A minimal, modern, generic, hot-reloading local web server to help web developers


eleventy Logo

eleventy-dev-server 🕚 ⚡️ 🎈 🐀

A minimal, modern, generic, hot-reloading local web server to help web developers.


npm Version


You do not need to install this separately—it is bundled with @11ty/eleventy starting with Eleventy v2.0.0.

That said, you can use it standalone! A CLI is also rumored, if you pester the author about it enough.

# Unnecessary if you’re using this with Eleventy
npm install @11ty/eleventy-dev-server


npm run test
  • Update changes without refreshing the page?

    Update changes without refreshing the page?

    Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I haven't used eleventy for a few months, and I'm not sure if my setup got messed, or this is how eleventy works to begin with. Every change that I make in the code -- it's refreshing the browser page automatically and losing scroll position instead of injecting changes.

    Describe the solution you'd like Inject changes without having the need to refresh the page automatically or manually.

    Describe alternatives you've considered There are no alternatives for CMS, I haven't tired any others -- but I do build webapps and all of their setups (cli's) have this functionality

    opened by bediu 8
  • Occasional error in morphdom-esm when saving changes

    Occasional error in morphdom-esm when saving changes

    Describe the bug I'm having trouble reproducing this, but this does occur fairly consistently in a project I'm working on when serving eleventy.

    Essentially, I make some changes to a file and the elevent-dev-server tries to reload. It sometimes encounters the error below. If I save the file again, it will continue working normally.

    I am running this via an Nx monorepo using the @nrwl/workspace:run-commands, so not sure if that affects anything. The equivalent command using npm-run-all would be the command here.

    [11ty] Unhandled rejection in promise: (more in DEBUG output)
    [11ty] ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/bondandy/Projects/cx-cloud-ui/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-dev-server/node_modules/morphdom/dist/morphdom-esm.js' (via Error)
    [11ty] Original error stack trace: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/bondandy/Projects/cx-cloud-ui/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-dev-server/node_modules/morphdom/dist/morphdom-esm.js'
    [11ty]     at Object.openSync (node:fs:585:3)
    [11ty]     at Object.readFileSync (node:fs:453:35)
    [11ty]     at EleventyDevServer._getFileContents (/Users/bondandy/Projects/cx-cloud-ui/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-dev-server/server.js:184:23)
    [11ty]     at EleventyDevServer.requestMiddleware (/Users/bondandy/Projects/cx-cloud-ui/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-dev-server/server.js:275:29)
    [11ty]     at EleventyDevServer.onRequestHandler (/Users/bondandy/Projects/cx-cloud-ui/node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-dev-server/server.js:347:11)
    [11ty]     at Server.emit (node:events:390:28)
    [11ty]     at parserOnIncoming (node:_http_server:951:12)
    [11ty]     at HTTPParser.parserOnHeadersComplete (node:_http_common:128:17)

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Save changes
    2. Error occurs
    3. Save same page again
    4. Works normal

    Expected behavior Ideally no error occurs and the changes are saved & page reloads


    • OS and Version: MacOS 12.3.1
    • Eleventy Version: 2.0.0-canary.4

    Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

    opened by andy-bond 7
  • Keep `Trying to connect…` after `Disconnected`

    Keep `Trying to connect…` after `Disconnected`

    After terminating 11ty --serve, it keep Trying to connect… & logging into browser console

    [11ty][12:07:39.465 UTC] Trying to connect…                  reload-client.js:21
    [11ty][12:07:39.772 UTC] Connected                           reload-client.js:21
    [11ty][12:08:40.546 UTC] Disconnected                        reload-client.js:21
    [11ty][12:09:18.706 UTC] Trying to connect…                 reload-client.js:160
    ▼ WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:5555/' failed:     reload-client.js:21
        init @ reload-client.js:160
        reconnect @ reload-client.js:88

    It should suppress WebSocket connection failed (? and Trying to connect… ?) warning which will result:

    (99) [11ty][12:09:18.706 UTC] Trying to connect…            reload-client.js:160
    opened by nitin2953 6
  • `await next()` with serverless middleware (middleware order)

    `await next()` with serverless middleware (middleware order)

    For example, this configuration:

    const { EleventyServerlessBundlerPlugin } = require("@11ty/eleventy");
    module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
      eleventyConfig.addPlugin(function(eleventyConfig) {
          middleware: [async function customMiddleware(req, res, next) {
            let result = await next();
            console.log( {result} );
            return result;
      eleventyConfig.addPlugin(EleventyServerlessBundlerPlugin, {
        name: "possum", // The serverless function name from your permalink object
        functionsDir: "./netlify/functions/",

    Reported after a test case reproduction from https://twitter.com/peschee/status/1526312000321642497

    opened by zachleat 5
  • Feature request: middleware

    Feature request: middleware

    I have been using - quite a lot - the middleware feature of browsersync.

