A utility package for Discord Bots!



A utility package for Discord Bots!

NPM Info

For errors and questions you can join our support server

Installation download

Table of content:

- installation

- database connect

- Giveaways

- Button Roles

- Dropdown Roles

- handle interactions

- applications


npm i nuggies


yarn add nuggies

connect to database

features like giveaways require a database connection, you can connect to database using



uri - the mongoDB connection string


click here for giveaways bot code using nuggies package


Usage hmmm


You can connect to the mongoDB database

const Nuggies = require('nuggies');


mongoURI: the mongo URI


You can create giveaways with .create

Example code can be found below

       const Nuggies = require('nuggies')
           message: message,
           prize: 'test',
           host: message.author.id,
           winners: 1,
           endAfter: '10s',
           requirements: { enabled: false },
           channel: message.channel.id,


message: Discord Message

prize: String, prize of the giveaway

host: the host of the giveaway

winners: Number, the winners count

endAfter: String, The time after the giveaway will end

requirements: Object, the requirements for the giveaway. example: requirements: {enabled: true, roles: ['role']}

channel: the channel ID the embed will be sent to


you can create drops with .drop, first to click the button gets the win!


  		message: message,
  		prize: 'test',
  		channel: message.channel.id,
  		host: message.author.id,


message: Discord Message

prize: String, prize of the giveaway

host: the host of the giveaway

channel: The channel where the drop will be sent


End is a function which will help you end giveaways easily

You can end giveaways with .end

   Nuggies.giveaways.end(message, data, giveawaymsg);


message: Discord Message

data: data from the database, can be obtained by using the .getByMessageID property

giveawaymsg: fetched giveaway message


You can reroll giveaways easily with .reroll

You can simply use this function by writing a line of code.

    (async () => {   
    const win = await Nuggies.giveaways.reroll(client, messageID);


client: The Discord Client

messageID: The message ID of the giveaway


you can start the timer again after restart, note that it automatically starts the timer when the giveaway start.

You can simply use this function by writing a line of code.

    await Nuggies.giveaways.startTimer(message, data);


message: Discord Message

data: mongoose document, can be obtained by using .getByMessageID


returns a url button leading to the giveaway.

    (async () => {   
    const button = await Nuggies.giveaways.gotoGiveaway(data);


data: mongoose document, can be obtained by using .getByMessageID


This gets the mongoose document for the giveaway

   (async () => {   
   const doc = await Nuggies.giveaways.getByMessageID(messageID);


messageID: the message ID of the giveaway


starts the giveaway again after restart, put this in ready event to start All the giveaways again.



client: Discord Client

Customize Messages

customize the messages that users see

const Nuggies = require('nuggies');
 Nuggies.giveaways.Messages(client, {
   dmWinner: true,
   giveaway: '🎉🎉 **GIVEAWAY MOMENT** 🎉🎉',
   giveawayDescription: '🎁 Prize: **{prize}**\n🎊 Hosted by: {hostedBy}\n⏲️ Winner(s): \`{winners}\`\n\nRequirements: {requirements}',
   endedGiveawayDescription : '🎁 Prize: **{prize}**\n🎊 Hosted by: {hostedBy}\n⏲️ Winner(s): {winners}',
   giveawayFooterImage: 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/843076397345144863.png',
   winMessage: '{winners} you won {prize} Congratulations! Hosted by {hostedBy}',
   rerolledMessage: 'Rerolled! {winner} is the new winner of the giveaway!', // only {winner} placeholder
   toParticipate: '**Click the Enter button to enter the giveaway!**',
   newParticipant: 'You have successfully entered for this giveaway', // no placeholders | ephemeral
   alreadyParticipated: 'you already entered this giveaway!', // no placeholders | ephemeral
   nonoParticipants: 'There are not enough people in the giveaway!', // no placeholders
   nonoRole: 'You do not have the required role(s)\n{requiredRoles}\n for the giveaway!', // only {requiredRoles} | ephemeral
   dmMessage: 'You have won a giveaway in **{guildName}**!\nPrize: [{prize}]({giveawayURL})',
   noWinner: 'Not enough people participated in this giveaway.', // no {winner} placerholder
   alreadyEnded: 'The giveaway has already ended!', // no {winner} placeholder
   dropWin: '{winner} Won The Drop!!' // only {winner} placeholder


