Home / JavaScript Functional Programming
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lodash Site | Docs | FP Guide | Contributing | Wiki | Code of Conduct | Twitter | Chat The Lodash library exported as a UMD module. Generated using lo
#Preλude-js A truly modular implementation of Haskell's Prelude library in ES6 check out the docs for modules details (WORK IN PROGRESS) install npm i
Rambda Rambda is smaller and faster alternative to the popular functional programming library Ramda. - Documentation ❯ Example use import { compose, m
Like Underscore, but lazier Lazy.js is a functional utility library for JavaScript, similar to Underscore and Lodash, but with a lazy engine under the
http://moutjs.com/ All code is library agnostic and consist mostly of helper methods that aren't directly related with the DOM, the purpose of this li
Sugar A Javascript library for working with native objects. Install Upgrading Getting Started Documentation Custom Builds Browser npm Modules Date Loc
⚠️ This library is no longer maintained, and should not be used in production applications. Mesh is a utility library for async iterable iterators. Mo
Ramda A practical functional library for JavaScript programmers. Why Ramda? There are already several excellent libraries with a functional flavor. Ty