Basic Discord Clone



Basic Discord clone [WIP]

Pull Requests are welcome!

View it live at:


Server Picture

Current Features

  • Two channels
  • Invite new users to a server
  • Realtime communication
  • Create Servers

Future (planned) Features

  • Create Channels
  • Direct Messaging System
  • Role System
  • Configurable Servers
  • Modify your information (as a user)
  • Leave Servers
  • Delete Servers


How to install the project dependencies

  1. Create and configure a MongoDB instance which you can read/write to
  2. In your Terminal or Command Prompt, run the following at the root of the project directory:
$ npm i --save

How to configure the environment variables

  1. Create a .env file, by renaming the provided .sample.env
  2. Add the MongoDB connection url, port, environment name, and other secrets to the .env file

If you set ENV to prod, you will need to set up a https certificate via CERT_FULL_CHAIN_PATH and CERT_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH

If you set ENV to something other than prod (i.e. dev), you will need to set CERT_FULL_CHAIN_PATH and CERT_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH to a random string (so the environment variable is defined)

How to run the project using NodeJS

In your Terminal or Command Prompt, run the following at the root of the project directory to run the server, which will expose an API and the client:

$ npm start

How to build the project using Docker

  1. Change the port which the server will run on, by default it is port 3000
  2. In your Terminal or Command Prompt, run the following at the root of the directory to build the server and tag it dissonance:
$ docker build --tag  dissonance .

How to run the project using Docker

In your Terminal or Command Prompt, run the following to run the server, which will expose the service on port 3000 if you have the a .env file:

$ docker run -t -p 3000:3000 --env-file ./.env dissonance

Or run the following in Terminal/Command Prompt to define custom environment variable(s)

$ docker run -p 3000:3000 -e PORT=3000 -e ENV=dev ... dissonance

How to clean up the source code

In your Terminal or Command Prompt, run the following at the root of the project directory:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/eslint . --fix
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