dmWinner - Boolean - If bot should dm the winners of giveaway

giveaway - String - Title text of giveaway message

giveawayDescription - String - Giveaway embed description

endedGiveawayDescription - String - Ended giveaway embed description

giveawayFooterImage - String - Image/Gif in embed footer

winMessage - String - Message to send when winner is declared

rerolledMessage - String - Message to send when giveaway is rerolled

toParticipate - String - Instruction on how to participate the giveaway

newParticipant - String - Ephemeral message that participant sees when they participate

alreadyParticipated - String - Ephemeral message that participant sees if they have already participated

nonoParticipants - String - Message when there are not enough participants for giveaway

nonoRole - String - Ephemeral message when participants doesn't have required roles

dmMessage - String - Message to send to winners of giveaway (only works in dmWinner is true)

noWinner - String - Message when giveaway is ended/rerolled and there are not enough participants

alreadyEnded - String - If giveaway is already ended

dropWin - String - Message sent when drop winner is declared

Placeholders - {guildName}, {prize}, {giveawayURL}, {hostedBy}, {winners}, {requiredRoles}(only works for nonoRole)

Button Roles

click here for fully functional button-roles bot


constructor. use .setrole() on it to create buttons

const something = new Nuggies.buttonroles().addrole({
  color: 'red', 
  label: 'test', 
  role: '781061040514269185',


color: the button color. Optional. Defaults to grey

label: Button label

role: role that would be added on click

emoji: ID of the emoji on the button, optional.


creates the button roles

  message: message, 
  role: something,  /*buttonroles constructor*/ 
  content: new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTitle('xd').setDescription('xdxd') });


message: Discord Message

role: The object recieved from the buttonroles constructor.

content: content, can be a string or a Discord Embed

dropdown roles

constructor. use .setrole() on it to create dropdown options

const something = new Nuggies.dropdownroles().addrole({ 
  label: 'test', 
  role: 'roleID',
  emoji: 'emojiID'


label: dropdown option label

role: role that would be added on click

emoji: ID of the emoji on the dropdown option, optional.


creates the dropdown roles

  message: message, 
  role: role, /*dropdownroles constructor*/ 
  content: new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTitle('xd').setDescription('xdxd') });

handle interactions

features including buttons and dropdown menus require certain functions to handle the interaction




client: Discord Client


Applications help you make your life easier with different types of applications you might have to handle! Here's how you can implement it
click here for a fully function applications bot


a pre made template for your bot.



message: message callback from message event


Creates a application for which anyone can make a response.

  { guildID, questions, name, emoji, channel, description, label, maxApps, cooldown, responseChannelID },


guildID: The ID of the guild in which the application is to be added questions: An array of questions to be asked in DM, Example: js ['How old are you?', 'How much time would you devote to it?']; name: The name of the application\

emoji: The emoji to be put in the menu

channel: The ID of the channel in which the message is to be sent

description: The description of the application

label: The label of the application in the menu

maxApps: The maximum amount of application 1 can create before it gets accepted/declined

cooldown: The cooldown before creating another response

responseChannelID: The channel to send responses in


Deletes an application for the guild

Nuggies.applications.deleteapplication({ guildID, name });


guildID: The ID of the guild name: The name of the application to remove


Creates/Initializes the application system for the guild

Nuggies.applications.create({ guildID, content, client })


guildID: The ID of the guild to be created in content: The content of message to be sent in the channel client: The discord.js client used


Gets the data from database for you



guildID: The ID of the guild


Nuggies npm licensed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International ("CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0"). Commercial use is not allowed under this license. This includes any kind of revenue made with or based upon the software, even donations.

The CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 allows you to:

  • Share -- copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
  • Adapt -- remix, transform, and build upon the material

Under the following terms:

  • Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  • NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
  • ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

More information can be found here.

