Reseda - reseda-client for the reseda-vpn network

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Database reseda


Create an App

# with npx
$ npx create-nextron-app my-app --example with-typescript

# with yarn
$ yarn create nextron-app my-app --example with-typescript

# with pnpx
$ pnpx create-nextron-app my-app --example with-typescript

Install Dependencies

$ cd my-app

# using yarn or npm
$ yarn (or `npm install`)

# using pnpm
$ pnpm install --shamefully-hoist

Use it

# development mode
$ yarn dev (or `npm run dev` or `pnpm run dev`)

# production build
$ yarn build (or `npm run build` or `pnpm run build`)
  • feat: Primary Support Legion for MacOS

    feat: Primary Support Legion for MacOS

    This PR does some widespread cleanup for this project. It includes:

    • Removed Reliance on wireguard.exe (necessary for cross platform support)
      • This moved key generation into the rust binary and continues the move for in-house high performance, high reliability code.
    • Fixed CORS related issues with safari and MacOS lacking support.
    • Fixed Path routing using invalid path signals on Unix systems.
    • Changed Content Security Policy
    • More Bug Fixes

    This does not ensure support for MacOS and there are a few more contingent issues prevalent generally such as elusive calls to .toString() for the wireguard class which have yet to be resolved.

    This PR applies the currently made changes as a packaged improvement as an addition to the previous UI improvements.

    opened by bennjii 1
  • feat: Performance Improvements and Accurate UI

    feat: Performance Improvements and Accurate UI

    Now shows your current tier whilst also pulling your current usage maximums, allowing implementation of known disconnect reasoning, i.e. will not connect free or supporter tiers who have exceeded maximums and will be thrown by server. Also improves connection times:

    • 1000ms average reseda connection
    • 2000ms average windows service startup

    Resulting in an average 3s connection time, on unix machines this can possibly be reduced. The base time requirement is the reseda connection, which depends heavily on the distance to the connecting server- i.e. at a 200ms ping-to-server, the connection takes 800ms to propagate and 200ms of computing time, thus 1000ms. The windows service startup is a standard time restraint that cannot be mitigated under the current implementation but should be amendable using a different method.

    opened by bennjii 0
  • feat: Invocation Checks

    feat: Invocation Checks

    Reseda will now ensure the service is running instead of blindly starting the service. Ignores CSS files that are generated to remove them from the language server (linguist) status

    opened by bennjii 0
  • version: 0.2.2

    version: 0.2.2

    This version includes the following:

    • Twice over complete UI redesign
      • Changes to a vertical format which is perfect for mobile as well
      • UI Ideology Changed from typical coloring to indicative coloring (not perfect colors yet!)
      • Integrates state better with class based structure
    • Switched port from 51820 to 8443 for possible cloudflare routing via HTTPS if integrated in the future.
    • Fixed many syncing issues and state propagation issues with the interface from the client
    • Better integrated and with future expansion for graphing live usage data (more accurate and reliable feed)
    • Removed Reliance on wireguard.exe (necessary for cross platform support)
      • This moved key generation into the rust binary and continues the move for in-house high performance, high reliability code.
    • Fixed CORS related issues with safari and MacOS lacking support.
    • Fixed Path routing using invalid path signals on Unix systems.
    • Changed Content Security Policy
    • More Bug Fixes

    tldr; Unix Work and UI Rework

    opened by bennjii 0
  • feat: Complete Overhaul

    feat: Complete Overhaul

    Building upon the previous integrations of the class-based structure, this update overhauls how the UI is laid out, how it is managed and how it is integrated with the mesh cluster.

    After the complete redesign of the backend architecture, using rust integrations under a parent-node relationship, involving cloudflare as a DNS intermediary.

    This overhaul taps into the new features with the release which sped up reseda, albeit without requiring any changes to the client! Here, the incomplete update involves the following

    • Twice over complete UI redesign
      • Changes to a vertical format which is perfect for mobile as well
      • UI Ideology Changed from typical coloring to indicative coloring (not perfect colors yet!)
      • Integrates state better with class based structure
    • Switched port from 51820 to 8443 for possible cloudflare routing via HTTPS if integrated in the future.
    • Fixed many syncing issues and state propagation issues with the interface from the client
    • Better integrated and with future expansion for graphing live usage data (more accurate and reliable feed)

    Hope you enjoy!

    opened by bennjii 0
  • feat: DNS routing instead of IP routing

    feat: DNS routing instead of IP routing

    This PR includes the following features:

    • Removes IP routing
    • Adds DNS routing
    • Adjusts UI to remove IP tracing

    Here, we remove an initial prospective connection to a server from (made up) to a reseda DNS address, with the following prefix, <server>

    opened by bennjii 0
  • version: v0.2.0 `reseda-rust`

    version: v0.2.0 `reseda-rust`

    Migrates #10 and #11 into release.

