lock.json exists and vice-versa.


    • simple and easy to implement
    • the user gets an error where they are in a position to immediately fix it


    • Not a fantastic user experience

    Convert the other lockfile

    Yarn could read package-lock.json, convert it into yarn.lock, and remove package-lock.json. npm could do the opposite.


    • great user experience
    • users switching tools would not get a new set of dependencies as a side-effect


    • My understanding is that due to the different dependency resolution strategies this conversion would be lossy both ways
    • Requires each tool to add and maintain code to understand the other lockfile
    • Lockfile formats may change over time

    Delete the other's lockfile

    Just remove the other lockfile and create a new one


    • effectively prevents this situation


    • surprising behavior
    • user gets new set of dependencies

    Run the other tool for the user

    If yarn sees a package-lock.json but not a yarn.lock it could log a warning and call npm install for the user


    • User gets what they wanted


    • Surprising behavior
    • somewhat complicated

    Add config to package.json to indicate

    Add a field in package.json to indicate which package manager a project should use

    "package-manager": "yarn"


    • Explicitly conveys the user's intent


    • Adds more config for the user


    Maybe I'm missing something that would work better

    cat-compatibility triaged needs-discussion 
    opened by jmorrell 93
  • Yarn internet connection warning is ignoring --silent flag

    Yarn internet connection warning is ignoring --silent flag

    I am starting script in offline mode: yarn --silent dev

    Extra common logs are removed in silent mode, but internet connection warning is ignoring --silent flag, and is throwing warning: You don't appear to have an internet connection. Try the --offline flag to use the cache for registry queries

    My package.json file scripts: "dev": "nest start --watch"

    My .yarnrc file: --silent true

    opened by ArtemKurtiakZenwayCode 0
  • Why yarn visit yarnpkg website after package installed?

    Why yarn visit yarnpkg website after package installed?

    Yarn version: 1.22.18

    Question: Why yarn will visit after package installed? My project use yarn,when I installed a local package, yarn visit website,is this ok? 21671614428_ pic

    Is there some info log after installed. info There appears to be trouble with your network connection. Retrying...

    This will cause the CI, CD process to become very slow, especially in an offline network environment.

    opened by Nash-x9 0
  • can't get registry scopes to work with package.json

    can't get registry scopes to work with package.json

    yarn is appending my scope + %2f to npm GET request


    "@myscope:registry" ""


    "dependencies": {
        "@myscope/web-components": "0.0.29",

    yarn install --verbose

    Performing "GET" request to "".

    requesting expecting

    yarn version 
    opened by squarewave24 0
  • npm_config_argv reflects first instead of last command in a chain

    npm_config_argv reflects first instead of last command in a chain

    (This affects yarn 1.x, so I realize this is unlikely to be changed at this point, but I just wanted to note the discrepancy so that we have a place to discuss/reference).

    Given a package.json:

      "scripts": {
        "first:yarn": "yarn run second --extra",
        "first:npm": "npm run second --extra",
        "second": "echo $npm_config_argv"

    Then running yarn run first:yarn (with [email protected]) prints:


    Whereas running npm run first:npm (with [email protected]) prints:


    So, the npm behavior is that npm_config_argv reflects the current script regardless of whether that script was invoked as part of a chain of scripts. But the yarn behavior is that npm_config_argv reflects the first script in the chain. In other words, once npm_config_argv has been set by yarn, it never gets updated, even as different scripts are executed.

    I believe that yarn should follow the same behavior as npm.

    The context for this issue is, which needs to understand which arguments have been passed to an npm or yarn script invocation, for enabling its watch mode and understanding the extra arguments to pass to child processes. If one yarn script invokes another, we therefore lose the ability to understand which arguments have been set for the second script. (wireit issue about this behavior:

    (This issue does not affect yarn 3.x, because yarn 3.x doesn't set the npm_config_argv argument at all. Instead it passes all arguments after yarn run <script> to the argv of the child, which works fine for our purposes.)

    opened by aomarks 0
  • Yarn can't find a cache folder on the set cache-folder command

    Yarn can't find a cache folder on the set cache-folder command

    $ yarn config set cache-folder /var/build-cache/node
    #11 0.602 yarn config v1.22.5
    #11 0.647 warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/home/node/.cache/yarn" because it is not writable.
    #11 0.647 warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/tmp/.yarn-cache-1000" because it is not writable.
    #11 0.652 warning Skipping preferred cache folder "/tmp/.yarn-cache" because it is not writable.
    #11 0.657 error Yarn hasn't been able to find a cache folder it can use. Please use the explicit --cache-folder option to tell it what location to use, or make one of the preferred locations writable.

    What happened to yarn that it fails to find a cache directory while called to set the cache directory? Looks weird...

    opened by speller 0
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