  • Buttons not showing

    Buttons not showing

    The Buttons of Discord are not showing in Embed

    Hey there. I was playing around with this package and this ashtonished me. But i have a problem which is that the buttons of the embed are not showing. Here is a quick screenshot


    Expected behavior The buttons are supposed to show here in the embed

    Screenshots image

    Desktop (please complete the following information):

    • OS: Windows 10
    • Package Version: 1.2.6
    • Node Version: 14

    Additional context Nothing else. Love the Package <3. Keep on the work

    bug good first issue 
    opened by hasib-rashid 13
  • Added slash command support & custom messages to other stuff

    Added slash command support & custom messages to other stuff


    Giveaways- - Nuggies.giveaways.create({ message, prize, hostID, winners, endAfter, requirements = { enabled: false }, channelID }) + Nuggies.giveaways.create(client, { prize, hostID, winners, endAfter, requirements = { enabled: false }, channel })

    - Nuggies.giveaways.drop({ message, prize, channelID, hostID }) + Nuggies.giveaways.drop(client, { prize, channel, hostID })

    Button Roles- - Nuggies.buttonroles.create({ message, role, content, channelID }) + Nuggies.buttonroles.create(client, { content, role, channelID })

    DropDown Role- - Nuggies.dropdownroles.create({ message, role, content, channelID }) + Nuggies.dropdownroles.create(client, { content, role, channelID })

    Custom Messages Function- - Nuggies.giveaways.Messages(client, {}); +https://sourceb.in/w2BsAi6EZM it big

    there can be some stuff that I forgor to mention

    opened by ChopChoP534 11
  • Type Error: Cannot read property 'send' of undefined

    Type Error: Cannot read property 'send' of undefined

    Describe the bug Type Error:
    message.guild.members.cache.get(user).send(dmEmbed); ^

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'send' of undefined at \nuggies\src\classes\giveaways.js:109:43

    To Reproduce Simply just run a giveaway

    Expected behavior Supposed to run smoothly

    Desktop -Windows

    • Latest Version
    • Node Version - v16.4.0

    Additional context Was working fine a day ago, then I think after a new update in giveaways, a bug happened

    bug help wanted good first issue 
    opened by skibop 7
  • Read description

    Read description

    You can not access the object key, if the property itselfs is undefined, however, i use this in v13 and i still get the error, hosting a bot now on repl because i can not find a good hosting, and can not access the node_modules to fix it myself.

    bug help wanted 
    opened by face-hh 5
  • Fixed the giveaway redirect link.

    Fixed the giveaway redirect link.

    Discord had updated the format of message links. So I updated it for you guys.


    Updated giveaway.js

    Extra details

    Format of message has changed from https://discord.com/${msg.guild.id}/${msg.channel.id}/${data.messageID} to https://discord.com/channels/${msg.guild.id}/${msg.channel.id}/${data.messageID}

    enhancement waiting 
    opened by Monochromish 4
  • New Feature

    New Feature


    Added a new feature, paginates an array of embeds with 2 buttons!

    created functions folder inside of src folder for functions

    Edited index file for the new feature / function

    Extra details

    I added an example of the readME


    video / gif example

    Link: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/840619319921737750/870009196173738074/2021-07-28_14-25-11.mp4

    opened by SuperSweatyTejas 4
  • build(deps-dev): bump discord.js from 14.0.2 to 14.7.1

    build(deps-dev): bump discord.js from 14.0.2 to 14.7.1

    Bumps discord.js from 14.0.2 to 14.7.1.

    Release notes

    Sourced from discord.js's releases.


    Bug Fixes


    Bug Fixes

    • MessageMentions: Add InGuild generic (#8828) (f982803)
    • Activity: Fix equals() not checking for differing emoji (#8841) (7e06f68)
    • Fixed react/astro/guide/discord.js build, updated dependencies, fix crawlvatar (#8861) (d0c8256)
    • escapeMarkdown: Fix double escaping (#8798) (d6873b7)
    • Transfomers: Call .toJSON in toSnakeCase (#8790) (017f9b1)
    • Censor token in debug output (#8764) (53d8e87)
    • Pin @​types/node version (9d8179c)




    • Embed: Use embedLength function from builders (#8735) (cb3826c)


    Bug Fixes

    • ClientOptions: Make ClientOptions#intents returns an IntentsBitField (#8617) (4c2955a)
    • Correctly construct a builder (#8727) (e548e6a)
    • Components: Error with unknown components (#8724) (6fd331d)
    • Client: Don't auth for webhook fetches with token (#8709) (01d75c8)

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 3
  • fixed amari req

    fixed amari req


    Give an overview Amari reqs were a bit weird fixed that

    Extra details

    Give extra details to describe the changes wamari req wasnt shown in embed and neither amari level nor wamari req not being met stopped user from entering so fixed that.