    This includes the following changes:

    • Refactors Backend Architecture (API) to support standard WebSockets
    • Reseda-Rust Support
    opened by bennjii 0
  • udt-migration: now supports reseda-rust backend with rebuilt api

    udt-migration: now supports reseda-rust backend with rebuilt api

    This pull request outlines the now required migration from reseda-server (deprecated) to the new reseda-rust (private) binding. The client will no longer support the reseda-server versioning, and now exclusively supports the rust implementation.

    This brings the following benefits:

    • Stably connects < 2s
    • Improved status communication between services
    • Consistent 0.2s uptime on the server for minimal outage possibilities
    • Rust panic safety - Prevents unnecessary crashes or unexpected errors (safe code).
    • Allows for real-time usage status updates to the user so they can know how much they are using and when.
    • Reworked Connection and Socket API
      • Better handles connection and disconnection with greater understanding of system state and recoverability
      • Dynamic access of information for any implementation of UI which only needs to handle passing access to helper functions.

    Note this change is non-backwards compatible and therefore requires migration to this version to further access any reseda run servers. As of this implementation, reseda-server has been made open source, however the implementation was both poor and non-performant. Furthermore, the rust implementation fixes many known security and QOL issues with the previous API. Now, connection is significantly simplified and dynamic server-side handlers organize and arrange wg connections with far greater thread and time-lock safety. This implementation prevents odd or un-diagnosable issues with cross-assignments or other odd issues that could have arisen with horizontal scaling. This new implementation also supports deep multithreading for both handling multiple incoming sockets, and for running background cron jobs to update users with their periodic usage statistics. All with the performance of the low level language; rust and its incredible memory safety.

    opened by bennjii 0
  • fix: universal SDDL

    fix: universal SDDL

    Attempt to improve the SDDL which caused issues in clients unable to connect or disconnect the client. This changes the SDDL string from:


    to the revised SDDL:



    Adding: RPWPDT (Up/Down/Interrupt) in an everyone group, removing the BU or Built-in-users group policy.

    This patches issues preventing the windows service from being changed if the use/file lacked certain permissions, based on if the computer had the policies integrated or not / lacked certain permissions / domain set permissions / ....

    opened by bennjii 0
  • feat: custom icons & sematic versioning

    feat: custom icons & sematic versioning

    About This PR contains new icons for reseda (not final) but not default, that allow it to be ready for the first beta release candidate. It also contains semantic versioning for the upcoming v0.1.0 release.


    • Custom Icons
    • Changed Height and Width to prevent animation overflow
    • Changed Version Number: 1.0 -> 0.1
    opened by bennjii 0
  • improv: error cleaning and local state storage in $APP.

    improv: error cleaning and local state storage in $APP.

    Working Build Feature

    Why is this needed? This change moves the configuration file wg0.conf from the tauri $RESOURCE to $APP. This removes the need for administrative privilege escalation. This is a working build, accommodated with the switch to CA verified SSL certificates using cloudflare.

    Context This moves the build from a perm-locked to perm-free version. Upon building, the app folder is created and establishes presence. This was required, as reseda was running into issues with storing and managing files, where it was unable to access the file due to its placement in Program Files. This was conjoined with its issues in SSL verification as the servers were still on HTTP (unsecure) connection handling protocols. Hence, reseda moved from to cloudflare for DNS, which has a free wildcard SSL layer for proxied connections. Hence, after moving to cloudflare, (although manually) connections work perfectly under a cloudflare.

    Drawbacks of Implementation (references reseda-server): By using cloudflare, the service is more protected against attacks and has SSL TSL socket protection for handling and creating connections. However, there is one drawback of this implementation. This is the SSL subdomain assignment, as currently I am unable to dynamically allocate subdomains for the SSL layer as servers come up and down. Hence, a further implementation of pinging and dynamic up/down server status management must be upheld in order to verify server integrity. Furthermore, as dynamic allocations of subdomain DNS's which are now relied upon for connection (indisputable), new servers must be manually added to the cloudflare network. This is a concern for future scaling, and so forth actions will be taken to mitigate or circumvent these issues.