    Despite being "minimal", could this new server propose the same feature? Of course it's still possible to use browsersync.

    opened by TigersWay 5
  • Feature request: serveStatic (for-free passthroughCopy)

    Feature request: serveStatic (for-free passthroughCopy)

    I have been using - quite a lot - the serveStatic feature of browsersync.

    Despite being "minimal", could this new server propose the same feature? Of course it's still possible to use browsersync.

    opened by TigersWay 5
  • Peer dependency error with plugin

    Peer dependency error with plugin

    Mentioning to you (and will do so in the affected plugin, too) only because it may be that other plugins will be similarly affected, but 2.0.0-canary.1 crashed on launch with the following (cc @KyleMit):

    npm WARN ERESOLVE overriding peer dependency
    npm WARN While resolving: eleventy_site@undefined
    npm WARN Found: @11ty/[email protected]
    npm WARN node_modules/@11ty/eleventy
    npm WARN   peer @11ty/eleventy@">=0.10.0-beta.1" from [email protected]
    npm WARN   node_modules/eleventy-plugin-embed-tweet
    npm WARN     dev eleventy-plugin-embed-tweet@"^0.3.1" from the root project
    npm WARN   1 more (the root project)
    npm WARN 
    npm WARN Could not resolve dependency:
    npm WARN peer @11ty/eleventy@">=0.10.0-beta.1" from [email protected]
    npm WARN node_modules/eleventy-plugin-embed-tweet
    npm WARN   dev eleventy-plugin-embed-tweet@"^0.3.1" from the root project
    opened by brycewray 5
  • Hot reload in 2.0.0-canary-10/11: elements inserted with JavaScript disappear on reload

    Hot reload in 2.0.0-canary-10/11: elements inserted with JavaScript disappear on reload

    Describe the bug

    I've been test running 2.0.0-canary-10 for a few weeks now on my blog. So far, I'm a BIG fan of the new reload behavior! It makes authoring a much more pleasant experience and is so much faster. That said, I did notice a bug where the hot reload breaks and elements inserted into the page with JavaScript disappear once the hot reload occurs.

    Suppose you have this index.html in an absolute bare-minimum 11ty project with nothing else:

    <p>I love <span id="test"></span></p>
    document.getElementById('test').innerText = '11ty';

    On an initial page load or a manual reload, it works as expected: The user sees I love 11ty.

    If you later edit the file and save it to trigger a rebuild, though, the page reloads and the JavaScript breaks. Now, you only see I love.

    To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Clone https://github.com/AleksandrHovhannisyan/11ty-sandbox/tree/2.0.0-canary-11-js-hotreload.
    2. Run yarn to install dependencies.
    3. Run yarn serve to start the dev server.
    4. Navigate to localhost:8080. Observe the page reads: I love 11ty.
    5. Open, edit, and save src/index.html.
    6. Observe that the server hot-reloads the page.
    7. Observe that the paragraph now reads I love.

    Expected behavior This is somewhat expected because the page didn't actually reload, so the JavaScript doesn't re-run. On the other hand, if the page isn't actually reloading, elements previously inserted by JavaScript should be preserved. It can be a little annoying if you're writing JavaScript and want to see the results since you need to reload the page manually on each refresh. However, so far this has only been a minor annoyance for me.




    • OS and Version: N/A (Windows 10 build 19044,1706, running 11ty in WSL 2)
    • Eleventy Version: 2.0.0-canary-11 (also reproducible in 10)
    opened by AleksandrHovhannisyan 4
  • my live-reload isnt working over LAN

    my live-reload isnt working over LAN

    browser-sync works as expected,

    the script shows up, but doesnt do anything, i need to manually refresh

    i even toggled domdiff and dropped brave shields

    first i thought it was a vite problem

    let me know what more information i can give ya

    opened by wommy 4
  • [Firefox] `domdiff` doesn't apply new CSS classes to edited templates

    [Firefox] `domdiff` doesn't apply new CSS classes to edited templates


    Currently, reload-client.js can listen for changes to underlying CSS files and reload styles accordingly when domdiff is enabled.

    This works when editing the CSS file directly (e.g. when editing an existing class), however styles do not reload when updating a template file to use a newly created CSS class.

    Minimal Reproduction:

    Given a project using @11ty/[email protected] with the following files:


    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
        <p class="foo">Hello world</p>


    .foo {
      color: red;


    module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {

    Run eleventy --serve and open the webpage.

    Add the following to style.css:

    .bar {
      color: blue;

    Save the file.

    Change class="foo" to class="bar" in index.html and save.

    The text turns black, as though unstyled.

    Expected Behavior

    The text should turn blue after the class is updated.

    Additional Info:

    If style.css is re-saved with the same contents after the HTML is updated, then the new style is applied.