    Related Issue

    Issue Name


    • [x] Does the bot package work as intended?
    bug good first issue 
    opened by Lightninbolt986 3
  • People won't be able to enter giveaways when the bot would be down.

    People won't be able to enter giveaways when the bot would be down.


    Discord still needs to improve buttons as if the bot would be down, people won't be able to enter giveaway, it would just reply with 'this interaction failed'. It would be better if you could also add reactions support in the package.

    opened by Monochromish 3
  • Bump discord-buttons from dev to 4.0.0

    Bump discord-buttons from dev to 4.0.0

    Bumps discord-buttons from dev to 4.0.0. This release includes the previously tagged commit.

    Release notes

    Sourced from discord-buttons's releases.


    Changelog ✨

    • Added MessageMenu, MessageMenuOption, MenuCollector. (64a8c30) (8512bc5) (8c095b4)
    • Supports Embeds + Components.
    • Added InteractionReply manager. (9abf6da)
    • Fixed Cannot send an Empty Message Bug.
    • Fixed Typings. (7f1a17b)

    Updates 🎉

    • b.defer --> b.reply.defer
    • b.think --> b.reply.think
    • b.webhook --> b.reply.webhook
    • b.reply.send('content', { type: 7 }); --> b.message.update('content');

    Thanks to @​JacProsser, @​RagnarLothbrok-Odin & @​Tolfx


    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 3
  • Bump mongoose from 5.13.8 to 5.13.9

    Bump mongoose from 5.13.8 to 5.13.9

    Bumps mongoose from 5.13.8 to 5.13.9.


    Sourced from mongoose's changelog.

    5.13.9 / 2021-09-06

    • fix(populate): avoid setting empty array on lean document when populate result is undefined #10599
    • fix(document): make depopulate() handle populated paths underneath document arrays #10592
    • fix: peg @​types/bson version to 1.x || 4.0.x to avoid stubbed 4.2.x release #10678
    • fix(index.d.ts): simplify UpdateQuery to avoid "excessively deep and possibly infinite" errors with extends Document and any #10647
    • fix(index.d.ts): allow specifying weights as an IndexOption #10586
    • fix: upgrade to mpath v0.8.4 re: security issue #10683

    6.0.4 / 2021-09-01

    • fix(schema): handle maps of maps #10644
    • fix: avoid setting defaults on insert on a path whose subpath is referenced in the update #10624
    • fix(index.d.ts): simplify UpdateQuery to avoid "excessively deep and possibly infinite" errors with extends Document and any #10617
    • fix(index.d.ts): allow using type: [documentDefinition] when defining a doc array in a schema #10605
    • docs: remove useNewUrlParser, useUnifiedTopology, some other legacy options from docs #10631 #10632
    • docs(defaults): clarify that setDefaultsOnInsert is true by default in 6.x #10643
    • test: use async/await instead of co #10633 AbdelrahmanHafez

    6.0.3 / 2021-08-30

    • fix: handle buffering with find() now that find() no longer accepts a callback #10639 #10634 #10610

    6.0.2 / 2021-08-26

    • fix(query): handle find() when buffering on initial connection #10610
    • fix(populate): get doc schema using $__schema to avoid paths named schema #10619
    • docs: use async/await in the quickstart #10610
    • docs: fix links to guide, schematypes, connections in v5.x docs #10607
    • docs: add link to 6.x migration guide to schemas guide #10616
    • docs: add migration to 6.x in Migration Guides section #10618 HunterKohler
    • docs: fix missing URL part on layout.pug #10622 ItsLhun

    6.0.1 / 2021-08-25

    • fix(aggregate): allow calling Model.aggregate() with options #10604 amitbeck
    • fix(index.d.ts): add instance, options, schema properties to SchemaType class #10609
    • fix(index.d.ts): allow querying array of strings by string #10605
    • fix(index.d.ts): allow using type: SchemaDefinitionProperty in schema definitions #10605
    • fix(index.d.ts): remove strictQuery option #10598 thiagokisaki
    • docs: add link to migration guide in changelog #10600 AbdelrahmanHafez
    • docs: fix docs build for v5.x docs #10607
    • docs(query): add note about strict option to setOptions() #10602

