This Webapp The Cinema of Movies displays a list of shows


The Capstone Project JS

This Webapp The Cenima of Movies displays a list of shows. The user is able to like any of the movies, and also read more information about each movie once he clicks on the "comments" button. Also, the user is able to leave a comment about any of the movies.


Built With

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Webpack

Live Demo

Live Demo Link

Video Demo

Video Demo Link

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.

  • clone the repository by running git clone
  • navigate to the folder cd JavaScript_Capstone
  • Install packages npm install
  • Run the app npm start


  • Linters
  • GitHub Flow
  • Javascript
  • Jest

Run tests

Run the test npm run test


👤 Author 1: Tobin Chilongo Jnr

👤 Author 2: Selma Belhadj

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!

📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.

  • Develop


    What does this PR do?

    • This PR is raised to create a movie listing app with comment and likes options

    Description of the task to be completed

    • Create the home page
    • Set up the project with Webpack and Jest
    • Display comments for a given item on the Comments pop-up
    • Display Comments pop up with selected item's details
    • Add comments counter
    • Add footer
    • Add header
    • Display the number of likes for each item on the Homepage
    • Display list of items on the Homepage
    • Create feature: add a new comment
    • Create feature: add new like
    • Add all items counter on the Homepage
    • Add tests for items counter
    • Add tests for comments counter

    How should it be tested

    • clone the repository by running git clone
    • navigate to the folder cd JavaScript_Capstone
    • Install packages npm install
    • Run the app npm start
    • Run the test npm run test
    opened by Tobinchilongo 1
  • Display comments for a given item on the Comments pop-up

    Display comments for a given item on the Comments pop-up

    In this PR, I have done the following tasks:

    • Display comments for a given item on the Comments pop-up when the popup loads by retrieving data from the Involvement API to show the item comments.
    opened by selma-belhadj 0
  • Display list of items on the Homepage

    Display list of items on the Homepage

    In this PR I implemented the following:

    • Added Header
    • Added module files to the project
    • Create the main part of the homepage that keeps the layout from the wireframe
    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [4pt]  - Display list of items on the Homepage - Student A

    [4pt] - Display list of items on the Homepage - Student A

    Create the main part of the homepage that keeps the layout from the wireframe:

    Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 21 50 23

    When the page loads, the webapp retrieves data from the selected API and shows the list of items on screen with the basic data (e.g. title + image).

    Prepare also "Comments" and "Reservations" buttons. They should be doing nothing - just being displayed.

    This task does not include displaying the number of likes for each item.

    This task does not include the counter of the items.

    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [4pt]  -Display Comments pop up with selected item's details - Student B

    [4pt] -Display Comments pop up with selected item's details - Student B

    Create a comments popup only with the top section (displaying details of the selected item)

    Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 22 10 45

    When the popup loads, the webapp retrieves data from the selected API and shows details about the selected item.

    Add event to button prepared by your teammate that will open your popup. You need to communicate with your team member to make sure that you do not block each other (most likely the easiest solution is to merge the list of items feature to the dev branch before you try to add that event).

    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [4pt]  - Display number of likes for each item on the Homepage - Student A

    [4pt] - Display number of likes for each item on the Homepage - Student A

    When the page loads, the webapp the Involvement API to show the item likes and combines them with the data from the base API.

    Remember that your page should make only 2 requests:

    • one to the base API
    • and one to the Involvement API.

    This task does not include displaying the likes button (heart icon on the wireframe) for each item.

    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [3pt]  - Display comments for a given item on the Comments pop-up - Student B

    [3pt] - Display comments for a given item on the Comments pop-up - Student B

    When the popup loads, the webapp retrieves data from the Involvement API to show the item comments.

    Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 22 21 00

    This task does not include the counter of the comments.

    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [4pt]  - Create feature: add new comment - Student B

    [4pt] - Create feature: add new comment - Student B

    Implement the "add new comment" form on the Comments pop up according to the wireframe:

    Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 22 32 36

    When the user clicks on the "Comment" button, the data is recorded in the Involvement API and the screen is updated.

    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [3pt]  - Add all items counter on the Homepage - Student A

    [3pt] - Add all items counter on the Homepage - Student A

    Even if the API gives you the number of items, you will create a specific function to calculate it.

    Make sure that the correct number is displayed on the Homepgae.

    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [0.5pt] Find external API - group task

    [0.5pt] Find external API - group task

    Find an API to base the development of the webapp around it. The API should allow you to

    • Get a list of items with a unique item id (or generate the unique id).
    • For a given item, get detailed information about it. choose an APIs that doesn't need authentication. if you select an API that requires authentication, you should implement it on your own. Also, if you select an API that provides image resources your webapp will be more visual.
    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [4pt]  - Display Reservations pop up with selected item's details - Student C

    [4pt] - Display Reservations pop up with selected item's details - Student C

    Create a reservations popup only with the top section (displaying details of the selected item)

    Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 22 10 45

    When the popup loads, the webapp retrieves data from the selected API and shows details about the selected item.

    Add event to button prepared by your teammate that will open your popup. You need to communicate with your team member to make sure that you do not block each other (most likely the easiest solution is to merge the list of items feature to the dev branch before you try to add that event).

    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [3pt]  - Display reservations for a given item on the Reservations pop-up - Student C

    [3pt] - Display reservations for a given item on the Reservations pop-up - Student C

    When the popup loads, the webapp retrieves data from the Involvement API to show the item's reservations.

    Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 22 21 48

    This task does not include the counter of the reservations.

    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [4pt]  - Create feature: add new reservation - Student C

    [4pt] - Create feature: add new reservation - Student C

    Implement the "add new reservation" form on the Reservations pop up according to the wireframe:

    Screenshot 2021-06-27 at 22 35 30

    When the user clicks on the "Reserve" button, the data is recorded in the Involvement API and the screen is updated

    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
  • [3pt]  - Add reservations counter - Student C

    [3pt] - Add reservations counter - Student C

    Even if the API gives you the number of reservations you will create a specific function to calculate it.

    Make sure that the correct number is displayed on the Reservations pop up.

    opened by Tobinchilongo 0
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