Skeleton for a discord.js v13 bot written in TS with Slash Command support.


Discord.js v13 Bot Skeleton/Core

This repository is a template for creating a Discord bot using Discord.js v13 with Slash Command support.

This project is for people familiar with TypeScript and Discord.js. Do NOT use if you are unfamiliar with either. No Discord.js/TypeScript support will be given!

Table of Contents

  1. Create a project
    1. With GitHub
    2. Without GitHub
      1. Using Git CLI
      2. By Downloading
  2. Creating Slash Commands
  3. Deploying/Registering Slash Commands
  4. Creating Events
  5. Access the Client object
  6. Utils
    1. Logging
    2. Embeds
    3. Config
  7. Config File

Creating a project with github.

If you plan on using github in your project, simply click the Use this template button to get started.

Creating a project without github.

Choose one of the following:

Clone the repository using the Git CLI

  1. Open a terminal in the folder you want to create the project in and run git clone .

Clone the repository without Git

  1. Click the Code ▼ button on the top of this page and choose Download ZIP
  2. Open the zip archive using whatever you want (Windows File Explorer, Winrar, 7z, etc).
  3. Drag and drop all the files in discord.js-typescript-bot-core-main folder into your project root.

Creating slash commands.

To create a slash command using this package, go into ./src/commands/ Copy and paste the example.ts file.

Changing the command name/description.

  1. Change super("example", "An example command.");. The first argument is the command name, and the second is a command description.
  2. A third optional paramemeter can be supplied with the following options:
Key Description Default
requiredPermissions An array of PermissionResolvables that contains the required permissions to use this command undefined

Adding command options.

  1. Add a function to the class called build that takes in one argument (client) and returns either SlashCommandBuilder from @discordjs/builders or RESTPostAPIApplicationCommandsJSONBody from discord-api-types.

Example command with a boolean and string option.

import SlashCommand from "../structures/Command";
import { Client, CommandInteraction } from "discord.js";
import { primaryEmbed } from "../utils/embeds";
import { SlashCommandBuilder } from "@discordjs/builders";
import { RESTPostAPIApplicationCommandsJSONBody } from "discord-api-types";

export default class ExampleCommand extends SlashCommand {
    constructor() {
        super("example", "An example command.");

    exec(interaction: CommandInteraction) {
        const boolean = interaction.options.getBoolean('boolean');
        const string = interaction.options.getString('string');

            embeds: [
                primaryEmbed('', `boolean: ${boolean}\nstring: ${string}`)

    build(client: Client<boolean>): SlashCommandBuilder | RESTPostAPIApplicationCommandsJSONBody {
        return new SlashCommandBuilder()
            .addBooleanOption(boolean => boolean.setName('boolean').setDescription('test boolean option').setRequired(true))
            .addStringOption(string => string.setName('string').setDescription('test string option').setRequired(true))


Register slash commands.

When you create a slash command, the bot will not automatically create it.

To deploy all new slash commands, run npm start deploy or node . deploy (if built and you are in ./dist)

To deploy only certain commands, or to edit existing commands, run npm start edit [command 1 name] [command 2 name] [...].

Register events.

To register an event,

  1. Create an .ts file in ./src/events. You can look at ready.ts or commands.ts for a base.
  2. Export a class that extends Event found in ./src/structures/Event.ts.
  3. In the constructor() run super("Event friendly name (for logging)", "eventName in client.on") (for example, super("Slash commands", "interactionCreate"))
  4. Create a function exec that takes the arguments provided by the event.

Example Event:

import { GuildMember } from 'discord.js';
import Event from '../structures/Event';
import { primaryEmbed } from '../utils/embeds';

export default class ReadyEvent extends Event {
    constructor() { super('Member Welcomes', 'guildMemberAdd'); };

    async exec(member: GuildMember) {
        const welcome = member.guild.channels.resolve('a cool channel');
        if(!welcome || !welcome.isText()) return;
            embeds: [
                primaryEmbed("New Member!", `Welcome <@${}> to ${}!`)

Accessing the Client

Simply import ./src/index.ts. Client is not the default export, so you will need to extract the client property. (ex: import { client } from "..";).

Util functions

Logging (./src/utils/logger.ts)

Exports a createLogger function that allows you to create a logger named the first parameter.

Logs are saved in ./logs/ and each unique logger name has their own file. The logger is a combination of bunyan and bunyan-format.

To disable logging, set the NO_LOG_DIR env var to something that is not null/falsy

Embed Utils (./src/utils/embeds.ts)

Exports primaryEmbed and errorEmbed functions to quickly create an embed that matches the color scheme used in other embeds. Functions take in two parameters: title, description.

Config Loader (./src/utils/config.ts)

This bot uses a yml config type, and node.js does not support importing .yml files. To access the config, run the default exported function from ./src/utils/config.ts

In this file you can also change the type definition for the config.


The config is a yml file that will be loaded from the current working directory.

Inside the config, you set your bot token with the token option.

You can also change the global embed style under embeds.primary and embeds.error. You can set stuff like footer.text to set a global footer.

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