    • Working Version of Reseda
    • Free Access to $APP directory
    • Cloudflare Hosting for Servers
    opened by bennjii 0
  • app-v0.2.4(Oct 3, 2022)

    General Software Improvement update, following the version bumps - implements a delayed or staggered invocation with checking #27, as well as some minor changes for the GH repo such as #28 which eliminates the tag labeling reseda as a CSS project, relabeling it as typescript.

    What's Changed

    • version: v0.2.0 reseda-rust by @bennjii in
    • version: 0.2.1 by @bennjii in
    • fixed versioning issue for v0.2.1 by @bennjii in
    • version: 0.2.2 by @bennjii in
    • version: 0.2.3 by @bennjii in
    • bump: Version Bump by @bennjii in
    • feat: Delayed Invocation by @bennjii in
    • mod: Linguist:Generated for CSS Files by @bennjii in
    • feat: Invocation Checks by @bennjii in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    reseda_0.2.4_amd64.AppImage(77.49 MB)
    reseda_0.2.4_amd64.deb(13.93 MB)
    reseda_0.2.4_x64.dmg(11.90 MB)
    reseda_0.2.4_x64_en-US.msi(13.77 MB)
  • app-v0.2.3(Sep 22, 2022)

    This update is a primarily visual update #21 with the changes to servers, as well as smoothing the propagative updates to nodes #23 and sending correct login profiles to prevent invalid logins #22 as well as adding a feature to sign out (also #22).

    What's Changed

    • udt: UI Modifications by @bennjii in
    • improv: Signup Handling + Signout by @bennjii in
    • feat: stability by @bennjii in
    • bump: Version Bump by @bennjii in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    reseda_0.2.3_amd64.AppImage(77.49 MB)
    reseda_0.2.3_amd64.deb(13.95 MB)
    reseda_0.2.3_x64.dmg(11.91 MB)
    reseda_0.2.3_x64_en-US.msi(13.78 MB)
  • app-v0.2.2(Jul 30, 2022)

    This version fixes some issues with the release as well as reducing the reliance on external components. The only external function call that exists now is that to wg-quick, which must come preinstalled on the computer.

    Previously, there existed a reliance on wireguard.exe to generate and handle private/public keys. This is no longer the case as keys are generated in the rust binary. #19.

    The largest update in this version is the UI rework outlined in pr #18.

    It is important to note:

    This is not a production build, nor an official product of reseda. This is a pre-release version, and so may contain bugs or issues. This does not mean it is not usable, feel free to install, given you have a valid reseda login.

    What's Changed

    • feat: Complete Overhaul by @bennjii in
    • feat: Primary Support Legion for MacOS by @bennjii in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    reseda_0.2.2_amd64.AppImage(77.49 MB)
    reseda_0.2.2_amd64.deb(13.95 MB)
    reseda_0.2.2_x64.dmg(11.91 MB)
    reseda_0.2.2_x64_en-US.msi(13.78 MB)
  • app-v0.2.1(Jun 21, 2022)

    This version includes the client changes to allow for and utilize the new DNS option. This feature will become toggleable in the future, after the UI rework but is default at the moment.

    This forces wireguard to use the <server> prefix where <server> is the server id.

    What's Changed

    • version: v0.1.0 Initial Release Candidate by @bennjii in
    • Secondly Updated SDDL by @bennjii in
    • v0.1.1 by @bennjii in
    • udt-migration: now supports reseda-rust backend with rebuilt api by @bennjii in
    • version update: continues previous by @bennjii in
    • feat: DNS routing instead of IP routing by @bennjii in
    • change version number by @bennjii in
    • fix: versioning by @bennjii in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    reseda_0.2.1_amd64.AppImage(77.43 MB)
    reseda_0.2.1_amd64.deb(13.91 MB)
    reseda_0.2.1_x64.dmg(11.83 MB)
    reseda_0.2.1_x64_en-US.msi(13.71 MB)
  • app-v0.2.0(Jun 19, 2022)

    v0.2.0 release breaking

    Release Notes

    This version is the complete release candidate for windows only. It includes the wireguard built in binaries, and a working UI system for connecting to reseda-server networks, as continued from #9, with improvements between #9 - #12.