    6.0.0 / 2021-08-24

    • Follow the migration guide to get a list of all breaking changes in v6.0.
    • BREAKING CHANGE: remove the deprecated safe option in favor of write concerns
    • fix: upgrade to mongodb driver 4.1.1
    • fix: consistently use $__parent to store subdoc parent as a property, and $parent() as a getter function #10584 #10414

    ... (truncated)

    • 07946be chore: release v5.13.9
    • 264554f fix: upgrade to mpath v0.8.4 re: security issue
    • fc5fc7e fix: peg @​types/bson version to 1.x || 4.0.x to avoid stubbed 4.2.x release
    • 1f28237 fix(populate): avoid setting empty array on lean document when populate resul...
    • 1dc9b45 style: fix lint
    • 3f7dfc5 fix(document): make depopulate() handle populated paths underneath document...
    • b34d1d5 fix(index.d.ts): simplify UpdateQuery to avoid "excessively deep and possibly...
    • 2a3399e docs: another layout fix for 5.x docs
    • 5bf3c29 chore: update makefile again
    • 191678c chore: update makefile re: #10607
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
    • @dependabot merge will merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
    • @dependabot cancel merge will cancel a previously requested merge and block automerging
    • @dependabot reopen will reopen this PR if it is closed
    • @dependabot close will close this PR and stop Dependabot recreating it. You can achieve the same result by closing it manually
    • @dependabot ignore this major version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this major version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this minor version will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this minor version (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    opened by dependabot[bot] 2
  • v3.0.0(Sep 28, 2021)

    Nuggies now supports slash commands! both in v12 and v13!



    - Nuggies.giveaways.create({ message, prize, hostID, winners, endAfter, requirements: { enabled: false }, channelID })
    + Nuggies.giveaways.create(client, { prize, hostID, winners, endAfter, requirements: { enabled: false }, channel })
    - Nuggies.giveaways.drop({ message, prize, channelID, hostID })
    + Nuggies.giveaways.drop(client, { prize, channel, hostID })

    dropdown roles!

    - Nuggies.dropdownroles.create({ message, role, content, channelID })
    + Nuggies.dropdownroles.create(client, { content, role, channelID })

    button roles!

    - Nuggies.buttonroles.create({ message, role, content, channelID })
    + Nuggies.buttonroles.create(client, { content, role, channelID })


    - Nuggies.giveaways.Messages(client, {});
    + Nuggies.Messages(client, {
    + giveawayOptions: {
    +	dmWinner: true,
    +	giveaway: '🎉🎉 **GIVEAWAY MOMENT** 🎉🎉',
    +	giveawayDescription: '🎁 Prize: **{prize}**\n🎊 Hosted by: {hostedBy}\n⏲️ Winner(s): `{winners}`\n\nRequirements: {requirements}',
    +	endedGiveawayDescription: '🎁 Prize: **{prize}**\n🎊 Hosted by: {hostedBy}\n⏲️ Winner(s): {winners}',
    +	giveawayFooterImage: 'https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/843076397345144863.png',
    +	winMessage: '{winners} you won {prize} Congratulations! Hosted by {hostedBy}',
    +	rerolledMessage: 'Rerolled! {winner} is the new winner of the giveaway!', // only {winner} placeholder
    +	toParticipate: '**Click the Enter button to enter the giveaway!**',
    +	newParticipant: 'You have successfully entered for this giveaway', // no placeholders | ephemeral
    +	alreadyParticipated: 'you already entered this giveaway!', // no placeholders | ephemeral
    +	noParticipants: 'There are not enough people in the giveaway!', // no placeholders
    +	noRole: 'You do not have the required role(s)\n{requiredRoles}\n for the giveaway!', // only {requiredRoles} | ephemeral
    +	dmMessage: 'You have won a giveaway in **{guildName}**!\nPrize: [{prize}]({giveawayURL})',
    +	noWinner: 'Not enough people participated in this giveaway.', // no {winner} placerholder
    +	alreadyEnded: 'The giveaway has already ended!', // no {winner} placeholder
    +	dropWin: '{winner} Won The Drop!!', // only {winner} placeholder
    + },
    + buttonRolesOptions: { // {role} placeholder only
    + 	addMessage: 'I have added the {role} role to you!',
    + 	removeMessage: 'I have removed the {role} role from you!',
    + }
    + dropdownRolesOptions: { // {role} placeholder only
    + 	addMessage: 'I have added the {role} role to you!',
    + 	removeMessage: 'I have removed the {role} role from you!',
    + }
    + })


