Re-uploading Trybe Wallet


💸 Welcome to Trybe Wallet!

Trybe Wallet is a project I did at Trybe, which is a programing school. In order to test my knowledge of Redux, I also learned a lot by using Material UI to style it, but, unfortunately, I forgot the mobile first rule and this site is currently only available for desktop 😔 Newbie developer mistakes (╥_╥)

You can check the deployed site Here

Special Thanks

Since day one Trybe motto's is "if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together", and because of that I couldn't make this project better without the help and opinion of my fellow coleagues:

Kaylane Silva The goddess of Redux and css component positioning, thank you for the knowledge we shared.

Gerson Henrique An amazing friend that didn't think twice before helping me hunt for bugs in my code.

Iago Medeiros Always encouraging everyone to push further and do better, it was a pleasure to code with you.

Guilherme Leite Your valuable input about design and style made me re-do my application design into something much more professional and appealing.


In this project I learned or improved my knowledge of:

⚛️ React

⚛️ React-Redux

📚 Material-UI

☁️ API consumption

🌐 Deployment

Technology and depedencies:

If you choose to download the project and run it in your computer, follow the steps bellow:

This project was built using node version 16.0.0. Check your version to avoid compatibility errors.

1️⃣ - Installing depedencies:

npm install

2️⃣ - Installing PropTypes library:

npm install prop-types

3️⃣ - Installing Material-UI:

npm install @material-ui/core

4️⃣ - Running the application:

npm start

note: if you use Yarn instead of npm as your package manager just use Yarn add instead of npm install, also npm start can take a while to run, especially for the first time.

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