    This version outlines the now required migration from reseda-server (deprecated) to the new reseda-rust (private) binding. The client will no longer support the reseda-server versioning, and now exclusively supports the rust implementation.

    This brings the following benefits:

    • Stably connects < 2s
    • Improved status communication between services
    • Consistent 0.2s uptime on the server for minimal outage possibilities
    • Rust panic safety - Prevents unnecessary crashes or unexpected errors (safe code).
    • Allows for real-time usage status updates to the user so they can know how much they are using and when.
    • Reworked Connection and Socket API
      • Better handles connection and disconnection with greater understanding of system state and recoverability
      • Dynamic access of information for any implementation of UI which only needs to handle passing access to helper functions.

    Note this change is non-backwards compatible and therefore requires migration to this version to further access any reseda run servers. As of this implementation, reseda-server has been made open source, however the implementation was both poor and non-performant. Furthermore, the rust implementation fixes many known security and QOL issues with the previous API. Now, connection is significantly simplified and dynamic server-side handlers organize and arrange wg connections with far greater thread and time-lock safety. This implementation prevents odd or un-diagnosable issues with cross-assignments or other odd issues that could have arisen with horizontal scaling. This new implementation also supports deep multithreading for both handling multiple incoming sockets, and for running background cron jobs to update users with their periodic usage statistics. All with the performance of the low level language; rust and its incredible memory safety.

    This is not a production build, nor an official product of reseda. This is a pre-release version, and so may contain bugs or issues. This does not mean it is not usable, feel free to install, given you have a valid reseda login.

    Attached is the msi installer for this version.

    Where can I log issues?

    You can log issues into the issues tab on this repository. Please state:

    • What the issue is.
    • How you managed to get to the problem state.
    • The effect it has. And include any relevant evidence you can provide.

    What's Changed

    • version: v0.1.0 Initial Release Candidate by @bennjii in
    • Secondly Updated SDDL by @bennjii in
    • v0.1.1 by @bennjii in
    • udt-migration: now supports reseda-rust backend with rebuilt api by @bennjii in
    • version update: continues previous by @bennjii in
    • version: v0.2.0 reseda-rust by @bennjii in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip) MB)
    reseda_0.2.0_amd64.AppImage(77.43 MB)
    reseda_0.2.0_amd64.deb(13.91 MB)
    reseda_0.2.0_x64.dmg(11.83 MB)
    reseda_0.2.0_x64_en-US.msi(13.71 MB)
  • app-v0.1.1(May 23, 2022)


    Bug Fix Version

    Fixed issues in windows service security policies where users were unable to connect due to windows permissions issues. Also changed identifier from to com.reseda.release

    What's Changed

    • fix: universal SDDL by @bennjii in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    reseda_0.1.1_x64_en-US.msi(13.74 MB)
  • app-v0.1.0(May 22, 2022)

    v0.1.0 release

    Release Notes

    This version is the complete release candidate for windows only. It includes the wireguard built in binaries, and a working UI system for connecting to reseda-server networks.

    This version is the complete candidate conversion from commit 1 till #6. This version includes the documented process in which reseda has shifted from electron to tauri, utilizing rust for improved wireguard performance and management. The final binary size is 13.7mb in total and has a current rated performance metric of:

    781.95Mbps Down
    41.35Mbps Up
    on sgp-1 at a raw connection distance of 8500km. (Higher when closer, representative idea)

    This is not a production build, nor an official product of reseda. This is a pre-release version, and so may contain bugs or issues. This does not mean it is not usable, feel free to install, given you have a valid reseda login.

    Attached is the msi installer for this version.

    Where can I log issues?

    You can log issues into the issues tab on this repository. Please state:

    • What the issue is.
    • How you managed to get to the problem state.
    • The effect it has. And include any relevant evidence you can provide.

    What's Changed

    • api-switching for platforms (not yet complete) by @bennjii in
    • Electron to Tauri by @bennjii in
    • improv: error cleaning and local state storage in $APP. by @bennjii in
    • actions: create pre-release test builds on PR by @bennjii in
    • feat: custom icons & sematic versioning by @bennjii in
    • version: v0.1.0 Initial Release Candidate by @bennjii in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
    reseda_0.1.0_x64_en-US.msi(13.73 MB)
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