    This issue is particularly problematic for users of Tailwind CSS which relies on generating many new utility classes during development.

    opened by mattrossman 4
  • Cannot change port via `eleventyConfig.setServerConfig`: throws error

    Cannot change port via `eleventyConfig.setServerConfig`: throws error

    Eleventy v2.0.0-canary.3 Eleventy Dev Server 1.0.0-canary.3 MacOS: Monterrey (Apple M& Pro)

    Probably missing something obvious here. Tried to change port using setServerConfig as per the docs

    module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
      // SERVER
      // -------------------------------
        port: 3000
      // CONFIG
      // -------------------------------
      return {
        markdownTemplateEngine: "njk",
        dir: {
          input: "src",
          output: "dist"

    And I keep getting the following error message

    [11ty] Eleventy CLI Fatal Error: (more in DEBUG output)
    [11ty] 1. Error in your Eleventy config file '/Users/jeromecoupe/data/sandboxes/test/.eleventy.js'. (via EleventyConfigError)
    [11ty] 2. eleventyConfig.setServerConfig is not a function (via TypeError)

    As soon as I remove the setServerConfig lines, everything is back to normal and I get a server running on port 8080 when running npx eleventy --serve.

    opened by jeromecoupe 4
  • Generated CSS and JS files do not trigger reload (using `input` or `addWatchTarget)`

    Generated CSS and JS files do not trigger reload (using `input` or `addWatchTarget)`

    Version of Eleventy / Eleventy dev server

    • @11ty/eleventy 2.0.0-canary.18
    • @11ty/eleventy-dev-server 1.0.0-canary.14

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Configure Eleventy to output files in ./dist
    2. Generate CSS and JS files from ./src/assets/ to ./dist/assets/ output folder using NPM scripts (Sass and esbuild)
    3. Configure Eleventy Dev Server to pick up changes in output directory using input
    module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
      // server options
        port: 3000,
        input: "./dist",
      // override base config
      return {
        dir: {
          input: "src",
          output: "./dist",
          markdownTemplateEngine: "njk",

    Configuration seems to be working fine: the port changes to 3000

    addWatchTarget does not work either

    Tried adding addWatchTarget for source scss and js files. Not working for me either.

    module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
      // watch targets to trigger a build
      // server options
        port: 3000,
        input: "./dist",
      // override base config
      return {
        dir: {
          input: "./src",
          output: "./dist",
          markdownTemplateEngine: "njk",

    If I comment out the server config and use eleventy 1.0.2, everythig works as expected, both watch targets trigger a build and a page reload.

    Test repository

    Here is a repository with a reduced test case if that helps.

    Expected behaviour

    Eleventy dev server reloads the project when any file changes in ./dist, be it generated by Eleventy or not. I am expecting this to be equivalent to browser-sync start --server \"./dist\" --files \"./dist\"

    Actual behaviour

    HTML files trigger a reload, while CSS and JS files do not.

    opened by jeromecoupe 3
  • Injected script interferes with the page and breaks it

    Injected script interferes with the page and breaks it


    Shower presentation engine while served with eleventy-dev-server stops working properly after the first reload.

    Steps to reproduce

    1. Install the server npm install -g @11ty/eleventy-dev-server
    2. Clone [email protected]:shower/shower.git
    3. Install dependencies npm install
    4. Run the server eleventy-dev-server
    5. Open http://localhost:8080/
    6. Click the first slide
    7. Press Right Arrow key a few times to reach the end
    8. Press Left Arrow key to go back
    9. Open index.html in editor and save it
    10. Try to navigate the slides, compare the behavior

    Expected behavior

    The same, before and after saving the file

    Actual behavior

    After the saving slides start to behave weird


    opened by pepelsbey 0
  • Incorrectly reported filepaths causes hot reloading to never trigger

    Incorrectly reported filepaths causes hot reloading to never trigger

    While I suspect the issue to be specific to Windows, I have not tested on other platforms yet.

    Within the reload method of the server, we expect the files to list out paths of the changed files. On Windows, these paths use \\ as a delimiter sometimes, for example ./src\\views\\index.njk, while entry.inputPath uses a correctly normalised / delimiter - /src/views/index.njk.

    This leads to a mismatch in the reload-client bundle, here, and thus always triggers a full refresh instead of morphing the DOM.

    I'm unsure if this is related to a Windows user setting, or something handled internally by 11ty, but seems to be worth looking into!

    opened by SiddharthSham 0
  • Add support for a few more options to the CLI

    Add support for a few more options to the CLI

    Pending support for:

    • enabled, though enabled is a bad name—maybe alias with --reload=false or something 😅
    • encoding
    • showAllHosts
    • https


    opened by zachleat 0
  • Allow `middleware` to access build-time res.statusCode and res.body

    Allow `middleware` to access build-time res.statusCode and res.body

    Related to #29.

    This is what works now:

    const { EleventyServerlessBundlerPlugin } = require("@11ty/eleventy");
    module.exports = function(eleventyConfig) {
        middleware: [function overrideMiddleware(req, res, next) {
          // This works now
          res.writeHead(200, {"content-type": "text/html"}); // content-type header required for live-reload
          res.write("Before Text");

    However, I’d like to see folks able to consume res.statusCode (404 when no file is present) and res.body with the static content to do request-time content transforms

    opened by zachleat 0
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