    slash giveaways slash button roles slash dropdown roles slash applications

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v2.0.6(Sep 19, 2021)

    bug fixes

    • fixed all bugs in giveaways, stable and wont be touched.
    • fixed bugs with "customMessages of undefined" error, can be fixed via using Messages function
    • readme changes
    • dropdown roles errors fixed
    • button roles fixed
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 2.0.0(Aug 23, 2021)


    After about 1-2 week(s) of testing and coding, nuggies package finally supports discord.js v13! There were no new features in this update. We will also get typings soon! Here are some changes that were made to the way the package worked:

    NPM will no longer install discord.js or discord-buttons you will have to install it yourself. Some bugs were fixed in giveaways, and applications

    As stated above, no new features were added

    The code related to nuggies will be same as previous, that is, the code as per user's perspective does not change only the package's code changes

    If anything does not work(errors, bugs, etc.) you can report it to us in #✨〢npm-support :)

    That's all for this update people, until next time then 💃

    Source code(tar.gz)
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  • 1.3.6(Aug 6, 2021)

    bug fixes! last v12 release.

    • fixed applications running one behind
    • button roles customizable with buttonroles.Message function
    • dropdown roles customizable with dropdownroles.Message function
    • no more message of undefined errors on startAgain function
    • drops not working fixed
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.3(Jul 29, 2021)

    bug fixes:

    • fixed giveaways not working without Messages function
    • dropdowns example repo outdated, fixed.
    • giveaways example repo outdated, fixed.
    • button roles not working fixed
    • button roles example repo outdated, fixed.

    you are sus

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.3.0(Jul 26, 2021)

    handle interactions

    features including buttons and dropdown menus require certain functions to handle the interaction




    client: Discord Client


    Applications help you make your life easier with different types of applications you might have to handle! Here's how you can implement it
    click here for a fully function applications bot


    a pre made template for your bot.



    message: message callback from message event


    Creates a application for which anyone can make a response.

      { guildID, questions, name, emoji, channel, description, label, maxApps, cooldown, responseChannelID },


    guildID: The ID of the guild in which the application is to be added questions: An array of questions to be asked in DM, Example: js ['How old are you?', 'How much time would you devote to it?']; name: The name of the application\

    emoji: The emoji to be put in the menu

    channel: The ID of the channel in which the message is to be sent

    description: The description of the application

    label: The label of the application in the menu

    maxApps: The maximum amount of application 1 can create before it gets accepted/declined

    cooldown: The cooldown before creating another response

    responseChannelID: The channel to send responses in


    Deletes an application for the guild

    Nuggies.applications.deleteapplication({ guildID, name });


    guildID: The ID of the guild name: The name of the application to remove


    Creates/Initializes the application system for the guild

    Nuggies.applications.create({ guildID, content, client })


    guildID: The ID of the guild to be created in content: The content of message to be sent in the channel client: The discord.js client used


    Gets the data from database for you



    guildID: The ID of the guild

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • v1.2.0(Jul 2, 2021)

    dropdown roles

    constructor. use .setrole() on it to create dropdown options

    const something = new Nuggies.dropdownroles().addrole({ 
      label: 'test', 
      role: 'roleID',
      emoji: 'emojiID'


    label: dropdown option label

    role: role that would be added on click

    emoji: ID of the emoji on the dropdown option, optional.


    creates the dropdown roles

      message: message, 
      role: role, /*dropdownroles constructor*/ 
      content: new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTitle('xd').setDescription('xdxd') });

    Other changes

    • moved Nuggies.giveaways.connect to Nuggies.connect
    • moved Nuggies.giveaways.buttonclickand Nuggies.buttonroles.buttonclick to Nuggies.buttonclick
    • new function Nuggies.dropclick, handles dropMenu interactions
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.1.0(Jun 23, 2021)

  • 1.0.5(Jun 19, 2021)

    New function!


    starts the giveaway again after restart, put this in ready event to start All the giveaways again.



    client: Discord Client

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.1(Jun 18, 2021)

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