A high-performance, interactive and customizable video player control, built upon Reanimated v2 & GestureHandler v2

`JSThread` to `JSThread`, `UIThread` to `UIThread`.

React Native Reanimated Expo Player

100% written in Typescript video player component, interaction is like Youtube player.

▶️ Watch example video


First you have to follow installation instructions of:

yarn add expo-reanimated-av-player

Example usage

import VideoPlayer from 'expo-reanimated-av-player';
import { useSharedValue } from 'react-native-reanimated';
export const Example = () => {
  const videoHeight = useSharedValue(0);
  const isFullScreen = useSharedValue(false);

  return (
      headerBarTitle={`fullscreen title`}
      onToggleAutoPlay={(state: boolean) => {
        console.log(`onToggleAutoPlay state: ${state}`);
      onTapBack={() => {
      onTapMore={() => {


  • 100% written in TypeScript.
  • 100% built upon react-native-reanimated and react-native-gusture-handler.
  • Support gestures switch full screen.
  • Support double tap seek to back or ahead.
  • ...


The <VideoPlayer/> component has the following configuration properties:

Name Type Description Required Default Value
theme object The slider theme color { // Color to fill the progress in the seekbar minimumTrackTintColor: string, // Color to fill the background in the seekbar maximumTrackTintColor: string, // Color to fill the cache in the seekbar cacheTrackTintColor: string, // Color to fill the bubble backgroundColor disableMinTrackTintColor: string, // Disabled color to fill the progress in the seekbar bubbleBackgroundColor: string }
showOnStart boolean control view init show false
onEnterFullscreen function on enter fullscreen callback undefined
onExitFullscreen function on exit fullscreen callback undefined
controlTimeout nubmer How long to hide the control view after showing 2000
videoDefaultHeight number video default height screenWidth * (9 / 16)
headerBarTitle string header bar title on fullscreen mode undefined
onTapBack function tap header bar Icon-'Back' callback undefined
navigation any navigation undefined
autoPlay boolean auto play false
onToggleAutoPlay function on toggle auto play undefined
onTapMore function tap headerbar Icon-'More' callback undefined
doubleTapInterval number double tap interval undefined
paused boolean video paused undefined
onPausedChange boolean on change video paused undefined
onTapPause function on tap video paused undefined
sliderProps object react-native-awesome-slider props undefined
videoHeight Animated.SharedValue video height width * (9 / 16);
customAnimationStyle Animated Viewstyle video height width * (9 / 16);
onCustomPanGesture PanGesture custom pan gesture width * (9 / 16);
isFullScreen Animated ShareValue fullScreen status undefined
disableControl boolean control view status undefined
renderBackIcon JSX custom back icon undefined
renderFullScreenBackIcon JSX custom full's fullscreen icon undefined
renderMore JSX custom more icon undefined
renderFullScreen JSX custom fullscreen icon undefined
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  • TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'safeGetViewManagerConfig('LottieAnimationView').Commands')

    TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'safeGetViewManagerConfig('LottieAnimationView').Commands')

    After installing the package and use it as same as the example in the Readme, I'm getting the following error:

    TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'safeGetViewManagerConfig('LottieAnimationView').Commands')
    This error is located at:
        in RCTView (created by View)
        in View (created by AnimatedComponent)
        in AnimatedComponent
        in AnimatedComponentWrapper (at LottieView.js:178)
        in RCTView (created by View)
        in View (at LottieView.js:177)
        in LottieView (created by ExpoAvPlayer)
        in RCTView (created by View)
        in View (created by AnimatedComponent(View))
        in AnimatedComponent(View)
        in Unknown (created by ExpoAvPlayer)
        in RCTView (created by View)
        in View (created by AnimatedComponent(View))
        in AnimatedComponent(View)
        in Unknown
        in RCTView (created by View)
        in View
        in Unknown
        in RCTView (created by View)
        in View (created by AnimatedComponent(View))
        in AnimatedComponent(View)
        in Unknown (created by ExpoAvPlayer)
        in RCTView (created by View)
        in View (created by AnimatedComponent(View))
        in AnimatedComponent(View)
        in Unknown (created by ExpoAvPlayer)
        in Wrap (created by AnimatedComponent(Wrap))
        in AnimatedComponent(Wrap)
        in Unknown (created by GestureDetector)
        in GestureDetector (created by ExpoAvPlayer)
        in ExpoAvPlayer (created by DisplayVideoScreen)

    According to the Lottie documentation, it is happening due to the non-linked Lottie. So do we need to link lottie-react-native manually? If so, can you please update the readme?

    opened by abdullahceylan 1
  • Unable to run with Expo 44

    Unable to run with Expo 44

    Hello, I'm following the installation instructions and trying to set up the provided Example component. I receive the error below, seems renimated related, have you run into this?

