zoom in on any element in the DOM

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Maps zoom.js


Enables a minimal JS API for zooming in on specific points or DOM elements.

Note that this is only a proof of concept so don't use it for anything important. Does not work in IE, yet.

Try out the demo.


Zoom in on an element:

    element: document.querySelector( 'img' )

Additional options:

    element: document.querySelector( 'img' ),

    // Amount of empty space around zoomed element
    padding: 20,

    // Function to call once zooming completes
    callback: function() { /* ... */ }

Zoom in on a point:

    x: 100,
    y: 200,
    width: 300,
    height: 300
    x: 100,
    y: 200,
    scale: 3




MIT licensed

Copyright (C) 2017 Hakim El Hattab, http://hakim.se

  • An interesting and revolutionary proposal for WIGC (community) and Zoom.js (community)

    An interesting and revolutionary proposal for WIGC (community) and Zoom.js (community)

    Hi all!

    1. I recently wrote a proposal in wigc about web accessibility with the zoom-js tool.
    2. reference here: https://discourse.wicg.io/t/draft-idea-spec-proposal-api-idea-for-better-accessibility-in-reading-the-web/5873
    opened by ghost 0
  • Element undefined

    Element undefined

    I am trying out zoom.js to zoom in on the div that are inside a container div. The target is not undefined but I keep on getting this error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'to'). Does the element needs to have a certain attribute to be able to pass in as element?

    Below is the code I'm using:

    document.querySelector("#outerContainer").addEventListener('wheel', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); zoom.to({ element: event.target, padding:20 }); });

    opened by rdimaunahan 0
  • Is zoom.to supposed to work for element and position at same time?

    Is zoom.to supposed to work for element and position at same time?

    Both element and x, y coordinates can be set as options in this library. However, it is not clear what x and y are relative to and whether element and coordinates can be used together. What I mean by used together is that the zoom would focus to a point within the element rather than always the center.

    Please could somebody clarify. Regards.

    opened by goldingdamien 1
  • Can't scroll left after zoom

    Can't scroll left after zoom

    When I zoom, I can pan right, up, and down as the add-on page suggests, but the horizontal scrollbar position always seems locked at the very left, so I can't scroll left.

    Is it possible to fix this please? I see the last commit is years ago, it would be awesome if this can be fixed! I haven't tried yet digging into the source.

    opened by Noitidart 0
  • zoom.js on ipad?

    zoom.js on ipad?

    Hi, I am using zoom js to zoom the grid images for website, it's really great on the browsers. But it's on ipad looks a bit like out of focus, do you have any solutions for that?

    Thanks! Best, HYC

    opened by HsienYu 3
  • Zooming Out After Panning Bug

    Zooming Out After Panning Bug

    Seems that zooming out doesn't take the panned location into account when zooming back out.

    To demonstrate the problem zoom in on the box labelled "Float" then pan down to the unicorn.

    Once there, click on the unicorn.

    opened by allain 0
Hakim El Hattab
Making Slides.com and reveal.js • Creator of questionable value at https://lab.hakim.se
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