    TypeError: this.InnerNativeModule.configureProps is not a function. (In 'this.InnerNativeModule.configureProps(uiProps, nativeProps)', 'this.InnerNativeModule.configureProps' is undefined)
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\LogBox\LogBox.js:149:8 in registerError  
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\LogBox\LogBox.js:60:8 in errorImpl       
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\LogBox\LogBox.js:34:4 in console.error   
    at node_modules\expo\build\environment\react-native-logs.fx.js:27:4 in error    
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Core\ExceptionsManager.js:104:6 in reportException
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Core\ExceptionsManager.js:172:19 in handleException
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Core\setUpErrorHandling.js:24:6 in handleError
    at node_modules\@react-native\polyfills\error-guard.js:49:36 in ErrorUtils.reportFatalError
    at node_modules\metro-runtime\src\polyfills\require.js:204:6 in guardedLoadModule
    at in global code
    Invariant Violation: "main" has not been registered. This can happen if:
    * Metro (the local dev server) is run from the wrong folder. Check if Metro is running, stop it and restart it in the current project.
    * A module failed to load due to an error and `AppRegistry.registerComponent` wasn't called.
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\LogBox\LogBox.js:149:8 in registerError  
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\LogBox\LogBox.js:60:8 in errorImpl       
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\LogBox\LogBox.js:34:4 in console.error   
    at node_modules\expo\build\environment\react-native-logs.fx.js:27:4 in error    
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Core\ExceptionsManager.js:104:6 in reportException
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Core\ExceptionsManager.js:172:19 in handleException
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\Core\setUpErrorHandling.js:24:6 in handleError
    at node_modules\@react-native\polyfills\error-guard.js:49:36 in ErrorUtils.reportFatalError
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\BatchedBridge\MessageQueue.js:367:8 in __guard
    at node_modules\react-native\Libraries\BatchedBridge\MessageQueue.js:112:4 in callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue


    module.exports = function (api) {
      return {
        presets: ["babel-preset-expo"],
        plugins: ["react-native-reanimated/plugin"],


    import * as React from "react";
    import { Dimensions, StyleSheet } from "react-native";
    import VideoPlayer from "expo-reanimated-av-player";
    import { SafeAreaView } from "react-native-safe-area-context";
    import { useSharedValue } from "react-native-reanimated";
    import { StackScreenProps } from "@react-navigation/stack";
    import { UserStackParamList } from "../navigation/UserStack";
    const width = Dimensions.get("window").width;
    const VIDEO_DEFAULT_HEIGHT = width;
    type Props = StackScreenProps<UserStackParamList, "Video">;
    const VideoScreen: React.FC<Props> = ({ navigation }) => {
      const videoHeight = useSharedValue(0);
      const isFullScreen = useSharedValue(false);
      return (
        <SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
            source={{ uri: "YOUTUBE_URL_HERE" }}
            headerBarTitle={`fullscreen title`}
            onToggleAutoPlay={(state: boolean) => {
              console.log(`onToggleAutoPlay state: ${state}`);
            onTapBack={() => {
            onTapMore={() => {
    export default VideoScreen;
    const styles = StyleSheet.create({
      container: {
        flex: 1,

    package.json deps

     "dependencies": {
        "@react-native-async-storage/async-storage": "~1.15.0",
        "@react-navigation/native": "^6.0.8",
        "@react-navigation/stack": "^6.1.1",
        "dotenv": "^16.0.0",
        "expo": "~44.0.0",
        "expo-av": "~10.2.0",
        "expo-constants": "~13.0.1",
        "expo-keep-awake": "~10.0.1",
        "expo-reanimated-av-player": "^0.2.0",
        "expo-status-bar": "~1.2.0",
        "firebase": "^9.6.10",
        "react": "17.0.1",
        "react-dom": "17.0.1",
        "react-native": "0.64.3",
        "react-native-elements": "^3.4.2",
        "react-native-gesture-handler": "~2.1.0",
        "react-native-reanimated": "~2.3.1",
        "react-native-safe-area-context": "3.3.2",
        "react-native-web": "0.17.1"
      "devDependencies": {
        "@babel/core": "^7.12.9",
        "@types/react": "~17.0.21",
        "@types/react-native": "~0.64.12",
        "typescript": "~4.3.5"
    opened by frankcalise 8
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